1、产能约束下集成电路芯片多阶段测 试系统优化调度的模型与方法研究 郭秀萍 SouthWest Jiaotong University ; Department of Management Science and Engineering 半导体制造过程 半导体制造包括四个阶段: 1) 晶圆制造( Wafer Fabrication) 2) 晶圆测试( Wafer Probe) 3) 封装 ( Assembly) 4) 最后测试( Final Test) 项目进展 VNS for minimizing tardiness objectives on flowshop of batch proces
2、sing machine, accepted by International Journal of Production Research 专著:现代制造系统智能调度技术及其应用 , 中国电力出版社,校样中, 2010年底或 2011年初出版 A memetic algorithm for scheduling single batch processing machine with non-identical job sizes, subbmited to International Journal of Production Economics Seminar: Zelda Zabinsky a professor in industrial and systems engineering at the University of Washington. Seminar: Intel Supply Chain Practice and Challenges,Ooi, Hwee Leng, Li lei, George Liu 下一步研究计划 多目标优化( Preference information) Extendsim仿真 (可重入调度, WIP、机器利用率和生产周期) 系统集成 End! Thanks for your time!