2019 -2020 学年浙江大学国际本科生新生奖学金申请表Application Form For Zhejiang University Scholarship(For New Students Studying at Zhejiang University In School Year 2019-2020)姓名Name出生日期Date of Birth国籍Nationality护照号码Passport No.最后学历Highest Degree学校名称School申请专业Major入学时间Time of Enrollment _ 年/Year_月/Month贴照片处photo当前联系地址和电话Present Address and Cell Phone个人陈述/ Personal Statement申请人签名: 申请日期:Signature of the Applicant Date推荐单位意见/ Opinion of the organization that recommending you:签名: 盖章: 日期:Signature Seal Date国际教育学院意见/Opinion of the International College:负责人签名: 日期:Signature of the Director Date