1、2019/8/13,1,Introduction to OB,2019/8/13,2,Introduction,杜本峰, Ph.D. Main research interests 人口发展与公共政策 管理与政策分析中的量化方法 风险与健康保障管理 老龄产业与老龄问题 项目评估,2019/8/13,3,1:What Managers Do,Managerial Activities Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals,2019/8/13,4,Where Managers Wo
2、rk,2019/8/13,5,Management Functions,Management Functions,2019/8/13,6,Management Functions (contd),2019/8/13,7,Management Functions (contd),2019/8/13,8,Management Functions (contd),2019/8/13,9,Management Functions (contd),2019/8/13,10,E X H I B I T,1-1a,Mintzbergs Managerial Roles,2019/8/13,11,E X H
3、I B I T,1-1b,Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd),2019/8/13,12,E X H I B I T,1-1c,Mintzbergs Managerial Roles (contd),2019/8/13,13,Management Skills,2019/8/13,14,Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities (Luthans),Traditional management Decision making, planning, and controlling Communication
4、s Exchanging routine information and processing paperwork Human resource management Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and training Networking Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others,2019/8/13,15,E X H I B I T,1-2,Allocation of Activities by Time,2019/8/13,16,2.Ente
5、r Organizational Behavior,2019/8/13,17,有关命题,快乐的工人是生产率高的工人 金钱对每个人都是激励因素 最有效的工作群体是没有冲突的群体 大多数人对别人薪水的关心程度甚于对自己薪水的关心。 你认为上述陈述中有多数是正确的?,2019/8/13,18,命题与假设,命题(proposition)是关于一个概念的特征或多个概念间关系的陈述。 如,“工业化导致人际关系疏远” 就是一个命题 它是关于“工业化”概念与“人际关系”概念之间关系的陈述。 命题的类型主要有:公理、定理、经验概括、假设。在社会研究中最常用的命题形式是假设。,2019/8/13,19,What
6、is Organizational Behavior?,Organizing (verb) create order for some purpose Establish a purpose or goal Separate things into categories Break down processes Example: build a wall Organize people and materials Input - throughput- Output,2019/8/13,20,What is Organizational Behavior?,Organization (noun
7、) In the process of organizing, you create an organization. Collectivity of people organized (ordered) to accomplish something, achieve a purpose Organizations look “solid” but are “fluid”, changing,2019/8/13,21,外 部 环 境,组织,政府,公众,股东,对手,客户,供应商,政治,经济,科技,文化,社会,法律,(一般环境),(任务环境),同盟,一般环境和任务环境,2019/8/13,22,
8、内部环境,组织,内部环境: 组织文化 运行条件,2019/8/13,23,An Open Systems View of Organizations and OB,2019/8/13,24,3.Contributing Disciplines Within the OB Field,Psychology Sociology Social Psychology Anthropology Political Science,2019/8/13,25,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field,E X H I B I T,1-3a,2019/8/13,26,Co
9、ntributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B I T,1-3b,2019/8/13,27,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B I T,1-3c,2019/8/13,28,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B I T,1-3d,2019/8/13,29,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B
10、I T,1-3f,2019/8/13,30,4.Why study Organizational Behavior?,We spend most of our waking life in organizations. We need to understand how and why organizations function, and how and why we personally act in organizations This prepares us to increase our personal effectiveness; increase organizational
11、effectiveness; resist organizations and reduce stress; make choices about organizations we join; create change. If we dont understand organizations, we might be ineffective and unsatisfied.,2019/8/13,31,Insert Figure 1.1 here,2019/8/13,32,OB的产生-是组织演变和管 理理论发展的结果,一、组织的演变: 古代的社会组织:古代社会组织社会化程度低,生产技术和劳动分
12、工也比较简单。因此,那时对组织活动的管理基本上是建立在个人观察、判断和直观基础上的传统经验管理。,2019/8/13,33,OB的产生-是组织演变和管 理理论发展的结果,历史上的组织创新:工业革命开始出现工厂制,1769年,英国首次出现了世界上第一个600多人的纺纱厂;19世纪的40、50年代,美国掀起了铁路建设的热潮,产生了公司制 这一时期,股份公司所有权、控制权的分离产生了新的社会阶层职业经理人(被称作经理革命),也形成了专业管理理论研究队伍的主体,从而形成了社会性的管理研究潮流管理运动。,2019/8/13,34,OB的产生-是组织演变和管 理理论发展的结果,二、管理理论的发展: 泰勒与
13、科学管理理论科学实验方法,创造、发展了一系列提高劳动生产率的技术和方法,成为科学管理产生的标志。 法约尔管理职能理论;韦伯的结构化理论 人群关系理论梅奥等人的霍桑试验。1949年在美国芝加哥一次的跨学科的讨论会上,正式定名为行为科学。卡耐基认为:只有赢得他人的合作才能赢得成功。60年代中叶以后,行为科学的有一个重要发展方向是组织行为的研究,它的内容主要论述在组织的人和群体的行为。其特征是既注意人的因素,又注意组织的因素。,2019/8/13,35,OB的发展,人力资源学派的出现:其中心思想认为组织中发生种种问题的根源在于未能发挥职工的潜力。代表人物有: 阿吉雷斯-1957年发表了个性与组织从组
14、织上进行改革,鼓励员工多负责任,让其有成长与成熟的机会。认为传统的一套组织设计,既束缚了职工的创造性和积极性,又阻碍了个性的成熟发展。 麦格雷戈-1960年著有,企业中人的方面X理论厌恶工作、Y理论不是天生厌恶工作,应发挥他们的潜力。 权变观点进入管理领域-OB的形成:认为管理的对象和环境变化多端,简单的、普遍使用的方案并不存在。,2019/8/13,36,OB的发展,OB建立的思想基础:管理必须按对象和情景的具体情况,选择具体对策。 “经济人”-科学管理的人性观 “社会人”-人群关系学派的人性观 “自我实现人”-人力资源学派的人性观 人的心理状态是复杂的,不仅人与人之间有差异,同一个人在不同
15、的环境、不同的时间也会有不同的差别,管理者不能把所有的人视同一样,用一个固定的模式进行管理,而是要洞察他们的特点,对症下药。,2019/8/13,37,“经济人”的假设从一种享乐主义的哲学观点出发,认为人和一切行为都是为了最大限度地满足自己的私利。人都要争取最大的经济利益,工作是为了获得经济报酬。 一、实践过程 泰勒的四条管理原则: (一)给每个人工作的基本组成部分提出科学的工作方法。 (二)科学地挑选、培训、教育、培养工人。 (三)与工人热忱合作,确保所做的工作符合已提出的科学原理 (四)在管理者和工人之间基本实现工作与责任的对等分工,管理者承担那些他们比工人更具有适应性的工作。,“ 经济人
17、感情和道义应负的责任,则是无关紧要。简单地说,就 是重视完成任务,而不考虑人的感情。从这种观念来看,管理就是 计划、组织、经营、指导、监督。这种管理方式叫做任务管理。(二)管理工作只是少数人的事,与广大工人群众无关。工 人的主要任务是听众管理者指挥。(三)在奖励制度方面,主要用金线来刺激工人生产积极性, 同时对消极怠工者采用严厉的征罚措施“胡萝卜加大棒”的政策。,2019/8/13,40,一、实践过程:(一)照明实验(二)福利实验(三)群体实验(四)谈话实验,“社会人”假设,认为人们在工作中得到的物质利益,对于调动 人们的生产积极性是次要意义,人们最重视在工作中与周围的人有 好相处。良好的人际
19、监督、计划、控制和组织等,而更应该重视职工之间的关系,培养和形成职工的归属感 和整体感。(三)在实施奖励时,提倡集体的奖励制度,而不主张个人奖励制度。(四)管理人员的职能也应有所改变,他们不应只限于制定计划、组织工序、检验产品,而应在职工与上级之间起联络人的作用。一方面,要倾听职工的意见和了解职工的思想感情;另一方面,要向上级呼吁、反映。,2019/8/13,43,“自我实现人”的假设马斯洛:“自我实现也许可以大致描述为利用和开发天资、能力、潜力等等。这样的人似乎竭尽所能,使自己趋于完善。”“一位音乐家必须作曲,一位画家必须绘画,一位诗人必须写诗,否则他就无法安静,人们需要尽其所能,这一需要就
21、减少和消除职工自我实现过程中所遇到的障碍。(三)只有内在奖励才能满足人们自尊的、自我实现的需要,从而极大地调动职工的积极性。(四)管理制度的改变。管理制度应保证职工能充分表露自己的才能,达到自已所希望的成就。,2019/8/13,46,一 、复杂人假设是在上世纪60年代末、70年代初提出来的。 其基本假设是: (一)每个人的需要都各不相同,需要的层次也因人而异。(二)人在同一时间内有各种需要和动机,这些需要和动机形成错综复杂的动机模式。(三)人的需要是随着工作和生活条件变化而变化的。(四)一个人在不同单位或同一单位的不同部门工作,会产生不同的需要。(五)由于人的需要不同,能力各异,对于不同的管
22、理方式会有不同反应。因此,没有一套适合于任何时代、任何组织和任何个人的普遍行之有效的管理方法。,“复杂人”的假设,2019/8/13,47,二、相应的管理措施(一)依据工作性质的不同,采用不同的组织形式。(二)根据组织的不同状况,采取弹性,应变的领导方式。(三)善于发现职工在需要、动机、能力和个性方面的差异,因人、因事、因地制宜地采取灵活多变的管理方式。,2019/8/13,48,OB的发展,组织文化研究的兴起-OB的深入: 两个基本假设: “观念人”-人是有信仰、态度和价值观的。人们取舍行为的主要判断准则不完全是理性的需要。 “生活组织”-人的生活是物质生活和精神生活的统一体,企业具有社会性
23、和经济性的双重使命。 组织行为与组织过程研究-“公司再造”,2019/8/13,49,中国管理思想对人的认识,“上下同欲者胜” (孙子兵法) “能用人者,无敌于天下” (清,王夫子)“致安之本,惟在得人” (唐,李世民)“今欲求人,必须审访其行” (唐,魏征)“有才不难,善于用才则难” (老子),2019/8/13,50,中国管理思想对人的认识 孔子曰“性相近,习相远也”即人的本质是相似的,由于所处的环境不同,而有不同。人性问题是中国古代思想家探求的一个中心问题。善恶思想:孟子系统提出并论证了“性善论”认为“无恻隐之心,非人也;无羞恶之心,非人也;无辞让之心,非人也;无是非之心,非人也;恻隐之
24、心,仁之端也;羞恶之心,义之端也;辞让之心,礼之端也;是非之心,智之端也。与“自我实现人假设”有一定相似之处。荀子则建立了系统的“性恶”理论,提出“人之性恶,其善者伪也”这一著名命题,荀子说“今人之性,饥而欲饱,寒而欲暖,劳而欲休,此人之惰性也。”与经济人假设十分接近。,2019/8/13,51,西方哲学的人性论问题 苏格拉底的人学转向:从苏格拉底开始,古希腊哲学发生了一个显著的变化,这就是人的问题被凸现出来。划分苏格拉底和前苏格拉底思想的标志恰恰是人的问题上。首先,是哲学研究对象的变化,从探究宇宙之谜的自然哲学转向了思考人生之谜的道德哲学;其次是哲学思维方式的转换,从经验观察式的直观描述方式
25、转向了对话启发式的理性辨证方式。 柏拉图的人性三分说:情欲、意志和理性。情欲是最低等的和最盲目的,意志居中,理性是最高的和最清醒的。就个人而言,灵魂如同是一个车夫和两匹飞马的组合体。理性这个车夫赶着情欲和意志两匹飞马。情欲这匹飞马是野性的和卑劣的,它往往受控于肉体的冲动而不听理性的使唤 亚里士多德的中道人性论:理性的本质就在于遵守中道,人的行为具有三种倾向:一种是遵守中道的德行,另外两种是过度和不及。就个人而言,健康会因为缺食缺饮或者暴食暴饮而遭损害,体力会因为缺乏运动或者锻炼过度而出现问题。,2019/8/13,52,5.Challenges and Opportunity for OB,R
26、esponding to Globalization Managing Workforce Diversity Improving Quality and Productivity Responding to the Labor Shortage Improving Customer Service,2019/8/13,53,Organizations of the Future,Use knowledge to add value Connectivity & flexibility Alliances IT support Teams Networks Shared vision Peop
27、le relationship management,2019/8/13,54,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,Most organizations must achieve high performance within a complex and competitive global environment.,2019/8/13,55,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,Globalization involves
28、complex economic networks of competition, resource supplies, and product markets transcending national boundaries and circling the globe.,2019/8/13,56,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,A global economy. Information technology and electronic communications have: Promoted a
29、global economy. Created Internet business opportunities. Transnational movement of products, trends, values, and innovations. Multicultural workforces.,2019/8/13,57,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,Regional economic alliances. European Union (EU). North American Free Trad
30、e Agreement (NAFTA). Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Andean Pact. Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum (APEC).,2019/8/13,58,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,Global quality standards. ISO designation for quality standards. ISO framework for quality assurance worldwide.
31、ISO certification is important for doing business in Europe and developing a reputation as a “world-class” manufacturer.,2019/8/13,59,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,Global managers. A global manager is someone who knows how to conduct business across borders. The global
32、 manager: Is often multilingual. Thinks with a world view. Appreciates diverse beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices. Is able to map strategy in light of the above.,2019/8/13,60,Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?,Challenges facing global managers. Managers styles and at
33、titudes may not work well overseas. A global mindset is required in order to avoid failure.,2019/8/13,61,How does globalization affect people at work?,Multinational employers. Multinational corporation (MNC). A business firm that has extensive international operations in more than one foreign countr
34、y. MNC characteristics. Missions and strategies are worldwide in scope. Has a total world view without allegiance to any one national home. Has enormous economic power and impact.,2019/8/13,62,How does globalization affect people at work?,Multicultural workforces. Styles of leadership, motivation, d
35、ecision making, planning, organizing, and controlling vary from country to country. Domestic multiculturalism. Describes cultural diversity within a specific national population. Reflected in the workforces of local organizations.,2019/8/13,63,How does globalization affect people at work?,Expatriate
36、 work assignments. Expatriates. People who live and work abroad for extended periods of time. Can be very costly for employers. Progressive employers take supportive measures to maximize potential for expatriate success. Greatest problems occur when entering and working in a foreign culture and upon
37、 return home.,2019/8/13,64,How does globalization affect people at work?,Expatriate work assignments cont. Phases of expatriate adjustment to a new country. Tourist stage the expatriate enjoys discovering the new culture. Disillusionment stage the expatriates mood is dampened as difficulties become
38、more evident. Culture shock confusion, disorientation, and frustration in the ways of the local culture and living in the foreign environment set in.,2019/8/13,65,How does globalization affect people at work?,Expatriate work assignments cont. Considerations in reentry to home country. Expatriates sh
39、ould maintain adequate contact with home office during overseas assignment. Employers should provide support for reentry move. Employers should identify any new skills and abilities acquired during overseas experience, and make commensurate job assignments.,2019/8/13,66,How does globalization affect
40、 people at work?,Ethical behavior across cultures. Ethical challenges result from: Cultural diversity. Variations in governments and legal systems. Prominent current issues: Corruption and bribery. Poor working conditions. Child and prison labor. Support of repressive governments.,2019/8/13,67,How d
41、oes globalization affect people at work?,Ethical behavior across cultures cont. Cultural relativism. The position that there is no universal moral standard. Ethical behavior is determined by cultural context. Ethical absolutism. The position that there is a single moral standard that fits all situat
42、ions. Ethical behavior transcends cultural context.,2019/8/13,68,What is a global view on organizational learning?,Global organizational learning. The ability to gather from the world at large the knowledge required for long-term organizational adaptation.,2019/8/13,69,What is a global view on organ
43、izational learning?,Are management theories universal? Answer is “no.” Cultural influences should be carefully considered in transferring theories and their applications across cultures.,2019/8/13,70,What is a global view on organizational learning?,Best practices around the world. What is being don
44、e well elsewhere may be of great value at home. Best practices no longer mainly North American or European. Best practices can be found throughout the world.,2019/8/13,71,Individuals in Organizations,Knowledge workers Teams Adhoc & transient workforce Self-managingAccountableAutonomousCreative Life-
45、long learning,2019/8/13,72,Todays Challenges for OB,Changing Social/Cultural Environment Evolving Global Environment Advancing Information Technology Shifting Work/Employment Relationships,2019/8/13,73,Changing Social and Cultural Environment,National culture Organization ethics and well-being Diver
46、se work force,2019/8/13,74,Diversity Challenges,Fairness and justice Decision-making and performance Flexibility,2019/8/13,75,2019/8/13,76,Diversity Challenges,Decision Making and Performance,Flexibility,Fairness and Justice,2019/8/13,77,Challenges and Opportunity for OB (contd),Improving People Ski
47、lls Empowering People Coping with “Temporariness” Stimulation Innovation and Change Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts Improving Ethical Behavior,2019/8/13,78,E X H I B I T,1-6,6.Basic OB Model, Stage I,2019/8/13,79,The Dependent Variables,x,y,2019/8/13,80,The Dependent Variables (contd),
48、2019/8/13,81,The Dependent Variables (contd),2019/8/13,82,The Dependent Variables (contd),2019/8/13,83,The Dependent Variables (contd),2019/8/13,84,The Independent Variables,Independent Variables,2019/8/13,85,Organization Level variables,Organizational behavior reaches its highest level of sophistic
49、ation when we add formal structure. The design of the formal organization, work processes, and jobs; the organizations human resource policies and practices, and the internal culture, all have an impact.,2019/8/13,86,组织行为模型组织系统水平,人力资源政策 与实施,组织结构 和设计,组织文化,技术、工作设 计和压力,领导,变 革 与 发 展,人的输出,因变量,2019/8/13,8
50、7,Group-level variables,The behavior of people in groups is more than the sum total of all the individuals acting in their own way. People behave differently in groups than they do when alone. People in groups are influenced by: Acceptable standards of behavior by the group Degree of attractiveness to each other Communication patterns Leadership and power Levels of conflict,