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1、well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act ac

2、cording to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essen

3、tially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a persons energy, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system i

4、s still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. “Three emphasis on“ to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “recor

5、d“ and “potential performance“; both subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic“ enough, take another look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focus on participating the breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the m

6、asses handing over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the people, then nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of eval

7、uation findings is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be tantamount to establishing a banner. Evaluation cant take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels shoul

8、d take the findings as on the cadres bonus-penalty, an important basis for future movements, incentive and restraint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity“. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the process, to prevent one-sided and

9、still look, from actual people. One is to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on development emphasizes, is still taking economic construction as the Center. Any departure from t

10、he development of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of people-oriented. Adhere to people-oriented both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people orie

11、nted and speeding up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never bepeople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabaos Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last years 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to accelerate development i

12、n the first place . Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human needs are also changing. Practice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return

13、to this, see things but not peoples old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting po

14、int, high standard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. Terms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increasingly high level of leadership situation, actively adap

15、t to the demand of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the ability to overcome a good service, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to people-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here

16、in Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used is a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hold, cannot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get drinking water, go back to your seat busi

17、ness. Our emphasis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must continue to maintain the style of plain living and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests of temptations,

18、exciting “energy“ conservation “disposition“ to the spirit of selfless dedication and provide services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone is a liability. People-oriented, above and below with the responsibility for coordina

19、ting system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen the leadership. “In its place, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.“ This is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is

20、competent. Leaders need to “it is an official term for the benefit of“ mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing people-oriented. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement people-oriented, to manage their people, “p

21、lug in own responsibility“, effectively enhance the education of leading cadres, cadres and cadres work, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitality成语归类大全一、描写人的品质:平易近人 宽宏大度 冰清玉洁 持之以恒 锲而不舍 废寝忘食 大义凛然 临危不俱 光明磊落 不屈不挠 鞠躬尽瘁 死而后已二、描写人的智慧:料事如神 足智多谋 融会贯通 学贯中

22、西 博古通今 才华横溢 出类拔萃 博大精深 集思广益 举一反三三、描写人物仪态、风貌: 神采奕奕 憨态可掬 文质彬彬 风度翩翩 相貌堂堂 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 四、描写人物神情、情绪: 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 神采奕奕 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 无动于衷 勃然大怒五、描写人的口才:能说会道 巧舌如簧 能言善辩 滔滔不绝 伶牙俐齿 出口成章 语惊四座 娓娓而谈 妙语连珠 口若悬河六、来自历史故事的成语: 三顾茅庐 铁杵成针 望梅止渴 完璧归赵 四面楚歌 负荆请罪 精忠报国 手不释卷 悬梁刺股 凿壁偷光七、描写人物动作:well, with the

23、effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the

24、law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incen

25、tive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a persons energy, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging

26、 behind. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. “Three emphasis on“ to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record“ and “potenti

27、al performance“; both subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic“ enough, take another look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focus on participating the breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handing o

28、ver evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the people, then nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluation findings

29、 is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be tantamount to establishing a banner. Evaluation cant take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the find

30、ings as on the cadres bonus-penalty, an important basis for future movements, incentive and restraint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity“. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the process, to prevent one-sided and still look, fro

31、m actual people. One is to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on development emphasizes, is still taking economic construction as the Center. Any departure from the development

32、of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of people-oriented. Adhere to people-oriented both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people oriented and speedi

33、ng up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never bepeople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabaos Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last years 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to accelerate development in the first pla

34、ce . Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human needs are also changing. Practice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to this, see th

35、ings but not peoples old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting point, high stand

36、ard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. Terms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increasingly high level of leadership situation, actively adapt to the demand

37、 of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the ability to overcome a good service, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to people-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here in Hong Kong, s

38、taff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used is a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hold, cannot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get drinking water, go back to your seat business. Our empha

39、sis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must continue to maintain the style of plain living and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests of temptations, exciting “energ

40、y“ conservation “disposition“ to the spirit of selfless dedication and provide services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone is a liability. People-oriented, above and below with the responsibility for coordinating system mus

41、t be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen the leadership. “In its place, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.“ This is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is competent. Lead

42、ers need to “it is an official term for the benefit of“ mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing people-oriented. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement people-oriented, to manage their people, “plug in own resp

43、onsibility“, effectively enhance the education of leading cadres, cadres and cadres work, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitality走马观花 欢呼雀跃 扶老携幼 手舞足蹈 促膝谈心 前俯后仰 奔走相告 跋山涉水 前赴后继 张牙舞爪八、描写人间情谊:恩重如山 深情厚谊 手足情深 形影不离 血浓于水 志同道合 风雨同舟 赤诚相待 肝胆相照 生死相依九、说明知事晓理方

44、面: 循序渐进 日积月累 温故知新 勤能补拙 笨鸟先飞 学无止境 学海无涯 滴水穿石 发奋图强 开卷有益十、来自寓言故事的成语: 自相矛盾 滥竽充数 画龙点睛 刻舟求剑 守株待兔 叶公好龙 亡羊补牢 画蛇添足 掩耳盗铃 买椟还珠十一、描写事物的气势、气氛: 无懈可击 锐不可当 雷厉风行 震耳欲聋 惊心动魄 铺天盖地 势如破竹 气贯长虹 万马奔腾 如履平地十二、形容四季特点: 春寒料峭 春意盎然 春暖花开 满园春色 春华秋实 春风化雨 骄阳似火 暑气蒸人 烈日炎炎 秋风送爽 秋高气爽 秋色宜人 冰天雪地 寒气袭人 寒冬腊月十三、形容繁荣兴盛景象: well, with the effective

45、ness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to o

46、vercome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, change from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mech

47、anism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a persons energy, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm or be misleading, dampened the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind.

48、Work in this area should be seriously caught up. “Three emphasis on“ to take advantage of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental point of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record“ and “potential perfor

49、mance“; both subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic“ enough, take another look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focus on participating the breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handing over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the people, then nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the


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