1、Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,1,Subjects in C-E translation,A study of differences of C&E subjects,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,2,Subjects in C-E translation,像这一类的问题还有不少,如果处理不当,就很容易动摇我们的方针,影响改革的全局。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Progra
2、m 2009,3,Subjects in C-E translation,1.a. There are many more issues of this kind, and if not properly handled, they could easily shake our policies and affect the overall situation of reform. 1.b. There are many problems like this one, and if we dont handle them properly, our policies could easily
3、be undermined and overall reform affected.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,4,Subjects in C-E translation,2. 加强思想政治工作,讲艰苦奋斗,都很必要,但只靠这些也还是不够 (最根本的因素,还是经济增长速度)。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,5,Subjects in C-E translation,2.a. It is most essential to str
4、engthen ideological and political work and stress the spirit of hard struggle, but counting just on these will not suffice. 2.b. Although we have to strengthen ideological and political work and stress the need for hard struggle, we cannot depend on those measures alone .,Translation Practice, Nanka
5、i Univ Graduate Program 2009,6,Subjects in C-E translation,3.说过去,说过来,就是一句话,坚持这个 (三中全会以来的) 路线、方针、政策不变。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,7,Subjects in C-E translation,3.a. After all thats been said, one sentence sums it up: stick to this line and these principles and policies. 3
6、.b. After all thats been said, I can sum up our position in one sentence: we shall keep to this line and these principles and policies.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,8,Subjects in C-E translation,草愿意穿风和日丽,天就晴;草愿意穿风霜雨雪,天就阴,-。反正得由着草的性子来,没有什么商量的余地。,Translation Practice, Nankai
7、 Univ Graduate Program 2009,9,Subjects in C-E translation,Grass wishes t have a fine day- it turns fin. Grass wishes to have a cloudy day- it turns cloudy. The sky has no choice but to succumb to the wishes of grass.,-草愿意穿风和日丽,天就晴;草愿意穿风霜雨雪,天就阴,-。反正得由着草的性子来,没有什么商量的余地。,Translation Practice, Nankai Uni
8、v Graduate Program 2009,10,Subjects in C-E translation,中国公司的规模和盈利能力还不具备全球竞争力.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,11,Subjects in C-E translation,The Chinese companies are not big enough or profitable enough to compete overseas.,中国公司的规模和盈利能力还不具备全球竞争力.,Translation Practice, Nankai
9、Univ Graduate Program 2009,12,Subjects in C-E translation,对内陆贫困地区的消费者而言,有些在沿海发达地区销售的产品,其价格难以承受。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,13,Subjects in C-E translation,The products marketed in the prosperous coastal areas of China are too expensive for the customers in the poor hinter
10、land.,对内陆贫困地区的消费者而言,有些在沿海发达地区销售的产品,其价格难以承受。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,14,Subjects in C-E translation,有些公司如海尔,TCL,联通等实行了混合所有制,这使它们得以克服中国管理体制的某些弊端,具备了全球竞争能力。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,15,Subjects in C-E translation,Companies like Haier, TCL,
11、and Legend have become globally competitive because their mixed ownership allows them to overcome the weaknesses of the Chinese system.,有些公司如海尔,TCL,联通等实行了混合所有制,这使它们得以克服中国管理体制的某些弊端,具备了全球竞争能力。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,16,Subjects in C-E translation,它们经营的目标是追求利润,虽然它们仍然属于社
12、会主义国家,而且多个方面都得到了国家支持。它们日常经营活动政府并不介入,它们不属于公有资产,几乎拥有完全的自主权。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,17,Subjects in C-E translation,They are driven by the profit motive in what is still a socialist country, yet they receive support from one or more arms of the state. The government does
13、nt interfere with operations at these companies because the businesses arent part of the public sector, and so these hybrids enjoy almost total autonomy.,它们经营的目标是追求利润,虽然它们仍然属于社会主义国家,而且多个方面都得到了国家支持。它们日常经营活动政府并不介入,它们不属于公有资产,几乎拥有完全的自主权。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,18,Subject
14、s in C-E translation,八月十五夜晚,合家团聚在一起赏月,吃月饼是中秋必不可少的两大习俗。关于月饼的起源众说纷纭,唯一可以肯定的是,早期的月饼只是一种面饼。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,19,Subjects in C-E translation,It is an essential tradition that all the family members get together to appreciate the moon and eat moon cakes on the night
15、of Mid-Autumn Day. There are many versions about the origins of moon cakes, but the only thing for sure is that the moon cake was once only a kind of ordinary cake made of flour.,八月十五夜晚,合家团聚在一起赏月,吃月饼是中秋必不可少的两大习俗。关于月饼的起源众说纷纭,唯一可以肯定的是,早期的月饼只是一种面饼。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 200
16、9,20,Subjects in C-E translation,在每一个年龄段里,人总要留下点什么,无论是一次如期而来的成功,抑或是与初衷相悖的失败,总之应该留下点什么,哪怕是一串稚嫩的脚印,亦足以证明我们曾经的梦想。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,21,A person should leave something during his or her growing up, which may be either a foreseeable success or unexpected failure. Eve
17、n a trail of babyish footprint is the enough evidence for our once pursuing dream.,在每一个年龄段里,人总要留下点什么,无论是一次如期而来的成功,抑或是与初衷相悖的失败,总之应该留下点什么,哪怕是一串稚嫩的脚印,亦足以证明我们曾经的梦想。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,22,Subjects in C-E translation,京剧舞台艺术在文学、表演、音乐、唱腔、化妆、脸谱等各个方面构成了一套格律化和规范化的程式。其表演艺术更趋
18、向于虚实结合的表现手法,最大限度地超脱了舞台空间和时间的限制,已达到“以形传神,形神兼备”的艺术境界。表演上要求精致细腻,处处入戏,唱腔上要求悠扬委婉,声情并茂,武戏不以火爆勇猛取胜,而以武戏文唱见佳。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,23,Subjects in C-E translation,Through the dedicated efforts of numerous artists over a long period of time, the stagecraft of Peking Opera ha
19、s formed a set of stylized patterns concerning literature, performance, music, singing , instruments, cosmetics and facial patterns, which constrain each other and work together. The performing art of Peking Opera tends to adopt an approach that combines the fictitious and substantial, transcending
20、to the greatest extent the constraints of space and time on stage in order to attain artistic state of expressing spirit through form while integrating both. Delicacy and elegance are required and performers must devote themselves to their respective roles. The singing should be mildly melodious, in
21、tegrating rich feeling with a pleasing voice. The martial art of the Opera should not be violently bold and powerful, instead the martial drama should be represented by means of elegant singling,京剧舞台艺术在文学、表演、音乐、唱腔、化妆、脸谱等各个方面构成了一套格律化和规范化的程式。其表演艺术更趋向于虚实结合的表现手法,最大限度地超脱了舞台空间和时间的限制,已达到“以形传神,形神兼备”的艺术境界。表演
22、上要求精致细腻,处处入戏,唱腔上要求悠扬委婉,声情并茂,武戏不以火爆勇猛取胜,而以武戏文唱见佳。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,24,Subjects in C-E translation,时下,漫步在北京的大街小巷,这样的情景司空见惯的:浓荫里,水面上,亭榭下,长廊间,不时飘来阵阵京腔京韵的演奏和有版有眼的唱腔。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,25,Subjects in C-E translation,At present, s
23、uch scenes are commonly seen in the streets and alleyways of Beijing: melodious instrument playing and rhythmical singing of Peking Opera can be heard in the shade of trees, on the waters , in pavilions and in corridors.,时下,漫步在北京的大街小巷,这样的情景司空见惯的:浓荫里,水面上,亭榭下,长廊间,不时飘来阵阵京腔京韵的演奏和有版有眼的唱腔,Translation Prac
24、tice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,26,Subjects in C-E translation,发展社会主义市场经济,必须加强和改善宏观调控,宏观调控要着眼于保持经济稳定增长,敏锐把握国际国内经济形式变化,增强预见性、针对性和有效性。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,27,Subjects in C-E translation,To develop the socialist market economy, we must strengthen and improve
25、macroeconomic regulation. In exercising the regulation, we must focus on ensuring a sustained and rapid growth of the economy, be alert to changes in the international and domestic economic situations, and improve our ability to predict and cope with them effectively.,发展社会主义市场经济,必须加强和改善宏观调控,宏观调控要着眼于
26、保持经济稳定增长,敏锐把握国际国内经济形式变化,增强预见性、针对性和有效性。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,28,Subjects in C-E translation,农村中小学教师工资改由县财政统一管理,以保证教师工资按时足额发放,减轻农民负担。(主题),Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,29,Subjects in C-E translation,农村中小学教师工资改由县财政统一管理,以保证教师工资按时足额发放,减轻农民负担。(主
27、题),Salaries of rural primary and secondary teachers are now the exclusive responsibility of the county financial authorities. This has not only ensured that teachers are paid in full and on time, but also reduced the burden on farmers.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,30,Subje
28、cts in C-E translation,但是由于这项改革仍处在试点阶段,目前还存在着基本养老保险制度不统一、企业负担重、统筹层次低、制度不健全等问题,必须按照党中央国务院确定的目标和原则,进一步加快改革步伐,建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度,促进经济与社会健康发展。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,31,Subjects in C-E translation,但是由于这项改革仍处在试点阶段,目前还存在着基本养老保险制度不统一、企业负担重、统筹层次低、制度不健全等问题,必须按照党中央国务院确定的目标和原则,进
29、一步加快改革步伐,建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度,促进经济与社会健康发展。,However, as the reform is still at its experimental stage, problems still exist currently, including lack of unification in planning the system, heavy burdens experienced by enterprises, low-quality unified planning, and unsound management system. It is essent
30、ial to hasten the pace of reform by establishing a unified basic pension insurance system for enterprise workers and staff in line with the objectives and principles set by the partys Central Committee and the State Council, in a bid to promote a healthy economic and social development.,Translation
31、Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,32,Subjects in C-E translation,这几年实施积极的财政政策,发行长期建设国债,是在特殊情况下的特殊政策。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,33,Subjects in C-E translation,The proactive fiscal policy we followed during the past few years and the issuance of long-term constr
32、uction treasury bonds were special policies implemented under special circumstances.,这几年实施积极的财政政策,发行长期建设国债,是在特殊情况下的特殊政策。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,34,Subjects in C-E translation,按照产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的要求,积极推行规范的公司制和股份制改革,完善法人治理结构,深化企业内部分配、人事、劳动制度改革,建立激励和约束机制。(无主语),Transl
33、ation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,35,Subjects in C-E translation,In line with the principles of “clearly established property right ownership, well defined rights and responsibilities, separation of enterprise from government and scientific management”, vigorous efforts were made to
34、carry out reforms aimed at introducing the standard corporate systems and the joint-stock system and improving corporate governance. We deepened the reform of enterprises internal systems for distribution and human resources and labor employment management and established incentive and disciplinary
35、mechanisms.,按照产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的要求,积极推行规范的公司制和股份制改革,完善法人治理结构,深化企业内部分配、人事、劳动制度改革,建立激励和约束机制。(无主语),Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,36,Subjects and comments,Subjects of three types (Halliday)Psychological subjects (information structure) Grammatical subjects (surface grammar) L
36、ogical subjects (deep semantic),Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,37,Three subjects,Psychological subjectsan information focus, a psychological starting point of what a speaker is going to say. Grammatical subjectsobjects at which a sentence is directed, and which govern cases,
37、 persons, gender, number, etc. Logical subjectsan actor who performs action. It concerns with relations between things, but not the grammatical relations between two signs.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,38,Three Subjects,Theme = Psychological subjects Subject = Grammatical
38、subjects Actor = Logical subjects,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,39,Basic structure of English sentences,Subject will coincide with topic and actor in active sentences (1). Subject will coincide with topic and object in passive sentences(2). Subject will coincide with topic
39、in SV(O) pattern, which is referred as unmarked subject by Halliday. A constituent of a sentence other than subject will function as topic (marked subject) under certain circumstances(3,4).,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,40,Examples,Our school bus will depart at 7.10 every m
40、orning. Priority is often given to male candidates. This book I bought from Berlin. Whatever you want, I will do for you.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,41,Basic structure of Chinese sentences,Chinese sentences feature two types of sentence structures:an actor sentencean act
41、or + action + process of acting(5,6 )a topic sentencetopic + comment (7, 8 ),Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,42,他拿着枪,绕着屋子走。 大家去到溪水边,洗了洗脸。 我这次高考的成绩比较乐观。 这件事我没有经验。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,43,An analysis of the difference between C and E,A Chinese
42、 actor sentence is the same as an English SV(O) sentence in form, which is characterized by coincidence of subject and topic . A Chinese T-C sentence differs greatly from English SV(O) structure.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,44,English sentence Chinese sentence,Subject wil
43、l grammatically be marked if it is not the sentence topic, such as one in emphatic structure, or in comparative structure, or in there be pattern.It is Dr Smith who operated on Mr. John. Only then did he arrive on time.,Topic will not be grammatically marked whatever constituents of sentences will f
44、unction.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,45,English sentence Chinese sentence,Marked topic will leave void somewhere in the sentence. (3,4),Void is not easily to be detected in the sentence .(7,8),Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,46,English sentence Chi
45、nese sentence,Speech of function is easily recognized since it is an inflected language.,Speech of function is hardly recognized unless its expressive function is known.(9)9. 马英九再传聆讯。 10. 美国发现艾滋病。 11. 中国到处打乒乓。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,47,English sentence Chinese senten
46、ce,English topic is used to govern the sentence structure since it has, as overt constituent, direct relation with its verb.,Chinese topic can not be used to govern the sentence structure, since it has, as a covert constituent, no direct logic relation with comment.,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ
47、 Graduate Program 2009,48,Discussion of translated versions,天津卫这地方,大马路上不种五谷杂粮,小胡同里不长瓜果梨桃,满城几十万人口,几十万张嘴巴睁开眼睛就要吃要喝,就算天津卫有九条河横穿而过,即使几条大河游满了鱼虾螃蟹,河岸边的青蛙一起捉来下锅,恐怕也喂不了这几十万张肚皮。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,49,Discussion of translated versions,天津卫这地方,大马路上不种五谷杂粮,小胡同里不长瓜果梨桃,满城几十万人口,几
48、十万张嘴巴睁开眼睛就要吃要喝,就算天津卫有九条河横穿而过,即使几条大河游满了鱼虾螃蟹,河岸边的青蛙一起捉来下锅,恐怕也喂不了这几十万张肚皮。,The city of Tianjin produces neither grain nor fruit, and with a population of several thousand, it would be difficult to feed all the residents, even if the place were endowed with nine rivers teemed with fish and shrimps, and e
49、ven if all the frogs in the river were killed for food. (Tr. by Sun Yifeng),Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,50,Discussion of translated versions,爷们儿怪罪下来,大不了我一个人拉着家小逃之夭夭,可天津卫还有我的老宅院,还有我的姑姨叔舅,让人家受我连累,我对不起人。,Translation Practice, Nankai Univ Graduate Program 2009,51,Discussion o
50、f translated versions,爷们儿怪罪下来,大不了我一个人拉着家小逃之夭夭,可天津卫还有我的老宅院,还有我的姑姨叔舅,让人家受我连累,我对不起人。,Should the locals take umbrage, I can just disappear together with my family. But I have an old house and some relatives in Tianjin. It would not be fair to implicate my relatives. I certainly dont want to get them into trouble. (Tr. by Sun Yifeng),