1、Great Barrier Reef,What Is The Great Barrier Reef?,The Great Barrier Reef is a breeding area for humpback whales(座头鲸), migrating from the Antarctic and is also the habitat of a few endangered species including the Dugong (Sea Cow) and large Green Sea Turtle. In recognition of its significance, UNESC
2、O listed the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Site(世界自然遗产) in 1981.,Location of the Great Barrier Reef,Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world. The stretch of this wonderful natural structure measures to around 1,250 miles along the northeastern coast of Queensland, Au
3、stralia, in the Coral Sea. The Great Barrier Reef is surrounded by 208,000 kilometers of water. It is a natural breakwater that acts as a buffer(缓冲区) between the strong waves of the Pacific Ocean and the coast of Australia.,Great Barrier Reef,How do The Barrier Reefs Get Formed?,The Great Barrier Re
4、ef was formed as a result of the rise and fall of sea levels during the final years of the Ice Age. The Great Barrier Reef are formed due to the association between a sea animal and a single-celled plant.,Threats to the Great Barrier Reef,Overfishing causes a complete imbalance in the entire chain o
5、f process and in the ecosystem. Polluted water creates various infections amongst the corals. Climatic Conditions and Global Warming would cause a major change in the ecosystem and the existence of the organisms associated with the Great Barrier Reef. Many commercial ships use a route that passes th
6、rough the Great Barrier Reef.,Great Barrier Reef,大堡礁灯塔由于大堡礁地势险恶,因此周围建有大量的航标灯塔,有些已成为著名的历史遗址,而有的经过加固至今仍发挥着作用。这些航标灯塔在发挥导航作用的同时也成为一道观赏的景观。,Great Barrier Reef,大堡礁由400多种绚丽多彩的珊瑚组成,造型千姿百态,堡礁大部分没入水中,低潮时略露礁顶。从上空俯瞰,礁岛宛如一棵棵碧绿的翡翠,熠熠生辉,而若隐若现的礁顶如艳丽花朵,在碧波万顷的大海上怒放。,8/8/2019,Great Barrier Reef,大堡礁海底生物大堡礁海域生活着大约1500种热带海洋鱼类,有泳姿优雅的蝴蝶鱼,有色彩华美的雀鲷,漂亮华丽的狮子鱼,好逸恶劳的印头鱼,脊部棘状突出并且释放毒液的石鱼,还有天使鱼、鹦鹉鱼等各种热带观赏鱼。,Great Barrier Reef,心形岛是澳大利亚的著名风景点大堡礁的一奇特景观。在空中俯瞰,它是一个天然的心形,再加上大堡礁本身很好看的水色,景色更是美轮美奂。,Great Barrier Reef,Thank you!,