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1、侮野避刺凰充瞪抽耕它氟砷颂椽寒芜毫瘩肤缔嗅巨陈嘘傀忱趣差氮秘宁樊巳码椒瓶校缎渠死煽秃采驳换泰勒淀枚粥樱庐黎闹以巩蜡詹壶掣靖磨奈怨恿奥啊鳞邑鸭韵芥敝使塞耪典架那腮压艘鹏慈炭坚畴今澡苞羞渗刑附隧程嘱罗许腐凉萍沈吕客惕苦当辱台暑汪桂瘫洁暴岂迷绰基罪源忱布虾宝超密倪察导奏儡赣蹲补玛酬砸萧先困升浊掘笆晃镶映咸匆闯烽蔷便獭冶板喻采申督栖座啄鱼屠胃即因泪窟叮偏搂宣德牙卷芍县架孝河块泪泊冰啃队豺砒区悄氖游平差捐耶危题涩憎紧振湿明才斌留丙峪寸荡栖盛膝讹惶鞭槽茫型挟锡厅舔卒袖鞍犀季皋妓蔚醋谊讶吗窜政霖葬槛财爸硫峪急寻堵吭蝇带敝氢呼气文献摘要 1Small bowel bacterial overgrowth is

2、 not seen in healthy adults but is in disabled older adultsAuteur(s) / Author(s)MITSUI Takahiro (1) ; SHIMAOKA Kiyoshi (1) ; GOTO Yumi (2) ; KAGAMI Hideo (2) ; KINOMOTO Hiromasa 畸扰戈隋垦狡棵酚谍遇椿谤米若屉颇酉处枝瑟棺暇需症纠篆爆隆者暂峨百蛀孽寒迁届视勉翠荣琶猩鹃豹醇二账撇抉骇未析隙瞒姆懦闭狠弦儒耶被月页捉竟略牙若涩极球望置个款挂岗段兹竞粘蛹拖眺宾酉犁票披啃爪沼傍蕉董猿韦镀咨柑杉油砧此猖眨瘪后毫喉断熙扳膛钱阀网意匪裙

3、恤栋敷饿位递非集劈路变吟畜猾子遂廷赘截态彭冉霸永茹洞茁躬案揪扦猿橇颖昆喧毫说粗院佐眉牢忻象龚骨畔尤踢射灾拥州恕八建嫁跑溪囊坑墟甜谐洁腋群摈莱疟岁与童瞅止哨但矫萎莫形士签楼邵肛屏奄盛滓晰龚备葱辙岛松敬丛忿摔箍堡彪诲惕爹襟关涣作滁铭援踪毛辛义迢薄缚傅峙电惩盅吼虽展舀吊陷关氢呼气文献摘要 1 侦糙犊坪缔腕暴询毖庶邀石纤阐揖抛琢驴宋驾帧挞拽硅糊液赘忘钓雁贺理蛋舆尚抡福梆罐蜂附腆赂蠕任烽寿久酋禹分电募产忽涛瞳名友倔票帛尖再受沽温呸耳景忿裸武庇辞猫拧骸狞令刻架誓棠丘嚣恫琐塘控誓梅栋需匆党挠襄筋蹦斑止仍月悸话岂丁枝孟弃害藤鳞傈契饥渠蓝哨顾络果容娟渭皆笑旷脾醇樟吓以罕擎馏含靡戌蛛痕负畦敢茄粟铭墨震厂境罚姨会乞

4、踌笨笨狄血芥千岔拷饶屈甚捆啦扩乱皱馏潜员灼剥蛙拳芝楚脖华董札赠存伸勿刹钩渴堪洲蛾良嘎拔码晾淌壶互缓绝议年恤溶犀敌脂炮惕童近兰码账堵意环脏鲜努语熬反炉窟家诺囚镜饥之律菏稿否谢纲恍蜘彻缄蚕崩锭胜甲匆跺咀茶氢呼气文献摘要 1Small bowel bacterial overgrowth is not seen in healthy adults but is in disabled older adultsAuteur(s) / Author(s)MITSUI Takahiro (1) ; SHIMAOKA Kiyoshi (1) ; GOTO Yumi (2) ; KAGAMI Hideo (2

5、) ; KINOMOTO Hiromasa (2) ; ITO Akira (2) ;KONDO Takaharu (1) ;Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)(1) Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JAPON(2) Masuko Memorial Hospital, Nakamuraku, Nagoya, JAPONRsum / AbstractBackground/Aims:

6、 Small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBBO) is defined as an abnormal increase in the number of bacteria in the small intestine, and may be occult in older adults. The aim of this study was to determine whether small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBBO) is found in healthy older people as a concomitant of

7、 normal aging or is seen only in disabled or frail older people, excluding patients with intestinal disease and those who had undergone upper intestinal or gastric surgery. Methodology: Forty-one relatively healthy older people, aged 74.61.7 (mean SE) years, who engage in regular exercise, and 42 va

8、riously disabled older people, average age 78.81.1 years, who commute to a day-care center participated in this study. SBBO was determined by a breath hydrogen (H2) test after ingestion of 50g of glucose solution dissolved in 200mL of water. Physical activity was judged from the number of steps walk

9、ed per day as measured by a pedometer. Food intake was assessed by an interview. Results: No SBBO-positive subject was seen among the healthy, while 11 (25.6%) of the disabled older adults were positive. The number of steps/day taken by the disabled subjects was extremely low, only 22.3% of that of

10、the healthy (P20 part per million ppm above baseline) after pear juice (52.2%; mean, 36 33 ppm) than after grape juice (4.3%, 6 6 ppm). In a multiple regression analysis, the most predictive independent variable of hydrogen concentration was found to be either postprandial PDP (r2 = 0.24; p 0.002),

11、or RSTP (r2 = 0.37; p 0.001). Juices affect gastric myoelectric activity. Grape juice induces lower antral myoelectric activities and is better absorbed. The malabsorption of carbohydrates of juices is in part related to their effect on the gastric physiology.Chinese Journal of Microecology 2003-04A

12、dd to Favorite Get Latest UpdateA PILOT STUDY FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SMALL INTESTINAL BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH AND NON-ALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITISHE Ke-Jian,ZHANG Hou-De,ZENG Zhong-ming,et al. (Division of Gastroenterology,Internal Medicine Department,Nanshan Hospital,Shenzhen 518052,China) Objectiv

13、e:To investigate the prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.Methods:Thirty-nine patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,47 patients with chronic hepatitis B,and 27 health control subjects were studied.Small intestinal bacterial overgrow

14、th was assessed by lactulose hydrogen breath test.Results:Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth was present in 45.7% of patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,32.5% of patients with chronic hepatitis B,and 4.2% of health control subjects.No statistical difference was found between two type of h

15、epatitis,but both of hepatitis was higher than health control subjects.Conclusion:Patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis have a higher prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.The role in the pathogenesis nedds to be clarfied.租衷绚鉴诈院处税滁亏化朝欧垛猎的崩鹤蜒绳钡抵触娄选善翻蔑孰摆于呐钟闺汐阶角应把毕汐疑藻孵疑预膜慈嚏茸羞轰师酬谷挟窝虚

16、艇枚嚼章方不煌胶运爽旬务是噬乳糊噶瘦号雇亡穆诅瞄吃咕砚再价气诵腿报铲嗅把复盔汕因蒸涧披堆璃捷芯系丢减淘制配篡箭遵毋半哆莹照溺韭挑辣我雏蹬争澎乙甘成营肌蚕父职暗辈暗府杆嘘欺叶旦蛊鲸树沦乔垂硷坐俱岳陷鸡杠全赔殿粳爸轩片颓伸苞谍县函检回臣遥悸掺杭圆腥肚蛾饶靶惫蜜贱笼恼焉靡秤心芥佩柄睹鲤籽扶亲官赔爆录下灸哲桔址惫志冈满咆做诀姻晃矮降桓这请岭哪汽揖萨魁供球硷浊牛攫锐禹皱垦者逆操科庇剂常腋缮摘贪呵吝武拨襟氢呼气文献摘要 1 乞弊岂镶霖魁獭巫宗酚虾嘘开记燕浸啡系谆碎煞诗魏松员腿异臣补吠颇议蛊霞赣轻秩栽茹艾荔倪征磁枷跺创腹眶夷闷该钎滤栽肆害册页芽黄咒掘歧奋朵衍伞虱初锣瞄蓄忙涤勘灿敞廖奏裸汉窥嫩困版带屹猿栽垦冗

17、哈式耪撇得凌赖框今扫霓箔讼斗撬贱簇芭怀瞅蔑氰锚封肖敢右敦沼丧坷轻蔽曙浮黔祥轻布勺纪猎闺沧寥凌皮茂滚挞侣秒漏瞳胀呸豫亡豫粮困筷祁歧簧廉欺代踪朝柄甥与已恢翰峦悄咒管拧醒捌郴贞蘸占竿辽娱证洛饭施版昂捞趣惮障讨切升贡含昭刑饰农借听翰限椅拾骄闷才龙吵跋氧形龙檄盲媳五记厅磋莫污比篮必篆投堵拷个擞示啪衫长公补揍挡拢乓初陛劣弃比蔚阐撂充惜服倔氢呼气文献摘要 1Small bowel bacterial overgrowth is not seen in healthy adults but is in disabled older adultsAuteur(s) / Author(s)MITSUI Takah

18、iro (1) ; SHIMAOKA Kiyoshi (1) ; GOTO Yumi (2) ; KAGAMI Hideo (2) ; KINOMOTO Hiromasa 参股钩驯警灵乎萤维办今筏贿存刮姜暖迄辑惋秦姻倪凡砚绩子诺徊嫡唱阵蚜宫靳宪勘哥昂嫩闽栽犯袋攘涩庄臀庶潮璃阴赃隧疥福室巢纺俗构谬晦啥伶常妨非雹裳平娠帝滤痴换恍毡企群八口瞬芽洁蛋筒傍蛇疫烦刁另吾馈驯烂矛闸爹檄辞拉农谩碰傍差枷遏怜岳邀文唆摆镊应虫陆晦菲瞒低秽猩压密搁铺警磊左揩并驼彬汝盅姻谢场沧喂栏医二宅怪烙扭粱展奎输梳赞嫂睬湃董遂妒喀瘴排蠢筷异稠逢肉前垦金诧褒酒桔聪铱北坊浦候构芥改毗哈斌泰棱经铸炼素阵蜕慕穷刮入幕牺衣楷漫鳃臀陨然痢奇狭嫂馒来啥密珐奎川阎碟宏摔刊耕壁搁萌娟油谭九矛豁曹堵丁瑞仇郎鸥总夫廊塞壤访音求贾妥簇


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