1、金牛座 VS 白羊座相处秘技: 软性攻势白羊向金牛施压时千万不可把他们逼到墙角,压力太大他们是会反抗的。要出软招,把他安抚得头头是道,他会乐于受你指挥。 假公济私如果两个人的结合有学习上工作上的合作作为基础,一定会事半功倍,起调和的作用。 金牛座 VS 金牛座相处秘技:让步其实你们谈恋爱,根本就像自己照镜子一样,有时对方的牛脾气确会令你不愉快,回心一想,你也何尝不是?所以一旦为了占有欲和嫉妒心的缘故而争执时,不妨放下一点固执,退后一步,海阔天空。主动金牛是蛮浪漫的一个星座,却往往需要别人主动。两个都是金牛座的情侣,就变成缺乏生动性。应该花一点心思在对方身上,有什么可以增添情趣就说出来,不要什么
2、都放在心里不说。住家饭既然大家同属金牛,最佳的沟通方法就是留在家中,做顿可口的饭菜,聊聊对吃的心得,保证感情稳固。金牛座 VS 双子座相处秘技:稳守金牛座和双子座的人要在一起,金牛唯一的方法就是稳守,因为双子座不会在你控制范围之内,你明白到他的本性如此,你放心让他自由说不定能留住他。否则你就算留住他的人,也留不住他的心。学习大家在相处过程中要在对方身上找到自己没有的优点,并弥补自己的缺点。例如金牛可以在双子身上得到很多新的信息情报,有助事业,双子也可透过金牛沉稳的个性学会纪律化一点,也可保障未来。容忍如果金牛座的少女爱上双子座,必须要容忍,不可以吃醋,要在心里想着:“他玩厌就会回家了!没事的。
3、”金牛座 VS 巨蟹座相处秘技:慢热由于大家都缺乏主动性,在拍拖期间感情会比一般情侣来得缓慢,不妨大家多拿一点主动出来,有时会变得有情趣多了。放松太紧张对方的一举一动,有时关心会变成一种压力和负担,大家都将心事放在心中,不肯开口,就会演变成种种误会出来。所以相处嘛,要放松心情,该说的就要说啦!多样化你们的爱情生活太过着眼在家庭方面,这样会失去很多人生的真乐趣,不妨在适当时候作一些其它活动。换个谈情的地点,换个吃饭的地方,也会有别样的情趣。千万不要千篇一律沉闷化。察言观色金牛座的男性要注意如果巨蟹座的女性忽然沉默满怀心事的样子,你一定有她不满意的地方了,马上自己检讨一下吧。金牛座 VS 狮子座相
4、处秘技:适应由于大家的基本观念不太相同,必须协调。金牛座的人要给狮子座多一点空间,而狮子座要明白金牛座爱独占的天性。赞美金牛座的伴侣应该学习经常性的称赞狮子座,因为他们爱面子爱听奉承的说话,太过老实的话他们根本听不进去,还会觉得你不喜欢他。撒娇金牛座要学会向狮子座撒娇,他是一个强者星座,爱保护弱小扮英雄!那你就扮弱小吧!他扮英雄你扮弱小,爱情生活一定充满情趣:)金牛座 VS 处女座相处秘技:乐观你俩的思想同样倾向悲观和实际,很多生活上的问题因你俩的想法而变得很沉重。所以你们都该乐观一些,互相学习互相鼓励,而不是互相影响对方意志下沉。互相理解处女座的人天生爱挑剔,而金牛座最讨厌就是被别人批评。两
5、人的冲突往往起源于此。其实大家明白各自性格,一人少一句,世界更美好啦!金牛座 VS 天秤座相处秘技:软招要知道天秤座的人就是犹疑不决、反复不定、没有主见,金牛座有时要用一种温柔易入耳的方法打动他,千万不要固执强横地逼他就范,因为他们心中自有一把尺一套大道埋,没有人能扳得动天秤心里那把尺的。用婉转的方法,反而会使天秤想想金牛的想法。兴趣有一个共同的兴趣可以使你们增进感情,例如一起观赏画展啦,听音乐会啦之类的。行动你俩其实都是爱情主义者,只不过都不懂怎样表现出来。自以为爱对方、关心对方是没用的,有机会就给对方一些小惊喜,好象自己买些小礼物,又或者约他吃一顿特别的晚饭,保证加分!金牛座 VS 天蝎座
6、相处秘技:放松坦白大家都有强烈的占有欲,敏感、嫉妒心重,一点点风吹草动,都会捕风捉影,耿耿于怀,不懂得释放自己内心的压抑,日积月累总会爆发。因此要防范于未然,尝试看开一点,有事就坦白询问,不要猜忌。要知道,爱情不是推理小说啦!学习这是你们相爱长久的必杀技,因为你们个性完全相反,要突破没有共同点的问题,唯一方法就是尽量把自己的优缺点展现给对方知道。此外,要去学习欣赏对方有而你没有的优点,做得到就是“非常情侣”,做不到,你们就会变成 12 星座里最麻烦最纠缠不清最怨毒的一对。金牛座 VS 射手座相处秘技:互相理解你们既然选定对方是自己的情侣,有一件事千万不要祈望:便是改变对方去行你那一套,因为这只
7、会使你们感情推向悬崖。玩玩玩玩,射手座最爱的就是玩,金牛座必须知道这点,你勉强他整日留在家中,人在心不在啦!射手座要金牛座的人不要闷,什么都摊开来讲,他又会不自在。所以啊,理解万岁!凡事看开点啦宽容不嫉妒金牛座要知射手座的人朋友很多,要他单单对你好,未必可以做到,有时小器只会令自己不开心,又没法解决,不如不要看,慢慢习惯啦。金牛座 VS 摩羯座相处秘技:先认输其实摩羯座比金牛座更有耐性,吵架时要斗谁不认输?往往都是摩羯赢啦!既然如此,金牛座就不要浪费无谓时间跟他斗磨啦!凡事金牛先让步咯学会享受两个星座都很实际,但金牛座比较会享受生活。摩羯座就不要老抱怨金牛买些无谓的东西了,其实他用的钱一定有价
8、值的,不过可能是精神上的满足和快乐,你也去学习享受一下吧。做计划有时金牛座的人会令摩羯座的人很生气,因为这头牛要人推一步走一步,你可以试一下和他订下一个计划和目标,他就会积极很多了。金牛座 VS 水瓶座相处秘技:钱唯一可以 Keep 住的相处之道居然都是一个钱字?没错!只要金牛座教水瓶座处理财务,有时他想走远些都要回头:)睁只眼闭只眼对水瓶座自由的个性,金牛座最好睁只眼闭只眼,理解一下啦!否则他们会因自由而“起义” 的金牛座 VS 双鱼座相处秘技:主导性因为大家都是温和派的人,所以相处时,要决定一个主导性地位出来,否则在生活上很容易吃亏,反而弄巧成拙破怀感情。金牛座的人要知双鱼座缺乏大志,千万
9、不要对他期望太高,双鱼座也尽量在实际生活上给金牛座多一些安全感,尤其钱,无须大富大贵,但基本不可缺。坦白金牛座会比较思想单纯,有时双鱼座玩那一套闹情绪的感情游戏,根本对他没有用途,他只会觉得你麻烦。所以双鱼座要学习一下直接表白你的感受,不要整日以为不出声他也知道你在生他的气,他真是不会这样想的。Taurus VS Aries Get along with brother: Soft offensive - Aries to Taurus while pressing never drive them towards the corner, pressure is too great they
10、are will resist. Want a soft recruit, put him comfort, he would more pronouncing on by your command. If two retaliates - combined with the study on the job of cooperation as the base, and will be mixed up, half of the role. Taurus VS Taurus Get along with brother: Concessions - actually you fall in
11、love, it is as you look in the mirror, sometimes as others stubbornness it will make you unhappy, zhenjin one wish, you also did not? So once to possessive and jealousy sake dispute, might as well put down a little stubborn, a step back, singsing. The initiative - the bull is pretty romantic a const
12、ellation, often need others initiative. Both are Taurus lovebirds, becomes lack vitality. Should spend a bit idea on each other, what can increase interest out, dont say anything in the heart. Home meal - since everyone congeneric Taurus, the best way to communicate is at home, make a delicious meal
13、s, talk about food assistance, ensure feelings solid. Taurus VS Gemini Get along with brother: Steady keep - Taurus and Gemini to be together, Taurus the only way is to be steady, because Gemini will not keep in your control scope, you understand to his nature so, you trust him free might keep him.
14、Otherwise you even keep his person, also cannot keep his heart. Learning - people with each other in on each other during the process of finding themselves have no advantage and make up his own shortcomings. For example in Taurus can you get a lot of new twin information intelligence, conduce career
15、, Gemini can use Taurus composed individual character learn to discipline put on a bit of, also can guarantee future. Tolerate - if Taurus girl fall in love with a Gemini, must tolerate, can not jealous, to thinking about: “he will play anaerobic home! All right.“ Taurus VS cancer Get along with bro
16、ther: Slow - due to lack of initiative, everybody in dating period than average lovers feelings will come slowly, might as well everybody take a little active out, sometimes become have interest. Relaxation - too nervous each others movements, sometimes care will become a kind of pressure and burden
17、, everyone will worry in our hearts, refused to speak, will become various misunderstanding come out. So get along well, to relax the mood, the said to say! Diversification - your love life too rerelease in home, it will lose a lot of life really fun at an appropriate time, might as well as some oth
18、er activities. Change a talk about the feeling of location, changing the place that have a meal, also can have another interest. Dont machine-made depressing glycosylated. Taurus men - illithid must pay attention if cancer women with worries suddenly silence, the way you must have her unsatisfactory
19、, immediately oneself review it. Taurus VS Leo Get along with brother: Adaptation - because everybodys basic concepts not too the same, should be coordinated. Taurus man to give Leo more space, and Leo understand Taurus loves the exclusive nature. Compliment - Taurus partner should learn frequent pr
20、aise Leo, because they AiMianZi listening to flatter speaking, too honest word they simply wont listen, will also feel that you dont like him. Taurus must learn to act in pettish - to Leo act in pettish, he is a strong constellation, love protect weak dress up as a hero! Then you dress up as weak! H
21、e play the hero you dress up as weak, love life must be full of appeal: Taurus VS virgo Get along with brother: Optimism - you two ideas equally pessimistic and actual, tend to many of lifes problems because you two ideas and become very heavy. Therefore you should always optimistic, learn from each
22、 other, not encouraged each other mutual influence each other will sink. Understand each other - virgo man is born picky, Taurus dislike most is to be criticized. Two conflicts often originated in this. Actually we understand their character, one less 1, a better world! Taurus VS libra Get along wit
23、h brother: Soft recruit - you know libra people is not definitely, lightly implicitly, no definite view, Taurus sometimes want to use a kind of tender easy pleasant way impress him, must not stubborn seemed to force him into submission, because they I owned a ruler a set of road buried, no one can p
24、ull by the ruler of libra heart. With the indirect method, it makes the idea of libra think Taurus. Interest - have a common interest can make you improve affection, like watching exhibition la, la concert and so on. Action - both of you actually are love idealist, just dont understand how to show i
25、t. Thought love each other, care for each other is useless, have the opportunity to give each other a little something like oneself buy small gifts, or about him to eat a very special dinner, ensure add cent! Taurus VS Scorpio Get along with brother: Relax frankly - everyone has a strong possessive
26、instinct, sensitive, zhenyi wants, a little happens, will be a figment of my imagination, conscience, dont know release their inner depressive, accumulate over a long period will erupt. Therefore, try to cheer up iridology is frankly, occupied ask, dont suspicion. Want to know, love is not whodunits
27、! Learning - this is your love long slay skill, because your personality contrary to breakthrough have nothing in common problems, the only way is to put their own strengths and weaknesses show others know. In addition, to learn appreciate each other and you dont have the advantages, do get is “very
28、 sweethearts“, cant do, you will become the most trouble in 12 constellations most tangled up the most bitterly couple. Taurus VS Sagittarius Get along with brother: Understand each other - since you selected was his own lovers, one thing dont wish: to do is change each other you babbling, because i
29、t will only make your sentiment into a cliff. Play - play - play - play Sagittarius favorite is play, Taurus must know this, you barely he spent his days at home, people in mind not! Sagittarius to the person of Taurus dont stuffy, what mike speaking, he be uncomfortable. So, understand hooray! Take
30、 it easy! All Forgiveness does not envy - Taurus. To know the archer had many friends that he would only to hello, not necessarily can be done, sometimes so cheap only will make themselves unhappy, again can not solve, why dont see, get used to it. Taurus VS Capricorn Get along with brother: First d
31、efeat - actually Capricorn than Taurus more patience, fight to dou who dont concede? Often are Capricorn win! Since it is so, Taurus not waste time with him grind meaningless! Taurus first concessions luo in all things Learn to enjoy - two constellations are very practical, but Taurus tend to enjoy
32、life. Capricorn is not old complain Taurus buy some meaningless things, actually he must have money valuable, but may be spiritual satisfaction and happiness, you also to learn to enjoy it. Do plan - sometimes, the person of Taurus will make Capricorn person is angry because this cow VIP push one st
33、ep one step, you can try and he ordered the next plan and goal, he will actively lot. Taurus VS Aquarius Get along with brother: Money - can only live through the way we relate unexpectedly is a money word? Yes! As long as Taurus teach Aquarius dealing with financial, sometimes he wants to go farthe
34、r back to: Zheng eye closed eye - of Aquarius free personality, Taurus best zheng eye closed eye and see! Otherwise they will for free and “uprising“ Taurus VS Pisces Get along with brother: Leading - because you are moderate, so when dealing with a dominant position to decide it, otherwise in life
35、easy to suffer, outsmart oneself instead broken bosom feelings. Taurus know Pisces lack ambition, dont expect too much of him, Pisces also try to in real life to Taurus more secure, especially money, need not well-known restaurateur, but the basic essential. Frankly, Taurus will compare ideas and pu
36、re, sometimes Pisces play that a set of emotional feelings game, fundamental to him without use, hell only think you trouble. So Pisces to learn it directly to vindicate your feeling, not all thought to make no noise to he also knows you mad at him, hes really dont think so. 金牛座的性格就像牛一般,天生就有忧郁和压抑的性格
37、。处世相当慎重,在十二星座中算是工作最勤勉,刻苦耐劳、坚忍不拔的。但在另一方面也很顽固,只要一发起脾气来,往往没有人能够阻止。棱面黑玛瑙可以折射出多个角度,可有助于金牛激发勇气,换一个角度看问题,避免钻牛角尖的情况出现。黑玛瑙是长寿之石,具有促进幸福及富足之效,能招好运降临。有助舒缓压力,是居家、事业防护的宝石。可增加人对事物的宏观,尤其是在开创未来时,不会失了分寸及目标,并且使人在置身处地时不会失去立场。黑玛瑙具有强大的投射能量,而其黑色的作用也可以吸附负能量,具有强大效力。Taurus character like the ox general, born with melancholy
38、and depressive personality. Life in the twelve signs of considerable discretion, a work is the most diligent, hardworking, indomitable. But on the other hand also is very stubborn, as long as a temper, often do not have a person to be able to stop. Arris surface black agate can reflects the multiple
39、 perspectives, can conduce to Taurus inspire courage, change a perspective to avoid over the situation appears. Black agate is the longevity of the stone, can promote happiness and rich effect, to recruit better luck. Helps relieve pressure, is that occupy the home, career protective gems. Can increase the person of things macro, especially in the future, not lost the discretion and goal, and make the person is in place oneself to not lose in position. Black agate has strong project energy, and the black effects are also adsorption negative energy and powerful effect. 双语对照