1、null B null 2009 M 3 H b Z , B + y / m nullnullnull v E 5 , V l | n B Y #/ v ,i O b B B M , P ,M 8 B 8 B ,V 8 4 B Y # s ? bV : _ A , B ? C b 3 V ,i “ H l B s 5 b B Y V 3 H l s , # M - Q l s , L C 3 V , # M - 4 b B B M ,Y V ! B T 3 ? Z 4 p ? ,9 g M - 4 p by N , B Y T , % 6 V 1 p W , LC B s 4 , p 6 3
2、b B p bnull null T e null , 5 V ,C S B S 5 S 5 - k , 6 V ,C S B S 5 S 5 7 bi O , T $ , B T L = l n H W N H , s g l m 9 B B , 9 ,| Y B , B ? , Y B b 1 , S B 2 f / C t 5 1 A n m !F ? S ,F v g r , * t 6 + Y p T a # t , 4 H s , p 6 3 , 4 p by N B w l g 6 L C V ? Z 1 m , S ? Z B Y A 1 p b - 6 y 9 F , ? Z
3、 s f / , b B , B ,T B p ? Z Z _ , , 7 , B F S 5 , ? L C B Y z y S ? Z b I D 1 null 吴定富主席在江苏调研时的讲话2 null 刘茂山.论保险业的最大风险null nullnull 兼论保险的本质及其回归 J.南开经济研究. 2003, (6): 63- 67.3 null 张洪涛,郑功成.保险学( = ) M.北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2008: 14- 16.Abstract: Asa form offinance, insurancesolves theconflictbetweenthe lackandn
4、eedofproduction factors. Innullsurancedisperses risks anddistributeswealth. Itguarantees a steady developmentofeconomy. Basedon this esnullsenceof insurance, weshouldhavea clearunderstandingoftherolewhich insuranceplays in the financial indusnulltry. This is theprecondition to carry out thescientifi
5、c conceptofdevelopmen.t Whenunstable factors increase inthecurrent financialenvironmen,t the insurance industry, still in itsprimarydevelopmentstage, would encounterpotentialrisks, if itdeparts from the essence of insurance. Onlyby adhering to the function ofprotectionagainstrisks, focusingonspecializedoperation, continuouslypromoting innovationsandenhancing regulation, canChinasinsurance industry actualizea scientificdevelopmentwithhighquality and speed.Key words: theessenceof insurance; financialindustry; rolepositioningI : null null32null