1、1外国语学院硕士学位论文撰写规范的补充说明(暂行)第一部分 论文基本结构论文的组成由三部分组成:正文前附页、正文和正文后附页。一、正文前附页组成部分和排列顺序:汉语封面、英语封面、原创性声明(英文) 、知识产权声明(英文) 、原创性声明及论文授权书(汉语) 、致谢、中文摘要、英文摘要、目录二、正文论文正文长度不得少于 50 页(约 1.5 万字) ,具体格式要求见第二部分。三、正文后附页正文后附页由三部分组成:尾注、引用文献、附录1尾注:尾注必须另起一页,紧随正文之后。尾注部分的标题所有字母大写,并居中,使用 NOTES。2引用文献(WORKS CITED) 。要求论文中所采用的每一条直接或间
2、接引文都必须在文末列出。与参考文献不同,引用文献不列举在调研与写作中参考而未引用的文献资料。必须依照美国现代语言协会(MLA)规定的格式编写引用文献。请参照 MLA Handbook for Research Paper Writers。3 附录件(APPENDIX):附录是研究生因种种原因而没有插入论文正文的材料,可以是表格、插图、照片、数据、问卷样本等。2第二部分 论文打印排版规定终稿纸型为 A4,页面设置与正文必须按照以下格式。1页边距一律用 WORD2000 以上版本编辑,用激光打印机打印输出。论文纸张用 A4 标准白纸(210mm-297mm) ,双面打印,版心尺寸为:奇数页左边距
3、30mm,右边距 25mm,上边距 25mm,下边距 25mm。偶数页左边距 25mm,右边距 30mm,上边距 25mm,下边距 25mm。论文中不得出现空白页,各章不要求必须以奇数页开头,但应在排版时尽量调整为奇数页开头。正文前附页(除标题页外)内容如果不到半页,可适当加大上边距,左右边距不变,以达到空间分配合理、页面美观之效果。标题页 按照以下要求设置页边距: 上边距:5.0cm 下边距:5.0cm右边距:不小于 4.0cm 左边距:不小于 5.0cm2页码论文所有的页码标注在每一页居中。页码从第 1 章(引言)开始按阿拉伯数字(1,2,3)连续编排,之前的部分(中文摘要、Abstrac
4、t、目录等)用大写罗马数字(,)单独编排。3行距与空格正文前附页(除标题页外) 、正文、正文后附页全部采用 1.5 倍行距,段落之间行距不增大。每段第一行缩进 5 个字符(按计算机键盘左上角 tab 一次) 。4 行或 4行以上引文每一行左边缩进 10 个字符。章节标题上空一行,下不空行。4标题3各章一般分为若干节,每节又可能分为若干小节,每章、节、小节一般都有标题。无论是在正文中还是在目录中,各章标题所有字母全部大写,居中,其他分节标题左对齐、首字母大写。5引语引语格式采用美国现代语言学会(MLA)所规定的格式。无明确规定者,采用以下方法:少于三行的引语,放在引号内,插入段落中;四行或四行以
5、上的引语,采用缩进式,即每行左边缩进十个空格,左右对齐,行距不变,不用引号。6注释采用文中注释与尾注两种方法,不用脚注。采用美国现代语言学会(MLA)所规定的格式, 7缩写、缩略语与符号除特别常见者以外,一个词/词组如需用缩写、缩略语或符号表示,第一次使用时必须同时拼写出其完整形式,如:Modern Language Association of America (MLA) 或 MLA (Modern Language Association of America) 。8其它外语词/词组、数字、拼写、标点符号、大小写字母的使用参照 MLA Handbook for Writers of Res
6、earch Papers。9 装订顺序中文封面英文封面原创性声明(英文)知识产权声明(英文)原创性声明及论文授权书(中文)致谢中文摘要英文摘要目录正文注释参考文献附录4第三部分 各部分规范样式5(类 别:全日制硕士研究生题 目:英文题目:研 究 生:学科名称:指导教师: 副教授二 八 年 六 月硕 士 学 位 论 文分类号: 学校代码: 10128UDC: 学 号:6(空一行写题目)Equivalence of Textual Function in Translationby(Name of the author) A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Sch
7、ool and College of Foreign Languages in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of ArtsUnder the Supervision ofProfessor (Name)Inner Mongolia University of TechnologyDecember 2009四号字,居中,单倍行距,段前后无空行Arial Black论文英文题目,小二号,居中,单倍行距,段前后无空行四号 Arial Black,居中,单倍行距,段前后无空行四号Arial,居中,单倍
8、行距,段前后无空行7ORIGINALITY RESEARCH STATEMENTIn light of the universitys academic morals and ethnics, I hereby declare that this thesis represents the original research effort that I have made on the advice of my academic supervisor. To the best of my knowledge, no portion of this thesis has been copyrig
9、hted previously unless properly referenced, and whoever has contributed to this study is explicitly identified and appreciated in the Acknowledgements section of this thesis. If there is a breach of the copyright law, I indemnify Inner Mongolia University of Technology and hold it harmless for any l
10、egal actions that might arise. SignatureDate12 号 Times New Roman ,1.5 倍行距。四号 Arial Black,居中。8INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENTI hereby declare that I fully understand the rules and regulations of Inner Mongolia University of Technology on intellectual property rights, stipulating that the intellectual
11、 property of the graduate students MA degree thesis shall reside exclusively with the university. I pledge that Inner Mongolia University of Technology will be represented as ever if this thesis is entirely or partially published in the forthcoming five years as of the date of my graduation. The uni
12、versity is granted the right to keep the photocopy and disk file of this thesis for reference and borrowing, publish the thesis wholly or partially and store it in any form by any means, including photocopying or photomechanical printing in original or reduced format.SignatureDate12 号 Times New Roma
13、n ,1.5 倍行距。四号 Arial Black,居中。9原 创 性 声 明本人声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 内蒙古工业 大学及其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日 期: 日 期: 学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:内蒙古工业大学有权将学位论文的全部或部分内容保留并向国家有关机构、部门送交学位论
14、文的复印件和磁盘,允许编入有关数据库进行检索,也可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。为保护学校和导师的知识产权,作者毕业后涉及该学位论文的主要内容或研究成果用于发表学术论文须征得内蒙古工业大学就读期间导师的同意,并且版权单位必须署名为内蒙古工业大学方可投稿或公开发表。本学位论文属于保密,在 年解密后适用本授权书。不保密。 (请在以上方框内打“” )学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日 期: 日 期: 10ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am grateful to my committee, Drs. Thomas Frantzius, Barbara Child, an
15、d John Glover, for their assistance and encouragement throughout the thesis-writing process. Dr. Smith Kearney of Bowling Green State Universitys Statistics Laboratory was instrumental in helping to analyze my data. Jim Pearson of the Toledo Zoo and Timothy Cooper of the Indianapolis Zoo deserve tha
16、nks for their assistance in researching the territorial behaviors of prairie dogs and wolves, respectively.I could never, never have completed this project without the love and encouragement of my family. Thank you with all my heart, Mom, Dad, and Bill. Thanks also go out to my friends Dan MacIntyre
17、 and Anna Cho, who kept me sane through the whole process, and to all the gang in the Biological Sciences Lab. You know who you are!This study was funded in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (#123-45-67890), which permitted me to travel to seal colonies on two continents. The Cent
18、er for World Mammal Studies in Tampa, Florida provided me with a ten-year report of the migratory patterns of the two colonies used in this study: my gratitude goes out to them as well. 四号 Arial Black,居中。12 号 Times New Roman ,1.5 倍行距。11四号黑体,居中摘要内容:小四号宋体小四号黑体 小四号宋体 最后一个关键词后无标点关键词之间用分号隔开均为1.5倍行距摘要(空一行
19、)本文主要讨论了为什么维索茨基的内化思想以及理解的知识对第二语言教学中学习者自主和教师自主是至关重要的。文章首先剖析了维索茨基有关自然发展、支架、最近发展区内化理论的内涵,这些理论与学习者自主密切相关。然后,文章认为学习者自主有赖于教师自主。教师自主既是作为一个实用概念也是作为一个理论概念来论述的。文章运用了简单的实证研究方法,探讨了学习者自主与第二语言发展之间的关系问题。(空一行)关键词: 第二语言教学;学习者自主;教师自主12首字母大写,四号Arial Black,居中摘要内容:小四号 Times New Roman 字体每段开头留五个空字符小四号 Arial Black 小四号 Time
20、s New Roman最后一个关键词后无标点关键词之间用分号隔开均为1.5倍行距Abstract(空一行)This paper focuses on how the Vygotskian concepts of internalization and mediated knowledge are crucial to the development of both learner and teacher autonomy in second language instruction. First, the Vygotskian notions of spontaneous and scient
21、ific concepts, scaffolding, and internalization in the zone of proximal development are explored as they relate to the concept of learner autonomy. It is then suggested that learner autonomy is dependent on teacher autonomy, and teacher autonomy is examined as both a pragmatic and a scientific conce
22、pt. Based on simple empirical research, the paper analyses the relationship between learner autonomy and second language acquisition. (空一行)Key words: second language instruction;learner autonomy;teacher autonomy;empirical research13首字母大写,四号 Arial Black,居中章、节、小节小四号。除一级标题 Arial Black 外 ,其余为Times New R
23、omanContents(空一行)Acknowledgements IAbstract (in Chinese) .Abstract (in English) . Chapter One Introduction. . 11.1. 11.2. Significance of the study. 3Chapter Two Literature Review.122.1. 152.2 182.3. 21. 2.3.1 22Chapter Three. . . . 293.1 293.5 . . 39Chapter Four. . .404.1 .41Chapter Five Conclusion
24、. .605.1 605.2 . 61Endnotes 65目录页排版只排到三级标题,章节逐级缩进。章、节、小节分别以 Chapter One、1.1、1.1.1等依次标出页码小四号,右对齐目录章节的标题必须与正文中的标题相一致一级标题,即章标题遵循实词 大写虚词小写的原则,其余二级及三级节标题 除了第一个字母大写外,余下小写(专有名词除外)。14Works Cited . 70Appendix. 78Chapter ThreeStructuralist Narratology章标题居中,章序号与标题分两行书写(空一行)3.1 Historical background of structur
25、alism. (空一行写三级小标题)3.1.1 Linguistic foundation 每一章都必须另页开始,章标题 全部 Arial Black, 三号。正文标题的大小写与目录标题相同章标题,即一级标题,居中Arial Black; 二级和二级以下的标题用阿拉伯数字编排序号,均应左对齐正文用 Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距二级节标题:小三号 Arial Black三级小标题:四号Arial Black15Works CitedMorales, Edis. Living in Spanglish. Los Angeles: LA Weekly Books, 2002.
26、 (Single author)Schofield, Janet W., and Ann Locke Davidson. Bringing the Internet to School. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. (Two authors)Schofield, Janet W., et al. Bringing the Internet to School. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. (Three or more authors)Lucas, Stephen E. “Public Speaking.” Ency
27、clopedia of Rhetoric. Ed. Thomas O. Sloane. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 640-47. (Anthology)Dostoevsky, Feodor. Crime and Punishment. Trans. Jessie Coulson. New York: Norton, 1964. (Translation)Doctorow, E. L. Introduction. Sister Carrie. By Theodore Dreiser. New York: Bantam, 1982. v-xi
28、. (Introduction or Preface)Downing, Joe, and Cecile Garmon. “Teaching Students in the Basic Course: How to Use Presentation Software.” Communication Education 50 (2001): 218-29. (Journal article)Garbaccia, Donna R. “Food, Recipes, Cookbooks, and Italian-American Life.” Italian Americana 16 (1998): 2
29、0-23. (Magazine)Net.1. Deconstruction.http:/www.brocku.ca/english/courses/4F70/deconstruction.htmlNet.2. Jacques Derrida.http:/www.brocku.ca/english/courses/4F70/deconstruction.htmlWilling, Richard. “DNA Testing Fails to Live Up to Potential.” USA Today 7 Oct. 2002: 1A-2A. (Newspaper)戴炜栋(Dai Weidong
30、)、何兆熊(He Zhaoxiong). 新编简明英语语言学教程 . 上海 : 上海外语教育出版社, 2002. 王洪刚(Wang Honggang). 隐喻对于学习者学习策略的影响. 东北师范大学博士论文,2006.王蔷(Wang Qiang). 英语教学法教程. 北京 : 高等教育出版社 , 2000. 朱生豪(Zhu Shenghao)译. 威尼斯商人. 莎士比亚著, 北京 : 人民文学出版社, 1987.辛斌(Xin Bin). 交际教学法:问题与思考. 外语教学与研究 , 1995, (3) .孙艺风(Sun Yifeng). 翻译研究与意识形态 : 拓展跨文化对话的空间 . 中国翻译, 2003, (5).字体 Arial Black 四号书目:英文 12 号 Times New Roman,汉语宋体,小四号。参考文献必须按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,遵循英文文献在前,中文在后的顺序列出