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1、秦皇岛野生动物园1秦皇岛野生动物园位于北戴河的海滨国家森林公园内,占地 5000 多亩,园内散养着 100 余种 5000 余只野生动物,它为目前国内城市当中面积最大、森林覆盖率最高的野生动物园。野生动物园,顾名思义,就是为动物们创造一种适合它们生存的原生环境,这里的动物主要是大圈散养。假如我们开车进入园中,不是老虎挡住了我们的去路,就是狗熊向我们招手, (导游用可爱的动作向游客招手)不过狗熊可不是长我这样的哦!有一句话来形容这个动物园再贴切不过了,那就是“从前人看笼中兽,今日兽观车中人”,现在是咱们花钱,那些野兽看咱们来了。扬子鳄:扬子鳄是现存体形最大的爬行动物,它们有非常悠久的历史,早在恐

2、龙时代结束时就出现了。成龄的扬子鳄体长可达两米左右,多生活在江湖和水塘边。扬子鳄性情性凶猛,大家请看,即使在闭目休息时,它们也会露出锋利的牙齿,让人望而生畏。Qinhuangdao Safari Park is located in the seashore national forest park of Beidaihe, covering more than 5000 acres. It maintains over 5000 wild animals more than 100 kinds. Currently it is the biggest safari park which is

3、 in the city in China, and the rate of the forest overlay is also the highest.Safari Park, just as its name implies, is providing a suitable living environment for animals, where animals mainly are scattered in a big circle. If we drive into the park, there will be a tiger or a bear to beckon to us.

4、 (the guide uses lovely gestures beckoning toward visitors) But the black bear is not like me! There is a saying to describe this zoo exactly: Formerly people see beasts in the cage, while today beasts look at us in the car. Now it is we who spend money to be visited by those wild beasts. Yangzi cro

5、codile:Yangzi crocodile is the biggest reptile in the existing ones. They have a very long history. As early as the end of dinosaur times, they had appeared. The body of a grown Yangzi crocodile can reach about 2 meters. They live near rivers and ponds usually, and their temper is fierce. Please loo

6、k at here! Even when they sleep, their sharp teeth also can be seen, letting us feel terrified. 秦皇岛野生动物园2猩猩:猩猩一般被称为“高级类人猿”,猩猩的英文名是马来语“ 林中野人” 的意思,从称谓足可看出,猩猩与人类有许多的相似之处:它的两个巨大的前肢很像人的两只手,猩猩可以利用它们清理自己笼中的垃圾,甚至完成剥开花生这么有难度的动作;大家来看猩猩吃东西的神态,是不是很像一个老太太呢?亚洲象:大家都应该认出了这个体态庞大的动物呢就是大象,这个圈中所养的为亚洲象。亚洲象主要生活在我国的云南南部,寿

7、命一般为 7080 年,是国家一级保护动物。亚洲象肉质的长鼻长达两米,我们是不是很难想象,如此巨大的鼻子却非常灵活,大象有时用它竟可以拣起一根小小的绣花针呢!(导游在此做动作)为了方便游人参观,保护游人安全,我们景区内特设了森林小火车。下面就请大家跟随我一同踏上小火车,去猛兽区看一看吧现在我们就来到了猛兽区,这里生活着非洲狮/东北虎和熊,请大家一定要扶好坐稳,注意安全狮园:狮子是一种群体生活的动物,它们集体猎食,集体进餐。狮子的奔跑速度并不太快,它们Gorilla:Gorilla generally is called “the advanced anthropoid”. The Englis

8、h name of gorilla means “forest savage” coming from Malay. Seeing from the name, we can find they are kindred to human being. Their two big forelegs are like the persons hands very much. Gorilla can make use of them to tidy up the garbage in its cage; even can shed peanut shell such a difficult acti

9、on. Please look at the expression that gorilla eats, do you think it isnt like an old woman? Asian Elephant:Everyone should recognize this huge animal which is an elephant. These are Asian elephants in keep of this field. Asian elephants mainly live at south Yunnan in our country, and it can live fo

10、r 70 to 80 years generally. It is the protected animal of the first national class. The long nose of Asian elephant can reach two meters. It is hard to think that such a huge nose is very agility. Elephant sometimes uses it to pick up a small embroider needle! ( The guide does the action here) For t

11、he convenience and safety of the tourists, there have also been a railway going through the woods. Please follow me and get on board. We are going to visit the wild beasts zone.We have now arrived at the Wild Beasts Zone, where there are African lions and Manchurian Tiger, as well as bears. Please s

12、it tight and be watchful.Lion park:Lion is a kind of animal living in groups. They hunt and eat collectively. Their rush speed is not very quick, so the way of 秦皇岛野生动物园3的捕食方式是穷追不舍,三五成群,前后夹击,使猎物措手不及,在一个群体中主要有雌狮完成捕食工作。狮子过着流浪式的生活,没有固定的巢穴,到处游荡。告诉大家一个辨别雌雄狮的方法,那就是雄师头大脸圆,从头部到颈部都有鬃毛,而雌狮却没有鬃毛。狮子在世界上的数量已经很少,被

13、列为世界濒危动物之一。虎园:虎园中生活的是东北虎,是所有虎种中体态最大的一种。东北虎喜欢过“单身贵族”的生活,它们有自己的领域范围,而且喜欢夜间活动。您可能不知道吧,东北虎还是游泳健将呢,它们喜欢水,善于游泳,可以轻松渡过 68 公里宽的河。虎因其凶猛和头上有“王”字条纹,而被人们称为森林之王。不过我们今天看到的老虎都是悠然自得的走来走去或趴在树下打盹,似乎已失去了它们的王者风范,但大家不要被它们的表面现象迷惑,前几天有位女游客看老虎一直不动,竟然私自下车,结果老虎一下子窜了上去,女游客当场吓昏,多亏工作人员救得及时才未出现伤亡事故。我奉劝大家一定要珍惜生命, “老虎的屁股摸不得”哦! the

14、ir preying on quarry is to follow it up relentlessly. They converging attack the quarry in group for 3 or 5, making the quarry unprepared. It is the lioness that mainly is in charge of preying in a group. Lionslead a vagrant life, having no fixed den and buming everywhere. Friends! I will tell you a

15、 way to recognize the gender of lion. The male lions head is big and face is round, and it has mane from the head to the neck. But the lioness has no mane. The quantity of lion in the world is very little now, and it has been listed on the brink of the extinct animal in the world. Tiger park:Northea

16、st tiger lives in tiger park, which has the biggest physique in all tigers. Northeast tiger likes the bachelordom life. They have their own scope, and like the activities in the nighttime. Friends! You maybe do not know that northeast tiger is also a good swimmer. They like the water, being good at

17、the swimming, and they can pass through the river for 6 to 8 kilometers wide easily. The tiger is called the king of the forest because of it is fierce and have the “king” word in the head. Today the tigers that we see are all low-pressure or napping under the tree, having already lost their great k

18、ing manner apparently, but we shouldnt be puzzled by the superficial phenomena. A few days ago a woman visitor found a tiger was motionless, so she got off personally. While the tiger rushed up to her suddenly, she was stunned by it. Luckily the workers saved her in time avoiding any casualty. So we

19、 should cherish the life because there is a proverb in china: The bottom of tiger mustnt be stroked! 秦皇岛野生动物园4熊园:熊园中养的是棕熊和黑熊。熊比较嘴馋,所以您如果拿着食物向它们示意,憨态可掬的熊就会向您鞠躬,作揖求食,样子很是可爱。不过我要提醒各位朋友,请不要将带塑料包装的食品投掷喂食,因为塑料不会被消化,会对熊的生命和健康带来极大的威胁。黑熊善于攀爬,可以上到很高的树上去取果子和蜂蜜,它们嗅觉和听觉灵敏,但视觉极差,所以有“黑瞎子” 之称。黑熊是爬树能手,但它们只会上树,不会下树,有

20、时下树会一屁股摔在地上,看上去滑稽可笑。白虎:在白虎园中生活着三只白虎,白虎的身上是黑白相间的条纹,是非常珍贵而稀有的虎。白虎性情比较温和,体态优美,被称为“小姐”虎。Bear park:What the bear park keeps is the palm bear and the black bear. The bear is very greedy, so if you take the food to hint toward them, the naive bear will bow toward you, making a bow with hands folded to beg

21、the food. Its appearance is very lovely. However I want to remind friends, please not throw the food with the plastics packing, because the plastics will not be digested and would bring tremendous dangers to bears life and healthy.The black bear is good at climbing, which can climb up a very high tr

22、ee to take the fruit and honeys. They have a high sense of smell and hearing, but their sense of vision is very bad, so they are called “the black blind”. The black bear is an expert of climbing tree, but they can climb up the tree only, and will not climb down the tree. Sometimes they will fall on

23、the ground from getting down the tree. It looks very funny! White tiger:There are 3 white tigers living in the white tiger park. White tiger is very precious which has the alternate stripe of black and white in the body. Its temperament is rather gentle, and the physique is elegant, so it is called

24、“young lady” tiger. 秦皇岛野生动物园5离开猛兽区,大家可以打开车窗放松一下了,我们现在进入了非洲动物区,这里生活着长颈鹿、斑马、非洲羚羊等。长颈鹿是目前世界上最高的动物,以腿长和颈长为特征,它雌雄都有角,而且终身不脱落。据我所知,长颈鹿天生高血压,它不但血压是正常人的两到三倍,就连心脏也重达 11 公斤以上,只有这样呢,才能把它的血液升到到三米高的头脑里。斑马以黑白相间的条纹为人们所熟悉和喜爱。斑马消化能力特强,它能消化其它草食动物不吃和不爱吃的草,因为不挑食的好习惯,斑马才总是那么健壮。非洲羚羊中有以跳跃行为而得名的跳羚;有俗称角马更象野牛的黑尾牛羚;有角似长剑、外表凶猛

25、的剑羚;有角形弯曲精美的大弯角羚等。大家可以根据我说的特点,仔细辨别一下它们属于哪种羚羊。我们现在来到了野生动物园的娱乐中心广场,这里的娱乐项目有卡丁赛车、骑马等,假如你觉得这些项目都很普通,那么当你看到凶狠的狼狗做算术,调皮的猴子象模象样的娶亲,笨拙的小象灵巧地吹着口琴,狗熊摔交等动物表演,你是否会有耳目一新的感觉呢?精彩不容错过,大家随我一同去看看吧! After leaving the fierce beasts area, we can open the car window to relax a little. Now we enter the African animal area

26、, where lives giraffe, zebra, African antelope etc.The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world currently. Its characteristics are long legs and long neck. The female and the male all have horns which will not fall off all the life. As I have known, giraffe naturally has high blood pressure. Its b

27、lood pressure is two or three times to a normal persons, even its heart can get more than 11 kilograms. So giraffe can promote its blood to the brain about 3-meter high.The zebra has the alternate tripe of black and white as people have known. The zebras digest ability is especially strong. It can d

28、igest the grass that other herbivores can not eat or dont love to eat. The zebra is so strong because of not fastidious about food. There are many species in African antelope. For example, Jumping antelope is known by its jumping behavior; Black-tail-ox antelope is called gnu but it looks more like

29、urus; Glave antelope has fierce outward appearance with horns like glave; Big-curved-horn antelope has the elegantly curving horns etc. We can recognize the species of theses antelopes according to my words. Now we arrive at the entertainment center square in the safari park. The amusement items her

30、e contain Kading racing cars, riding horse, and so on. If you think these items are all very common, you can see the cruelty demi-wolves do the arithmetic, the very naughty monkeys marry like persons, the clumsily small elephant blow the harmonica deftly, the 秦皇岛野生动物园6猴园中放养的是猕猴。猕猴在我国分布较广,数量较多,好群居,一般

31、 3050 只为一群,大群能达 200 多只,有身强力壮的大雄猴担任猴王,支配和指挥着猴群的行动。猕猴善于攀援跳跃,会游泳和模仿人的动作,有喜怒哀乐的表情。在春末夏初时,猴子们最喜欢在水池中游泳,嬉戏跳跃,有几只喜欢“调皮捣蛋”的,竟然会抬着不愿下水的投入水中,强迫它们游泳。我们现在进入了草食动物区,这里生活着许多国家级、世界级的草食动物,如梅花鹿、马鹿、麋鹿、野驴、矮马等。鹿喜欢在阴凉的地方休息,尤其是梅花鹿,梅花鹿体态优美,跑步的姿势很像跳舞,大家看左边正在饮水的就是梅花鹿,它们身上有鲜艳的颜色,明显的斑点,形似梅花,非常漂亮,梅花鹿名称由此而来。马鹿的体形比梅花鹿稍大,但毛色比较粗糙,呈

32、棕色,而且斑点较少,不明显,成年后几乎没有。在这里给大家介绍有关鹿的小知识,就是除了驯鹿雌雄都长角,其他的鹿只有雄性头上才有角,它们的角就是非常珍贵的中药鹿茸。black bear wrestle, ect. Having seen these you will get a wonderful felling. So we shouldnt miss it, please follow me! What the monkey park maintains are macaques, which live in our country widely. Their quantity is much

33、 and like living together. Generally there are 30 to 50 macaques in a group, and a big group can have more than 200. The strong male monkey occupies the king status, who dominates and commands the groups activities. Macaques are good at clambering and jumping. They can swim, imitate the persons acti

34、ons, and have the facial expression of happiness, anger, sadness and cheer. At the end of spring or early summer, the monkeys like to swim in the pond very much, playing around. Several naughty monkeys which like swimming will actually throw the reluctant ones into the water and force them to swim.

35、Friends! We entered the herbivore area now, where lives many the national-class or the world-class herbivores, such as sika deer, red deer, elk, wild donkey, pony, and so on.Deer likes to stay in the cool place, particularly sika deer. Sika deers physique is elegant, and its posture of running is li

36、ke dancing very much. Please look at the left side. There is a sika deer in drinking now. Sika deers body has the gorgeous color and the obvious spots that are like beautiful plum blossom. The name of sika deer is just from this. Red deers physique is slightly bigger than sika deers, but its hair is

37、 rougher, presenting the brown color, having less spots that are not obvious. After they have grown up these spots almost can not 秦皇岛野生动物园7be seen. Friends! Here I will tell you a small knowledge about deer. In addition to reindeer which all have buckhorns regardless of the females or the males, in

38、other deer there are only the males having buckhorns. Their buckhorns are a very precious Chinese herbal medicine-antler.秦皇岛野生动物园8雉鸡园中生活着十余种珍稀雉类,如褐马鸡、白马鸡等。雄鸡羽衣艳丽,在繁殖期好斗,有时因求偶而格斗致死,雌鸡却无动于衷。只可惜我们今天没有眼福来一睹那刺激的场面了。这里生活着来自非洲的鸵鸟和来自澳大利亚的鸸鹋。鸵鸟是世界上体形最大、奔跑速度最快但不能飞行的鸟类,鸵鸟卵也是现代最大的卵,平均重量达 1.35 千克。鸸鹋被称为澳洲鸵鸟,在体形与奔

39、跑速度上稍逊于鸵鸟。孔雀分为绿孔雀和蓝孔雀。蓝孔雀身上是有光泽的蓝绿色,绿孔雀身上的羽毛是绿色和铜。.雄孔雀身后有一条长 150 厘米的长尾,求偶是雄孔雀尾部竖起,抖动着羽毛昂首阔步的走动,这就是令人赞叹不已的孔雀开屏。The pheasant park lives rare pheasant more than ten genera, such as brown equine chook, white equine chook, ect. The cocks feather is gorgeous and they are pugnacious at breed period. Someti

40、mes they could wrestle to die because of begging courtship, while the female one is unconcerned. Today we have no chance to enjoy that stimulating scene.Here lives ostrich coming from Africa and Ermiao coming from Australia. Ostrich is the biggest bird in the world, and it rushes most quickly in bir

41、ds, but it cant fly. The ostrich egg is also the biggest egg at present, and its average weight amounts to 1,350 grams.Ermiao is called Australia ostrich, which is inferior to ostrich on the physique and the rushing speed. Peacock is divided into the green peacock and blue peacock. The color of blue

42、 peacock is a glossy cyan, while the green peacock is aeruginous. The male peacock has a 150-centimeter-long tail. When they pursue the females their tails will be unfurled and they will take big strides shaking the feather. This is highly praised peacock tails opening. 秦皇岛野生动物园9鹤被人们作为长寿、吉祥的象征。在这个园中


44、物“相亲相爱”。本次野生动物园的游览就要结束了,我们带走的是思考,留下的是心愿:祝福大自然,祝福可爱的动物们。Crane is to be seen as the symbol of longevity and good luck. You will see various cranes in this park, such as red-crowned crane, white-pillow crane, straw-feather crane, and so on. We can see in distant place those elegant onshore birds just s

45、trut toward us. Most people had heard the story of the ugly duck in childhood, and all dream of becoming the swan in the heart. In this park, you not only can see the big swan and cygnet, but also see their relatives from far-away place, which is black swan coming from Africa. The swan physique is e

46、legant. A famous ballet named Swan Lake is be loved by worldwide people because it shows the beautiful and elegant physique of swan. Friends! We can see this safari park is a paradise of wildlife, and is a home for rare and imminent extinct animals. Here human beings get along well with animals and

47、the happiness is everlasting. In fact the animals living in the nature faced more and more dangers coming from mankind social. For the sake of all lovely animals, I appeal to everyone to love nature, protect animals, and really realize mankind and animal love each other. The tour of this safari park will end, what we take is thinking and what we leave behind is a wish: Bless the great nature, and bless lovely animals!


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