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普纳卡宗 Punakha Dzong景点介绍.doc

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1、普纳卡宗 Punakha Dzong 景点介绍普那卡宗 Punakha Dzong,亦称普那卡城堡,是不丹最古老的城堡,也是不丹最著名的佛教圣地,位于波河和莫河(父亲河和母亲河)的汇合处,海拔 1463 米,由沙布东一世于公元 1637 年修建。中央塔楼长近 183 米、宽 7米多,高 6 层,呈长方形。同时,这里还是不丹佛教手稿、神圣的佛教名人名册、规格各异的宗教画和逼真的宗教名人肖像的收藏地。在颜色瑰丽的城堡里,保存着古代不丹沙布东的遗体,遗体以香料防腐。安放遗体的房间,除了国王和某些高级喇嘛外,谁都不能进去。普那卡宗位于不丹西部,海拔一千多公尺,是第二大的宗,雄伟壮丽、庄严醒目。普那卡宗

2、原是不丹的旧都,建于 1657 年,直到 1955 年才迁都廷布,而于 17 世纪统一不丹的夏宗法王,他的法体也还安放在此。走过横跨普那卡河的传统布桥,一栋栋白色建筑矗立,红色窗户崁在白色外墙上,夺目鲜明。五月的普那卡宗是最浪漫的时刻,周围的蓝花楹盛开,树梢与绿地上布满着紫蓝色的小花,远远眺望如梦幻中的世外桃源。在古代,普那卡城堡是不丹统治者居住和举行受觐礼的重要场所,现在是基堪布大主教(即法王)的冬宫。在每年的 10 月 1 日至翌年的 4 月 1 日(不丹历) ,基堪布都要率领中央寺院众喇嘛从廷布扎西却城堡夏宫搬迁到普那卡过冬。所以,这个城堡在不丹的民族事务和宗教事务方面都占有显著的位置。

3、坐落于父亲河和母亲河交汇处的普纳卡宗是不丹古都,是不丹的第二座城堡,直到 1950 年,这里仍然是国家政府所在地。她是公认的不丹最美丽的宗堡,环绕宗堡的蓝紫色蓝花楹盛开。普纳卡堡是不丹的建国者沙布隆在不丹修建的第二座城堡,坐落于父亲河和母亲河的汇合处。1950 年以前,普纳卡一直是不丹的国都,及不丹的政治中心和国家政府所在地。普纳卡堡是不丹最美丽的宗堡,于公元 1637 年开始修建。中央塔楼长近 183 米、宽 7 米多,高 6 层,呈长方形。同时,这里还收藏了大批的不丹佛教手稿、神圣的佛教名人名册、规格各异的宗教画和逼真的宗教名人肖像。在颜色瑰丽的高塔里,保存着古代不丹沙布隆的真身遗体,遗体

4、以香料防腐。安放遗体的房间,除了国王和某些高级喇嘛外,谁都不能进去。在 1950 年以前,普纳卡城堡是不丹最高统治者的住所和举行重要国家仪式的场所,现在是基堪布大主教喇嘛(即法王)的冬宫。在每年的 10 月 1 日至翌年的4 月 1 日(不丹历) ,基堪布喇嘛都要从廷布扎西却城堡夏宫搬迁到普纳卡堡过冬。所以,这个城堡在不丹的民族事务和宗教事务方面都占有显著的位置。游客在普纳卡堡参观时,请注意不要大声喧哗,穿着不要过于暴露,但可随意拍照。Punakha Dzong:Placed strategically at the junction of the Pho Chu and Mo Chu riv

5、ers, the dzong was built in 1637 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to serve as the religious and administrative seat of the region. It was here that the dual system of government was introduced in the 17th century and in 1907, enthroned the first King Gongsr Ugyen Wangchuck. Damaged over the centuries by

6、 four catastrophic fires and an earthquake, the dzong has been fully restored in the recent years by the 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck. At the dzong enrich your trip with the opportunity to see the highest standards in woodwork. Do not miss the massive Kuenray, the Coronation Hall of all Bhutanese

7、 kings, the Dzongchung at the entrance to the dzong and the cantilever bridge over the Mochu that has been recently renovated.PUNAKHA DZONGPunakha Dzong was the second of Bhutans dzongs and until the mid-1950s it served as the seat of the government. Its arguably the most beautiful dzong in the coun

8、try, especially in spring when the lilac-coloured jaracanda trees bring a rare sensuality to the dzongs characteristically towering whitewashed walls. Elaborately painted gold, red and black carved woods add to the artistic lightness of touch.The construction of Punakha Dzong was foretold by Guru Ri

9、npoche, who predicted that a person named Namgyal will arrive at a hill that looks like an elephant. The Zhabdrung visited Punakha and chose the tip of the trunk of the sleeping elephant at the confluence of the Mo Chhu and Pho Chhu as the place to build a dzong. Its not obvious, but with a bit of i

10、magination you may be able to visualise the hill as an elephant.As early as 1326 a smaller building called Dzong Chug (Small Dzong) housed a statue of the Buddha here. It is said that the Zhabdrung ordered the architect, Zowe Palep, to sleep in front of the statue. While Palep was sleeping, the Zhab

11、drung took him in his dreams to Zangto Pelri and showed him the palace of Guru Rinpoche. From his vision, the architect conceived the design for the new dzong, which, in keeping with tradition, was never committed to paper.Construction began in 1637 and was completed the following year, when the bui

12、lding was christened Pungthang Dechen Phodrang (Palace of Great Happiness). Later embellishments included the construction of a chapel to commemorate the victory over the Tibetans in 1639. The arms captured during the battle are preserved in the dzong.The Zhabdrung established a monk body here with

13、600 monks from Cheri Goemba in the upper Thimphu valley and he lived out the rest of his life here. Punakha is still the winter residence of the dratshang.Punakha Dzong is 180m long and 72m wide and the utse is six storeys high. The gold dome on the utse was built in 1676 by the dzongpen (lord of th

14、e dzong), Gyaltsen Tenzin Rabgye. Many of the dzongs features were added between 1744 and 1763 during the reign of the 13th desi, Sherab Wangchuk. One item he donated was the chenmo (great) thondrol, a large thangka depicting the Zhabdrung that is exhibited to the public once a year during the tsech

15、u festival. A brass roof for the dzong was a gift of the seventh Dalai Lama, Kelzang Gyatso.Frequent fires (five between 1750 and 1849) damaged the dzong, as did the severe 1897 earthquake. A glacial lake burst on the Pho Chhu in 1960 and again in 1994, causing damage to the dzong that has since bee

16、n repaired. Outside the dzong is a memorial to the 23 people killed in that flood. The latest fire, in 1986, damaged the residence of the Je Khenpo in the southwest corner of the dzong.Cantilever bridges across the Mo Chhu and the Pho Chhu were constructed between 1720 and 1730. They have both been

17、destroyed, however, and the Mo Chhu is now spanned by a cable suspension bridge that stands next to the remains of the original cantilever bridge.Visiting The DzongIn addition to its strategic position at the river confluence, the dzong has several features to protect it against invasion. The steep

18、wooden entry stairs are designed to be pulled up, and there is a heavy wooden door that is still closed at night.The dzong is unique because it has three docheys instead of the usual two. The first (northern) courtyard is for administrative functions and houses a huge white chorten and bodhi tree. I

19、n the far left corner is a collection of stones and a shrine to the queen of the nagas (snake spirits), whose image is to the side. The second courtyard houses the monastic quarters and is separated from the first by the utse. In this courtyard are two halls, one of which was used when Ugyen Wangchu

20、ck, later the first king, was presented with the Order of Knight Commander of the Indian Empire by John Claude White in 1905.In the southernmost courtyard is the temple where the remains of the terton, Pema Lingpa, and Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal are preserved. The Zhabdrung died in Punakha Dzong, and

21、 his body is still preserved in Machey Lhakhang (machey means sacred embalmed body), which was rebuilt in 1995. The casket is sealed and may not be opened. Other than two guardian lamas, only the king and the Je Khenpo may enter this room. Both come to take blessings before they take up their office

22、s.At the south end is the hundred-pillar assembly hall (which actually has only 54 pillars).The exceptional murals, which were commissioned by the second druk desi, depict the life of Buddha. The massive gold statues of the Buddha, Guru Rinpoche and the Zhabdrung date back to the mid-18th century, a

23、nd there are some fine gold panels on the pillars.Bhutans most treasured possession is the Rangjung (Self-Created) Kharsapani, an image of Chenresig that is kept in the Tse Lhakhang in the utse of the Punakha Dzong. It was brought to Bhutan from Tibet by the Zhabdrung and features heavily in Punakha

24、s famous domchoe (type of festival).After you exit the dzong from the north you can visit the dzong chug, which houses a statue of Sakyamuni said to have the ability to talk. North of the dzong is a cremation ground, marked by a large chorten.普那卡宗 Punakha Dzong,亦称普那卡城堡,是不丹最古老的城堡,也是不丹最著名的佛教圣地,位于波河和莫河

25、(父亲河和母亲河)的汇合处,海拔 1463 米,由沙布东一世于公元 1637 年修建。中央塔楼长近 183 米、宽 7米多,高 6 层,呈长方形。同时,这里还是不丹佛教手稿、神圣的佛教名人名册、规格各异的宗教画和逼真的宗教名人肖像的收藏地。在颜色瑰丽的城堡里,保存着古代不丹沙布东的遗体,遗体以香料防腐。安放遗体的房间,除了国王和某些高级喇嘛外,谁都不能进去。普那卡宗位于不丹西部,海拔一千多公尺,是第二大的宗,雄伟壮丽、庄严醒目。普那卡宗原是不丹的旧都,建于 1657 年,直到 1955 年才迁都廷布,而于 17 世纪统一不丹的夏宗法王,他的法体也还安放在此。走过横跨普那卡河的传统布桥,一栋栋白

26、色建筑矗立,红色窗户崁在白色外墙上,夺目鲜明。五月的普那卡宗是最浪漫的时刻,周围的蓝花楹盛开,树梢与绿地上布满着紫蓝色的小花,远远眺望如梦幻中的世外桃源。在古代,普那卡城堡是不丹统治者居住和举行受觐礼的重要场所,现在是基堪布大主教(即法王)的冬宫。在每年的 10 月 1 日至翌年的 4 月 1 日(不丹历) ,基堪布都要率领中央寺院众喇嘛从廷布扎西却城堡夏宫搬迁到普那卡过冬。所以,这个城堡在不丹的民族事务和宗教事务方面都占有显著的位置。坐落于父亲河和母亲河交汇处的普纳卡宗是不丹古都,是不丹的第二座城堡,直到 1950 年,这里仍然是国家政府所在地。她是公认的不丹最美丽的宗堡,环绕宗堡的蓝紫色蓝

27、花楹盛开。普纳卡堡是不丹的建国者沙布隆在不丹修建的第二座城堡,坐落于父亲河和母亲河的汇合处。1950 年以前,普纳卡一直是不丹的国都,及不丹的政治中心和国家政府所在地。普纳卡堡是不丹最美丽的宗堡,于公元 1637 年开始修建。中央塔楼长近 183 米、宽 7 米多,高 6 层,呈长方形。同时,这里还收藏了大批的不丹佛教手稿、神圣的佛教名人名册、规格各异的宗教画和逼真的宗教名人肖像。在颜色瑰丽的高塔里,保存着古代不丹沙布隆的真身遗体,遗体以香料防腐。安放遗体的房间,除了国王和某些高级喇嘛外,谁都不能进去。在 1950 年以前,普纳卡城堡是不丹最高统治者的住所和举行重要国家仪式的场所,现在是基堪布

28、大主教喇嘛(即法王)的冬宫。在每年的 10 月 1 日至翌年的4 月 1 日(不丹历) ,基堪布喇嘛都要从廷布扎西却城堡夏宫搬迁到普纳卡堡过冬。所以,这个城堡在不丹的民族事务和宗教事务方面都占有显著的位置。游客在普纳卡堡参观时,请注意不要大声喧哗,穿着不要过于暴露,但可随意拍照。Punakha Dzong:Placed strategically at the junction of the Pho Chu and Mo Chu rivers, the dzong was built in 1637 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to serve as the re

29、ligious and administrative seat of the region. It was here that the dual system of government was introduced in the 17th century and in 1907, enthroned the first King Gongsr Ugyen Wangchuck. Damaged over the centuries by four catastrophic fires and an earthquake, the dzong has been fully restored in

30、 the recent years by the 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck. At the dzong enrich your trip with the opportunity to see the highest standards in woodwork. Do not miss the massive Kuenray, the Coronation Hall of all Bhutanese kings, the Dzongchung at the entrance to the dzong and the cantilever bridge ov

31、er the Mochu that has been recently renovated.PUNAKHA DZONGPunakha Dzong was the second of Bhutans dzongs and until the mid-1950s it served as the seat of the government. Its arguably the most beautiful dzong in the country, especially in spring when the lilac-coloured jaracanda trees bring a rare s

32、ensuality to the dzongs characteristically towering whitewashed walls. Elaborately painted gold, red and black carved woods add to the artistic lightness of touch.The construction of Punakha Dzong was foretold by Guru Rinpoche, who predicted that a person named Namgyal will arrive at a hill that loo

33、ks like an elephant. The Zhabdrung visited Punakha and chose the tip of the trunk of the sleeping elephant at the confluence of the Mo Chhu and Pho Chhu as the place to build a dzong. Its not obvious, but with a bit of imagination you may be able to visualise the hill as an elephant.As early as 1326

34、 a smaller building called Dzong Chug (Small Dzong) housed a statue of the Buddha here. It is said that the Zhabdrung ordered the architect, Zowe Palep, to sleep in front of the statue. While Palep was sleeping, the Zhabdrung took him in his dreams to Zangto Pelri and showed him the palace of Guru R

35、inpoche. From his vision, the architect conceived the design for the new dzong, which, in keeping with tradition, was never committed to paper.Construction began in 1637 and was completed the following year, when the building was christened Pungthang Dechen Phodrang (Palace of Great Happiness). Late

36、r embellishments included the construction of a chapel to commemorate the victory over the Tibetans in 1639. The arms captured during the battle are preserved in the dzong.The Zhabdrung established a monk body here with 600 monks from Cheri Goemba in the upper Thimphu valley and he lived out the res

37、t of his life here. Punakha is still the winter residence of the dratshang.Punakha Dzong is 180m long and 72m wide and the utse is six storeys high. The gold dome on the utse was built in 1676 by the dzongpen (lord of the dzong), Gyaltsen Tenzin Rabgye. Many of the dzongs features were added between 1744 and 1763 during the reign of the 13th desi, Sherab Wangchuk. One item he donated was the chenmo (great)


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