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音乐专业课程描述 中英文版.doc

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1、音乐专业课程简介歌曲写作与改编 Song Composition and Adaptation:This course mainly introduces the way to compose the single melody songs, also relates to how to create polyphonic songs. In the classes teachers not only teach students how to write songs but also ask students to do exercise, these teaching method cou

2、ld foster students ability of writing music and analyzing songs. After this course, students would be master in musical theory and techniques, which could help them to be a qualified teacher in the future.本课程主要介绍单旋律的歌曲写作,也略涉及多声部歌曲的创作。通过歌曲的构成知识和写作技法的讲解以及习作实践,培养学生具有编写歌曲和分析歌曲的能力,为学习有关专业理论课、技术课打下基础,以适应中

3、等学校音乐教学工作的需要。声乐名作与演唱赏析 Appreciation of Vocal Masterpieces and Performance::Students would be introduced to western art songs in the first step, then Chinese folk music and are songs. Art songs are created by composers , which normally stem from the famous poems . For example, musician-Liszt , he use

4、d Hugo, Henie, Goethe, Schiller as resources to composed his songs; the same situation happened in China as well, Chinese composer ZI HUANG and TIANHE CHEN used Chinese poems and as lyrics to created new songs.Therefore, students would fully understand that art songs more focus on the lyrics, the ac

5、companiment is not only for music but also for expression the meaning of songs and creating atmosphere. Due to learn the skills of western composing, the production of Chinese students would show the muti-cultures character which means the songs they make would combine the principle of western compo

6、sing with oriental characters.该课程先是是简单了解欧洲艺术歌曲,从而着重讲述从古代至今的中国民歌和艺术歌曲。艺术歌曲大多是作曲家用名人名家的诗为题材,拿来为此谱曲的。例如欧洲的作曲家李斯特,就会为雨果、海涅、歌德、席勒等写的作品谱曲;而中国的黄自、陈田鹤等,也会为中国的古诗词卜算子 、 点绛唇等谱曲。所以艺术歌曲会更注重歌词的内容,而歌曲的伴奏又不是纯伴奏的,而是具有烘托形象,或者描绘的作用,所以更注重和钢琴伴奏的合作。而中国的作品,会因为学习西方的作曲技术,而体现出,中西方文化结合的效果,也就是既有西方的作曲系统和法则,又有东方的内涵和特点。宗教音乐文化 Rel

7、igious Music Culture::Students would be introduced to different kinds of religions, like Buddhism, Christianity and Taoism, which could help students to understand the cultures of these religions, and to find out the functions of music in various religions.通过对佛教,基督教和道教的基本情况的了解,知道他们各自的文化内涵,理解音乐在不同宗教文

8、化中的作用和意义。音乐美学基础 Basics of Music Aesthetics:Aesthetics of Music is the basic subject which aims to find the regulation of aesthetics in musicology. It focuses on doing researches with following issues: the characters and properties of music, the content and types of music, function of music, apprecia

9、tion of music, composing, performance, and appreciation of the beauty. 音乐美学是以研究音乐艺术的美学规律为宗旨的一门基础性的理论学科。并从音乐的本质与特征、形式与内容、创作、表演与欣赏、功能以及美与审美,这几个它的研究对象对这门课进行基础的学习。音乐文献检索与论文写作 Music Literature Search and Paper Writing;:In this course students would learn how to use“Chinese Library Classification”to find

10、out the materials and articles which are needed for writing their theses.The course comprises two parts: one is“Music Literature Retrieval”,which contents 4 chapters “ Catalog-Search ”, “Reference Search ”, “Literature and Music Literature”, “Journal Retrieval ”; another one is “Thesis Writing”, whi

11、ch includes 5 chapters “Introduction ”,“The Basic Principle of Thesis Writing”,“Thesis Writing of Arts and Musicology”,“The Procedure of Thesis Writing”,“The Common Types o f Musicology Thesis”. The course also refers other knowledge about music, such as the history of Chinese music, the history of

12、western music, the research of Chinese traditional music, the research of folk music in the world wild and the aesthetics of music.学习怎么样用“中国图书馆图书分类法”要查找自己要写的论文的资料,和名著资料讲解。课程由两部分内容组成,第一部分是“音乐文献检索”,包括“文献与音乐文献”、 “目录检索”、 “工具书检索”、“期刊检索”四章。第二部分是“ 论文写作”,包括“引言”、 “论文写作的基本原则”、 “艺术学、音乐学论文写作”、“论文写作步骤” 、 “常用音乐学论

13、文体裁 ”五章。课程所涉及的其他音乐和音乐学课程有中国音乐史、西方音乐史、中国传统音乐研究、世界民族音乐研究、音乐美学等,与这些课程中的具体研究相关联。重唱与表演唱 Chorus Ensemble and Singing::This course focuses on opera performance and theory, which could provide good opportunities for students whose major is musical performance. This course teaches students how to understand

14、and better play their roles as well as how to cooperate with other actors. It requires students to have ability of sing, handle the knowledge of opera performance, as well as the capacity to chorus. Students are asked to know opera history, opera types, the function of chorus in an opera , the diffe

15、rences between Chinese opera and foreign opera, modern opera schools and the character of operas which made by musicians in different period and countries. 其性质属于歌剧表演与理论,为音乐表演专业声乐方向的学生提供良好的表演与配合的机会。训练声乐表演专业的学生在重唱中,如何进入角色和理解角色,掌握角色与角色之间的合作,声部与声部间的和谐。要求学生具备一定的演唱能力,学习过戏剧表演,以及声部合作概念的合唱课、音乐赏析等课程;学生们需要了解歌剧

16、史、歌剧类型、重唱在歌剧中的作用,及中外歌剧的异同和当今歌剧的流派,以及不同时期、不同国家作曲家的作品风格等。这个挺好声乐教学法 Vocal Pedagogy::Learning the basic knowledge of vocality, such as, the way to pronounce, the method to breath, articulation, expression and so on.了解声乐的基本发声原理,学习发音,咬字,气息的运用,歌曲处理及情感表达等声乐教学的基本方法。中国民间舞 Chinese Folk Dance:Learning the movem

17、ents of Chinese traditional dancing, like Zang and Dai races学习中国民间舞中的藏族和傣族的基础舞蹈组合动作。中国音乐图像学 Chinese Musical Iconography::Combing research of music and paintings in Han dynasty, which means form the perspective of musical history and musical culture to understand and explain the dancings and musical

18、instruments in Chinese ancient paintings.对中国汉画像的音乐学研究的学习,即学习从音乐史学和音乐文化学的角度,对汉画中的音乐资料以及乐舞百戏的若干特征和规律进行阐释。正音台词与外国语音 Diction:this course mainly focuses on fundamental musical knowledge of overseas. Students would learn the pronunciation of foreign languages, such as Italy, Germany and French,especially

19、Italy pronunciation principles. During this course, students would know how to sing foreign songs in the right tunes and accents, which could make students to be professional singers. 是一门针对演唱外国歌曲的声乐基本课程。讲授外国语音(包括意大利语,德语,法语)的发音规则,重点讲授意大利语。该课程有助于学生们掌握正确的吐字、重音、语调等要点,从而规范的演唱出外国歌曲的韵味和风格。合唱指挥法 Choral Cond

20、ucting::learning the basic gesture of command , for instance, the command for 2/4、3/4、4/4 time. At the same time, through the chorus to practice command methods.学习基本的指挥手势和2/4、 3/4、4/4拍子的指挥法,并通过合唱歌曲来灵活应用。音乐教育与文化传承 Music Education and Cultural Inheritance:this course has many teaching methods, such as

21、 discussions and case studies, which make students could total understand the aim of music education, the education method and the contents. This course establishes the theory foundation for the further courses. Through this course, the ability of research and analysis in music education field would

22、 be formed, the capacity of observation and thinking pattern would be enhanced. 该课程通过课堂教授、师生讨论、教学案例观摩分析、实验性地课堂实习等方法,使学生了解音乐教育的一般性原理,知道音乐教育的基本理念、教学目的、教学方法、教学内容,为进一步学习音乐教学法和音乐教育实习奠定理论基础,提高音乐教育理论修养,培养观察和思考音乐教育现象的能力,以期养成初步的音乐教育分析和研究的能力。Music Education and Cultural Inheritance计算机音乐制作 Computer-aided Music

23、 Production:From copying melody to compose simple melody, from MIDI to compose a piece of music. During this course, students would learn different kinds of music style, such as, pop music, classical music, folk music and electric music. 从照谱制作,到简单编配,从 MIDI 的学习,到制谱的学习。而且在学习过程中涉及了众多音乐风格,包括:流行音乐、古典音乐、民

24、族音乐以及电子音乐等。音乐教学课件制作 Courseware Design for Music Education::The course begins with the easy level to the difficult level, for instant, from MIDI to compose a piece of music. During this course, students would learn different kinds of music style, such as, pop music, classical music, folk music and el

25、ectric music. The skills like how to do audio transitions and how to compose a piece of music would be included as well.课程从 MIDI 的学习,到制谱的学习。而且在学习过程中涉及了众多音乐风格,包括:流行音乐、古典音乐、民族音乐以及电子音乐等。以及实际应用方面的知识,如:音频转换、制作乐谱等。小型乐队编配 Orchestration:learning basic instrumentation and Orchestration, such as the of range,

26、 tuning, dual tone of violin The next step is trying to change the piano music to a string orchestra.学习基础的乐器法和配器法。如了解小提琴的音域、定弦、双音等。再学着将钢琴小品改编成管弦乐合奏总谱。 合奏与指挥 ensemble and command:taking part in folk music rehearse which could make students to understand the ensemble of folk music.参加学校民乐乐团的排练,听和了解民乐合奏


28、样的一次机会,音乐作为我们的共同点,总是能让我能融入到一起,哪怕的短短的几分钟。能有这么多新朋友和老朋友的陪伴下竞争和成长,是一件非常难得并且非常快乐的事情。Culture exchange activity: In 2012 July, the vice-principal of Hangzhou Normal University, the secretary of Music DepartmentQihu Xu and a commander Prof. Baolin Yan led “ eight seconds” chorus went to Cincinnati (U.S)to j

29、oin in the The seventh world Choral Festival. In this festival, we won the golden medal in the youth mixed voices competition, obtained silver medal among female group competition and got the second position in golden award of folk music. As a winner, we also showed an outstanding performance in the

30、 festival.As one of members in our chorus, I really felt that I represented as a culture exchange messenger, who not only brough Chinese traditional folks, but also integrated into the American enthusiasm. Even though we came from different countries but music is the common language which can make u

31、s to communicate with each other. In our spare time, we always got together to create new melodies and re-arrange songs. The most memorable thing I remember that in the canteen we were singing the birthday song for one of musician, although we used different language to sing, the tune and blessing i

32、s the same.In the U.S., the culture of Cincinnati impressed me lots. They are very friendly, creative, passionate and willing to accept new staff. I am really thanks-full that I got this chance to go to abroad to feel different countries music by myself. From this experience, I learn that music is the international language to communicate with people who are from various nations. Meanwhile, I deeply feel very pressure but in the good way that on the way to achieve my musical dreams I have to accompany with these friends who are very strong “opponents”


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