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1、目录广东外语外贸大学简介广东外语外贸大学 2010 届毕业生就业工作人员联系表(本科生)广东外语外贸大学 2010 届毕业生就业工作人员联系表(研究生)专业介绍英语语言文化学院国际经济贸易学院国际商务英语学院国际工商管理学院财经学院西方语言文化学院东方语言文化学院中国语言文化学院法学院英语教育学院思科信息学院政治与公共管理学院高级翻译学院新闻与传播学院艺术学院广东外语外贸大学 学生就业指导中心地址:(北)广州市白云大道北 2 号 (南)广州市番禺区小谷围广州大学城邮编:(北)510420 (南)510006联系人:赵 烨、徐昶斌、魏传文、赵炳琰、罗 星、许俊浩电话:(北)020-3620702

2、1、36209114 (南)020-39328007学校网站:http:/E-mail: 学生就业在线网址:http:/广东外语外贸大学简介广东外语外贸大学是 1995 年 6 月由原广州外国语学院和原广州对外贸易学院合并组建的广东省涉外型重点大学。学校位于中国著名的历史文化名城和华南经济中心广州市。学校现有 3 个校区,总面积 2290 亩,其中北校区坐落在国家风景名胜区广州市白云山北麓,占地面积 939 亩;南校区位于广州大学城,占地面积 1095 亩;大朗校区坐落在广州市大朗,占地面积 256 亩。学校目前设有 20 个教学单位,55 个本科专业;涵盖文学、经济学、管理学、法学、工学、理

3、学、教育学 7 大学科门类。学校践行“明德尚行,学贯中西”到校训,着力推进外语与专业到融合,培养一专多能, “双高” (思想素质高、专业水平高) 、 “两强” (跨文化交际能力强、信息技术运用能力强) ,具有国际视野和创新意识,能直接参与国际竞争与合作到国际通用型人才。学校到教学水平和人才培养质量得到社会到广泛认可和充分肯定,2003 年在教育部本科教学工作水平评估中被评为优秀等级。学校面向全国 20 多个省、自治区、直辖市和港、澳、台地区招生,招生批次均为第一批。学校所设置到专业切合和社会的需求,毕业生深受社会欢迎,就业率在广东省高等学校中名列前茅。学校现有编制内专任教师总数达到 1277

4、人,其中教授、副教授比例达到41%。此外,还聘有 80 余位客座教授和 60 多位长期外籍专家。不少专家和学者担任了全国和省市学术团体的领导职务,或被所在学科的国际权威刊物聘为编委或特约审稿人,或受聘为各级国家机关和企事业单位的顾问或咨询专家。学校十分重视并积极开展对外学术文化交流,迄今为止,已与美国、英国、法国、德国、西班牙、意大利、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、俄罗斯、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、越南、韩国、智利、古巴及香港、澳门、台湾等国家和地区到 123 所大学和学术文化机构建立了合作交流关系。2011 年我校将有 62 个本科专业及专业方向的毕业生。毕业生人数为 4931人。另外还有 20

5、 个专业及专业方向的研究生,毕业生人数为 396 人。热忱欢迎用人单位来我校招聘录用 2011 年毕业生!Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) came into being in June 1995 by merging the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages and Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade. The University is one of

6、the most prestigious universities of international studies in China and one of the key institutions of higher learning in Guangdong Province. The university, which has a total area of 2290 mu, is situated in the city of Guangzhou, a city with a long history and a rich cultural legacy, as well as an

7、economic hub in south China. At present, it has three campuses. The North Campus lies to the north of the Baiyun Hills, and Dalang Campus is not far away. The South Campus lies in Guangzhou University Town (Mega Centre). Currently the University offers 54 BA-degree courses in 16 faculties and 4 depa

8、rtments, which fall into seven major disciplines, namely literature, economics, management, law, education, science and engineering. The University holds the motto of “Strive for Moral Integrity, Noble Conduct and Conversance with Cross-cultural Learning“and endeavours to promote the integration of

9、foreign languages and specialties, cultivate talents who can pride themselves on one specialty with multiple skills and a global vision and a sense of innovation, so as to prepare them to become internationally-oriented personnel who can readily facilitate global cooperation and participate in inter

10、national competition. Its quality of teaching and that of talent cultivation are widely acclaimed and well received. In 2003, the University was rated Grade A in the undergraduate programme teaching quality assessment conducted by Ministry of Education. It enrolls students from over 20 provinces, au

11、tonomous regions and municipalities across the country and from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan. As the University boasts curricula which can well cater for the needs of society. Graduates who are educated under these curricula are well receive

12、d. As a result, GDUFS ranks among the best in terms of the employment rate of its graduates.At present GDUFS has a staff of 1181, in which full/associate professors amount to 43.5%, teachers with master/doctor degrees 82.5%. In addition, we employ over 60 experts/lecturers from other countries and m

13、ore than 80 guest professors. Many experts and scholars in GDUFS are leaders from national academic organizations, editors and contributing reviewers of the international leading publications, or consultants and advisors in governmental organizations and enterprises. As the name suggests, GDUFS atta

14、ches great importance to, and actively conducts, academic and cultural exchanges with overseas institutions. Such exchanges and collaborations are on the increase and cover more and more fields. We have so far established links with over 123 universities, academic institutions and cultural organizat

15、ions in other countries and regions. They include the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia, Japan, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, Chile, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Province. In 2010, we are going to ha

16、ve 5163 graduates from 56 majors, and 455 postgraduates from 30 majors. We are open-armed to welcome the emplyers to hire our graduates!广东外语外贸大学 2011 毕业生就业工作人员联系表(本科生)学 院 专 业 毕业生人数各学院总人数辅导员 副书记 学工办公电话英语(文化与传播) 88英语(高级翻译) 90英语(英美文学) 70英语(国际旅游与会展) 28英语(语言学) 19英文英语(信息管理) 32327 邓桂生 何伟儒 36207106金融学 213金融

17、学(全英班) 28金融工程 53国际经济与贸易 308国际经济与贸易(全英班) 27保险学 48经 贸经济学 147824 袁金轩李晓莉康为茂39328076英语(国际商务管理) 89英语(国际金融) 44英语(国际贸易) 67英语(国际经济法) 78商英国际商务(全英班) 99377 黄汐 骆银花 36207156市场营销 193物流管理(供应链) 93物流管理(国际物流与运输) 110工商管理 97人力资源管理 93管理电子商务 150736 包生耿高男朱珍葶 39328859财务管理 103会计学 157财经学院 税务 95355刘芳 许志超 39328958德语 48法语 51西班牙语

18、 52西 语俄语 26177 陈静 罗海洋 36207116日语 178印尼马来语 23朝鲜语 49泰语 23东 语阿拉伯语 24297 罗诞铖林颖霜余幕英郝建萍36207110汉语言(涉外文秘) 100对外汉语 98汉语言文学 102中文汉语言(涉外文化管理) 51351刘勇 周秀娇36206431法学 100外交学 28国际政治 46法学(国际经济法) 48法 学法学(民商法) 50272 郭嫄 卢海清 39328829英教 教育学(英语教育) 179 179 姜尖 易宗勇 39328038计算机科学与技术 193软件工程 97统计学 50数学与应用数学 52信息管理与信息系统 51思科网

19、络工程 48491 汤程荣 曾智鹏 39328033公共事业管理 48行政管理 101政管应用心理学 52201梁玲华 麦培年 39328660高翻 翻译 30 30 杜焕君 高云坚 36207181新闻学(国际新闻) 133广告学 47新闻播音与主持艺术 33213 黄琳 陈华荣 39308084音乐表演 23艺术艺术设计 47 70 张莉 车小真 39328130总数 4911学生就业指导中心 赵烨、徐昶斌、魏传文、赵炳琰、罗星、许俊浩、余海波(北)36207021、36209114(南)39328007备注:以上表格包含港澳生,因此有个别专业人数与书内人数不相符。广东外语外贸大学 201

20、0 届毕业生就业工作人员联系表(研究生)学院 专业及方向 毕业生人数 联系人 负责人 电话国际工商管理学院 企业管理 19 麦桂演 朱珍葶 39328097英汉口译 30英汉笔译 65高级翻译学院法汉口译 5杜焕君 高云坚 36207181民商法学 17国际法学 19法学院国际关系 30卢海清 卢海清 39328073国际商务英语学院 外国语言学及运用语言学 58 骆银花 谢英东 36207155日语语言文学(博士) 8日语语言文学 32东方语言文化学院亚非语言文学 3郝建萍 林绍雄 36207110法语语言文学(博士) 德语语言文学 10俄语语言文学 11法语语言文学 10西班牙语语言文学

21、6西方语言文化学院外国语言学及运用语言学 罗海洋 罗海洋 86318962外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心外国语言学及运用语言学(博士)16 张新荣 张新荣 36207202比较文学与世界文学 11中国语言文化学院文艺学 13 王迪 周秀娇 36206431财经学院 会计学 21 刘祥和 许志超 36641921政治与公共管理学院 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 12 刘湘英 范静静 39328035合计 学生就业指导中心 赵烨 徐昶斌 魏传文 赵炳琰 罗星 许俊浩 (北)36207021 36209114(南)39328007英语语言文化学院英语(语言学)专业该专业依托全国语言学界唯一的国家级人

22、文社科重点研究基地广外大“外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心” ,旨在为大专院校培养具有良好英语交际能力和基础语言研究能力的教学,科研综合人才。 该专业的主要开设了交际英语,高级英语,英语视听,口语,阅读,写作,口译,笔译,英美文化,英美文学,英语散文赏析,报刊阅读,学术论文写作等语言基础与技能课程;本专业开设的特色课程有:理论语言学基础,应用语音学,英语词汇学,媒体课件开发与网络技术,语言学实验设计与统计,语言习得理论,汉英语言对比与翻译等。2011 届毕业生共有 19 人,其中男生 7 人,女生 12 人。毕业生能胜任中高等教育的教学和科研工作,行政机关,企事业单位,以及文化交流,出版,信息等

23、部门的管理工作。他们在本专业学习期间所受到的良好语言素质培养和电脑,多媒体,网络,数据统计与分析等方面的技术训练,使他们在许多行业中都能施展才华。英语(英美文学)专业该专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和较强的英语交际能力涉外型人才。毕业生不仅掌握良好的英语听、说、读、写、译等方面技能,同时又思想活跃,人文知识丰富,合作精神突出。该专业除语言基础与技能课程之外,还开设专业方向课程,如:英国小说、希腊罗马神话、英语戏剧、英语诗歌、英国 20 世纪文学选读、二十世纪西方文学批评理论、英语专题等。学生积极参与各种社会实践,安排到中外企业、外事外贸部门、交易会等实习,参加学术讲座、市场调研、专业研讨会等,

24、在实践中培养了较好的工作能力。2011 届毕业生共有 70 人,其中男生 6 人,女生 64 人。毕业生就业范围广泛,尤其胜任外事、大型国内外经贸企业、教育科研、国际文化交流等工作。英语(文化与传播)专业该专业旨在培养高品位,高素质的国际文化交流人才,通过开设一系列特色课程,着重培养学生优秀的英语语言文化专业知识和技能,出色的交际能力和敏锐的跨文化意识,让学生在更高层次上理解文化的涵义与底蕴,具备良好的个人能力。毕业生能够胜任文化交流、新闻传播、中外高级商业文化机构、领事馆和影视机构等部门的管理和翻译工作。该专业除语言基础与技能课程之外,还开设专业方向课程,如:大众传媒、视觉文化、文化研究、大

25、众传媒与社会、传播学导论、电影文化、比较文化等。学生在校期间有众多的锻炼实习机会,包括到交易会、中外知名企业、外国领事馆、学术讲座、研讨会、国际会议等场所实习。2011 届毕业生共有 88 人,其中男生 15 人,女生 73 人。毕业生就业范围广泛,受到众多知名中外企事业单位以及文化传媒行业的青睐。英语(高级翻译)专业该专业培养德智体全面发展,具有坚实的英语语言基础和较强的语言交际能力,掌握多方面的翻译知识和技巧,能胜任外经贸、外事、外交、国际文化和科技交流的高层次口译、笔译工作的高级专业人才。该专业除语言基础与技能课程之外,还开设专业方向课程,如:同声传译、连续传译、文体与翻译、法律与经贸翻

26、译、翻译理论概论等,并且鼓励学生报读选修或辅修课程,以拓展知识面,培养从事翻译、研究工作的较高素质。本专业学生参加学院统一组织的社会实践活动。在高年级安排到外事部门、交易会、中外企业参加商贸、文化、科技等谈判与交流等翻译工作,锻炼学生的实际工作能力。2011 届毕业生共有 90 人,其中男生 16 人,女生 74 人。毕业生就业范围广泛,毕业生分布在跨国公司、大型国内企业、政府外事外经部门、外交部、商务部、全国人大等单位,毕业生受到用人单位的一致好评。英语(国际会展与旅游)专业该专业旨在培养德智体全面发展,具有坚实的英语知识和语言能力、良好的交际能力,丰富的百科知识及旅游专业知识的国际高级管理

27、人才。该专业除语言基础与技能课程之外,还开设专业方向课程,如:旅游学概论、旅游地理学、旅行社管理、旅游规划与开发、旅游市场营销、旅游者行为学、会议策划、会展组织等,并且鼓励学生选修网络与多媒体应用、旅游文化、中国文化、欧洲文化等课程。该专业在教学中始终把素质教育放在第一位,学生积极参与各种社会实践,到旅行社、交易会、外事外贸部门、中外企业实习,参加广州市导游大赛、学术讲座及市场调研等活动,有较好的社会实践能力和工作能力。2011 届毕业生共有 28 人,其中男生 1 人,女生 27 人。毕业生就业范围广泛,能胜任旅行社、酒店、旅行研究管理机构、外事外贸、中外企业等部门的工作。英语(信息管理)专

28、业该专业培养既有扎实英语基础,又掌握计算机和信息技术等方面知识和技能的复合型人才。专业特色是在学习英语专业的基础上,同时学习 VB.NET、VC+.NET、网络编程、数据库原理及应用、电子商务、管理信息系统等当前热门的计算机专业课程。该专业除语言基础与技能课程之外,还开设专业方向课程,如:VB 编程、数据库原理、电子商务与 EDI、多媒体以及网络应用与开发等。本专业学生在全国电脑二级考试中的通过率高达 98%,并自发参加其他电脑资格认证考试,如微软认证等,成绩优秀。此外,学生积极参加各种社会实践活动,参与学校有关课件的电脑软件开发,进行社会调查与统计分析等实践项目,使同学们锻炼出极强的学习、交

29、际以及计算机操作能力。2011 届毕业生共有 32 人,其中男生 13 人,女生 19 人。毕业生能胜任外经贸、政府部门、科研机构、中外企业、国际文化和科技交流的管理和计算机软件开发和应用等工作。学院联系人:邓桂生 电话:020-36207106 传真:020-36207103网址:http:/ 邮箱:英语各专业方向情况介绍Faculty of English language and CultureOrientation in LinguisticsRelying on the Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics of GDUFS,

30、the only national key research base for humanities and social sciences in the field of linguistics, this program aims at supplying inter-disciplinary teaching and research professionals for colleges and universities, who are highly proficient in English, and are capable of doing basic linguistic res

31、earch. The English major courses are Communicative English for Chinese Learners, Advanced English, Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, Interpreting, Translation, English and American literature, British and American Society and Culture, Selected Readings in Modern English Prose, Selected Readi

32、ngs of Foreign Press and Academic Writing. The linguistics related courses include Outline Theoretical Linguistics, Applied English Phonetics, English Lexicology, Internet and Multimedia Programming, Introduction Research Design and Statistics in Language Studies, Language Acquisition, Contrastive a

33、nd Translational Studies of English and Chinese Languages.19 students will graduate in the year 2011, 6 of them are boy students and 13 girl students. They are capable of teaching or doing research in middle schools or colleges. They are equally capable of working in government, enterprises, organiz

34、ations for cultural exchanges, publishing industry or IT sectors. Due to their excellent training in language studies and their skills in computing, multi-media manipulation, Internet development, and statistic analysis of data, they are sure to have good performance in many fields.Orientation in Br

35、itish and American Literature This program aims at training the students comprehensive communicative abilities in English as well as cultivating in them a highly developed literary taste and cultural receptivity. The graduates will be strong in all the basic English language skills, i.e. listening,

36、speaking, reading, writing, and translation, they will be also well versed in English literature and culture, and of a lively mind and cooperative spirit.The core courses for this major include all the basic language and literature courses, as well as such special courses as Greco-Roman Mythology, E

37、nglish Fiction, English Drama, English Poetry, 20th-century English Literature, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Literature Topics, etc. There are many off-class activities or social practice for the students, such as working during vacations at foreign enterprises, departments of foreign ministry a

38、nd Canton Fairs. They also attend various academic lectures, marketing surveys and curriculum assessments. All this enriches their life, strengthens their knowledge and helps develop their all-round abilities.There are altogether 70 literature graduates this year: 6 male and 64 female. With a good c

39、ommand of English, rich knowledge of the west, and well-developed personality, they are highly competitive candidates for employment in the government as well as enterprises.Orientation in Cultural and Media Studies This program aims at bringing up international culture and communication talents wit

40、h elegant taste and high quality. By opening a series of distinctive courses, this program emphasizes in laying a solid foundation in the English language, developing students communicative competence and equipping them with a deeper cultural knowledge and awareness as well as other specific languag

41、e skill. This will enable our students to better understand the connotation of culture and further develop their individual abilities. Graduates of the program are qualified in administrating and interpreting for organizations of cultural communication, media, domestic and overseas advanced business

42、, consulates, film and television organizations.The core courses for this major include all the basic language and literature courses, as well as such special courses as mass media, visual culture, cultural studies, mass media and society, film culture, comparative culture and so on. During the year

43、s in school, students have many opportunities for practicing in trade fairs, well-known SOEs and FICs, consulates, academic lectures, seminars and international conferences. 88 students under this program, including 15 male students and 73 female students, will graduate in 2011. Graduates have vario

44、us choices in job hunting and are well favored by many well-known corporations and public institutions as well as cultural and communication organizations.Orientation in Advanced Translation and InterpretingDepartment of Translation and Interpreting offers courses of studies aimed to train and devel

45、op students into competent professionals in interpreting and translation. Our graduates have made outstanding contributions to the society.The core courses for this major include all the basic language and literature courses, as well as such special courses as Consecutive Interpreting Skills, Theme-

46、based Interpreting, Simultaneous Interpreting Skills, Stylistics in Translation, An Introduction to Translation Studies, and Translation Workshop. The courses are designed in such a way that the graduates will be able to start working without any further practical or in-service training. Besides cla

47、ssroom learning, our students are encouraged to take part in interpreting and translating activities on different occasions, both provincial and municipal.Graduates of the department will be able to work in state ministries, local and foreign news agencies, state-owned or private enterprises, intern

48、ational institutions and firms. They are all well received by these enterprises and institutions. In 2011, there will be 90 graduates, 16 male and 74 female, this year. Orientation in International Convention, Exhibition and Tourism ManagementThe program aims at cultivating all-around advanced manag

49、erial personnel in the field of tourism with solid foundation in the English language and communicative competence, as well as professional knowledge of tourism management and comprehensive knowledge of other fields.The core courses for this major include all the basic language and literature courses, as well as such special courses as An Introduction to Tourism, The Geography of Tourism, Tour Design, Marketing and Management, Tourism Planning and Development,


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