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1、-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -1-冀教版(一起)四年级英语下册拓展资料UNIT 3 My Country and English-speaking CountriesLesson 23 Are You Ready for a Quiz?世界最低点海洋最深处为北太平洋西部马里亚纳群岛以东的马里亚纳海沟。马里亚纳海沟为一条洋底弧形洼地,延伸 2550 公里,平均宽 69 公里。主海沟底部有较小陡壁谷地。1957 年苏联调 查船测到 10990 米深度,后又有 11034 米的新记录。1960 年美国海军用法国制造的“的里亚斯特“号探海艇,创造了潜入海沟 10911 米的纪 录。一般认为海洋板块与

2、大陆板板块相互碰撞,因海洋板块岩石密度大,位置低,便俯冲插入大陆板块之下,进入地幔后逐渐溶化而消亡。在发生碰撞的地方会形成 海沟,在靠近大陆一侧常形成岛弧和海岸山脉。这些地方都是地质活动强烈的区域,表现为火山和地震。浅谈小学英语课的态势语教学普及小学英语教学存在客观必然性。儿童思想比较单纯,听觉敏锐,模仿力强,且受母语干扰小,容易克服心理障碍和怕羞感,从小学开始接触英语容易产生学习兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯,为进一步学习英语奠定基矗依据小学生年龄特点,笔者认为,在小学英语课堂上采用态势语教学是极有现实意义的。态势语教学就是在教学过程中伴随有表情、眼神、手势、动作等的教学方式。性格严肃的教师可

3、借助于简笔画刻画出人物笑、哭、怒、悲等表情及走、跑、跳等动作,同时再加上老师绘声绘色、有感情的描述,学生脑海里一定会产生一个清晰的画面,学习起来定会轻松而且效果好。一、利用态势语教单词比如教可要求学生用提前准备的小瓶盖及小手帕跟着老师做手表,边做、边听、边说,以后当孩子们看到表时,就会脱口而出。二、利用态势语教句型及习惯用语在初学英语时,学生理解英语并不是因为他们有英语基础,而是由于他们借助了非语言方面的知识,如体态语知识,学生在理解这些句子的同时,就是在无意识地习得语言。教师可以利用手势如拍桌子和挥舞手臂来引导学生体会句子的语音、语调、节-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -2-奏及重音。这样是疑


5、识时,留下了清晰深刻的印象。实践证明,利用态势语教学符合小学生的年龄和心理特征,既增加了小学生的语言实践机会,又能提高小学生学习英语的积极性。学生在教师态势语的帮助下,容易做到敏捷反应、脱口而出,由消极学习英语变为积极学习英语。Mark Twain in HannibalWhen be wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain turned Hannibal, Missouriwhich he later described as a “white town dro

6、wsing in the sunshine of a summers morning” into an American literary Mecca. No other town in the country has stronger associations with an author, and Twain readily acknowledged its role in his success. The relationship between Hannibal and Twain began in November 1839, when Twains father, John Cle

7、mens, decided to leave the hamlet of Florida, Missouri, and move east about 35 miles(56km) to the somewhat larger and more prosperous Hannibal, on the banks of the Mississippi River. Twain, then known as Samuel Clemens, marked his fourth birthday about a week after the family settled there. He showe

8、d little promise of becoming a long-term resident. However, because his health was so poor that his parents probably feared he would not survive childhood. During the familys first few years in Hannibal, Twain was too young to understand fully the changes going on around him. John Clemens, though tr

9、ained as a lawyer, tried to support his family by running a store and speculating in real estate. When those ventures failed, Clemens was forced to postpone his plans to establish a permanent home for the family. -小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -3-About 1843, he began concentrating on the practice of law, a decision

10、 that brought some stability to the family finances and enabled him to have a house built. Construction began in 1843, and the family moved into the new house the next year. Situated on Hill Street, near the center of town, the modest two-story frame house attracted little attention during the years

11、 when the family called it home. The kitchen, dining room and parlor were on the first floor, and three bedrooms, along with a small wardrobe room, were upstairs. About the time the family moved into their new home. Twains health improved dramatically. Instead of having to lead a quiet indoor life,

12、he could roam the streets of Hannibal. Climb the surrounding hills, explore the areas caves and splash about in local swimming holes. He reveled in his newfound freedom, spending nearly all his free time playing outdoors with the other boys in town and soon becoming a leader. One member of his gang

13、was Twains and became a close friend. Twains many comrades also included girls. Across the street lived one named Laura Hawkins, with whom he often flirted. Twains carefree days did not last long, His father used their house as collateral for a friends loan, and the creditor took possession when the

14、 loan failed. A physician who lived diagonally across the street from the family offered to let them live in his home, which was called the Pilaster House because of its decorative columns. The Clemens family moved into that house sometime in late 1846. On March 24, 1847, John Clemens died. His wife

15、, Jane Lampton Clemens, and their oldest son, Orion, managed to regain possession of the little house on Hill Street, and the family moved back into it that summer. These events dampened but did not extinguish Twains cheerful disposition. For the next six years, Twain, his brother Henry, and his sis

16、ter Pamela live with their mother in the family home. Twain began taking odd jobs after school to bring in extra cash. Within a year of his fathers death, he quit school and became an apprentice printer, and when his brother Orion bought the Hannibal Journal in 1851, Twain went to work for him as a

17、printer and editorial assistant. The stories he wrote for Orions paper, his first publications, taught him that he much preferred writing to typesetting. Thus, when he decided to leave Hannibal in May 1853, he already had an inkling of his future career.Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King, Jr. was

18、born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. His father was -小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -4-the minister of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, as was his father before him “M. L,” as he was called, lived with his parents, his sister and brother in Atlanta, Ga. Their home was not far from the church his father preached

19、 and father taught their children what would become an important part of M. L. s life to treat all people with respect. Martins father worked hard to break down the barriers between the races. His father believed African-Americans should register their complaints by voting. As M.L. grew up he found

20、that not everyone followed his parents principles. He noticed that “black” people and white people were treated differently. He saw that he and his white friends could not drink from the same water fountains and could not use the same restrooms. M.L.s best friend as a child was a white boy and as ch

21、ildren they played happily together. But when they reached school age the friends found that even though they lived in the same neighborhood, they could not go to the same school. M.L.s friend would go to a school for white children only and M.L. was sent to a school for “black” children. After the

22、first day of school M. L. and his friend were never allowed to play together again. When M.L. was ready for college he decided to follow his father and become a minister. While attending the Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania he became familiar with Mahatma Gandhi, who had struggled to free

23、 the people of India from British rule by “peaceful revolution”. M. L. was also inspired by the work of Henry David Thoreau, particularly his essay called Civil Disobedience. It stated that if enough people would follow their conscience and disobey unjust laws. They could bring about a peaceful revo

24、lution. It was also at college that M. L. met a young woman named Coretta Scott and they would eventually marry. In 1954 M. L. received his ph. D. and accepted the job of pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Martin Luther King, Jr. would now be addressed as “Dr. King”.

25、Dr. Kings involvement with the civil rights movement began with the arrest of Mrs. Rosa Parks, was arrested for not giving a white bus rider her seat, Mrs. Parks was not the first African-American to be arrested for this “crime”, but she was well known in the Montgomery African-American community. D

26、r. King and the other African-American community leaders felt a protest was needed. The African-American residents of the city were asked to boycott the bus company by walking and driving instead. The United States Supreme Court would end the boycott, which lasted 381 days, by declaring that Alabama

27、s state and local laws requiring segregation on buses -小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -5-were illegal. The boycott was a success and Dr. King had showed that peaceful mass action could bring about change. In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis. Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. On April 3r

28、d Dr. King would give what would be his last speech: “Weve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesnt matter with me now. Because I have been to the mountaintop. And I dont mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But Im not concerned about that now. I just wa

29、nt to do Gods will. And Hes allowed me to go up to the mountain. And Ive looked over. And Ive seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the Promised Land. And Im not fearing any man. My eyes have seen the glory of the comin

30、g of the Lord”. The following day, April 4, 1968, as he was leaving his motel room. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.Holidays in America and BritainA = American B = British Month Date HolidaysJan New Year Day (A B)17 Martin Luther King JR.s Birthday(A)Feb 12 Lincolns Birthday (A)14 Va

31、lentines Day (A, B)21 Presidents Day (A)22 Washingtons Day (A)Mar 1 St. Davids Day (B)8 Ash Wednesday (A, B)14 Mothers Day (B)17 St. Patricks Day (A, B)Apr 1 April Fools Day (A, B)7 Orthodox Holy Friday(A) 16 Palm Sunday (A, B)20 Passover (A, B)-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -6-21 Good Friday (A, B)22 Secretary Day

32、(A)23 Earth Day(A)23 Easter Sunday (A, B)24 Easter Monday (B)23 St. Georges Day (B)May 1 May Day (B)6 Nurses Day(A)3 Bank Holiday (B)14 Mothers Day (A)15 Armed Forces Day (A)29 Memorial Day (A) Jun 11 The Queens Official Birthday14 Flag Day(A)18 Fathers Day (A, B) Jul 4 Independence Day (A) Aug 1 Fr

33、iendship Day(A) Sep 4 Labour Day (A) 1 Grandparents Day(A)17 Citizenship Day(A)30 Rosh Hashanah (A)Oct 9 Yom Kippur (A)10 National Childrens Day(A)11 Columbus Day (A)16 National Boss Day(A) Sweetest Day(A)24 United Nations Day(A)31 Halloween (A, B) Nov 5 Guy Fawkes Day(B)7 Election Day(A) 11 Veteran

34、s Day (A)12 Remembrance Sunday (B)23 Thanks Giving Day (A)-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -7-30 St. Andrews Day (B) Dec 4 Hanukkah (A)25 Christmas Day (A, B)26 Boxing Day(B)Medicine in Britain and AmericanMedicine in BritainIn Britain there is a National Health Service (NHS) which is paid for by taxes and National I

35、nsurance(保险), and in general people do not have to pay for medical treatment. Every person is registered with a doctor in their local area, know as general practitioner or GP. This means that their name is on the GPs list, and they may make an appointment to see the doctor or may call the doctor out

36、 to visit them if they are ill. People do sometimes have to pay part of the cost of drugs that the doctor prescribes(开处方). GPs are trained in general medicine but are not specialists in any particular subject. If a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, they must first go to their GP and then the

37、 GP will make an appointment(预约) for the patient to see a specialist at a hospital or clinic.Although everyone in Britain can have free treatment under the National Health Service. It is also possible to have treatment done privately, for which one has to pay, Some people have private health insuran

38、ce to help them pay for private treatment. Under the NHS, people who need to go to hospital may have to wait for a long time on a waiting list for their treatment. If they pay for the treatment, they will probably get it quickly.Anyone who is very ill can call an ambulance(救护车) and get taken to hosp

39、ital for free urgent medical treatment. Ambulances are a free service in Britain.Medicine in the USUnlike Britain, the US does not have a national health care service. The government does help pay for some medical care for people who are on low incomes and for old, but most people buy insurance to h

40、elp pay for medical care. Some people cannot afford insurance but not poor enough to get government help. The cost of medical insurance and the problems of those who can not afford it are an important political subject.When people are ill, they usually go first to a general practitioner or internist

41、. Unlike in Britain, however, people sometimes go straight to a specialist, without seeing their general -小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -8-practitioner first. Children are usually taken to a pediatrician (a doctor who is a specialist in the treatment of children). As in Britain, if a patient needs to see a speciali

42、st doctor, their general doctor will usually give them the name of one.Doctors don not go to peoples homes when they are ill. People always make appointments to see the doctor in the doctors office. In emergencies(急诊), people call for an ambulance. Hospital must treat all emergency patients, even if

43、 the patient does not have medical insurance. The government would then help pay for some of the cost of the medical care.Law in Britain and the USIn both Britain and the US, when a person is accused of a rime it must be shown that they are guilty “beyond reasonable doubt“. A person is always innoce

44、nt(无罪) in the eyes of the law until they have been proved to be guilty by a court they can sometimes ask for permission to APPEAL(上诉) to a higher court in the hope that it will change this decision.Criminal law in England and WalesWhen someone is arrested (ARREST) by the police, a MAGISTRATE (=an of

45、ficial who judges cases in some types of courts) decides whether there is enough EVIDENCE(证据) against the person for the case to go to court. If there is enough evidence and the case is a serious one, the person accused(控告) of the crime (called the accused(被告) is sent to a CROWN COURT for a TRIAL wi

46、th a JUDGE and JURY (=12 members of the public who have to decide if the accused is guilty(有罪的), then the judge decides the SENTENCE(判决) (2) (=punishment). If there is enough evidence against the accused but the crime is not a serious one (for example a traffic offence) then the case is heard in a M

47、AGISTRATES COURT.If found guilty in the Crown Court the accused may apply to(请求) the COURT OF APPEAL (Criminal Division) where he or she will be heard by a judge. Sometimes a HIGH COURT judge from the Queens Bench Division assists in dealing with criminal matters in the Court of Appeal or Crown Cour

48、t.Criminal law in Northern Ireland In Northern Ireland, as in England and Wales, someone accused of a crime may be tried in a Magistrates Court or a Crown Court depending on how serious the crime is. Appeals from the Crown Court are heard in the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal.-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -9-Cri

49、minal law in ScotlandScotland has a separate court system. After a person is arrested by the police, an official called the PROCURATOR FISCAL is in charge of deciding whether there is enough evidence against the accused for a trial. If there is enough evidence and the crime is a very serious one, the accused is sent


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