1、常见光源结构、原理以及特性Common source structure, principle and characteristics在照明工程中常用的光源有白炽发光的白炽灯和卤钨灯,低压气体放电的各种荧光灯和高强气体放电的荧光高压汞灯,金属卤化物灯和高压钠灯等。In the lighting project commonly used light source have the incandescent light incandescent and halogen tungsten lamp, low-pressure gas discharge of all various kinds o
2、f fluorescent lamp and high pressure gas discharge fluorescent high pressure mercury lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp and.常用光源分类如下表:表 1 常用光源分类表注:以上各类光源原则上都可以做成无极灯Note: the above types of light source in principle can be made to the electrodeless lamp1 白炽灯The 1 incandescent lamp凡是根据
3、热辐射原理工作的光源都可称为白炽灯。目前常用的白炽灯分两类,即普通白炽灯和卤钨灯。According to the principle of thermal radiation in work can be called the incandescent lamp light source. At present the common incandescent lamp is divided into two categories, namely, ordinary incandescent and halogen tungsten lamp.白炽灯靠电能将灯丝加热到白炽而发光。在灯丝发光的同
4、时还产生大量的红外辐射和小量的紫外辐射,它们最终以热能的形式而损失掉。显然,要想提高白炽灯的光效,应选用高熔点材料做灯丝,并使之在尽可能高的温度下工作。Incandescent lamp by electricity filament heated to incandescence light. In the filament light also produces a large amount of infrared radiation and the amount of UV radiation, they eventually in the form of heat losses. Ob
5、viously, if we want to improve the incandescent lamp light effect, selection of high melting point materials do filament, and the possible high temperature operation.1.1 白炽灯的结构1.1incandescent lamp structure普通白炽灯泡由钨丝、玻璃泡、灯头、支架、引线等几部分组成,内充氩、氮、或氩氮混合气体,通常的工作压力约为 1.013x105Pa,而氩氮的比例由额定电压和灯丝温度而定,通常白炽灯使用氩气在
6、 86%98%之间。Ordinary incandescent bulb composed of a tungsten filament, glass bulb, lamp, bracket, lead etc., in argon, nitrogen or argon, nitrogen mixed gas, usually working pressure of about 1.013x105Pa, and argon nitrogen proportion by the rated voltage and the temperature dependent, usually the us
7、e of incandescent lamps in 86% 98% between argon.灯丝是白炽灯发光的主要部件,常用的灯丝形状有直线灯丝、单螺灯丝、双螺旋灯丝等。灯丝的形状和尺寸大小对于白炽灯的寿命、发光效率都有直接的影响,同样长短粗细的钨丝绕成单螺旋型的光效高。灯丝结构紧凑,发光点小,利用率就高。The filament is incandescent bulbs of the main components, common filament shape straight filament, filament single screw, double helix filamen
8、t. The shape and size of the filament for incandescent lamp life, luminous efficiency has a direct impact on the same length, thickness of single filament wound into a spiral of high light efficiency. The filament has the advantages of compact structure, light small, utilization rate is high.白炽灯类型:白
9、炽灯泡有普泡、蘑菇泡、圆球泡、烛形泡、反射泡、节日泡和花生米灯泡等系列产品。Incandescent type: incandescent light bulbs with Cape bubble, bubble, bubble, the ball mushroom candle-shaped foam, foam reflection, bubble and peanuts holiday bulbs and other products.1.2 白炽灯的色温、显色指数The 1.2 incandescent lamp s color temperature, color rendering
10、 index白炽灯的光效较低(约为 1217lm/W) ,色温较低一般为 24002900K,但显色性较高,显色指数 Ra 高达 99100。到目前为止,它是应用最广泛的一种光源。Incandescent lamp light effect is low ( about 12 17lm / W ), color temperature low is 2400 2900K, but the color of high color rendering index, Ra high amounts to 99 100. So far, it is the most widely used light
11、 source.2 卤钨灯卤钨灯属于热辐射光源,工作原理基本上与普通白炽灯一样,在结构上有较大的的差别。最突出的差别就是卤钨灯泡内所填充的气体含有部分卤族元素或卤化物。Halogen tungsten lamp which belongs to the heat radiation source, principle of work basically and ordinary incandescent lamp, the structure has bigger difference. The most prominent is the difference between a tungst
12、en halogen bulb filled in a gas containing halogen and halide part.卤钨灯的光效较高(约为 1821lm/W),色温较低一般为 27003300K,显色性较高,显色指数 Ra 高达 99100。Tungsten halogen lamps have the higher light efficiency ( about 18 21lm / W ), color temperature low is 2700 3300K, color and high color rendering index, Ra high amounts
13、to 99 100.2.1 卤钨灯的结构2.1halogen tungsten lamp structure卤钨灯是由钨丝、充入卤素的玻璃泡和灯头等构成。卤钨灯有双端、单端和双泡壳之分;Tungsten halogen lamp is composed of a tungsten filament, filled with halogen glass bulb and lamp holder. Halogen tungsten lamp with two end, single side and double blister division;双端管状卤钨灯结构:灯呈现管状,功率为 10020
14、00W,灯管的直径为810mm,长 80330mm。两端采用磁接头,需要时在磁管内还装有保险丝。这种灯主要用于室内外泛光照明;Two ends of the tubular halogen tungsten lamp structure: the lamp presents tubular, power of 100 2000W, tube diameter is 8 10mm,80 330mm. Two ends of magnetic couplings, required in a magnetic tube is also provided with a fuse. The lamp
15、is mainly used for indoor and outdoor floodlights;为了使管壁处生成的卤化物处于气态,管壁温度要比普通白炽灯高得多,相应地卤钨灯的玻壳尺寸就要小得多,温度也就高得多,因而必须使用耐高温的石英玻璃或高硅氧玻璃。In order to make the pipe wall is generated halide in the gaseous state, tube wall temperature is much higher than ordinary incandescent lamp, tungsten halogen lamp shell c
16、orresponding size is much smaller, the temperature is much higher, so we must use high temperature resistant quartz glass or borosilicate glass.2.2 卤钨灯的分类2.2halogen tungsten lamp classification(1)卤钨灯按充入灯泡内的不同卤素可为碘钨灯和溴钨灯;(1) halogen tungsten lamp bulb by filling different for iodine-tungsten lamp and
17、 halogen tungsten lamp;(2)卤钨灯按灯泡外壳材料的不同可分为硬质玻璃卤钨灯、石英玻璃卤钨灯;(2) halogen tungsten lamp bulb shell by different materials can be divided into hard glass halogen tungsten lamp, quartz halogen tungsten lamp;(3)卤钨灯按工作电压的高低不同可分为市电卤钨灯(220V)和低电压型卤钨灯(6V、12V、24V);(3) tungsten halogen lamp according to the worki
18、ng voltage can be divided into different electric tungsten halogen lamp (220V ) and low voltage tungsten halogen lamps (6V,12V,24V );(4)卤钨灯按灯头结构的不同可分为双端、单端卤钨灯;(4) tungsten halogen lamp in the lamp holder structure can be divided into two terminal, single end halogen tungsten lamp;2.3 卤钨灯的工作原理The wor
19、king principle of2.3halogen tungsten lamp当充入卤素物质的灯泡通电工作时,从灯丝蒸发出来的钨,在灯泡壁区域内与卤素化合,形成一种挥发性的卤钨化合物。卤钨化合物在灯泡中扩散运动,当扩散到较热的灯丝周围区域时,卤钨化合物分解成卤素和钨,释放出来的钨沉积在灯丝上,而卤素再继续扩散到其温度较低的灯泡壁区域与钨化合,形成卤钨循环。When filled with halogen bulb is energized when the material, from the tungsten filament evaporation, the bulb wall are
20、a and halogen compounds, form a kind of volatile halogen compounds. Tungsten halogen compounds in light diffusive motion, when the diffusion to a hot filament around the area, tungsten halogen compounds are decomposed into halogen and tungsten, released from the tungsten is deposited in the filament
21、, and halogen continue to spread to the lower the temperature bulb wall area and tungsten compounds, forming a tungsten halogen cycle.卤钨循环有效地抑制了钨的蒸发,所以可以延长卤钨灯的使用寿命,同时可以进一步提高灯丝温度,获得较高的光效,并减少了使用过程中的光通量的衰减。Tungsten halogen cycle effectively suppressed the tungsten evaporation, so it can prolong the ser
22、vice life of the tungsten halogen lamp, and can further improve the filament temperature, high light efficiency, and reducing the use of the process of luminous flux attenuation.2.4 卤钨灯的工作特性2.4halogen tungsten lamp operating characteristics2.4.1 色表和显色性2.4.1color map and color卤钨灯属低色温光源,其色温一般在 2800320
23、0K 之间,与普通白炽灯相比,光色度的一些,色调更冷一些,但显色性较好,显色指数 Ra=100;Halogen tungsten lamp belongs to low color temperature light source color temperature, general2800 3200K, compared with ordinary incandescent lamp, light color, hue is more cold, but the color is good, the color rendering index Ra = 100;2.4.2 卤钨灯的应用The
24、 application of2.4.2halogen tungsten lamp卤钨灯在使用时应注意以下问题:为了使在灯泡壁生成的卤化物处于气态,卤钨灯不适用于低温场合。双端卤钨灯工作时,灯管应水平安装,其倾斜角度不得超过 40,否则会缩短其使用寿命。Tungsten halogen lamps in use should note the following problem: in order to make the bulb wall generated halide in the gaseous state, tungsten halogen lamp is not suitable
25、for low temperature applications. Double-end halogen tungsten lamp when working, lamp should be installed horizontally, and the inclined angle of not more than 40, otherwise it will shorten the service life.由于卤钨灯工作时产生高温(管壁温度 600),因此,卤钨灯附近不准放易燃物质,且灯脚引入线应用耐高温的导线。另外,由于卤钨灯灯丝细长又脆,卤钨灯使用时,要避免震动和撞击,也不宜作为移动照
26、明灯具。As a result of halogen tungsten lamp work produces high temperature ( temperature of the tube wall of 600 DEG C ), therefore, tungsten halogen lamps are placed near flammable substances, and the lamp foot into the application of high temperature resistant wire line. In addition, the halogen tung
27、sten lamp filament thin and crisp, tungsten halogen lamp is used, to avoid vibration and impact, is not as mobile lighting.3 荧光灯The 3 fluorescent lamp荧光灯与白炽灯的发光原理完全不同,荧光灯是一种低压气体放电灯。所谓气体放电就是指电流通过气体媒介时的放电现象。气体放电现象是非常普遍的,例如厦日雷雨时的闪电,使用电焊机时产生很强的光等都是气体放电现象。Fluorescent lamp and incandescent lamp light prin
28、ciple is completely different, the fluorescent lamp is a gas discharge lamp. The so-called gas discharge refers to the current through the gas medium in the discharge phenomenon. Gas discharge phenomenon is very common, for example, during a thunderstorm and lightning, when using electric welding ma
29、chine to produce strong light is a gas discharge phenomenon.最先把气体放电用于照明的是使用炭精棒通电产生的碳弧灯,这种放电不易控制,后来人们对气体放电从本质上有了深入认识。于 1936 年成功地实现了在密闭管内的放电,从而产生荧光灯。到目前为止,荧光灯工业已经形成一项庞大的工业体系,产品种类很多,仍在不断的发展之中,荧光灯已成为主要的照明光源。The first gas discharge used for lighting is the use of carbon rod is energized to produce carbon
30、 arc lamp, the discharge is not easy to control, and later people of gas discharge from a deeper understanding of nature. In 1936 successfully realized in confined inside the discharge tube, thereby producing a fluorescent lamp. So far, the fluorescent lamp industry has formed a huge industry system
31、, product type are many, is still in constant development, the fluorescent lamp has become the main source of illumination.3.1 荧光灯的发光原理The 3.1 fluorescent lamp light-emitting principle荧光灯的常用荧光粉是卤磷酸钙;一种低压汞蒸气体放电灯。灯管内水银蒸气的原子在放电时激发出 253.7 nm 紫外线。紫外辐射被管壁上的荧光粉吸收,转变成可见光。转换效率和灯的颜色主要取决于荧光粉的种类和性质。Fluorescent
32、light fluorescent powder is commonly used halogen calcium phosphate; a low pressure mercury vapor discharge lamp. Inside the lamp mercury vapor atom at the time of discharge excitation of253.7 nm ultraviolet. Ultraviolet radiation is the phosphor on the tube wall absorption, converted into visible l
33、ight. The conversion efficiency and light color depends on the kinds and properties of fluorescent powder.3.2 荧光灯的光电特征3.2photoelectric characteristics of fluorescent lamp3.2.1 电压特性3.2.1voltage characteristics电源电压的变化,会引起各种特性的变化。无论电压过高或过低,都会缩短灯的寿命,因为电源电压增高,使灯电流增大,灯管会黑化,寿命缩短;而电源电压降低,电极温度降低,灯不易启动,促使电极物质
34、溅散,也使寿命缩短,所以要求电源电压的波动范围必须为额定值的6 以内,同时灯用镇流器的选择和匹配也非常重要。The variation of the supply voltage, will cause the various characteristics of the changes. Regardless of the voltage too high or too low, will shorten the service life of the lamp, because the power supply voltage is increased, so that the lamp
35、current increases, the lamp will be black, shortened life expectancy; and reduced supply voltage, electrode temperature decreases, the lamp is not easy to start, prompted the electrode material is sprayed, also make a shortened life span, so the requirements of power supply voltage fluctuation range
36、 must be rated value +6, at the same time, lamp ballasts, selection and matching is very important.3.2.2 荧光灯的工作特性The 3.2.2fluorescent lamp operating characteristics随着点灯时间的延长,荧光粉会老化,同时由于管内残留不纯气体的作用,也会使荧光粉黑化,并且由于电极物质的发溅,会造成管端黑化,玻璃的析钠黑化等都使荧光灯的光通量下降。一般在最初 100h 下降很快,以后就比较缓慢,总光通量下降到初始光通量的 70%以下(高显色性的荧光灯下降
37、到 60%以下)的点灯时间定义为灯的寿命。As the lighting time prolonging, the fluorescence powder can aging, at the same time as the tube residue of impure gas effect, also can make the fluorescent powder blackening, and because the electrode material of splash, will cause the pipe ends blackening, glass and so on sodi
38、um type fluorescent lamp luminous flux decline. Generally in the initial100h decreased very fast, then slow, the total luminous flux decreased to below 70% of the initial flux ( high color fluorescent lamp dropped to below 60% ) lighting time is defined as the lamp life.荧光灯的电压升高时,工作电流增大,电极温度升高,会引起电极
39、和灯管过热,从而使阴仍物质蒸发加快、管子迅速变黑,导致寿命降低。如果电压过低,荧光灯启支困难,启辉器工作次数增加,会加剧阴极物质的溅射,也会使寿命缩短。Fluorescent lamp voltage rises, the increase of the operating current, electrode temperature, can cause overheating and tube electrode, thereby enabling the Yin material evaporation speed, pipe still rapidly darkening, leads
40、 to the decrease of life. If the voltage is too low, the fluorescent lamp to start a difficult, the starter working times increase, will increase the sputtering cathode material, also can make the life shortening.3.2.3 环境温度对荧光灯的影响3.2.3ambient temperature on the effects of fluorescent light灯的工作特性,还取决
41、于管内汞的蒸汽压,因此也受环境温度影响,当温度过低时,汞蒸汽压力下降,汞原子电离率下降,启动困难,同时紫外线的辐射减少。当环境温度过高,管内汞蒸气压力增高,紫外线反而减少,其他谱线增加。因此,环境温度过低和过高都会影响荧光灯的发光效率。荧光灯不宜用在户外。Lamp operating characteristics, but also depends on the tube mercury vapor pressure, therefore also affected by environment temperature, when the temperature is too low, me
42、rcury vapor pressure drop, mercury atomic ionization rate, difficult starting, and ultraviolet radiation reduction. When the ambient temperature is too high, tube mercury vapor pressure, ultraviolet decrease instead, other spectral line increase. Therefore, the environment temperature is too high an
43、d too low will affect the fluorescent lamp luminous efficiency. Fluorescent lamp should not be used in outdoor.3.2.4 开关次数对寿命的影响3.2.4switching frequency effect on life荧光灯频繁启动会大大消耗阴极物质,从而使寿命降低。通常,荧光灯寿命是指每开一次点燃 3h 的总使用时间。连续工作时间越长,寿命越长,因此,在频繁开关灯具的场所不宜使用荧光灯。Fluorescent lamp started will greatly consumed
44、cathode material, so that the decrease of life. Usually, the life of the fluorescent lamp is that each hold a Kindle 3H total usage time. Continuous working time is longer, longer life expectancy, therefore, the frequent switch lighting places is the use of fluorescent lamp.3.2.5 各种荧光灯的光度和色度特性3.2.5a
45、ll various kinds of fluorescent lamp and colorimetric characteristics在一般照明光源中,根据荧光灯的光色特性分类,可分为日光色、高显色性、三基色、冷白色和暖白色等;In the general lighting source, according to the fluorescent lamp color characteristics classification, can be divided into daylight color, high color, three color, cool white and warm
46、 white;目前生产的照明用各种荧光灯的特性如下表:表 1 各种荧光灯的特性荧光灯名称功率(w色温(k)显色指初始光长度(mm)额定寿命(h) 数(Ra)通(lm)182705295034004000630085 1350 600 1500036270029503400630085 3350 1200 15000T8三基色58270029003400630085 5200 1500 15000182700300040005000650095981000 604T5三基色36270030004000500065009598959895989598959823001213658270030004
47、0005000650095989598959895989598370015142环形223227006400270064008010501750500070003.3 荧光灯的发展前景The 3.3 fluorescent lamp development prospect荧光灯的发展前景相当迅速,灯管和控制电路的改进使灯管的光效从 1940 年的35lm/W 发展到现在的 100Lm/W 左右,灯管寿命从 2000h 到现在的 15000h。三基色荧光粉的出现增加了灯管的交效,改善了灯管的流明维持特性,并大大提高了荧光灯的显色性。涂敷多光谱带荧光粉的荧光灯有极高的显色性(Ra 达到 90以上
48、)和高光效,它已经取代了较老式的灯管。Fluorescent lamp tube and the prospects for development is quite rapid, improvement of control circuit of the lamp light effect from the 194035lm / W now to the development of the100Lm / W left and right sides, the service life of the lamp from 2000h to15000h now. Three color phos
49、phor increases lamp effect pay, improve the lamp lumen maintenance characteristics, and greatly improve the color rendering properties of fluorescent lamp. Applying multi band phosphor fluorescent lamp with high color rendering ( Ra 90) and high Guangxiao, it has replaced the older tube.现在有的荧光灯有涂敷荧光粉之前,先在灯管内壁涂一层保护膜,这层保护膜可以阻止玻璃管内的钠元素扩散到荧光粉中,从而显著地改善了灯的流明维持特性,同时保护膜还能反射紫外线,从而有利于减少荧光粉用量。保护膜还可以很显著地减少每根荧光灯内需要的汞量,像 T5 直管荧光灯的汞注入量仅为3mg。Now some fluorescent lamp is coated with fluorescent powder before, first in the inner wall of the lamp tube is coated with a