1、William Wordsworth威廉.华兹华斯,归 园 田 居,陶 渊 明,对,比,I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,comparative analysis,威廉华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义先驱,杰出的“湖畔派”诗人,William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 23 April 1850),1,he was a major English Romantic poet,2,He was first educated at the Grammar School of Hawkshead,3,then at St. Johns College,Cambr
2、idge.,4,a lawyers family,death of parents,grammar school lake district,Cambridge, vocation,summer tour to France,Lines Written in Early Spring “早春诗行” To the Cuckoo “致布谷鸟” The Daffodils “水仙花” I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud “我独自漫游像一朵浮云” My Heart Leaps Up “我的心激烈地跳动” Intimations of Immortality “不朽颂” Lines
3、 Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey“丁登寺杂咏” 孤独的收割人-Solitary Reaper,Major works,Wordsworth,陶渊明:(365427),字元亮,一说名潜,字渊明,世称靖节先生,自称五柳先生。东晋伟大诗人,我国第一位田园诗人。,诗歌有归园田居、饮酒等120余首。,散文有桃花源记、五柳先生传等,出身于没落的官僚地主家庭,曾祖曾官至大司马,到他时已家境没落。为生计作过一些小官,在最后一个职位彭泽县令任上任职八十余日后,辞官不仕,归隐乡里。,“不为五斗米折腰”“古之隐逸诗人之宗”,I Wandered Lonely as
4、a Cloud,William Wordsworth,“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” was written by William Wordsworth, the representative poet of the early romanticism. As a great poet of nature, William Wordsworth was the first to find words for the most elementary sensations of man face to face with natural phenomena. Thes
5、e sensations are universal and old but, once expressed in his poetry, become charmingly beautiful and new. His deep love for nature runs through short lyrics such as “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”,:赏析,华兹华斯的影响,Wordsworths Poetic Theory shook the British rule of classical poetics a strong influence to
6、 innovation and the English Romantic poetry movement,内 容,风 格,描写优美的农村风光;歌咏饮酒抚琴、读书赋诗、闲话桑麻的情趣;抒发对宁静闲适的隐居生活的挚爱;表现对官场的厌恶和安贫乐道的品格。,陶诗,朴素、淡远、自然,结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 问君何能尔?心远地自偏。 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。 此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。,种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀,晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归,道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。,衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。,饮酒,归园田居,In the circle of literature criticism, i
7、t is customary to relate Tao Yuanming and Wordsworth to tranquility, and it seems that tranquility is the whole of Tao Yuanmings and Wordsworths temperament . In fact, this is not the case, and there exists the equally important aspect of psychological fluctuations in their temperament, which is cau
8、sed by their psychological conflicts. Their psychological conflicts are great in variety, various in clearing up, and important in literature creation.,评论界一般习惯于把“静”同陶渊明和华兹华斯联系在一起 ,似乎“静”是其精神气质的全部 ,这是不全面的。实际上 ,在陶渊明和华兹华斯“静”的面罩之下还掩藏着同等重要的“动”的一面。“动”是他们心理矛盾引发的心理波动 ,在内涵上丰富多彩 ,在消解方式上多种多样 ,在其文学创作中具有积极的作用,Psy
9、chological Fluctuations in Tao Yuanmings and Wordsworths Temperamental Tranquility 陶渊明和华兹华斯的“静”中之“动,陶渊明和华兹华斯是中英文学史上田园诗的双璧 ,他们性格中都有“静”和“动”的成分 ,但他们对他们所生活的自然和田园的体认有着巨大的差异从他们对自然和田园生活描绘的广度上来说 ,华兹华斯为我们展现的社会画卷多姿多彩 ,从这点上来说华兹华斯胜于陶渊明 ;从他们对自然和田园生活表现的深度上来说 ,陶渊明在田园生活中完成了人格与精神的升华 ,达到了物我交融的程度 ,从这个意义上来说 ,陶渊明胜于华兹华斯。
10、本文的结论是 :陶渊明的自然是自己的自然 ,华兹华斯的自然是自然的自然,Tao Yuanming and Wordsworth are remarkable representatives in idylls in respective history of literature.Although the qualities like serenity and uproar can be found in both of their characters,there is a world of difference between their perceptions of the nature
11、 and the pastoral.As to the width,Wordsworth shows a richer and more colourful picture of life.In this sense Wordsworth is superior to Tao.But for the depth.With the complement of the sublimation of his personality and spirits,Tao is superior to W.,静谧的田园与躁动的诗魂陶渊明、华兹华斯对自然和田园生活体认的比较,田园诗人陶渊明与湖畔派诗人华兹华斯的
12、处世理念与作品风格,既有不少相似之处,又因受中西方不同的哲学思想及宗教观的影响,在审美情趣上有明显的差异。,The view of life and the writing style of the idyllist Tao Yuanming and the Lake poet Wordsworth are much similar, and the differences in their philosophical thoughts and religious viewpoints also led to the essential difference in their aestheti
13、c standards.,陶渊明与华兹华斯的处世理念与作品风格,人的精神世界是可以净化的,在一定条件下,人可以改变客观条件对人的影响,即使身处闹市,也可以求得心灵的一方“净土”。,两位诗人如此钟情于自然! 两首诗的意境又如此的相似!这与他们特定的生活环境有着密切关系,他们童年、 少年时代都是在风光秀美的田园乡村中度过的。,思考:南山中的一朵浮云陶渊明和华兹华斯诗中的自然,除了少时环境的熏陶! 两位诗人后来的生活经历也加深了他们对自然的热爱之情“ 他们都是出于对现实社会的失望和反感而退隐田园的“,陶渊明和华兹华斯是世界文学史上田园诗派的代表作家。 两人都醉心于自然,并把大自然作为心灵的慰藉与寄托
14、,通过对他们作品中有代表性的两首诗歌的比较可以看出他们对自然之爱,诗歌创作的背景和原则及其社会文化本质的异同。,处于不同时代! 受着异质文化浸染的陶渊明和华兹华斯在回归自然后感悟到了“人生的真谛” ,于是他们不由自主地发出了同声的咏叹! 用一支神来之笔把我们带到湖光山色中去体会人性中化外的境界!让我们在自然的田园中捕获精神的瑰宝“,同声的咏叹,陶诗清高超逸!没有泼墨浓彩!却如春雨一样慢慢地渗透到读者心中“,华兹华斯的诗仿佛使我们看到了一幅色彩斑斓, 动静交织的画面, 金色的水仙,湛蓝的湖面,墨绿的树叶!还有那微风和煦,碧波涟漪!金灿灿的水仙在如此美妙的背景下翩翩起舞!令人神往。,别样的情怀,我
15、们隐隐感悟到了他们对大自然的无尽热爱,但是当他们走出这个客观的物质性的“自然界”。走进自己心灵深处的那个“精神世界”时,这种自然之爱的内涵却是不同的。,华兹华斯则无法像陶渊明那样无意识地潜身于自然之中,悠然地容万象于笔端。他对具体物象的情感不像陶诗那样委婉而含蓄地深蕴于文字之中,而往往是依靠表白、抒情、议论直接诉诸文字,尽力体现其思想。,陶渊明的主观精神与客观环境之间的关系,只要心远,即顺应自然状态的变化,抱朴而含真,获得心灵的解放和自由,不管在什么地方都不会受尘俗的干扰。,由于对人生了悟明彻,陶渊明和华兹华斯对于自然发出了同声的咏叹,作为具有不同文化特质的诗人,他们又有着别样的情怀。,总结,Thank You,Bye bye,