1、I Wandered Lonely as a CloudWilliam Wordsworth,Background Form Theme Image,I wandered lonely as a cloud 我好似一朵孤独的流云That floats on high oer vales and hills高高的漂游在山谷之上When all at once I saw a crowd,突然我看见一大片鲜花A host of golden daffodils,是金色的水仙遍地地开放Beside the lake, beneath the trees 他们开在湖畔,开在树下Fluttering a
2、nd dancing in the breeze. 他们随风嬉舞,随风波荡,Continuous as the stars that shine它们密集如银河的星星And twinkle on the Milky Way,像群星在闪烁一片晶莹They stretched in never-ending line它们沿着海湾向前延伸Along the margin of a bay:通往远方仿佛无穷无尽 Ten thousand saw I at a glance一眼看去就有千万朵 Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.万花摇首舞的那么高兴,The wav
3、es beside them danced, but they粼粼湖波也在近旁欢跳Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:却不如这水仙舞得轻俏A poet could not but be gay诗人遇见这快乐的旅伴In such a jocund company:又怎能不感到欣喜雀跃I gazed -and gazed -but little thought我久久凝视却未领悟What wealth the show to me had brought:这景象所给我的精神至宝,For oft, when on my couch I lie后来多少次我郁郁独卧In
4、 vacant or in pensive mood,感到百无聊赖心灵空漠They flash upon that inward eye这景象便在脑海中闪现Which is the bliss of solitude;多少次安慰过我的寂寞And then my heart with pleasure fills,我的心又随水仙跳起舞来And dances with the daffodils.人的心又重新充满了欢乐(顾子欣 译),Background Poem recaptures a moment on April 15, 1802, when Wordsworth and his sist
5、er, Dorothy, were walking near a lake at Grasmere, CumbriaCounty, England, and came upon a shore lined with daffodils. (据说根据兄妹一起出去玩时看到水仙,被大自然的妩媚所吸引这一经历写成,体现了是人关于诗歌应描写“平静中回忆起来的情感”),Genre Lyric poem Structurefour stanzas, each including 6 linesRhyme ababcc (四步抑扬格),Theme beauty of nature rural life har
6、mony between human and nature the great influence of nature upon human beings,Rhetoric Simile明喻(eg line1 ) personification拟人(eg line6) hyperbole夸张(eg line7) alliteration头韵(eg line5),What does the poem impress you most? Use of image Vivid description of nature Daily language,cloud Lonely, aimless, al
7、oof(超然离群)A host of golden daffodils sprightly,jocund,positive,vibrant,黄水仙花 (郭沫若译) 独行徐徐如浮云,横绝太空渡山谷。 忽然在我一瞥中,金色水仙花成簇。 开在湖边乔木下,微风之中频摇曳。 有如群星在银河,形影绵绵光灼灼。 湖畔蜿蜒花径长,连成一线无断续。 一瞥之中万朵花,起舞翩跹头点啄。 湖中碧水起涟漪,湖波踊跃无花乐。 诗人对此殊激昂,独在花中事幽躅! 凝眼看花又看花,当时未解伊何福。 晚上枕上意悠然,无虑无忧殊恍惚。 情景闪烁心眼中,黄水仙花赋禅悦; 我心乃得溢欢愉,同花共舞天上曲。,水仙 (孙梁译) 独自漫游似
8、浮云,青山翠谷上飘荡; 一刹那瞥见一丛丛、一簇簇水仙金黄; 树荫下,明湖边,和风吹拂舞翩跹。 仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹; 一湾碧波边缘,绵延,望不尽; 只见万千无穷,随风偃仰舞兴浓。 花边波光潋滟,怎比得繁花似锦; 面对如此良伴,诗人怎不欢欣! 凝视,凝视,流连不止; 殊不知引起悠悠情思; 兀自倚憩息,岑寂,幽然冥想; 蓦地花影闪心扉,独处方能神往; 衷心喜悦洋溢,伴水仙、舞不息。,Poetry is to give an unexpected splendor to familiar and commonplace things,to incidents and situations from common life.所有的好诗都是选用人们真正用的语言去描写普通生活中的事件和情境。威廉华兹华斯,Thank you!,