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中国当代社会与文化英文教程 翻译.pdf

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1、 1 中国当代社会与文化英文教程第二版翻译练习答案( word 版) Unit 1 Translation 总体而言,中国地势西高东低。西部为青藏高原,位于西藏和青海省内,平均海拔超过4000米,是世界最高抵,号称“世界屋脊”。东部海拔450米以下,是中国最繁荣、人口最稠密的地区。北部地势低平,间或为高山阻断;往南是河流冲击而成的平原;再南部是丘陵地带,沟壑纵横。 Broadly speaking, the relief of China is high in the west and low in the east. The west area is represented by the P

2、lateau of Tibet, located in Xizang and Qinghai, with an average elevation of 400 meters. It is the highest part in the world and is termed as “the rof of the world”. The east area, with an elevation below 450 meters, is the most prosperous and populous in China. In the north lies a low and flat land

3、, occasionally interrupted by the mountains. Southward, one could see plains created by the rivers. In the far south, there are low mountains crosed by the river valeys. Translation 经过四个世纪的内战,隋朝统一了中国。接下来的唐朝将封建社会的繁荣推向顶峰,成为一个地域最大最繁华的帝国,是中国历史上的黄金时代。8世纪中期国家出现混乱,国力衰微,直到宋朝才结束了这种状况,国家再度统一。宋之后是元朝,这是历史上第一个统治

4、中国的异域民族,当时对异族统治中国民间有着普遍的抵制。最后,蒙古人被赶回大草原,明朝建立。 After four centuries of civil wars, the Sui Dynasty reunited China. The suceding Tang Dynasty pushed the feudal society to the height of prosperity. China became an expansive, cosmopolitan empire. That was the golden age in Chinese civilization. In the m

5、idle of the 8th century, it began to decline and sliped into chaos. The state was not reunited until the establishment of the Song Dynasty. After Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty came into being, which was the first minority group to rule whole China, and their ruthles rule induced hatred from the public.

6、 Consequently, the Mongolians were pushed back to the stepes and Yuan Dynasty was replaced by Ming Dynasty. Unit 2 Translation 回族是分布最广的一个少数民族,约三分之一的回民定居在宁夏,其余的分散在全国各地。小范围集中、大范围分散是回民的居住方式。他们是唐朝时期到中国来的阿拉伯和伊朗商人的后裔。元朝时代中亚大量移民也加入到这个群体中。伊斯兰教影响了他们的生活的各个方面。回民的日常语言是阿拉伯语和波斯语,清真寺是典型的回教建筑。 Hui is Chinas most wi

7、dely distributed ethnic minority: about a third of Hui people setle in Ningxia and others scater in other parts of China. Smal-scale concentration and wide-range distribution are the characteristics of their inhabitation. They are descended from the Arabic and Iranian traders who traveled to China d

8、uring the Tang Dynasty. Immigrants from Central Asia contributed to the increasing number during the Yuan Dynasty. Islamism plays an important role in every aspect of their lives. They use Arabic and Farsi in their daily comunication and mosques are the representative architectures. 2 Translation 摩梭

9、人是元代南征蒙古军人的后裔,生活在云南省西北,与四川交界处风光秀丽的泸沽湖畔,人口约五万,有自己的本民族语言,但没有文字。位于在金沙江东部的摩梭人的语言、服饰、婚姻习俗与金沙江西部的纳西族有差异。摩梭人是中国唯一仍存在的母系氏族社会,实行“男不娶,女不嫁”的“走婚”独特制度。 As descendants of the Mongolian soldiers in Yuans military southward conquests, the Mosuo dwel in north-west of the Yunan Province, to the Lugu Lake bordering th

10、e Sichuan Province. As a ethnic group of about 50,00 people, the Musuo has its language, only verbal but not writen. The Mosuo, residing in the eastern side of the Jinsha River demonstrate a sharp contrast from the Naxi tribes in language, costume and mariage conventions. The Mosuo is the only matri

11、archal society in China that persists to this day, and it maintains a unique Visiting Mariage system. Unit 4 Translation 由于中国经济的飞速增长,中国与世界的交流日渐频繁,世界上对汉语学习的需求也日益强烈。中国借鉴了英国、法国、德国和西班牙推广它们本国语言的经验,从2004年开始,尝试在国外建立非营利性公共机构,命名为孔子学院,推广中国的语言和文化。到了2013年,全世界孔子学院成绩显著,发展稳定,前景乐观。 As Chinas economy and exchanges w

12、ith the world have sen rapid growth, there has also been a sharp increase in the worlds demands for Chinese learning. Benefiting from the UK, France, Germany and Spains experience in promoting their national languages, China began its own exploration through establishing non-profit public institutio

13、ns which aim to promote Chinese language and culture in foreign countries in 2004: these were given the name the Confucius Institute. By the year 2013, the Confucius Institutes around the world made remarkable achievements, with steady development and positive trends for future growth. Translation “

14、21”计划始于1993年,政府希望建立大约100所世界级的高等学府。名称中的21和1是21世纪和大学100所大学的缩略表达。90年代,中国的30所最优秀的大学学术研究水平不高,因而得不到世界的承认,这促使了该计划的诞生。截止2011年底,211高校已达112所,中国80的博士生,2/3的研究生,一般的国际生和1/3的本科生都是这些高校培养出来的。 Project 21, initiated in 193, is a government endeavor to develop about 10 Chinese institutions of higher education into worl

15、d-class centers of learning. The figure of 21 and 1 within the name 21 are from the abreviation of the 21st century and aproximately 10 universities. The motivation for the project was the fact that in the 190s, the countrys 30 elite universities were not maintaining suficiently high research standa

16、rds and were therefore porly regarded internationally. The Chinese Government aimed to cultivate 10 high-level universities to enable the country to implement national socio-economic development strategies. Universities that fall under the scope of Project 211, which totaled 112 at the end of 2011,

17、train 80 percent of the countrys doctoral students, two thirds of its graduate students, half the international students and a third of undergraduates. 3 Unit 5 Translation 喀什,以为“玉石之国”,是丝绸之路上举足轻重的城市。她不仅是中国向西方探索、寻求开放的贸易通道,也是多民族融合交汇的走廊。喀什是一座以维吾尔族为主要居住的古老城市,民族特色浓郁,80的人口是维吾尔族同胞,信奉伊斯兰教,因此整个城市风貌、商业、礼仪、娱乐、

18、宗教都围绕着他们固有的方式展开。 Kashi which means “the country of jade” is the city of significance along the Old Silk Road. It not only symbolizes Chinas effort to explore the West for trade but also represents the hub of multi-ethnic minorities interactions. Kashi is an old city where the Uygur ethnic minority h

19、as constituted the bulk of its population. They account for 80 percent and hold the belief of Islamism. Consequently the entire city evolves around this unique feature in a range of activities, including city construction, comerce, etiquette, entertainment as well as religious ceremonies. Translatio

20、n 青藏铁路是世界上最高的铁路,在海拔超过4000米的青藏高原上运行,从青海西宁到西藏拉萨,全长1956公里,其中550公里穿过永久冻土带。青藏铁路沿途设有45座车站,唐古拉车站,堪称世界上海拔最高的车站。修建青藏铁路最大的挑战是永久冻土。夏天气温上升,最上面冻土融化,路就塌了;冬天温度降低,动图膨胀,把建在上面的钢轨顶起来。这个难题最终被聪明能干的中国工程人员解决了。 The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is suposed to be the highest railway in the world, stretching from Xining, Qinghai Prov

21、ince to Lhasa, Tibet, crosing the more-than-4000 meters Tibet Plateau along the way. It covers a distance of 1956 kilometers, 50 kilometers of which is the permanent frozen earth (permafrost). It contains altogether 45 stations, one of which, Tangula Station, boasts to be the highest station in the

22、world. The formidable obstacle in the construction of the railway is permafrost. In the summer when the temperature rises, the surface wil melt and collapse. In the winter when the temperature drops, the permafrost wil expand, causing the bumping of railway road. Finaly, the obstacle has ben resolve

23、d by the capable Chinese enginers. Unit 7 Translation 黄河,全长5464公里,仅次于长江,是中国第二长的河流。黄河发源于西藏高原的青海省。它向东流经7个省和两个自治区,最后注入渤海。黄河被称为 “中华民族的母亲河”,也被誉为“中华文明的摇篮”,因为黄河流域是古代中华文明的发祥地。黄河流域也是中国古代历史上最繁荣昌盛的地区。到宋元以前,该地区一直是中国经济发展的重心,创造了当时世界上最发达的文明。 The Yelow River, with a length of 5464km, is the second-longest river in

24、China after the Yangtze River. The river rises/originates in Qinghai province on the Plateau of Tibet. It flows eastward through/croses six other provinces and two autonomous regions in its course and finally empties into the Bo Hai. The Yelow River is caled the “Mother River” of the Chinese People,

25、 and is also referred to as “the Cradle of Chinese Civilization”, as its basin was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilizations. It is also the most prosperous and populous region in early Chinese history. Til the Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, the Yelow River basin had always been the center of

26、Chinas economy and had developed the most advanced civilizations in the world then. 4 Translation 中外有大量坚实的历史资料证明中国人民首先发现了南沙群岛,并在岛上从事生产活动。东汉时期就有史料记载中国人在岛上生活和工作。唐代时,中国已把南沙群岛归于其行政区划地图。所有史实证明中国政府一直对群岛行使管辖权。自古以来,南沙群岛一直都是中国领土神圣不可分割的一部分。中华人民共和国对这些岛屿及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。 The Sumer Palace is up to now the best pr

27、eserved and the largest imperial garden in China. Situated in western outskirts of Beijing, it is 10 kilometers from the central city. It is Chinas leading clasical garden which enjoys a worldwide reputation. The Sumer Palace was opened to the public in 1924 and included in the UNESCO world heritage

28、 list in 198. The two main elements of the garden are Longevity Hil and Kunming Lake. Kunming Lake is a half manmade and half natural lake, taking up thre quarters of the garden. At the fot of Longevity Hill is the 728-meter-long Painted Walkway which is the longest walkway in the Chinese gardens wi

29、th altogether over 14,00 traditional Chinese paintings on the beams and crosbeams. Unit 8 Translation 中国菜通常由不止一种原料做成,这是因为用料单一菜就会缺少对比,因而很难达到和谐。通过使用不同的食材、变化的刀工、各种调料和烹饪方法,使不同颜色、香气、风味、形状和口感的食物明显达到和谐的平衡和对比。阴阳原则支配着中国人生活的方方面面,也是中国厨师做饭的指导性原则。所有的食物也是药材,一个人吃的食物与其健康息息相关。当阴阳的力量在体内不平衡时人就会生病。现在越来越多的人人已经认识到营养与健康之间

30、的联系。 Chinese dish is usualy made up of more than one ingredients, this is because when a single item is cooked on its own, it lacks contrast and therefore lacks harmony. The harmonious balance and contrast of diferent colors, aroma, flavors, shapes and textures are achieved by varying the ingredient

31、s, cutting techniques, seasonings and coking methods. Yin-yang principle governs al aspects of Chinese life and it has also been the guiding principle for Chinese cooks. Al fods are also medicines, the kind of fod one eats is closely relevant to ones health. When the yin-yang forces in the body are

32、not balanced, ilness results. Now more and more people have recognized the link betwen nutrition and health. 5 Translation 北京制作各种小吃有着悠久的历史。具有浓郁的地方风味,北京小吃吸引了几乎所有的游客。豆汁(Mung Bean Milk)是北京最著名的小吃之一。它尝起来酸中带甜,有种特殊的香味。由于价格低廉,受到多数北京人的喜爱。另一种著名的小吃糯米团(Sticky Rice Bals)(艾窝窝)是宫廷小吃。它是由糯米作成的洁白如雪的美味。米先蒸再捣碎,做成球的形状。这

33、种美味的小吃深受明朝皇室和贵族家庭的喜爱, 据说艾窝窝曾是皇帝的特供。 Beijing has a time-honored history of producing various kinds of snacks. With strong local flavors, Beijings snacks atract almost al visitors. Mung Bean Milk (Dou Zhi) is one of the most famous Beijing snack. It tastes mostly sour with a flavor of swetnes, and has

34、 a peculiar odor. Because of low price, it is welcomed by the majority of Beijing people. Another famous snack, Sticky Rice Bals (Ai Wo Wo), is a court snack. As white as snow, this delicacy is made of sticky rice. The rice is first steamed then pounded and shaped into a bal. This delicious snack be

35、came a favorite of imperial and noble families during the Ming Dynasty, it is said that Ai Wo Wo was once emperors special. Unit 9 Translation 根据中医理论,气(生命力)、血通过经络腧穴流动全身,连接体内器官和体外器官与组织。针灸诊疗室里,医生根据确诊的症状,顺着不同的经络首先找到正确的穴位。针灸治疗的效果极大地依赖于中医诊断的精确性。 According to this theory, Qi (vital energy) and blod circul

36、ate in the body through a system of channels called meridians, conecting internal organs with external organs or tisues. In acupuncture clinics, the practitioner first selects appropriate acupoints along diferent meridians based on identified health problems. The efectivenes of an acupuncture treatm

37、ent is strongly dependent upon an acurate Chinese medical diagnosis. Translation 在300多年的风雨历程中,历代同仁堂人始终恪守“炮制虽繁必不敢省人工,品味虽贵必不敢减物力”的古训。北京同仁堂的产品以其“配方独特、选料上乘、工艺精湛、疗效显著”而享誉海内外。随着综合实力的提高,北京同仁堂也加快其国际业务。 Over the past 30 years, the staf of Tongrentang has stuck to the moto of “Regardles how dificult it is to

38、get quality medical materials, no mater how complicated it is to produce medicine, neither funds nor strenuous work is spared.” Using the best materials and unique traditional prescriptions, the company has produced high-quality Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and made Tongrentang wel-known home

39、and abroad. As its overal strength is building up, Beijing Tongrentang is also speding up its international operation. 6 Unit 10 Translation 剪纸是中国最流行的传统民间艺术之一。中国的剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村的节日有密切关系。婚礼或节日里人们在墙。窗户和门上贴剪纸以增加喜庆气氛。剪纸常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。 Paper-cut is one of Chinas most popular tra

40、ditional folk arts. Chinese paper-cut has a history of more than 1500 years, and it was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The initiation and spread of paper-cuts had a close relationship with Chinese rural festivals. People pasted paper-cuts on walls, windows and dors at we

41、dding ceremonies or festivals to enhance joyful atmosphere. The color frequently used in paper-cuts is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Translation 大栅栏以古色古香的各种商店而闻名。每天的平均客流量达到15万到16万人,周末和假期超过20玩人呢。虽然这条商业街有580多年的历史,但大多数的古代建筑依然保存完好。很多著名的老店和老北京知名品牌仍在提供优质的产品。宫廷文化与民间文化结合使大栅栏具有深远的文化底蕴与厚重的历史氛围。

42、 Dashilar is famous for all kinds of stores with an antique flavor. The average customer flow reaches aproximately 150-160 thousand, and it increases to more than 200 thousand on wekends and on holidays. Although this commercial stret has a history of more than 580 years, most of the ancient architecture is well preserved and many famous old shops and time-honored brands in old Beijing stil provide god products. The combination of royal culture and folk culture makes Dashilar a place with profound cultural foundation and dignified historical atmosphere.


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