1、1Teaching Plan上海市奉贤中学 范丹华Subject: Unit 3 Lesson 2 Future Life,New Century Junior EnglishTeacher: Fan DanhuaDate: Mar. 28, 2008Teaching Objectives: .Knowledge objectives:.To get students to learn some knowledge about future life.To get students to know how to predict the future in English and how to
2、talk about the changes in life. .Competent objectives:.To develop students listening, reading and speaking ability while performing different tasks.To develop students ability to predict and describe changes in English. .Emotional objectives:.To enhance the students motivation in expressing in Engli
3、sh.To encourage students to imagine and express themselves freely.Language focus and difficult points: . To learn to talk about the good or bad changes in the future. . To learn to talk about the changes in life. . To find ways to avoid bad changes in the future.Teaching Aids: multi-mediaTeaching me
4、thods: process-oriented and task-based methodTime allotment: 40 minutes2Teaching Procedures:.Greetings:. Pre-task:Brainstorm:What changes will take place in the future?Food, clothing, means of transportation, population, climate, Future Life. While task:An Era Trip Activity 1 : Skim the text and mat
5、ch.Para 2 RobotsPara 3 DiseasesPara 4 CloningClimate- to practice the skill of getting the general idea.Activity 2: Listen to Para.2 and tell whether the statements are True or False? - to practice the listening skill and emphasize different uses of tense.1. ( ) In the future, some workers may be re
6、placed by robots.2. ( ) Now, robots are used in factories.3. ( ) Robots are preferred by big companies because they ask for pay rises and go on strike.4. ( ) In 50 years, we will not see robots everywhere.Tenses for describing changes in life.Activity 3:Scan Para.3 and find out the verb phrases To p
7、ractice the scanning reading skill and collect phrases used in describing good changes.3In 50 years, Many disease will_ through medical technology.Today, There are electronic devices that can_deaf people _.DiseasesIn 50 years, Doctors will_help blind and deaf people to see and hear again, and new me
8、dicine will _ people _ longer.Summary: These phrases can be used to describe good changes.Present: can help sb doFuture: be able to do; enable sb. to doTo ask students to read the part of diseases aloud to memorize these phrases.Activity 4: Read the last paragraph and find out the phrases used to de
9、scribe bad changes To enhance the reading skill and collect phrases used in describing bad changes.Future:a shortage ofwill become one of our most serious problemsdemand forwill increase ten timescould be a cause of warRepetition: the phrases used to describe bad changes.To underline the sentences c
10、ontaining these phrases and read them aloud to learn the use of these phrases.Activity 5:Lets talk! to give a chance to students to practice talking about the changes in life.Ask students to have a free talk about the changes in the text. They could prepare their talks with the help of the table and
11、 text. Pay attention to tense and phrases used.Good changes Bad ChangesIn the past, Now, help sb (to) do In the future, be able to do; a shortage of4enable sb. to do one of our most serious problemsdemand forwill increase ten timesa cause of war. Post Task:Group Discussion: How to save water? to sti
12、mulate students imagination and intention to solve the problems. SummaryWeve learned how to talk about the changes and how to predict something in our life. And we should try our best to avoid bad changes in the future and we should use our wisdom and imagination to solve the problems and to make ou
13、r life more colorful. Assignment:To write one paragraph to predict more about the future life 50 years later (except those mentioned in the text, such as means of transportation, population, clothing, etc.) and if what you want to write is a bad change, try to give your suggestion to avoid it at the
14、 end of your paragraph. to have a revision of this period and practice students writing ability.教学说明:这一届预高班的学生是我们学校第二届的新疆学生,为了让这些孩子们尽快尽早地适应我们当地的生活和教学,学校做出了多方的努力。本年度,在英语教学方面,为了让学生从原本初中的学习顺利地过度到这里高中的教学,我们采取了跟我们高中相衔接的新世纪初中教材,本教材中很多词汇都是高中教材中的重点词汇,而且课文形式与高中教材相仿,应当可以对这批孩子以后的高中学习做好铺垫。本节课是九年级第二学期第三单元的第二课Fut
15、ure Life 。本课采用了“任务型”的教学方法,遵循了“二期课改”的“以学生为中心”的精神,强调对知识的输入和输出的统一,经过这堂课的设计,我希望学生不仅能了解如何正确地描述生活中变化,更清楚应当如何汲取他人的表达方式、面对问题,解决问题。首先,任务型教学侧重以明确的目标为导向的语言交际活动,活动并非单方面由教师传授给学生语言知识,教师的作用是引导学生在完成任务的同时,给予鼓励、指导和纠正,它要求学生通过完成任务的学习活动来掌握真实、实用和有意义的语言。因此,本课主题对未来生活的预测能较强地吸引学生的注意力,让学生以积极的态度来完成所有任务。5其次,本课堂的活动设计注重语言输入和输出的统一
16、。在课文的阅读中,我设计了三个不同形式的阅读任务,分别对表达变化时的时态、表达不利变化和有利变化的两种表达进行提炼,随着任务难度的递增,来达到让学生自己提炼表达的形式和重点词汇的目的。在学生进行自我表达的过程中,适时地给予引导和鼓励,积极鼓励学生表达自我,发挥他们的自主和创新精神。在此过程中,希望形成师生之间的互动和交流,达到良好的课堂氛围。课后作业的设计注重课堂知识的课后延伸,让学生写一个段落来预测其他方面的未来生活,内容依旧与本课堂相关,但是也有所变化,让学生能在对课堂知识温故知新的基础上,有所创新。简言之,本课堂采用了 task-based 的教学方法,在整个教学过程中,强调以学生为主体
18、好的过渡环节有更好的过渡作用,自己没有把握好,这是我要在以后的教学过程中要不断学习和改进的。点评(张育青: 上海市英语特级教师, 区名教师)范老师的这节课给人的感觉是师生通过活动和问答,在愉快共享过程中学会了语言知识,提高语言运用能力。这节课有很多亮点,尤其突出的首先是范老师清晰优美的语音语调,有很强的语言能力使整节课新知识呈现清晰,节奏调控和语言难度调整自如,指令简洁巧妙,引导点拨到位,评价适时有分寸。其次范老师活泼、幽默的性格,使师生互动充满着活力,激发着学生学习英语的热情。以男孩女孩的竞争为整节课活动的主线,让学生在轻松的学习中还充满着竞争,致使上课结束时学生还显得意尤未尽。娴熟的媒体运
19、用能力显示出范老师具有扎实的现代教师的教学基本功,尤其是她通过在 ppt 上迅速正确的当场写下学生的回答,增强了教学的交互性,形成性,激发了学生学习的积极性,也更好地提高了课堂教学实效。整节课以任务驱动为教学手段,教学环节主要为最终完成任务而设计,注意从输入到输出的活动难度的适切性,层次性和科学性,也能注重活动之间的巧妙衔接,使整节课自然流畅, 为完成任务运用本节课所学的内容和语言作好良好的铺垫,一气呵成,顺理成章。6如果能更注意一些细节,在关注内容的时候有过分注意语言的结构,要更好地鼓励学生畅所欲言。如在讨论怎样节约水、防止水污染的讨论中,学生提到 We should prevent factories from polluting water. 但教师在屏幕写上了 prevent sth. from doing. 实际上可以更直接的把学生的回答写上去,因为现在讨论的是一些防止污染的做法,而不是学词组的用法,同时也更好地保护学生的积极性。