1、最美学生作文 2050 字篇一:美丽的春天作文 50 字美丽的春天作文 50 字美丽的春天作文 50 字(一)春天来了,天气变暖和了。可爱的燕子飞回来了,小黄莺也飞回来了。我们全家一起去郊游。我们来到果园里,果树开花了,果园变成了花的海洋。我们来到小河边,岸边的柳树发芽了,草钻出来了,美丽的野花开放了。鸭妈妈带着宝宝们唱起了春之歌。春天真美丽呀。美丽的春天作文 50 字(二)春天的天空显得格外一碧如洗,无比蔚蓝的天空,只有几片薄纱似的轻云平贴于空中,就如一个女郎,穿着绝美的蓝色夏衣,而颈间却环绕着一段绝胜绝轻的白纱巾!美丽的春天作文 50 字(三)春天来了,老师带着同学们美丽的春天到山上去植树
2、。同学们有的挖坑,有的种树苗,有的抬水,有的浇水,还有的填土。瞧!同学们干得多起劲啊!美丽的春天作文 50 字(四)春天的到来。一阵暖风从我身边拂过,像是在沐浴,又像是在享受。树枝上总是会出现几只小鸟,在咯咯的笑。向阳坡上,露出葱绿似的嫩芽。向远方望去,万树千枝可真是叠景披翠,可真美啊!可是自从来到了城市,我就再也没有见过这番景象了,再也没有闻过那清新的嫩草味儿了。美丽的春天作文 50 字(五)春天迈着轻盈的步伐降临在我们身边,她让大地萌发生机,让天空焕发光彩。她用晶莹的羽翼洒下点点翠绿,渲染出一幅淡雅的水墨画;她用无私的臂膀撑起一片蓝天,呵护着世间的每一个生灵;她用关怀的雨露滋润着整个大地,
3、满贮着来年的希望;美丽的春天作文 50 字(六)春天的雨像牛毛,像花针,还像春姑娘纺出细细的线,轻轻的洒在麦苗上,麦苗啊,一下子就 长高了。 柳树伸展柔软的枝条,随风飘荡。桃花张开了粉红的笑脸,与我们打招呼。春天的世界多美啊!美丽的春天作文 50 字(七)春天到了,天气变暖和了。小草偷偷地从土里钻出来,想看看春天是什么样的。柳树发芽了,柳条在春风中轻轻地摇摆。一群群大雁从南方飞回来了。花园里的花开了。小朋友们脱去厚厚的棉衣,穿着毛衣,在草地上玩耍。春天真美啊!我爱春天。美丽的春天作文 50 字(八)春天,是一个万物复苏的季节,我特意到公园去观赏风景。只见柳树摇着她那细长的柳条,万紫千红的桃花绽
4、开了笑脸,小草从梦中醒来,为春天增添许多生机啊,春天真美呀!篇二:The year 2050 as I see itThe year 2050 as I see itImagine when you show up in the winter of 2050.Children of our same age wont have the chance to play in the snow and watch the unique snowflakes fall from the sky because of global warming. In 2050, people in our gene
5、ration will have to tide overobesity,high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.They will rely on fast food that are not good for our health. Think about the extreme terrorists and track back in time looking at trends leading up to the present. Assume those trends continue for 2050. It lo
6、oks like an global clash between Asia and Islam. Whoever is victorious in that final, great war will get the keys to the planet.Imagine the world into chaos, economic depression, school education can not be normal.Our next generation will not have the ability to attend school in the threat of war.Fo
7、rty years ago, the optimists were saying we were all going to be living lives of luxury with self-flying cars,that would doeverything for us we still manually have to do ourselves, we would have colonies on the Moon and Mars, and moneywould be an old point of view concept that nobody would be using
8、anymore.Forty years ago, the pessimists were predicting we were all going to be extinct from the use of nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants, global calamity disasters, war, disease, and the failures of The NextGeneration.Forty years from NOW, it wont look anything lik(本文来自:Www.bdfqY.cOm 千 叶帆文 摘:最美
9、学生作文 2050 字)e what the most optimistic nor most pessimistic people think it will be.We have to cherish our planet and do everything we can to protect her fragile heart.For the coming 2050,for every single plant or animal on earth,and for ourselves.We cant predict the future of ourplanet,but if every
10、one try hard, we will be able to change the future. Thank you.篇三:二年级学生口语交际 50 字小作文 (2000 字)二年级学生口语交际 50 字小作文淘气的小狗豆豆远安县茅坪场镇中心小学 二年级陶鑫瑶我家有一只可爱的小狗,它有个好听的名字叫豆豆。他的耳朵三角形,长长的,忽闪忽闪的,胖乎乎的身子,两个眼睛圆溜溜的,十分可爱。有一天早上起床,我惊奇地发现我的一只鞋子不见了,连忙四处寻找,最后在床下找到了,原来是豆豆这个小淘气捣的鬼,抱着他,我佯装生气地说,你真是个小坏蛋呀!(指导老师汪玉明 电话 13487253462 邮编 444203)