1、25 3 2002 M7COAL CONVERSIONVol. 25No.3Jul. 2002重金属元素在煤热解过程中的分布迁移规律null王云鹤1) 李海滨2) 黄海涛2) 陈 勇2)K1针对大同煤、神府煤和新汶煤,进行热解实验,计算了煤中五种重金属元素砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铬( Cr)、汞(Hg)和铅(Pb)在热解三相产物中的分配比例.进行正交设计实验,研究了热解终温、热解升温速率及煤中的灰分含量对重金属元素在热解反应中的分布、迁移的影响,发现热解工况和灰分含量对重金属元素在热解产物中的含量有相关性.采用三变量相关分析法,建立了重金属元素在热解产物中的回归模型,用该模型对不同热解产物中的
2、重金属含量的实测值进行预报,结果表明实测值与预报值有较好的符合.1oM 煤,重金属,热解ms | TQ530.20 引 言c # , V # db v a #r = 3 3 ,B r B.1 V dbas? p,S =X . 1-4M7, Vsa %M?p,S = K.7 s # sY9 . c , iVBSA Uv,yN | K s1 ii “aaa #,“ Qs a %M? p.1 实验部分1.1 L“ | : v (datong)a= *i ; (shenfu)a (xinwen)1s. “x s200 “/. snV1.1.2 L L5 T V%5 , L nm1. 7 T5F V =
3、50mm,5 VK Pa qsY1 2003 kW.V1 “s Tbale 1Properties of coalsSampleProximate analysis/%*M A V FCUltimate analyse/%*C H N S ODatong 3.75 22.83 27.00 46.42 61.36 4.20 1.14 1.03 10.23Shenfu 2.25 15.15 31.00 51.60 63.04 3.43 1.13 1.17 11.96Xinwen 2.50 22.26 27.00 49.24 66.93 4.27 1.12 0.71 9.63* Percent of
4、 weight. LHq:“ 20g,Q -Y 20 min,QrT =5min, MF ,1 .Q 3A8YVb , 8 | E l“, 88 nullSE$?Z? “(G1999022103).1) V 3;2),S SiZ Ti , B 7 S 3ss, H ?s,? 3M,B V. V TV,sY_ % aA 7s. s V 9 .2. 1.1 热解三相产物的质量衡算A (+ ) L= z9,N ,A L= GT+ H2O:GT+ H2O= Ga- Gg- GcT:Gaii “9 ; Gcii% L= ; Ggii L= Gg= V( 2H2+16CH4 + 28CO + 44CO2
5、+ 28C2H4 + 30C2H6)/ 22400;Vii 8S /8.2.1. 2 热解产物中重金属元素的分配比例 s , V c Ma= Mc+ Mf+ MgT:MAii 9 ;Mcii% 9 ;Mgii 9 ;MfiiA 9 .Mc,Mf V ic #% aA s 9 .Mg5hE. s 1 9 T /:Rc= McMa100%Rf= MfMa100%Rg= (1- Rc- Rf)100%T: Rc, RfRgsYV U%8aA8 v 9 s1. s f n39:V3.38 2002 MV3 s (%)Table 3Heavy metal elements distribution in
6、 pyrolysis produces(%)ConditionAs Cd Cr Hg PbRc Rf Rg Rc Rf Rg Rc Rf Rg Rc Rf Rg Rc Rf RgA1B1C1 83.30 3.36 13.34 83.30 9.36 7.34 89.96 7.73 2.30 43.57 0.00 56.43 71.50 0.12 28.38A1B2C2 72.86 4.13 23.01 81.60 4.03 14.37 71.81 17.87 10.33 35.15 8.81 56.03 96.73 0.00 3.27A1B3C3 61.94 9.49 28.58 50.90 3
7、0.48 18.62 79.42 15.33 5.25 53.36 0.00 46.64 93.42 0.40 6.18A2B1C2 71.15 0.13 28.73 63.85 5.43 30.72 92.04 5.89 2.07 41.96 0.00 58.04 89.83 0.00 10.17A2B2C3 61.88 9.34 28.78 67.59 8.97 23.44 74.25 15.62 10.13 29.13 0.00 70.87 97.88 0.27 1.85A2B3C1 51.45 3.36 45.19 62.82 19.74 17.44 60.41 18.36 21.23
8、 45.23 0.00 54.77 91.36 0.38 8.26A3B1C3 58.09 5.80 36.11 59.16 13.86 26.98 68.24 17.87 13.89 40.36 0.00 59.64 93.56 0.39 6.05A3B2C1 60.44 3.23 36.33 53.33 10.30 36.37 58.75 20.40 20.85 40.80 7.41 51.79 76.13 0.00 23.87A3B3C2 62.57 3.27 34.16 50.28 14.16 35.56 92.25 6.13 1.62 33.97 0.00 66.03 96.53 0
9、.00 3.47V3 V A, V s f Vs :B 4? , CrPb,1s% (), 1 q58. 75%j97. 88%.A v 1 qlc ,CrA 1 q1. 62%j21. 23%,7PbA 1 q1%, Q H, “vs“, :sBs “A / ,7 5 v , Pb“vs“,:s+ ?v .= ? , AsCd, QV, PM , A v 1 q 50%P,CrPbM1 7,AsCd1 ?. ? As Cd Pb Cr.N V A, QV? o.7 ? % s , ? 920 1 382 964Cr 2 672 2 275 - 950Hg 356 400 - 301Pb 1
10、740 1 535 1 281 9532.2 / B QVsa %Ms , sy Y, I a 6 q “sc s ? pY.2.1. 1 不同工况下固/液态产物中重金元素的含量 c ,% c A c ,n40:V5V6.N V, 1s% .YV !9Ts,9 V?C a 6 sy sY. PCrPbc 9F,7 PAsCd c h .393 Vs %M? pV5 % c ( nullg/g)Table 5Content of heavy metal elements in solidproduce(nullg/g)Conditon As Cd Cr Hg PbA1B1C1 2.8 0.120
11、 81 0.068 9.7A1B2C2 2.5 0.120 66 0.056 13.4A1B3C3 2.3 0.081 79 0.092 14.0A2B1C2 2.7 0.063 85 0.069 7.5A2B2C3 2.5 0.071 73 0.051 8.7A2B3C1 2.1 0.067 60 0.080 8.2A3B1C3 1.9 0.086 62 0.044 17.0A3B2C1 2.0 0.079 54 0.045 14.0A3B3C2 2.1 0.075 86 0.038 18.02. 2.2 固态产物中重金属含量的三变量回归模型 B c a # sy W1“,9% “ a9A
12、“ ,BsEy c M B 5:C= a0+ a1gA+ a2lgT+ a3lgvT:A, TvsY sc a q,C c .N M dL TM , 7x1= lgT, x2=lgv,x3= lgA,5 V LBZ, V7V8 U,9 M1“ ,iBZA _(p= 0.1) .V6 A c (nullg/g)Table 6Content of heavy metal elements in liquidproduce(nullg/g)Conditon As Cd Cr Hg PbA1B1C1 0.68 0.08 0.08 As Cd Pb Cr.(3) Mc , V, 1s% .(4) % A
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15、T OF HEAVY METALELEMENTS DURING COAL PYROLYSISWang YunheLi HaibinHuang Haitao and Chen Yong(Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,ChineseAcademy of Sciences 510070)ABSTRACTIn this paper, three kinds of coal from Datong, Shenfu and Xinwen was py-rolyzed.the contents of five heavy metal elements in
16、 the product from coal pyrolysis were calcu-lated.Aregression model of relationship between three factor of pyrolysis (temperature,velocityand the contents of ash in coal) and the contents of heavy metal in the product from coal pyroly-sis.The results showed that the circumstances of pyrolysis and c
17、ontents of the ash were correlat-ed to the contents of heavy metal in product. Further more,the model can be used to predict thecontents of elements in different production particulates,theresults indicatedtheactual values ac-corded with predictive values.KEYWORDScoal,heavy metal,pyrolysis(上接第16页)RE
18、VIEW OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN CIRCULATINGFLUIDIZED BED REACORXiao XianbinYang HairuiLnull Junfu and Yue Guangxi(Department of Thermal Engineering,TsinghuaUniversity,100084 Beijing)ABSTRACTMathematical models in circulating fluidized bed are reviewed in this paper.These models areclassifiedinto di
19、fferent types,according to theused hydrodynamics models.Sev-eral numerical simulation methods of gas-solid two phase flows are discussed briefly, which areapplied in the circulating fluidized bed modeling.Basedonthe advantages and disadvantages of allmodels,the future development approaches are given as conclusions.KEYWORDScirculating fluidized bed,mathematical model,hydrodynamics model,gas-sol-id two-phase flows,numerical simulation42 2002 M