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1、SERVO呼吸机的临床应用,MAQUET呼吸机,Servo-i,Servo-s,2,3,Servo呼吸机组成,4,外置式空压机:,5,备用电池 工作时间最长维持3小时,最短维持1小时 有外接电源时,自动充电 只能维持主机工作,不能维持空压机工作,6,呼出盒:是唯一可以拆卸并彻底消毒内管路的呼出盒, 减少交叉感染的机会。,7,呼出盒的拆卸,SERVO-S,8,呼出盒的消毒,将呼出盒浸入消毒剂中(75%酒精、2%戊二醛等) 或将消毒液灌入呼出盒内,保留40分钟左右,9,自然干燥时放置的位置,呼出盒的干燥,10,显示屏: 12.1英寸用户界面,全中文菜单,快捷键及旋钮方便操作。,11,显示屏的快捷键

2、:,报警设置键:可设置当前呼吸机上的压力等部分参数上下限。,趋势曲线键:可记录最长24 小时期间的数据,移动光标可选择记录的时间长度。,12,快速察问键吸引支持,允许用户将呼吸机与病人断开,并关闭相关报警,可进行吸痰操作。 吸引支持:打开后,呼吸机会在原先所设的O2浓度上增加30%(默认,可根据病人实际情况进行调节)作为病人再连接呼吸机后的吸入O2浓度(相对纯氧浓度)。,O2浓度设置后,有120s作吸痰前准备,吸痰操作结束后,接上病人与呼吸机的连接则有60s相对纯氧浓度的输送,结束后回复到原先模式。,13,吸引支持:,菜单键:可查看或者修改呼吸机相关设置。,14,快速察访键:曲线,提供同屏两个

3、环三道波形及数字检测 压力-容积环,流速-容积环,参考环。,特殊功能键: a.开始呼吸键: b.纯氧呼吸键: c.呼气性屏气键: d.吸气性屏气键:,16,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE CC,09-03-25, MAQUET,17,Slides with background image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is

4、 exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do not use this slide layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look crowded The background must not be changed to any other pictureIt is an exception to the s

5、tandard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is exhaust,1. 使 用 前 检 查,09-03-25, MAQUET,18,启动呼吸机,09-03-25, MAQUET,19,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE CC,Slides with background image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the standard It can be used in the

6、following case Very long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do not use this slide layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look crowded The background must not

7、be changed to any other pictureIt is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case,开机自检: 需要手动操作的三步骤,09-03-25, MAQUET,20,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE CC,Slides with background image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case V

8、ery long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do not use this slide layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look crowded The background must not be changed to an

9、y other pictureIt is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case,在以下三种情况同时满足时,不要选择补偿。 使用压力目标型的通气模式 病人目标潮气量小 呼吸系统有泄漏,补偿可压缩容量:(儿童医院,尤其NICU科室需要注意),09-03-25, MAQUET,21,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE CC,Slides with background image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the s

10、tandard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do not use this slide layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look cr

11、owded The background must not be changed to any other pictureIt is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye.,2.模式及参数设置,22,PRVC,容量控制通气,预设潮气量,保证通气效率 在气道阻力增加或肺顺应性降低的情况下容易导致气道压力过高,出现呼吸机相关肺损伤 流速波形为方波时,吸气期流速恒定

12、,病人感觉不适,09-03-25,24,容量控制模式,容量控制下可选流速类型:,FAVC(流量适应容量控制):呼吸机与病人一起工作,并输出额外容量。,容量控制下可选流速类型:,VC方波:呼吸机在吸气期给病人输送的是恒定流速。,容量控制下可选流速类型:,VC递减波:流量类型可设置,分别为吸气末流量为峰流量的75%,50%(默认),25%,0。,呼气末正压PEEP作用于整个呼吸周期的持续正压 可防止肺泡塌陷,增加FRC,改善气体氧合和交换 适用于治疗急性肺水肿,ALI、ARDS等,09-03-25, MAQUET,29,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE CC,Slid

13、es with background image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do not us

14、e this slide layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look crowded The background must not be changed to any other pictureIt is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white bac,暂停时间,09-03-25, MAQUET,30,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE C

15、C,Slides with background image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do

16、not use this slide layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look crowded The background must not be changed to any other pictureIt is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white bac,吸气上升时间意义,指呼吸机提供的吸气流速(或压力)从基线上升到峰值所需的时间根据患者实际需要调节,理论上

17、吸气驱动越强,吸气上升时间越短;吸气驱动越弱,吸气上升时间越长,容量控制波形分析,压力控制通气,控制气道峰压,减少肺损伤 流速波形为递减波,比较符合患者的实际需要 在气道阻力或肺顺应性改变的情况下不能保证潮气量,对ALI、ARDS等病人适用,34,压力控制模式设置,压力控制模式,呼吸模式PRVC,目前控制通气模式下的问题,容量控制模式 VC 气道压力可变,在气道阻力增加或肺顺应性降低的情况下容易导致气道压力过高流速波形为方波或递增波,病人感觉不适,压力控制模式 PC 气道峰压固定,在气道阻力或肺顺应性改变的情况下不能保证潮气量为达到目标潮气量,需要经常调整压力水平,增加工作量,呼吸模式PRVC

18、,优势整合,容量控制 VC 预设潮气量,保证通气效率,压力控制 PC 控制气道峰压,减少肺损伤,PRVC模式集合了两种通气模式的优点,呼吸模式PRVC,第一次呼吸为目标潮气量的容量控制呼吸,暂停时间为10%,以暂停期的压力为下次呼吸的压力值,每次呼吸间调节压力值以保证以最低的气道压力输送目标潮气量,最大压力值为预设压力报警下5cm H2O,PRVC,呼吸模式PRVC,压力支持通气,在吸气相提供压力支持 所有呼吸必须由患者触发 适用于自主呼吸稳定为减轻呼吸功或过渡脱机的患者,42,压力支持模式,压力支持参数设置界面,流速触发:同步性好,灵敏度高,压力触发:同步性差,灵敏度低,触发 (Trigge

19、r)病人触发呼吸机送气,09-03-25, MAQUET,45,压力触发设置,单位:cm H2O绝对值越大,触发灵敏度越低设置为相对值,非绝对值(考虑PEEP),Servo呼吸机采用持续气流触发方式Bias flow:成人2L/min小儿0.5L/min吸入端和呼出端均有传感器,准确感知管路内气流的变化,流量触发,09-03-25, MAQUET,47,流量触发 Flow Triggering,概念:基础流速*10 默认值:5 范围:010在红色的区域,病人仅需吸入极少的气体就可以触发,有自触发的危险。,压力支持模式下的吸呼气切换,呼吸机上的吸呼气切换,在控制模式下采用时间切换支持模式中,一般

20、采用流速切换方式,当气道流速下降到峰流速 的一定百分比后切换为呼气,提早切换:引起吸气末流速紊乱及双触发,如何判断设置是否正确,延迟切换:引起呼气肌活动及吸气末压力超射,如何判断设置是否正确,支持及自主呼吸模 式下需设置后备通 气,保证通气安全,后备通气:超过预设窒息时间,转为压力控制通气,范围:成人 15 45 s 默认 20s新生儿 5-45s 默认 10s,同步间歇指令通气SIMV,保证患者最低通气要求的同时允许患者自主呼吸 合理使用可锻炼患者呼吸能力,促进脱机 适用于有一定自主呼吸能力或准备过渡脱机的患者,SIMV(VC)模式,SIMV(PC)模式,SIMV(PRVC)模式,呼吸周期时

21、间的定义,呼吸周期时间的定义,09-03-25, MAQUET,60,3.肺功能监测,61,Servo s可以通过选配 升级支持肺功能监测,Servo i标配全套肺功能监测,62,总PEEP,63,总PEEP,内源性PEEP(PEEPi) = 总PEEP- 外源性PEEP 注意点:尽可能抑制患者自主呼吸 建议将外源性PEEP设定为零,反映胸廓与肺的弹性 正常的顺应性是维持正常呼吸状态的前提 顺应性与弹性(Elasticity)成倒数关系 分为静态顺应性(Cstat)与动态顺应性(Cdyn),顺应性(Compliance):,65,静态顺应性(Cstat)=V/PplatPEEPtotal 动态

22、顺应性(Cdyn)= V/PpeakPEEP Cstat正常值60-100ml/cmH2O,Cdyn由于将克服气道阻力的压力也计算在内,因此数值上低于Cstat,约50-80ml/cmH2O,监测值受潮气量大小影响。 弹性(E)与顺应性互为倒数关系,顺应性测定,与气道内径、气道长度、气流形态、流速等因素有关 正常呼吸时大部分阻力来自于大气道 机械通气时气道阻力主要由气管插管内径粗细决定 气道阻力增加是气道压力升高的主要原因,阻力(Resistance):,气道阻力的计算:,吸气阻力(RI)=(PIP-Ppla)/吸气末流速 呼气阻力(RE)=(Ppla-PEEP)/最大呼气流速 不同的插管内径

23、、不同的吸气流速均可导致不同的气道阻力,正常情况下呼气阻力可稍高于吸气阻力,68,口腔闭口压 P 0.1,吸气开始100ms时的口腔闭合负压反映了患者中枢呼吸驱动的强弱作为指导脱机的参考指标正常人2cm H2O临界值46cm H2O,69,每一次呼吸进行监测,每8次呼吸进行一次平均,Servo呼吸机的测定方法,P0.1 测定方法,70,时间常数time constant,TC=R*C 单位:时间单位反映了肺泡充盈或萎陷的速度指导呼气时间设置的重要信息,09-03-25, MAQUET,71,TEXTSHEET WITH BACKGROUND-IMAGE CC,Slides with backg

24、round image should be used rarely. It is an exception to the standard It can be used in the following case Very long presentations white background is exhausting to the human eye. Presentations that include pure text slides only white background is exhausting to the human eye. Do not use this slide

25、layout when placing pictures on the slides slides will look crowded The background must not be,SBI 浅快呼吸指数,定义:SBI指数f(呼吸频率)/VTe(呼出潮气量) 判断患者呼吸形态,评估脱机可能性 临界值105,大于临界值脱机可能性下降,72,由于死腔(dead space)的存在,浅快的呼吸形态在同样的分钟通气量下效率降低,SBI 浅快呼吸指数,73,SBI 浅快呼吸指数,假设总的死腔量为100ml 潮气量400ml,呼吸频率20次/分,分钟通气量8L有效通气量=(400-100)*20=6L 潮气量200ml,呼吸频率40次/分,分钟通气量同样为8L有效通气量=(200-100)*40=4L,BREAKER,09-03-25, MAQUET,74,THANK YOU!, www.CService hotline: 4008203072,


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