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1、在职攻读硕士英语考试:干红辣椒切段,花椒适量(不喜欢不放) ,咖喱粉孜然粉茴香粉一比一比一,十三香,香辣酱,豆豉碎,干芝麻,全部混合3,放油烧热,小火炸香料 2,反复煸炒, (如果有虾,处理干净,加在这个环节)出香味,冲入高汤,熬半小时。月子期间可食用的弱酸性食物豌豆、乳酪、糙米、全麦食品、牡蛎、文蛤、虾、鲑鱼、鲍鱼、干贝、醪糟酒、火腿、猪瘦肉、鸡胸肉、牛肉、羊肉、燕麦等。月子期间可食用的弱碱性食物红豆、豆制品(如豆腐、豆花、豆腐脑等) 、牛奶、红薯、甘蓝菜、高丽菜、花椰菜、大黄瓜、洋葱、莲藕、竹笋、茄子、萝卜、梨子、苹果、西瓜、蛋白、土豆、绿色蔬菜、红萝卜、南瓜、香菇、番茄、香蕉、栗子、橘子

2、、草莓、柠檬等。小知识:从坐月子开始至后面的两个月我都按照弱碱性月子餐实行,这也是我保持月瘦 10 斤的秘诀!月子餐谱早餐:红糖醪糟蛋 1 份(要点:加大醪糟酒的量,鸡蛋煮 1 个,只食用蛋白,红糖少量。 )加餐:水果 1 个午餐:通草猪蹄汤 1 碗/清炖鸡汤 1-2 碗/红枣鱼汤 1-2 碗(要点:盛汤时避开油。 ) 、米饭 1 碗、肉类 1 份、绿色蔬菜 1 份下午茶:水果 1 个晚餐:同午餐,摄入量适当减少。PS.通草猪蹄汤、清炖鸡汤、红枣鱼汤都是家常菜,一般月嫂、妈妈、婆婆都是会炖的哦,只要将油减量即可。其中通草猪蹄具有催奶通乳的作用,通草一般在中药店可以购买;红枣鱼汤不仅具有通乳作用

3、还能促进伤口愈合;清炖鸡汤可以补充身体元气,清炖时可以适量添加当归、黄芪等补气补血的中药。第 2、3 个月餐谱早餐:组合 1(牛奶 1 杯+全麦面包 1 片) 、组合 2(酸奶 1 杯+苹果1 个) 、组合 3(燕麦 1 碗+香蕉 1 根) 、组合 4(无糖醪糟汤圆 1 碗) 、组合 5(蒸红薯 1 个) 。PS.以上组合任选一份午餐:炖汤减少为 1 周 1 次(炖 1 次食 2 天) ,米饭 1/2 碗、肉类 1份、绿色蔬菜 1 份下午茶:水果 1 个晚餐:同午餐,摄入量适当减少。英语考试大纲 一、考试性质 在职攻读硕士学位入学考试全国英语联考是国务院学位办组织的国家级选拔性考试,其目的是为

4、了客观、科学、公正、规范地测试老先生的英语语言知识和使用语言的相关能力。 二、考试范围及要求 在职攻读硕士学位入学考试全国英语联考要求考生能够较熟练地掌握英语的基本语法和常用词汇,具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、写、译的语言运用能力。与全国统招硕士研究生入学英语考试相比,在职硕士研究生入学英语考试充分考虑了该类考生的实际情况以及工作需要等方面的特点。 在职攻读硕士学位入学考试全国英语联考的考查范围包括考生的英语口语交际能力、词汇和基本语法的运用能力、完形填空和阅读理解能力、英译汉和写作能力。考生在上述方面应分别达到以下具体要求: (一)口语交际 能用英语进行日常会话。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见

5、英语会话,能理解会话的情景、说话人的意图和对话的含义,并能恰当地进行口语交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。 (二)词汇 考生应掌握本考试大纲词汇表中所规定的英语词汇量和需要达到的应用程度,即: 1、领会式掌握 4500 个英语单词和 500 个常用词组; 2、复用式掌握其中 1800 个左右的常用单词和 200 个常用词组; 3、掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语境识别常见的派生词。 (三)语法 掌握基本的英语语法知识,能在阅读、写作等过程中正确运用这些知识,以达到获取有关信息和表达交流思想的目的。具体需要掌握的内容如下: 1、名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法; 2、动词的基本

6、时态、语态的构成及其用法; 3、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法; 4、常用连接词、冠词的词义及其用法; 5、非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法; 6、虚拟语气的构成及其用法; 7、各类从句的构成及其用法; 8、强调句型的结构及其用法; 9、常用倒装句的结构及其用法。 (四)阅读理解 考生应能够综合运用英语语言知识和基本阅读技能,读懂难度适中的一般性题材(经济、社会、政法、历史、科普、管理等)和体裁(议论文、说明文、记叙文、应用文等)的英语文章。能够基本上掌握文章大意并能领会作者的意图和态度。阅读速度达到每分钟60-70 个词。具体要求为: 1、能够掌握文章的中心思想、

7、主要内容和细节; 2、具备根据上下文把握词义的能力;理解上下文的逻辑关系; 3、能够根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4、能够对文章的结构和作者的态度等做出简单的分析和判断。 (五)完形填空 考生应能够运用英语语言知识,在语篇的水平上理解一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文,并完成短文中的选择填空。短文中的完形填空内容一般会涉及到英语的基本句型结构、语法规则、词义及词组搭配等。 (六)英译汉 能够将一般性题材的英语短文在正确理解的基础上翻译成通顺的汉语。译文应忠实原文,表达正确。翻译速度为每小时 300-400 词。 (七)写作 应具备基本的英语书面表达能力,能够根据所给的提纲、情景或图表按要求写出

8、相应的短文。所写短文要求主题明确,条理清楚,语言比较规范。写作速度应达到每小时 240 词以上。 三、试卷结构及考题形式 在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语考试试卷包括试卷一(客观题)和试卷二(主观题)两部分。试卷一和试卷二分段考试,全部考试时间为 150 分钟。其中试卷一占 75%,考试时间为 90 分钟;试卷二占25%,考试时间为 60 分钟。本考试采用笔试方式,其考试试卷共分为六个部分; 第一部分 口语交际 本部分包括一节或两节,共 10 题。每次考试设以下一种或两种题型。A 节为完成对话,由 5 或 10 道题组成。每一题中,考生将在试卷上读到一段不完整的对话和用以完成这段对话的 4 个备选

9、答案。要求考生针对对话的内容从 4 个备选答案中选出一个最符合对话情景和口语交际习惯用法的答案,使整个对话能顺利完成。 B 节为对话理解,由 5 或 10 道题组成。每一题考生将在试卷上读到一段对话和对话之后的问题以及针对问题的 4 个备选答案。要求考生能理解对话的情景、说话人的意图和对话的含意,从所给的 4 个备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。 本部分满分为 15 分,每题 1.5 分。 第二部分 词汇和语法结构 本部分共设 20 道题,其中 10 道为词汇题,10 道为语法题。每道考题中有一空白,要求考生在了解句义的基础上根据词汇或语法要求在四个备选答案中选择一个最佳答案。 本部分满分为 10

10、分,每题 0.5 分。 第三部分 阅读理解 本部分共有 4 篇长度为 300-400 词的文章,每篇文章后设 5 个问题,共 20 道题。考生须在理解文章的基础上从为每个问题提供的四个备选答案中选择一个最佳答案。 本部分满分为 40 分,每题 2 分。 第四部分 完形填空 完形填空是一篇 150-200 词的一般性短文。短文中有 10 个空白,每个空白为一题。考生须在理解短文意思的基础上从为每个空白提供的四个备选答案中选择一个最佳答案。 本部分满分为 10 分,每题 1 分。 第五部分 英译汉 本部分采用语篇翻译的考试形式。要求考生将一篇 150-200 词的一般性题材的英语段落翻译成汉语。

11、本部分满分为 10 分。 第六部分 短文写作 本部分采用提纲、情景或图表作文的考试形式。考生应按照要求写出一篇 120 词以上的英语短文。 本部分满分为 15 分。四、试卷题型、题量、记分及答题时间 在职攻读硕士学位全国联考入学英语考试的题型、题量、记分及答题时间如下: 序号题型题量记分时间(分钟)口语交际10 道1515词汇与语法结构20 道1020阅读理解20 道4040完型填空10 道1015英译汉150-200 词1030短文写作120 词以上1530总计100150Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Dir

12、ections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11. A library in ancient Egypt was _ “The Healing Place

13、 of the Soul.“ A. called B. called as C. being called D. called by 12. Plants and animals flourish only _ certain physical conditions are present. A. when B. while C. until D. unless 13. In the United States, one _ six wage earners makes a living in or related to the automobile industry. A. about B.

14、 by C. as for D. out of 14. As a pastime, coin collection provides hours of pleasure and the satisfaction of the collection grow. A. storing B. protecting C. watching D. remembering 15. Statistics _in the claims of advertisers, in opinion polls, and in reports of business trends and cycles. A. has a

15、ppeared B. appears C. appear D. appearing 16. If governments stopped adopting trade policies, the world an economic condition called free trade. A. can have B. would have C. will have D. may have 17. If our _is correct, the spacecraft should reach the moon on Monday. A. calculation B. composition C.

16、 communication D. vision 18. One of the first metals put _ by early human beings was copper. A. into use B. for use C. in use D. to use 19. Modern _ lighting, however, is now almost as good as daylight, so long as too strong light is avoided. A. artificial B. unusual C. unreal D. faked 20. It is dou

17、btful whether infants could survive outside the network of the family. A. moderate B. suspicious C. intimate D. generous 21. The _ of the Titanic was found in September 1985, but recovering it is a very difficult prospect. A. crash B. wreck C. spot D. tragedy 22. All acceptance of religion is based

18、on belief, not on the weight of evidence or the _ of reasonable conclusions. A. bearing B. building C. crossing D. reaching 23. _ by means of words can the writer persuade a person of the truth in what he says or make anyone care about it. A. Obviously B. Only C. When D. Unless 24. Contract rights,

19、as a type of property, may be sold or otherwise _ from one person or institution to another. A. extended B. transferred C. claimed D. bargained 25. Inflation causes society to use more of its resources for todays purposes and to _ less for tomorrows needs. A. make up B. check up C. set aside D. work

20、 out 26. Although all the obligations are not _ set out in the wedding ceremony itself, they are part of the law of every nation. A. regularly B. specifically C. systematically D. optimistically 27. While the scientists were at work in their laboratories, other men_ to cope with living things in the

21、ir natural settings. A. had continued B. would continue C. were continuing D. would have continued 28. The purpose was _ knowledge more meaningful so that it could be understood instead of being mechanically memorized. A. to make B. making C. for making D. of making 29. The guess is that when the fi

22、gures_ , the November unemployment rate will be 5.6 percent, up from 5.4 in October. A. come out B. come off C. come about D. come true 30. Some government programs are limited to specific groups within the population, such as_ , members of the armed forces, and government employees. A. vehicle B. v

23、ibration C. veterans D. vesselPart II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with

24、 a single line through the center. 11. A library in ancient Egypt was _ “The Healing Place of the Soul.“ A. called B. called as C. being called D. called by 12. Plants and animals flourish only _ certain physical conditions are present. A. when B. while C. until D. unless 13. In the United States, o

25、ne _ six wage earners makes a living in or related to the automobile industry. A. about B. by C. as for D. out of 14. As a pastime, coin collection provides hours of pleasure and the satisfaction of the collection grow. A. storing B. protecting C. watching D. remembering 15. Statistics _in the claim

26、s of advertisers, in opinion polls, and in reports of business trends and cycles. A. has appeared B. appears C. appear D. appearing 16. If governments stopped adopting trade policies, the world an economic condition called free trade. A. can have B. would have C. will have D. may have 17. If our _is

27、 correct, the spacecraft should reach the moon on Monday. A. calculation B. composition C. communication D. vision 18. One of the first metals put _ by early human beings was copper. A. into use B. for use C. in use D. to use 19. Modern _ lighting, however, is now almost as good as daylight, so long

28、 as too strong light is avoided. A. artificial B. unusual C. unreal D. faked 20. It is doubtful whether infants could survive outside the network of the family. A. moderate B. suspicious C. intimate D. generous 21. The _ of the Titanic was found in September 1985, but recovering it is a very difficu

29、lt prospect. A. crash B. wreck C. spot D. tragedy 22. All acceptance of religion is based on belief, not on the weight of evidence or the _ of reasonable conclusions. A. bearing B. building C. crossing D. reaching 23. _ by means of words can the writer persuade a person of the truth in what he says

30、or make anyone care about it. A. Obviously B. Only C. When D. Unless 24. Contract rights, as a type of property, may be sold or otherwise _ from one person or institution to another. A. extended B. transferred C. claimed D. bargained 25. Inflation causes society to use more of its resources for toda

31、ys purposes and to _ less for tomorrows needs. A. make up B. check up C. set aside D. work out 26. Although all the obligations are not _ set out in the wedding ceremony itself, they are part of the law of every nation. A. regularly B. specifically C. systematically D. optimistically 27. While the s

32、cientists were at work in their laboratories, other men_ to cope with living things in their natural settings. A. had continued B. would continue C. were continuing D. would have continued 28. The purpose was _ knowledge more meaningful so that it could be understood instead of being mechanically me

33、morized. A. to make B. making C. for making D. of making 29. The guess is that when the figures_ , the November unemployment rate will be 5.6 percent, up from 5.4 in October. A. come out B. come off C. come about D. come true 30. Some government programs are limited to specific groups within the pop

34、ulation, such as_ , members of the armed forces, and government employees. A. vehicle B. vibration C. veterans D. vesselPart III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For

35、each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One Writing, as a career, offers a range of personal rewards. It enables people to express themselves, as well as to entertain, inform, a

36、nd influence others. With only a few tools-paper, a typewriter, a pencil, and often a personal computer-a writer can have an impact on the surrounding world. But most authors spend hundreds of hours perfecting their skills before they can sell any of their works. A person who wants to be a writer sh

37、ould set aside some time to write every day. Learning to express ideas clearly and effectively in writing takes a great deal of practice. Many experienced writers keep a journal. A journal can serve as a storehouse for information, observations, and ideas. It can also be a place to develop new mater

38、ial. Beginning writers should read many kinds of writing encountered every day and pay special attention to what they find most interesting. News items, feature stories, textbooks, cookbooks, repair manuals, poems, essays, short stories, novels, and plays differ in their methods of organizing and pr

39、esenting material. A beginning writer who reads widely and carefully will develop an appreciation of different writing approaches and styles. In time, the writer can acquire a more flexible approach to his or her own work. Successful authors write about subjects they know and understand. They someti

40、mes take weeks or months revising or refining an article, poem, or story. Beginning writers usually benefit from finding one or more friendly critics who will read their work and discuss its strengths and weaknesses with them. High schools and colleges offer many learning opportunities for young wri

41、ters. Composition and literature courses can be helpful. Creative writing and journalism courses may further assist a beginning writer in developing his or her skills. Many students work on literary magazines, newspapers, or yearbooks published by their schools. They may write stories, edit articles

42、, or gain other valuable experience. 31.How important is writing according to this passage? A.People benefit a lot from writing. B.We are entertained with different writings. C.Writing can influence the surrounding world. D.Books can be an important part of an industry. 32. What does a journal NOT h

43、elp to contribute? A. Service.B.Information. C.Observations.D. Ideas. 33. What should a beginning writer do to enjoy different writing styles? A.He or she should read different kinds of writing. B.He or she should study different writing methods. C.He or she should learn the ways to present material

44、s. D.He or she should carefully read as much as possible. 34.Which of the following should a beginning writer avoid in order to improve his or her writing? A.Developing new subjects. B.Finding helpful critics. C.Attending writing courses. D.Doing editing work. 35. Whom do you think this passage is m

45、ost probably addressed to? A.Most writers.B. Successful writers. C.Beginning writers.D. College students. Passage Two Tracking down cybercriminals who steal credit card numbers, transfer money from other peoples accounts, or e-mail viruses around the world takes a knowledge of the technology used to

46、 commit the crimes. Instead of using fingerprints or following suspects, government agents painstakingly sort out the mess of numbers and symbols and letters that can lead them back through the computer system to the cybercriminals. One such investigation led to the arrest of the man accused of send

47、ing the extremely dangerous Melissa virus, a computer virus that destroyed files in computers around the world in the spring of 1999. The agents received help from online service technicians, software experts, and a computer-science student. All helped to trace the complex pathways of the virus back

48、 to the telephone line and computer of the man who released it. In another case, agents worked for two years to catch a cybercriminal who was, among other offenses, stealing credit card numbers. Agents found him by tracing a path from a computer he broke into to the mobile telephone he had used, whi

49、ch led to his address-and arrest. The government agents are also working to block cybercriminals who could cut off power and confuse telephone companies. “Think of the cones quences if the power went out for a week-not in just one town or city but down the whole East Coast,“ says Michael Vatis, an FBI agent. From TVs to hospital equipment, all would fail. Makaveli and TooShort were arrested for the charges of breaking into computers. They were given probation (假释), required to perform community service, and prevented from having home compute


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