1、Payment,Chapter Ten,一 Instrument of payment,二 Mode of payment,Main contents,payment,一 Bill 票据,汇票(Bill of Exchange),A bill of exchange (draft) is a bill signed by the drawer , requiring the entrusted payer (drawee) to make unconditional payment in a sum certain in money at the sight of the bill or on
2、 a fixed date to the payee or the holder.,出票人签发的,要求受票人(付款人)在见票时或某一确定时间无条件支付一定金额给持票人(收款人)的票据。,(2)汇票有三个当事人a draft involves three parties,(一)汇票(Bill of Exchange),Bill of Exchange凭Drawn under 取 款 依据 信用证 第 号L/C No.日 期 年 月 日dated 按 息 付 款 Payable with interest % per annum 号码 汇票金额 中 国, 哈尔滨 年 月 日 No. 商业汇票编号
3、Exchange for 汇票小写 Harbin, China. 出票时间、地点 见票 日 后(本 汇 票 之 副 未 付) 付 At 付款期限 sight of this SECOND of Exchange(First of exchange being unpaid)Pay to the order of 收款人名称 或其指定人 金 额 The sum of 汇票金额(大写)此致 付款人名称、地址 To,2,Bill of Exchange 凭Drawn under HS BANK信用证 第 号L/C No. 264-510日 期 年 月 日dated 2004 11 2 按 息 付 款
4、 Payable with interest % per annum 号码 汇票金额 中 国, 哈尔滨 年 月 日 No. CS 0 4 -061 Exchange for USD 8549.00 Harbin, China . DEC .2 .2004 见票 日 后(本 汇 票 之 副 未 付) 付 At sight of this SECOND of Exchange(First of exchange being unpaid)Pay to the order of HARBIN BRANCH, BANK of CHINA 或其指定人 金 额 The sum of USDOLLARS E
5、IGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY NINE ONLY此致 To HS BANK,2,汇票(Bill of Exchange),银行汇票 Bank ,s draft,商业汇票 Commercial draft,按出票人 不同,汇票(Bill of Exchange),(4) 汇票的分类,光票 Clean draft,跟单汇票 documentary draft,按是否随付 货运单据,汇票(Bill of Exchange),(4) 汇票的分类,即期汇票 sight draft,远期汇票 Time draft,按付款时间 不同,汇票(Bill of Exchange
6、),(4 )汇票的分类,(1)规定某一个特定日期(on 1st Dec. fixed ),(2)付款人见票后若干天 (at days after sight),()如何远期汇票的付款期限呢?,板期汇票: On 30th June fixed pay to ABC Co.,(3)出票后若干天 (at days after date of draft),(4)提单签发日后若干天 (at days after B/L date),注期汇票: At 11 days after sight pay to ABC Co.,计期汇票:At 11 days after date of draft pay to
7、 ABC Co.,计期汇票:At 11 days after B/L datepay to ABC Co.,提示 presentation,出票 To draw,付款 payment,承兑 acceptance,背书 endorsement,拒付 dishonor,追索 recourse,()汇票的使用程序,汇票(Bill of Exchange),承兑:远期汇票的付款人承诺负担票据债务的行为.e.g. ACCEPTANCE 1st June,2009ABC Bank ,London signature,贴现(discount):指远期汇票承兑后,尚未到期,如果持票人想在付款人付款之前得到票款
8、,可以经过背书将汇票转让给银行,银行扣除一定的利息和手续费后将票款付给持票人.,a promissory bill is an instrument written and issued by a drawer, promising to pay unconditionally a fixed amount of money to a payee or holder at the sight of the instrument.,出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。,本票(promissory note),()本票和汇票的区别,汇票的当事人有三个:出票人,
9、受票人和持票人。 本票的当事人有两个:出票人和持票人。,远期汇票必须经付款人承兑,以保证到期付款。远期本票的付款人即为出票人,因此无须承兑。,远期汇票在承兑前出票人是主债务人,在承兑后由承兑人是主债务人。远期本票在任何时候出票人都是主债务人。,1当事人 不同,2出票人的 责任不,3承兑不同,支票(check),A check is an instrument issued by a drawer, requiring the check deposit bank to pay an unconditional payment in a fixed amount at sight of the
10、instrument to the payee or holder.,出票人签发的,要求银行在见票时无条件支付确定金额给收款人的票据。,支票是以银行为付款人的即期汇票.,()支票和汇票的区别,支付的方式,汇付 remittance,二 支付方式,托收 collection,信用证 Letter of credit,(一)汇付( remittance ),.汇付的当事人,汇款人 Remitter,汇入行 Paying bank,收款人 payee,汇出行 Remitting bank,汇付( remittance ),.汇付的种类,电汇 T/T,信汇 M/D,票汇 D/D,汇付( remitta
11、nce ),汇出行,汇入行,汇款人 (进口人),收款人 (出口人),4.电汇的流程,(二)托收( collection,2. 托收当事人,托收行 (出口地银行),代收行 (进口地银行),付款人 (进口商),委托人 (出口商),托收( collection),光票托收 Clean Collection,承兑交单 D/A,即期付款交单 D/P at sight,远期付款交单 D/P after sight,3. 托收的分类,委托人 (出口商),付款人 (进口商),代收行 (进口方银行),4.托收的流程,托收行 (出口方银行),1 商业信用性质。, 出口方的风险 大于进口方。,3 有利于出口。,托收
12、 collection,(三)信用证( letter of credit) L/C,1、关于L/C本身(about L/C )例如号码、开证日期、当事人等 2、关于货物的说明(about goods) 3、关于装运(about shipment ) 4、关于单据(about documents ) 5、给银行的指示(about banking instructions),.内容,信用证L/C,(1) 信用证属于银行信用.,(2)信用证是一种自足文件, 不依附 于贸易合同而独立存在.,(3)信用证处理的是单据而不是货物.,信用证L/C,.特点,开证申请人 (进口商),受益人 (出口商),开证银行
13、付款行 (进口地银行),通知行 议付行 (出口地银行),船运公司,.信用证结算流程,三 合同中的支付条款,.汇付条款可订为:,The buyer shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds in advance by T/T to reach the sellers not later than ,合同中的支付条款,The buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the seller at sight, the shipping documents are to be delivered against
14、 payment only.,2.托收条款可订为:,The buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the seller at days after date of B/L. the shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.,合同中的支付条款,The buyer shall open through a bank acceptable to the seller an irrevocable Sight L/C to reach seller days before The month of shipment, valid for Negotiation in china until 15th day after the month of Shipment.,作业,