1、1,Difference between Languages 语言对比,2,一:英汉语言历史比较 二:英汉语言本质比较 三:英汉句子结构比较 四:英汉语态比较 五:英汉词义比较,3,一:英汉语言 历史比较,4,1、英语属于印欧语系 2、英语的历史起源于第五世纪中叶朱特人、撒克逊人及盎格鲁人的入侵,到现在已有1500多年的历史了。,1、汉语属于汉藏语系 2、汉语历史较英语历史长得很,汉语已有6000多年的历史了。,5,二:英汉语言 本质比较,6,1、俄语是综合型语言:是指这种语言主要通过本身的形态变化来表达语法意义。 2、英语是从综合型向分析型语言发展的语言。,7,3、汉语却是分析型为主的语言:
2、指这种语言中的语法关系主要不是通过词本身的形态来表达,而是通过虚词、词序等手段来表示。,8,政治学习 the study of politics 学习政治 to study politics 脱离危险 to get out of danger 非常危险 exceedingly dangerous,9,三:英汉句子 结构比较,10,(一)英汉句子结构最主要区别在于英语重形合,汉语重意合 (二)英语句子中,名词与介词占优势 (三)汉语句子中,动词占优势 (四)英汉句子重心比较,11,形合:主要靠语言本身语法手段。 意合:主要靠句子内部逻辑联系。,1、英语结构紧凑严密; 2、英语句子好比一棵参天大树
3、,一串葡萄,一串珍珠,一树荔枝。,1、汉语结构简练明快。 2、汉语句子好比一根竹子,一盘珠子,一江波涛。,12,(一)英汉句子结构最主要区别在于英语重形合,汉语重意合 The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.,13,译文:由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。,14,(二)英语句子中,名词
4、与介词占优势 Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.,15,译文:卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下山岗又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中止了。,16,Inadequate training fo
5、r farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries.,17,译文;农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得大多数农民处于贫穷的困境。,18,(三)汉语句子中,动词占优势 晴雯先接出来,笑道:“好啊,叫我研了墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走了,哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了这些墨才算呢!”,19,(四)在复合句子中,英语的主句为主要部分,一般放在句首,即重心在前
6、。而汉语则一般按照逻辑和时间顺序,将主要部分放在句尾,形成后中心。,20,He has to stay at home because he is ill. 他病了只得呆在家里。 He cannot be operated upon as he is very weak. 他身体很弱不能动手术。,21,Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life. 生活中既有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。,22,It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone th
7、e visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 译文:我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。,23,四:英汉语态比较,24,截止日期延长三天。The deadline was extended for three days. 信寄了吗? Has the letter been mailed?,25,应该理解,犯错误是人之常情。 It should be understood that to err is human. 这辆车很好驾驶。 This car handles easily.,26,饭吃过了。 水烧开了。
8、 房间打扫干净了。 衣服洗好了。 书买了。 票卖完了。 稿子才写完了一半。,27,五:英汉词义比较,28,(一)词的多义性,1、英语句子结构重形合,重主谓关系。 2、英语词义比较灵活,词的涵义范围比较广,词义对上下文的依赖性较大。,1、汉语句子结构却重意合,重意念。 2、汉语词义比较严谨,词的含义范围比较窄,词义对上下文的依赖性比较小。,29,1. He killed the man. 2. He killed the dog. 3. They killed the proposal. 4. Please kill the engine. 5、He is dressed to kill.,30
9、,6. You are killing me. 7. She kills her child with kindness. 8.He took a snack to kill her hunger. 9.He killed time every day at the park.,31,10.He killed the motion when it came from the committee. 11. He killed himself with overwork. 12.He killed the spirit of the group.,32,13. The news killed th
10、eir hope. 14. These flowers kill easily. 15. He killed three bottles of whiskey in a week.,33,kill ones appetite kill time kill the peace kill the mood kill a marriage,34,(二)抽象与具体,1、英语表达比较抽象。,1、汉语表达比较具体。,35,He is at it again. He is no in it. We talked on over fresh tea. If your mother sees your torn
11、 trousers, youll be in for it.,36,HOMEWORK: His passion carried him astray. Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. Memories of that historic and happy occasion still linger.,37,An idea suddenly struck him. The sight of the orphan always reminds me of the parents. The most notable is the further willingness of people to speak their minds. Her illness kept her in hospital four weeks,38,下课啦!,