1、一次考试-An Exam在一次考试中,老师有事出去了。教室里很安静,大家都在忙着答卷子。起初我答得很顺利,但过了一会儿,我遇到了一道难题,怎么想都想不出来。同学们大多都已经交卷了,我非常着急,想作弊。可是我脑海里突然有个声音告诉我:“要诚实,永不作弊 !”我终于没有打开书。最后,我没答那道题就交卷了。虽然我没有得高分,但我赢得了一次“道德测验” 。诚实比高分更重要。One day, we were taking an exam. The teacher excused herself for a moment. The classroom was quiet and everyone was
2、busy with his paper. I did well and smoothly at first, but some time later, I ran into a difficult question. I used every method but couldnt work it out. Most of my classmates had finished and handed their papers in. I got so anxious that I wanted to cheat. But suddenly there was a voice in my mind
3、saying: “Be honest, never cheat!“ At last, I didnt open my book, and I handed it in without answering that question. Although I didnt get a high score, I won in the moral test. To be honest is the most important.唐纳德数学学得不好。可他不想下工夫学它,而是想着考试作弊。一次考试中,他选了一个挨着史密斯的座位,因为史密斯是全班数学学得最好的学生。唐纳德仔细地把史密斯试卷上的答案都抄在他自
4、己的试卷上。几天后考试结果出来了,老师说要给考得最好的同学一个奖励。唐纳德和史密斯都得了满分,可老师把奖品只给了史密斯。唐纳德生气地说:“这不公平,我和史密斯考得一样高,为什么只给他?“是埃”老师说, “可你的试卷上写着史密斯的名字呀 !”An ExamDonald was not very good at math. But what he thought was not to study harder but to cheat in the exams. In one exam, Donald chose to sit next to Smith, who was always at th
5、e top of the class in math. Donald carefully copied Smiths answers on to his own exam paper. Days later the results came out. And the teacher promised to give a prize to the student who got the highest grade. Although Donald and Smith both got full marks, the teacher gave the prize to Smith. Donald was angry and said, “Thats not fair. I got the same score as Smith. “Thats true, “the teacher said, “but you signed the name of Smith on your exam paper.“