1、Case Analysis for Communication Patterns,沟通模式的案例分析,张楠,Teaching Objective 教学目的,By analyzing the case, students will understand how the communication patterns are applied in management activities.Furthermore, they will have the ability to choose the most suitable pattern under different management sit
2、uations.通过分析案例,使学生理解沟通模式在实际管理活动中是如何被应用的,更重要得是,使他们能够在不同的管理活动背景下选择运用最恰当的沟通模式。,the 8 Communication Patterns,The Barbell 杠铃型 The Triangle 三角型 The Pyramid 金字塔型 The Series 链型 The Circle 环型 The Hub and Spokes 轮型 The Legs 腿型 The Crossfire 全通道型,The Crossfire,Features:more communication channels, more freedom
3、, the highest communication speed, high satisfaction degree from the communicators.特点:沟通渠道多,自由度大,沟通速度最快,沟通者满意度高。 Applicable Situations: when facing difficult problems, a board range of ideas are needed for innovation by cooperation.适用情况:为解决复杂问题,需要集思广益,相互合作,产生大量创意时。,Case : How to solve the problem of
4、 oil leak of the speeder?,The speeder is the leading system of a diesel engine, its quality will directly affect the quality of the whole engine .To catch up with the development of the railway industry, Tianjin Rolling Stock Machinery Plant applied for ”ministry-recognized quality product” for the
5、speeder. An appraising meeting was held by the railway ministry.However, because there were some oil leak, the product didnt achieve the “silver brand prize” though its other aspects were qualified.Therefore, the ministry and the bureau required the plant to solve the oil leak before a deadline. In
6、fact, the problem had set off discussions among the bottom employees and some primary imaginations were put forward earlier. The plant leaders decided to organize the employees to overcome this technical difficulty immediately.,Questions,Which form of management communication (何种沟通形式)should be taken
7、 to solve the problem? Which communication pattern (何种沟通模式) is applied in this form?Please select from the following patterns: the hub and spokes(轮型), the legs(腿型), the crossfire(全通道型).,案例 :如何解决调速器漏油的问题?,调速器是机车柴油机的指挥系统,它的质量会直接影响柴油机的整车质量。天津机车车辆机械厂为适应铁路工业的形势,将调速器产品定为部级创优产品。为此铁道部召开了鉴定会,与会人员认为该厂产品的加工质量和
8、配机性能良好,但是有几处漏油,故未能批准成为银牌产品。于是,部局要求限期解决漏油问题。在此之前,这个问题就已经引起一些职工的讨论并形成了一些初步设想。事不宜迟,厂领导决定马上组织攻克这一技术难关。,Solution from the Plant,组织形式:智力激励会议。参会成员:调速器组装工人两名,设计人员两名,工艺师两名,检查工人一名,生产调度一名。会议纪律:1.提倡大胆设想,自由思考。2.任何人不能批评、打断或限制他人的发言。3.设想越多越好,不局限数量和范围。4.发言要围绕主题。5.参会人员在发表设想方面一律平等,没有工人、工程师之分。,Solution from the Plant,会
9、议过程:纪律宣布之后,大家各自谈自己的意见和设想,并可以进行自由交流。结果共提出了解决漏油问题的方案多达四十一条。 会议成果:经过再次讨论交流,大家对四十一条方案进行提炼,最后共形成十条解决调速器漏油的方案。 会议效果:会议只用了一小时十五分钟,大家体会到:与会者心情舒畅,充分发表了自己的意见,效果比以往任何一次会议都好。,the Communication Patterns as choices,The Circle,The Legs,The Crossfire,环型,腿型,全通道型,A Small Question,The shortcoming of the crossfire (全通道
10、型模式的缺陷) : communication chaos(沟通混乱) = decrease the work efficiency(降低效率). How to deal with the shortcoming of the crossfire in practice?,Guiding Principles for choosing the Communication Patterns 选择沟通模式的指导思想,Grasp (掌握) the features(特点) and the applicable situations (适用情况) of each communication pattern. Analyze(分析) the specific management situation. Find (发现) the similarities and determine(确定)the most suitable communication pattern.,Thank You !,