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1、1,化 学 反 应 器 理 论,文利雄 有机无机复合材料国家重点实验室 教育部超重力工程研究中心 北京化工大学化学工程学院 (),2,Time & Classroom,Week 1-13 Thursday 13:00 16:25 Room: 北阶六Credits: 3.0Hours: 48,3,Syllabus(教学大纲),预修课程:化学反应工程及相关基础课程简介:围绕化工、能源、环境、新材料等工业过程,重点剖析化学反应器的基本原理、理论和设计方法,阐述反应器的工业放大规律和方法,介绍工业反应器的操作和控制等,以便较系统地了解和掌握化学反应器理论及设计。教材:陈甘棠,化学反应工程,第三版,北京

2、:化学工业出版社,2007,4,参考书,O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley &Sons, Third Edition, 1999 G. F. 弗罗门特,K. B. 比肖夫,反应器分析与设计,北京:化学工业出版社,1985 孙宏伟,段雪主编,化学工程学科前沿与展望,北京:科学出版社,2012 张成芳编,气液反应和反应器,北京:化学工业出版社,1985 郭锴等编,本校化学反应工程教材,5,A,Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd edition by Octave Levenspiel Dr

3、. Seuss of Chemical Engineering,6,Supplementary(参考教材),BEYOND THE MOLECULAR FRONTIER Challenges for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering The National Academies Press, USA Free online,7,Supplementary,Beyond transport phenomena and reaction engineering Mooson Kwauk(郭慕孙) Chemical Engineering Science 59 (2

4、004) 1613 1616,Top ChE journals?,8,成绩,考试:占70; 作业包括 PPT演讲:占15; 平时表现成绩:占15。,9,Requirements,Finish and turn in home work Self studyCode of honorInteractive Be creative Turn off / set mobile to vibration,10,教学大纲内容与安排,绪论 反应器理论基础 固定床催化反应器 流化床反应器PPT演讲 其它多相流反应器超重力旋转填充床反应器聚合反应工程,11,第一章 绪 论,1.1 化学反应器理论在战略新兴产业

5、、传统产业中的应用和作用化学反应的应用和作用制造新物质、消除有害物、降低能耗 生命科学:制药工业 信息工业:计算机芯片制造、信息材料 纳米科技:纳米材料、纳米器件制造 能源:石油工业,煤化工,生物质能源 环境工业:脱硫脱硝、碳捕集、生化反应水治理等 传统工业:化工、纺织、冶金、建筑.,12,化学反应器化学反应过程进行并得以实现的环境和场地,即装置。化学反应器 影响和决定反应结果与效果,在高新技术领域中,是技术和过程实现的核心。,13,Chemical Plant,14,Chemical Equipment,15,Industrial examples (I) Production of Syn

6、thesis Gas - ReformingSynthesis gas: A mixture of CO and H2Is produced from natural gas by reactionwith H2O and O2:CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2CH4 + O2 CO + 2H2CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2OCO + H2O CO2 + H2Synthesis gas is applied for the production of many bulkchemicals such as methanol, ammonia, hydrogen, liquid fue

7、ls (gasoline and methanol), formic and acetic acid,Industrial examples (I) Production of Synthesis GasAuto-thermal reforming reactor: Initial sub-stoichiometric com- bustion followed by a catalytic conversion in a packed bed.,Eq. composition,Industrial examples (II) Power plant for combustion of gas

8、/oil/coal/biomass Boiler (reactor,流化床) 7. DeNOx reactor Mills 8. Air preheater Burners 9. Electro filter Turbine/generator 10. Desulfurization Condensator 11. Gypsum storage Feed water pump 12. Chimney,Industrial examples (II) Power plant for combustion of gas/oil/coal/biomass DeNOx reactor:,Main re

9、action: NO + NH3 + O2 N2 + 3/2H2O Characteristics: Catalyst: V2O5/WO3 on a TiO2 carrier Operating temperature: 300-400 C NOx-reduction: 80-90 % Life time: 3-5 years by HD coal comb.,Industrial examples (II) Power plant for combustion of gas/oil/coal/biomassDesulfurization:,SO2(g) + CaCO3(s) + O2(g)

10、+ 2H2O CaSO4,2H2O(s) + CO2(g),Three-phase slurry reactor:,Fermentation,Industrial examples (III),Batch Reactor (间歇反应器),Fed-batch,Batch reactor Pharmaceutical production Batch reactor at Lundbeck,Why Batch Reactors?,It is used for:Small scale operationsIntermediate or one shot production/testing new

11、processesPharmaceutical/FermentationGas/Liquid/Liquid-Solid phase reactionAdvantage:High conversionOperational flexibilityDisadvantage:High labor costProduct quality may varyDifficult but possible to achieve large scale production,Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) Mixed Flow Reactor (全混流 ),Why

12、CSTR,It is used for:Processes requiring agitationMostly liquid phase reactionsAdvantage:Continuous operation (normally operated at steady state)Good temperature controlLow costDisadvantage:Low conversion of reactants, but there are exceptionsWhy do we get low conversion?,Tubular Reactor (Plug Flow R

13、eactor (PFR),平推流),Why Tubular Reactors,It is used for:Gas phase reactionsLarge scale, fast reactionsAdvantage:Continuous operationRelatively easy to maintainHigh conversionLow operating costDisadvantage:Difficult to control temperature for exothermicor endothermic reactions,Other Reactors,Semibatch

14、Fed-batchTypically one reactant is charged initially and the otheris fed continuouslyTubular fixed (packed) bed reactorTubular reactor packed with catalyst particlesFluidized bed reactor:Catalyst particles are fluidized by the reaction mixtureflowing upwards through the fluidized particlesTransport

15、reactors:Catalyst/solid reactant particles are entrainedby the reaction mixture,Fluidized bed catalytic reactors for exothermic reactions,丙烯腈 顺丁烯二酐, 马来酸酐,Some more reactors (II),31,Complicated reactors,32,Reaction types,Homogeneous single-phase:Gas phaseLiquid phaseHeterogeneous two-phase reactions:

16、Gas fixed (solid) catalystGas solid reactantLiquid fixed (solid) catalystLiquid liquid (immiscible)Gas - liquidHeterogeneous three-phase reactions:Gas liquid solid catalyst,34,概 述,黑色褐色或黄色的流动或半流动的粘稠液体,相对密度一般介于0.800.98之间,比水略轻 石油的元素组成,石 油,石油化工,石油化学工业简称石油化工,指以石油和天然气为原料,生产石油产品和石油化工产品的加工工业,是化学工业的重要组成部分,传统

17、化工,石油化工产业链,36,中国燕山石化公司,炼油车间,分离平台,37,纤维,氯乙烯,氨氧化催化,氧化催化,氧化催化,氧化催化,氧氯化催化,网球拍,高尔夫球棍,毛衣,温室塑料棚,酐,石脑油 (轻汽油),丁烯,乙烯,萘,丙烯,涂料,顺,苯酐,维,碳,纤,头盔,二甲苯,聚酯,石化工业,FRP船,丙烯腈,38,(1)抗生素药物的制备,应用实例,甲苯,缩合,醚化,胺化,环合,水解,中和,哌嗪化,成盐,原料药产品,结晶分离,纳米化,纳米抗生素药物,39,(2)洗衣粉的制备,应用实例,十二烷基苯磺酸盐 (表面活性剂),40,例:涤纶的合成,(3)合成纤维,合成纤维是以石油、天然气为原料,经过一系列反应合成

18、的高分子化合物,经纺丝和后加工而制得的纤维,我国合成纤维年产量为1860万吨 占全球产量的32%(2006),氧化,CH2=CH2,氧化,化纤衣服,应用实例,41,聚酯纤维(涤纶或的确良) 聚酰胺6纤维(锦纶或尼龙6) 聚丙烯腈纤维(腈纶) 聚丙烯纤维(丙纶) 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛纤维(维纶) 特种纤维 耐腐蚀、耐高温、高强度等 (碳纤维),常见合成纤维,42,传统产业节能减排应用- 化学工业的地位与问题,地位国民经济的重要支柱产业 美、德国产业排序第2位我国创造了12%的GDP值 (工业总产值的30%) 问题高能耗、高污染和高物耗 能源消费量约占全国总能源量的9%,占全国工业能源消费总量的近17%

19、 废水排放量占全国工业废水排放总量的16,居第1位,43,43,化学工业节能减排-国家重大紧迫任务,重大需求,石油与化工居工业能耗 第1位,约占工业总能耗的26.5% 化工废水排放占工业废水排放总量的19.7,居第1位,化学工业 高能耗、高污染等“三高 ”问题,时任国务院总理 温家宝 2007年五一全国节能减排工作电视电话会议讲话 “石油与化工行业节能减排,是推进全国节能减排工作的当务之急,也是当前宏观调控的紧迫任务。”,注:2005年,44,How to design a reactor ?,Objectives,45,45,45,EXAMPLE,The elementary liquid-

20、phase reaction,Task: design a reactor and process that you can produce 100 kg R per day.,A+2B R,k1,k2,46,46,46,EXAMPLE: Mixed flow reactor performance,The elementary liquid-phase reaction,is to take place in a steady-state mixed flow reactor. Two feed streams, one containing 2.8 mol A/liter and the

21、other containing 1.6 mol B/liter, are to be introduced at equal volumetric flow rates (5000 liter/min) into the reactor, and 75% conversion of limiting component is desired. What should be the volume of the reactor? Assume a constant density throughout.,A+2B R,k1,k2,47,Design the right reactor !,Obj

22、ectives,Kinetics,Reactors: mixing / transport,48,Momentum Transfer (浓度),CA0,CA,rA =kCA,CA =CA0 e-kt,A,经典的“三传一反”,49,Heat Transfer (温度),rA =kCA,k =k0 e-E/RT,CA0,CA,A,50,Mass Transfer (浓度),51,Batch,Continuous,Semi-continuous,The Patterns of Operation,52,多尺度/微纳尺度结构下的 “三传一反X”规律,53,1 sec to 3 yr-With such

23、 a large ratio, of course the design of reactors will be quite different in these cases.,Speed of Chemical Reaction (时间多尺度),Cellular rxs. Industrial water treatment plants,Human at rest,Working hard,Gases in porous catalyst particles,Coal furnaces,Jet engines,Rocket engines,Bimolecular rxs. in which

24、 every collision counts, at about 1 atm and 400,(unit: mol/m3.s),反应过程复杂性特点:时空多尺度,54,(微观),(介观),(宏观),55,产品 工程,过程 工程,1900,1920,1940,1960,1980,2000,工程模块化,炼油、煤炭实验经验,单元操作,设备共性,经验 定量,大规模石化工业 数学、物理,三传一反,现象共性,结构界面共性,多尺度/微纳尺度结构下的 “三传一反X”规律,前沿方向,学科背景,化学工程学科发展史 学科前沿,57,58,59,60,传递现象-化工理论基础,1960年,R.B. Bird , W.E

25、. Stewart, E.N. Lightfoot出版了Transport Phenomena(中译本在1990年出版),从分子水平阐述单元操作、化学反应过程、设备设计与过程控制中的共性科学问题 1969年3W出版了动量、热量和质量传递原理(已经出第四版),61,化学反应工程-化工理论基础,1962年,美国Oregon大学化工系的O. Levenspiel出版了Chemical Reaction Engineering成为化学工程科学发展的又一个重要里程碑。,A,62,63,64,65,产品 工程,过程 工程,1900,1920,1940,1960,1980,2000,工程模块化,炼油、煤炭实

26、验经验,单元操作,设备共性,经验 定量,大规模石化工业 数学、物理,三传一反,现象共性,结构界面共性,多尺度/微纳尺度结构下的 “三传一反X”规律,前沿方向,学科背景,化学工程学科发展史 学科前沿,66,反应过程强化?,67,约90%的化工生产过程与反应有关,68,Process Intensification,C. Ramshaw, the 1st international conference on process intensification; Stankiewicz, Chem. Eng. Progress, 2000, 96910, 22-34; J. of Chem Eng a

27、nd Processing, doi:10.1016/2008.04.012; Chem. Eng. J., 2008, 135,1 -2,The concepts of PI were originally pioneered in the 1970s by Colin Ramshaw and his co-workers at ICI, where PI was defined as a reduction in plant size by at least a factor 100. PI is about providing a chemical process with the pr

28、ecise environment it needs to flourish, which results in better products, and processes which are safer, cleaner, smaller and cheaper.,所谓“化工过程强化”技术,是指“在实现既定生产目标前提下,大幅度减小生产设备尺寸、简化工艺流程、减少装置数目,使工厂布局更加紧凑合理,单位能耗、废料、副产品显著减少”的技术。,69,1 sec to 3 yr-With such a large ratio, of course the design of reactors wi

29、ll be quite different in these cases.,Speed of Chemical Reaction (时间多尺度),Cellular rxs. Industrial water treatment plants,Human at rest,Working hard,Gases in porous catalyst particles,Coal furnaces,Jet engines,Rocket engines,Bimolecular rxs. in which every collision counts, at about 1 atm and 400,(un

30、it: mol/m3.s),反应:特征反应时间,1 Chem. Eng. Sci. 2000, 55 (19), 4233-4243. 2 北京化工大学学报, 2009, 36(6). 3 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009, 48, 5004-5009. 4 Sensors and Actuators B. 2006, 117 (2), 495-508. 5 Our study-Micro impinging stream reactor 6 Chem. Eng. J. 2010, 156 (3), 588-593. 7 Chem. Eng. Sci. 2000, 56, 3

31、797-3802. 8 AIChE J. 2003, 49 (9), 2264-2280 . 9 Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 2009, 17.,反应器:微观混合时间,71,来源:,国际态势,A. Stankiewcz, Chem. Eng. Prog., 2000,过程强化技术,72,特征反应时间与微观混合时间的关系,Habchi, C.; Della Valle, D.; Lemenand, T.; Anxionnaz, Z.; Tochon, P.; Cabassud, M.; Gourdon, C.; Peerhossaini, H.: A new adaptive p

32、rocedure for using chemical probes to characterize mixing. Chemical Engineering Science 2011, 66, 3540-3550.,73,1.2 化学反应器研究范畴与基本内容,反应动力学反应器型式、操作和流程反应器内流体力学反应器内传递过程反应器内混合过程反应器动态特性与控制反应器开发与设计,74,均相反应: 冷模实验,确定中试反应器停留时间分布特性; 根据反应动力学方程,选择适当的反应器进行中试。,气固相催化反应: 根据反应特性,决定催化剂结构、尺寸; 催化剂传递特性实验; 通过中试决定工业反应操作方式。,

33、75,1.3 化学反应器研究与设计方法论与实践论实验测定:动力学模型与传递过程规律模型 数学模型:(动力学、物料衡算、热量衡算、动量衡算、参数衡算) 制定实验方案,中间试验 验证修正模型 工业化装置设计与试验 验证完善数学模型 应用于新生产线的设计,76,搅拌式:适用于液相、液液相、气液相 管式:气相、液相 空塔或搅拌塔:液相、液液相 鼓泡塔或挡板鼓泡塔:气液相、气液固相 填料塔:液相、气液相 板式塔:气液相 喷雾塔:气液相快速反应 湿壁塔:气液相 固定床:气固相 流化床:气固相、气液固相 移动床:气固相 滴流床:气液固相,1.4 化学反应器型式,77, 改进和强化现有反应技术与设备,挖潜降耗、增效 开发新的技术、工艺和反应器设备 指导和解决反应器及反应过程放大问题 实现反应过程最优化 发展反应工程学的理论和方法,学过化学反应器的研究生,应当具有的技能,78,Engineers make things and they make things better.,Subra Suresh, Dean of MIT School of Engineering,


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