1、 27 1 null null null Vol.27null No.12007 M 2 SHANXI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Feb. 2007l : 2006null11null03T e : , 3 , 1962 M 3 , 1984 M 8 null , .Y 3 J . % F ,1997(5): 38null43.(下转第69页)#49#null 2007 M 2 null null null null null null null null null null null null null null ,Y null null null null null null n
2、ull null null null null null null null null null null null null nulle A 5 H ,K l 5 ( ) 50 mm 150 mmb1 1 H , V 5= u P B t 4 “ 4 b E 3 ,# y p A 5 5 “ 4 ) , E “ b4.3null 进水和出水管线A 5 “ d ( ,B d 5 b 5 1 A 5 0.5 m, y 5 V C 7 Y b H b , “ d ( b “ d B 5 1 p , u F A ! , d “ 5 ,i ! h e D , 5 = b5null A ) “ d L
3、A ) “ d ) 7 ? , ) r T 4 , N H * bV 1 + A ) “ d bV 1null A ) “ d r T “ 1 2 3 4BOD/ mg#L- 1 117 24 22 34 40SS/ mg#L- 1 118 13 35 27 23COD/ mg#L- 1 375 79 91 100 98TN/mg#L- 1 38 20 18 21 24TP/ mg#L- 1 8. 2 1. 5 1. 2 1.6 1.8null : 1 2 r A ; 3 4 A b6null A “ d B a ? Z ) L / , g a) r T z a T 5 e # n + , s
4、 1 , / a v j h u l A u ) b I D :1 null + 2 , .l 3 ) / M . : S S ,2001:263null291.The method of polluted water treatment by artificial wetlandsLI Rongnullling( Datong Coal Gasification Corporation, Datong Shanxi 037006, China)Abstract: Artificial wetlands area new type of polluted water treatment. Th
5、e article introduced the theory and the structure of thetechnology. The process scheme of the artificial wet lands was discussed and the results were also given.Key words:artificial wetlands; polluted water treatment; wetland bed(上接第49页) 2 null u null .Z Y J . Z , 2000( 4):48null49. 3 null null .Y 3
6、 J . + Ke ,2001( 3) :38null39.4 null f Z . Y j 0 5 J . S o a,2005(2): 14null15.5 null 2 .Y 7 ? - J. W 8 ,2002(2): 12null13.Synthesis and application of diketeneSUN Yunullquan, WANG Shounullqing(Department of Chemical Engineering, Weifang Educational College, Qingzhou Shandong 262500, China)Abstract:
7、Thesyntheticmethod of diketene: the methods of acticacid high temperature spit, acetylene oxidation process, acetonepynullrolysis andaceticanhydride pyrolysis, was introduced in this paper, its applications in medicine, pesticide, dyestuff, and food and fornullage additive etc. were also recounted.Key words:diketene; synthesis; application#69#null 2007 M 2 null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null , A ) / null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null