1、1,课程名称:医学论文摘要翻译与写作,课程类型: 限定选修(英语专业)任意选修 (全校其它专业),主讲教师: 王兰英 教授 Cell Phone: 138373222600373-3029445 课程负责院系: 外国语言学系,2,(一)基本理论知识本课程主要讲解科技论文英译的理论知识,包括英汉句子层面的语言对比,语序的对比,和长难句的处理。掌握科技英语的语言特点、构词规律、和句法特点。介绍翻译的基本技巧, 直译、意译、音译、 综合译法。 (二)基本技能通过本课程的学习和实践,提高学生的语言应用能力,提高语言表达的可读性和准确性,促进学术交流活动,为学生继续深造和从事科学研究奠定良好基础。 (三
2、)基本素质提高英汉两种语言的应用水平、交互翻译能力、及两种语言的书面表达能力,促进学术交流,使学术成果共享,更好地服务于人类的健康和社会进步。,一、课程目标,3,二、课程学时分配,4,课程学时分配,5,Lecture 1: Introduction of research paper writings in English: Format and Language,The continuing expansion of biomedical literature is overwhelming. An analysis of the MEDLINE database found an aver
3、age annual increase of 2.8% in the number of publications listed each year. By the year of 2009, the total number of journals indexed by SCI reached 7347, among those there are 139 journals of China. Domestically, more than 1000 biomedical journals are published in Chinese.Many people ask about the
4、“tricks of the trade”_ how to improve an article to increase its chances for acceptance in an well-known English language journal.,6,2009年7347种SCI期刊的出版语种分布,其中中国期刊收录被收录的有139种,包括台湾25种 生物医学期刊排序,7,最新医学期刊影响因子排序( Top 12, 2009 ),8,9,Basic elements to get your paper published in English,a. Subject matter-cr
5、eative, original, curious, influential,b. languageexplicit, precise , free from spelling or grammatical errors, right use of punctuations,c. format conformed to the instructions for authors,10,Three fundamental medical Text types,Case report articles,Review articles,Research articles,Variations amon
6、g them,11,Science writings are different from fiction, argumentation, prose, or poetic writings, or CET compositions. A research paper is an utterance of narration or exposition. It has a specific format ,but the format is not exactly the same. There exist variations in different journals. In U.S.,
7、U.K., Australia ,Canadian journals, the format is more complex than that in Chinese biomedical Journals, the latter adopted IMRAD format or traditional abstract, a summary.,12,英文摘要的类别与组成要素,research,review,Case study,13,Four basic research types,a. Clinical researchb. Basic/ observational researchc.
8、Epidemiological /cohort-based researchd. Operative/surgical research,Of course you want to choose a key journal for your paper to get higher impact factor.,14,Top 30 journals according to the rank of impact factors,No. journal format New England Journal of Medicine IMRAD Journal of American Medical
9、Association 8-heading The Lancet - U.K. IMRAD Annual Review of Medicine no Annals of Internal Medicine 8-heading Archives of Internal Medicine IMRAD American Journal of Medicine IMRAD,15,Top 30 journals according to the rank of impact factors,8. British Medical Journal 8-heading 9. Medicine (Baltimo
10、re) no specific 10. Amyloid no specific 11. Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians- no 12. Journal of Family Practice 8-heading 13.Annals of Medicine IMRAD 14. Journal of General Internal Medicine 8-heading 15. Canadian Medical Association Journal IMRAD 16. Journal of Internal Medicin
11、e 8-heading,16,17. Archives of Family Medicine no specific 18. Journal of Investigative Medicine IMRAD 19. Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians IMRAD 20. Mayo Clinic Proceedings IMRAD 21. American Journal Preventive Medicine IMRAD# 22. European Journal of Clinical Investigation IMRAD 23.
12、 Palliative Medicine no. 24. The journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine no,Top 30 journals according to the rank of impact factors,17,Top 30 journals according to the rank of impact factors,25. The Medical Journal of Australia 8-heading 26. British Medical Bulletin no 27. Journal of Pain and sy
13、mptom Management no 28.British Journal of General Practice 8-heading 29. Preventive Medicine IMRAD 30. American Journal of Medical Science IMRAD,18,The Four-heading format and the 8-heading format of the structured abstracts,IMRAD format Eight-heading format 1.Introduction 1.Objective:Question addre
14、ssed2.Design:the basic design of the study3.Setting: the location and level of clinical care 2. Methods 4. Patients: who entered the study5.Intervention: exact treatment or 6.Main outcome measurement:,19,3. Results 7. Results: the key findings4.Discussion 8.Concluson: key conclusions _,AbstractAn ab
15、stract of your scientific paper is different from the abstract sent for a congress presentation. Whatever the format, be sure that the whole message of your work comes across in the abstract, because this part of the paper is most likely to be read. Computer database such as PubMed(美国国家医学图书馆),Medlin
16、e(医学文献数据库) publish only abstracts.,20,You should answer these questions in your abstract : Why did you study? (Introduction)What did you do? ( Methods)What answers did you get? ( Results)What does it mean? (Discussion),21,So, vague or incomplete abstracts will be overlooked by the other investigator
17、s. Components of an abstract (8-heading format) Objective: This part should give one sentence, a precise statement of why the study was done, usually a infinitive clause “To investigate the efficacy of”.Design: Type of the study, e.g. double blind trial, experimental analysis, prospective/retrospect
18、ive study should be noted.,22,Setting: To outline the conditions of the setting is more important for clinical research papers, so that the readers can assess the applicability of the study to their own circumstances. This paragraph should state whether the setting was a community, a university depa
19、rtment, etc.Subjects or material: The total number of patients, subjects or animals selected, which gives the reader an idea of generalizability of the results.,23,Interventions: A description of any intervention ,e.g. the dosage and duration of drug regimen. Main outcome Measures: Methods by which
20、patients were assessed or the success judged should be mentioned. Results: The main results should be given, together with a note of exclusion and withdrawals. Confidence intervals and level of significance should be indicated.,24,Conclusions: Only those conclusions supported by the data that are pr
21、esented should be stated, followed by a short statement on the possible clinical applications of the work, bearing in mind the limitations of the study.,25,Practice Points Preparing the first draft-Choose a leader writer -choose a working title “A good title sells the paper” - follow the journals “i
22、nstructor for authors” -complete the first draft in one setting,26,Getting the massage across -emphasize information by placing it at the end of the sentence or clause - do not provide lengthy information between subject and verb -provide the reader with context and perspective by appropriate use of
23、 topic position -move the reader on by verbs that have a sense of action,27,Context: Endogenous hormones (内源性激素)are a primary cause of breast cancer. Adiposity (肥胖)affects circulating hormones, particularly in breast cancer. Objective: To assess the associations of adult weight change since age 18 y
24、ears and since menopause with the risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women.,e.g. Adult weight change and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer from JAMA,28,Design, Setting, and Participants: Prospective cohort study within the Nurses Health Study. A total of 87143 postmenopausal women, aged 3
25、0 to 55 years and free of cancer, were followed up for up to 26 years ( 1976-2002) to assess weight change since 18 years. Weight change since menopause was assessed among 49514 women who were followed up for up to 24 years.,29,Main Outcome Measure: Incidence of invasive breast cancer. Results: Over
26、all, 4393 cases of invasive breast cancer were documented. Compared with those who maintained weight, women who gained 25.0kg or more since age 18 years were at an increased risk of breast cancer ( relative risk RR,1.45;95% confidence interval CI, 1.27-1.66; p.001 for trend), with a stronger associa
27、tion among women who have never taken postmenopausal hormones (RR,1.98; 95% CI, 1.55-2.53).,30,Compared with weight maintenance, women who gained 10.0kg or more since menopause were at an increased risk of breast cancer (RR,1.18;95%CI, 1.03-1.35;p= .002 for trend). Women who had never used postmenop
28、ausal hormones, lost 10.0 kg or more sine menopause, and kept the weight off were at a lower risk than those who maintained weight (RR, 0.43;95%CI, 0.21-0.86;p=0.1 for weight loss trend).,31,Overall, 15.0%(95% CI, 12.8%-17.4%) of breast cancer cases in this population may be attributable to weight g
29、ain of 2.0 kg or more since age 18 years and 4.4% (95% CI, 3.6%-5.5%) attributable to weight gain of 2.0kg or more since menopause. Among those who did not use postmenopausal hormones, the population attributable risks are 24.2% (95% CI, 19.8%-29.1%) for a weight gain since age 18 years and 7.6%( 95
30、%Ci, 5.9%-9.7%) for weight gain since menopause.,32,Conclusions: These data suggest that weight gain during adult life, specifically since menopause, increases the risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women, whereas weight loss after menopause is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. Thus, in addition to other known benefits of healthy weight, our results provide another reason for women approaching menopause to maintain or lose weight, as appropriate.(416Words),33,Thank you for your attention,