1、销售定单行界面的唯一性字段“Line”是非数据库字段,F11 不可输入销售定单行界面一性字段“Line”查询假如我们要在销售定单行界面 DataLoad(修改字段),那么如何对销售定单行界面把你所需要的订单行找出来呢?解决方法:Line 字段是有 5 个字段拼接起来的Line := line_number | . | shipment_number | . | option_number | . | component_number | . |service_number;当然上面一些字段默认是 Hide 的,要把它们 Show 出来。Form 源代码关于如何拼接 Line 字段: (1)Li
2、ne 块的块级触发器 POST-QUERY 调用:OE_LINE.Post_Query;(来自于库 OEXOELIN)(2)库 OEXOELIN 里 Line_Shipment_Option_Number 赋值代码:OE_CONCAT_VALUES.LINE_SHIPMENT_OPTION(Name_in(Line.Line_Number),Name_In(Line.Shipment_Number),Name_In(Line.Option_Number),x_concat_values,Name_In(Line.Component_Number),Name_In(Line.Service_Nu
3、mber);COPY(x_concat_values,Line.Line_Shipment_Option_Number);(3)OE_CONCAT_VALUES 包代码:PACKAGE BODY oe_concat_values ISPROCEDURE line_shipment_option(line_number IN NUMBER,shipment_number IN NUMBER,option_number IN NUMBER,p_concat_value OUT VARCHAR2,component_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,service_numb
4、er IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) ISBEGIN-=- Added for identifying Service Lines-=IF service_number IS NOT NULL THENIF option_number IS NOT NULL THENIF component_number IS NOT NULL THENp_concat_value := line_number | . | shipment_number | . |option_number | . | component_number | . |service_number;ELSEp_co
5、ncat_value := line_number | . | shipment_number | . |option_number | | service_number;END IF;- if a option is not attachedELSEIF component_number IS NOT NULL THENp_concat_value := line_number | . | shipment_number | |component_number | . | service_number;ELSEp_concat_value := line_number | . | shipm
6、ent_number | . |service_number;END IF;END IF; /* if option number is not null */- if the service number is nullELSEIF option_number IS NOT NULL THENIF component_number IS NOT NULL THENp_concat_value := line_number | . | shipment_number | . |option_number | . | component_number;ELSEp_concat_value :=
7、line_number | . | shipment_number | . |option_number;END IF;- if a option is not attachedELSEIF component_number IS NOT NULL THENp_concat_value := line_number | . | shipment_number | |component_number;ELSE/*Bug2848734 - Added IF condition */IF (line_number IS NULL AND shipment_number IS NULL) THENp_
8、concat_value := NULL;ELSEp_concat_value := line_number | . | shipment_number;END IF;END IF;END IF; /* if option number is not null */END IF; /* if service number is not null */END line_shipment_option;END oe_concat_values;-查询SELECT ool.line_number,ool.shipment_number,ool.option_number,ponent_number,
9、ool.service_number,ool.org_id,ool.inventory_item_idFROM oe_order_lines_all oolWHERE (ool.option_number IS NOT NULL ORponent_number IS NOT NULL ORool.service_number IS NOT NULL);发运事务处理组织权限分配发运事务处理可访问库存组织问题:OM%SUPER_USER-Shipping-Transactions如下面的组织代码,一打开发运事务处理就自动默认一个库存组织,并且不允许修改。解决方案:OM%SUPER_USER-Shipping-Granks and Role Definitions1. 如果一个用户“没有任何库存组织的发货执行权限”或者“有多个库存组织的发货执行权” ,那么他打开发运事务处理时,会弹出所有的组织供选择。2. 如果一个用户“只有一个组织的发货执行权限” ,那那么他打开发运事务处理时,就不会弹出库存组织供选择,并且在发运事务处理界面的组织代码是不可修改的。