1、英语专业8级2012年汉译英试卷评析华东理工大学外国语学院 邵志洪教授,主讲人邵志洪教授简介,英语专业八级考试汉译英阅卷组组长 华东理工大学外国语学院学术委员会主任、外国语言研究所所长、博士生导师 中国英汉语比较研究会常务理事、华东师范大学兼职教授 在外语类核心期刊上发表论文60多篇,其中30篇发表在外语教学与研究、外国语、现代汉语、中国翻译四家国家外语类最高等级的期刊上 主要论著包括高师专业英语精读教程、英汉语研究与对比、翻译理论、实践与评析、英汉对比翻译导论、 汉英对比翻译导论、 结构语义关系英汉微观对比研究等,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,TEM8(2012)汉译英试题汉语原文,英语专业八级
4、学测试委员会制定的“TEM8 汉译英评分标准(2011)”中对汉译英的评分标准是“译文忠实性”和“语言适切性”,具体表现在汉英词汇语义和语法结构等方面的转换能力。,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,本人多年来一直担任汉译英阅卷组组长, 参加选样分析、制定评分标准和复查等阅卷全过程。现根据该语篇的特点,拟在汉英语言对比的基础上,以学生试卷和从试卷中选出的评分样卷为例,对本次汉译英试卷中出现的普遍问题作些评析。评析内容包括汉英词汇语义对比与心理描写语篇翻译和汉英语法结构对比与心理描写语篇翻译,希望能对英语专业本科“汉英翻译”这门课程的教学,尤其是心理描写语篇翻译的教学有所启示。以上汉语原文句1为人物情感活
5、动的描写,包括“痛苦”和“郁闷” 情感活动的描写,以及伴随“痛苦”和“郁闷” 情感活动的生理反应,即“眉心发烫发热”,“胃里一股气冲喉而上”。汉语原文句2到句6为人物思想活动的描写。,2.汉英词汇语义对比与心理描写语篇翻译,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,词汇语义关系可以分为纵聚合关系(paradigmatic)和横组合关系(syntagmatic)。词汇纵聚合关系指的是纵向替代、植入词项以生成意义。词汇横组合关系,即词的同现关系(co-occurrence relationship),所要研究的是词与词之间的搭配关系。由于不同的语言有不同的选择限制,汉英两种语言中某些相对应的词,其搭配范围不尽相同
6、。汉英词与词之间的聚合关系和组合关系都存在很大差异。因此,在学生译文中容易出现顾此失彼的现象。这种现象突出表现在句1中“胃里一股气冲喉而上”的“一股气”的译文中。,2.1汉英词汇语义关系对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,“一股气”译文词语聚合关系和组合关系选择表如下:,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,汉语量词是一大词类。汉语中起中介作用的量词与数词一起使用,不仅可以提供有关数量的信息,量词自身还可以提供计量单位和方式、事物的种类和形状、甚至说话人的情感等多种信息。量词的运用表明汉语语义的准确与辨析的细微。英语有 unit nouns,起着类似汉语量词的作用,这些词并未形成一大词类。他们只不过
7、是名词中的一小类而已,词义上一般也不如汉语量词那样具有高度抽象概括能力和搭配能力。往往需要根据具体情况从名词中选用合乎特定语境的词来充当量词。汉语一个量词在英语中常有许多相应的词来表达相应的概念。这就提出了怎么译以及在众多的英语词汇中如何进行选择的问题。,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,英语可数名词前一般不用量词,比如:一把椅子(a chair),一只鸟(a bird),一本书(a book)。原文句4中 “一扇窗”:a window,学生译文中不存在任何问题。英语不可数名词前用量词,比如:一件家具(a piece of furniture),一条新闻 (a piece of news),一块肥皂(
8、a bar of soup)。句1中“胃里一股气冲喉而上”的“一股气”的学生译文问题很多,有些甚至闹出笑话。一种情况是不用量词,如: an air, a gas 等。另一种情况是用量词,但不一定恰当。原文是“(胃里)一股气(冲喉而上)”,因此,学生译文a wave of, a surge of, a torrent of, a flood of, a sea of, a shower of, a volume of等 “量” 显然太大了。学生译文a gust of, a blast of, a storm of等 “气流” 显然太强劲了。恰当的学生译文是a flow of, a stream
9、of, a gush of等。,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,“气” 在英语中可以有很多选择: air, atmosphere, gas, smell, odour, manner, spirit, anger, insult 因此学生译文中出现了许多有趣的搭配现象,比如:a torrent of atmosphere, a shower of gas,a sea of smell, a flow of spirit, a stream of insult, a blast of anger。其实,根据上下文,“气”在这里指的是“(胃里的)气”, 学生译文中用 air是泛指的,而特指的译文应该是
10、gas。汉语原文是心理描写语篇,而不是医学专业语篇。因此,在翻译中要注意词汇选择在文体上的适切性。不少学生在翻译时不恰当地使用了医学专业术语,闹出了笑话。试比较下列句子中的划线部分:句1胃里一股气冲喉而上。(1) A stream of air rushed to her larynx from her stomach.cf. A stream of air rushed to her throat from her stomach.(2) A stream of gas sprang to her throat from her gastric organ.cf. A stream of g
11、as sprang to her throat from her stomach.以上larynx 是“喉” (throat)的医学专业术语,gastric是“胃”(stomach)的医学专业术语。,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句2 院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪。 When the head said the child had suffered from hypoplasia, she was even more at sea. cf. When the head said the child had suffered from underdevelopment, she was e
12、ven more at sea. cf. When the head said the child had suffered from slow growth, she was even more at sea.以上hypoplasia 是“发育迟缓”( underdevelopment)的医学专业术语。译文用医学专业术语hypoplasia,听者“她”和读者“我们”当然也都会是“心头无绪”了。,2.2汉英表意手段对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,汉语是语义型语言,而英语是形态型语言。语义型语言重的是语义结构,形态型语言重的是形式结构。汉语有语法,但它不像英语那样有显露的外在形式, 而
13、是隐含在语言内部的。它不像英语那样是通过形式或形态来表示语言成分间的关系,而是让语义本身来体现这种关系的。 汉英表意手段是不同的,一般来说,英语是形态表意的,汉语是词汇表意的。,2.2.1汉英数的表达对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句1痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。句1中有多个表示人体器官和人体部分的词语,比如:“心”,“眉”,“胸”,“胃”,“喉”。学生译文主要错误是 “数”(number)的形态问题,闹出了不少笑话。试比较下列句子中的划线部分: (1) She could feel the pain in her hearts. cf. She c
14、ould feel the pain in her heart. (2) She could feel the heat on her foreheads. cf. She could feel the heat on her forehead. (3) She was very gloomy in her chests. cf. She was very gloomy in her chest. (4) Some air rushed to her throats from her stomachs. cf. Some air rushed to her throat from her st
15、omach.以上译文把原文中的人物描写成了怪物,有多个“心”, 多个“额”,多个“胸”, 多个“胃”, 多个“喉”。英语名词加s表示复数概念,比如:the ruminants stomachs指“反刍动物的四只胃”。,2.2.2汉英时体表达对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,本次试题原文语篇中时体表达比较丰富,这就牵涉到汉英时体表达对比与翻译的问题。陈述句由直接引语变为间接引语,如果引述动词为过去时形式,间接引语中的动词时、体形式一般就要作相应的变化。当强调动作或状态先于引述动词时, 一般过去时要变为过去完成体。例如: He said ,“I didnt recognize you.”
16、(直接引语) He said he hadnt recognized me. (间接引语),英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句2院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪。句2中“院长说”用过去时态, “这孩子发育迟缓”是间接引语,应该用过去完成体,表示“过去的过去”。但是几乎没有见到学生译文中有用过去完成体的。试比较下列句子中的划线部分: (1) She was even more at a loss when the director told her that the baby suffered from slow growth. cf. She was even more at a loss w
17、hen the director told her that the baby had suffered from slow growth. (2) She was even more lost when the head said that the child grew rather slowly. cf. She was even more lost when the head said that the child had grown rather slowly.,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句5就让孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这是留住孩子最
18、好的地方。句5为人物思想活动的描写。原文是直接引语,没有引导词,也没有引号。学生译文中时态的使用上比较混乱。这段引语基本上有三种译法,试比较下列句子中的划线部分:(1) 直接引语(加引号)“Just let the child stay here,” she thought. “There were kind priests and nuns here and the place would be expanded to a nursing center with medical function. This would be the best place to keep the child.
19、”cf. “Just let the child stay here,” she thought. “There are kind priests and nuns here and the place will be expanded to a nursing center with medical function. This will be the best place to keep the child.”,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,(2) 直接引语(不加引号)Just let me keep the child here. There were kind priests and nu
20、ns in this place and it would be expanded into a center for medical care in the future. This was the best place to keep the child. cf. Just let me keep the child here. There are kind priests and nuns in this place and it will be expanded into a center for medical care in the future. This is the best
21、 place to keep the child. (3) 间接引语She thought perhaps she shall let the child stay here because the priests and nuns will treat him with kindness. Besides, this place will be enlarged to become a nursing center that has medical facilities, which will be the most appropriate for her child.cf. She tho
22、ught perhaps she should let the child stay here because the priests and nuns would treat him with kindness. Besides, this place would be enlarged to become a nursing center that had medical facilities, which would be the most appropriate for her child.,2.3汉英同义反复对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,英汉词语搭配组合上对待“同义反复”
23、(tautology)的态度是不同的。英语通常避免“同义反复”;而汉语却往往使用“同义反复”。学生译文中在处理成语搭配和惯用搭配时往往会受汉语影响而出现“同义反复”现象。句1眉心发烫发热。“发烫”与“发热”为同义,原文汉语“发烫发热”是同义反复,英语译文需要避免同义反复。试比较下列句子中的划线部分: (1) Her forehead was scalding and burning. cf. Her forehead was scalding. (2) She felt her head burning and hot. cf. She felt her head burning. (3) S
24、he had a hot fever in her brow. cf. She had a high fever in her brow.,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,范畴词(category words)用来表达行为、现象、属性等概念所属的范畴,是汉语常用的特指手段。而英语通常避免使用范畴词。试比较汉语原文与英语译文:人际关系问题: interpersonal relation (problem), 饥饿状态: in (a state of ) hunger, 新鲜感:freshness (feeling)。其他例子如:圆形round (in shape), 小型small(in size),
25、 少量few(in number), 红色 red(in color), 苦味bitter(in taste)。可以看到,英语通常避免形状、数量、性质等的同义反复。,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句1痛苦纠聚心中 A painful sense gathered in her heart. A painful sensation gathered in her heart. A painful feeling gathered in her heart. A painful mood gathered in her heart. A sense of painful mood gathered i
26、n her heart. A mood of painful feeling gathered in her heart.试比较修改后的划线部分: cf. Pain gathered in her heart.“痛苦”(pain, agony, suffering)本身就是一种“感觉”和“情绪”(sense,sensation,feeling, mood),汉语可以使用范畴词,比如:痛苦的感觉,痛苦的情绪。英语一般避免使用范畴词,pain, agony, suffering等表示“感觉”和“情绪”的词一般不加sense,sensation,feeling, mood等范畴词。,英语专业八级考试
27、在线课堂,句1胸口郁闷难展 A gloomy sense was filled in her breast. A gloomy sensation was filled in her breast. A gloomy feeling was filled in her breast. A gloomy mood was filled in her breast. A sense of gloomy mood was filled in her breast. A mood of gloomy feeling was filled in her breast.试比较修改后的划线部分: cf. G
28、loom was filled in her breast.“郁闷”(gloom, depression, melancholy)本身就是一种“感觉”和“情绪”(sense,sensation,feeling, mood),汉语可以使用范畴词,比如:郁闷的感觉,郁闷的情绪。英语一般避免使用范畴词,gloom, depression, melancholy等表示“感觉”和“情绪”的词一般不加sense,sensation,feeling, mood等范畴词。,3.汉英语法结构对比与心理描写语篇翻译,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,汉语句子结构重心理时空和时间域,包括英语在内的西方语言重自然时空和空间域
29、。英语句子有严谨的主谓结构,主次分明,层次清楚,前呼后拥,严密规范,句式呈“聚集型”(compactness)。汉语不受形态的约束,没有主谓形式协调一致的关系,也就没有这种关系可以驾驭全句。汉语主谓结构具有很大的多样性、复杂性和灵活性,因而句式呈“流散性”(diffusiveness)。学生译文中有关汉语“流散型”句式与英语“聚集型” 句式之间的转换存在一系列的问题。英语中用逗号连接句子称为comma splice(逗号拼接),两个句子间不用任何标点符号称为 fused sentence(熔合句)。比如:Comma splice: The current was swift, he could
30、 not swim to shore.Fused sentence: The current was swift he could not swim to shore.改正的方法主要有以下几种: (1)Because the current was swift, he could not swim to shore. (2) The current was so swift that he could not swim to shore. (3) The current was so swift. He could not swim to shore.,3.1汉英句式结构对比与试卷评析,英语专
31、业八级考试在线课堂,汉语是意合语言,写句子是以意尽为界,不滞于形。受汉语的影响,学生译文中常出现 comma splice这种语病。其特点是“一逗到底”,把许多句子,一般是简单句,用逗号,或连词and连接起来,呈线性结构排列。比如,句1痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。试题汉语原文句1总共4个小句,句号前一逗到底。根据汉语的意思,英语译文必须重新分句与组句。如按汉语“流水句”形式,译文必然会出现许多“连刀句”,即 comma splice (逗号拼接)。以学生译文为例,可以看到,以下学生译文4个小句的内容基本都能用英语表达,但是译文组句出现了comma splice
32、的错误: (1) Pain was accumulating in her heart, she felt very hot in her eyebrows, a puff of air from her stomach came to her throat, making her choked with great depression in her chest. (comma splice) cf. With pain accumulating in her heart, she felt very hot in her eyebrows. A puff of air from her s
33、tomach came to her throat, making her choked with great depression in her chest.,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,(2) Pains gathered in her heart, she felt her head burning, there was something gloomy in her chest keeping her from breathing, a stream of gas rose to her throat. (comma splice) cf. Pains gathered in her h
34、eart. She felt her head burning, something gloomy in her chest keeping her from breathing, and a stream of gas rising to her throat. (3) Pain is torturing her heart, fever is hanging over her brow, great depression is in her chest, she feels a wave of air going through her stomach and rising up to h
35、er throat. (comma splice) cf. Pain is torturing her heart and fever is hanging over her brow. With great depression in her chest, she feels a wave of air going through her stomach and rising up to her throat. (4) She felt her heart tangled in pain, her forehead was scalding and heating, a sullen dis
36、may was rising from her stomach straight onto her throat. (comma splice) cf. She felt her heart tangled in pain, her forehead scalding and heating, and a sullen dismay rising from her stomach straight onto her throat.,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,(5) Pains gathered in the heart, fever rose between the eyebrows, it
37、was difficult for her to exhale the depression in the breast, a stream of air rushed out from the stomach to the throat. (comma splice) cf. Pains gathered in the heart. Fever rose between the eyebrows. It was difficult for her to exhale the depression in the breast. A stream of air rushed out from t
38、he stomach to the throat.汉语原文句1为人物情感活动的描写,包括“痛苦”和“郁闷” 情感活动的描写,以及伴随“痛苦”和“郁闷” 情感活动的生理反应,即“眉心发烫发热”,“胃里一股气冲喉而上”。按照意群,句1可以译成1句或多句。很多学生译文按照句1汉语原文流散的句式翻译,把句1译成4个句子,导致了译文句式流散。 比如: Pains gathered in her heart. Her eyebrows became hot and hot. Her breast was filled with depression. Her stomach had a stream of
39、 air going to her throat.,3.2汉英平行结构对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,英汉平行结构(parallel structures)通过结构重复,构成了一个强大的语义关系网,其最大的优越性是“互文见义”。 值得注意的是,英汉平行结构(parallel structures)是不同的。英语平行结构各单位之间的语义关系是并列的,而汉语平行结构各单位之间的语义关系可能是并列的,也可能是从属的。因此在汉译英时,往往需要把汉语平行结构之间的意合关系转换成英语的形合关系。也就是说,需要把隐性的并列或从属关系转换成显性的。不了解这个原则,译文就会出现衔接与连贯上的问题。反映
40、在学生的译文中,主要问题是: (1)多以并列关系对待,句式流散单调,缺少连贯。比如: Her heart was piled with pain. Her eyebrows were burning with anxiety. Her bosom was clutched by gloom. Her throat was attacked by a breath split out from her stomach. (2)多用并列关系词,比如and等,缺少从属关系词。总之,译文失去了充分利用英语形合手段的特点。比如: Her heart gathered with pain and her
41、eyebrows were burning. Her chest was filled with gloom and her throat felt a stream of gas from her stomach.,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,以上句1的汉语原文流散,符合汉语的常规,但是按照英语的常规英语译文必须聚集。有趣的是,句5的学生译文大多数也是按照英语的常规使用英语聚集手段翻译。其实,汉语原文句5与句1截然不同。句5为人物思想活动的描写,汉语原文流散,表现的是处于极度痛苦郁闷中的主人公的心理活动。如果按照英语的常规译文过分聚集,那将显得人物思维过分连贯。因此英语译文应该采取变异的手段,
42、适当流散,以再现人物的心理活动状况。以下是一个典型的学生译文,体现了很好的使用英语聚集手段组句的能力,但是效果却适得其反。按照英语的常规用聚集手段组句,人物思维显得过分连贯。比如: 句5就让孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这是留住孩子最好的地方。 With kindhearted priests and nuns and as a care-center with medical function in the future, this place would be the best choice to keep the baby.,3.3汉英句子重
43、量对比与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,末端中心(end-focus)和末端重量(end-weight)是决定英语词序的两条重要原则,这两条原则都要求把新信息或其主要部分安排在句子的尾部。从结构上看,凡是字数较多或者语法结构较复杂的部分一般出现在句末,这叫做末端重量或尾重。英语句子要遵循尾重原则,而汉语句子并无所谓的“重量原则”要遵循。因此在汉英翻译时译文一般要遵守尾重原则。试比较句1的两种译文:,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句1痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。 (1) With hot feeling between her eyebrows, somethi
44、ng congested in her chest, and a stream of air up to her throat, she is painful in her heart. (首重) cf. She is painful in her heart, with hot feeling between her eyebrows, something congested in her chest, and a stream of air up to her throat.(尾重) (2) With pain lingering in her mind, heat rising betw
45、een her eyebrows, depression echoing in her heart, and gas rushing out of her stomach, she suffered. (首重) cf. She suffered with pain lingering in her mind, heat rising between her eyebrows, depression echoing in her heart, and gas rushing out of her stomach.(尾重),3.4汉英句子意群切分方法与试卷评析,英语专业八级考试在线课堂,按照意群,
46、句1可以译成1句或多句。以下我们提供几种切分方法和译文。1句1译成4句。(以上讨论中已经谈到,这种方法不可取。) (1)She was simmering with agony. She felt the brow burning. She felt the gloom swelling in the heart. She was getting gas in the stomach toward her throat. (使用人称主语) (2)It struck agony to her heart. Her brow was burning. Her breast was swelling
47、 with gloom. A gush of stomach gas welled up to her throat. (使用非人称主语),英语专业八级考试在线课堂,2. 句1译成2句。句1译成2句有两种方法。句1译成2句第一种方法: 句1 (1)(2)痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热 (1)She was simmering with agony, feeling burning in the brow. (使用人称主语) (2)She was seized with agony, feeling burning in the brow. (使用人称主语) (3)It struck agony t
48、o her heart and her brow was burning. (使用非人称主语) (4)Agony was stricken to her heart and her brow was burning. (使用非人称主语) 句1 (3)(4)胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上 (1)She felt the gloom swelling in the heart, getting gas in the stomach toward her throat. (使用人称主语) (2)Her breast was swelling with gloom and a gush of sto
49、mach gas welled up to her throat. (使用非人称主语),英语专业八级考试在线课堂,句1译成2句第二种方法句1 (1)痛苦纠聚心中 (1)She was simmering with agony. (使用人称主语) (2)She was seized with agony. (使用人称主语) (3)It struck agony to her heart. (使用非人称主语) (4)Agony was stricken to her heart. (使用非人称主语) 句1 (2)(3)(4)眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上 (1)She felt very hot in her brow,the gloom swelling in her heart, and a gush of stomach gas welling up to her throat. (使用人称主语) (2)Her brow got very hot, her breast swelled with gloom and a gush of stomach gas welled up to her throat. (使用非人称主语),