1、Unit 2 Events,Paragraph development by time (narration),记叙文的时间表达,时间表达的位置in 1873 at 14 in January at eveningAt first Later 时间表达的丰富性 句式结构The year 1949 witnessed the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China.This Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast t
2、urkey. It was in 1949 that the Peoples Republic of China was founded. 时态 Having been embarrassed by her questions, he left the party without so much as saying goodbye.If only I had a wife!,记叙文的时间表达,有些基数词可替代 decade score dozen fortnight quarter 表达时间关系常用词语 now, nowadays when, before, after, while, dur
3、ing between.and in(year) since later, earlier, formerly, etc. at the turn of the century (decade), in the first half of the century, in the 1900s, etc. at birth, in infancy, in childhood, in adolescence, as an adult, in adulthood, in old age, at death simultaneously, simultaneous with, at the same t
4、ime as, previous, previously, prior to next, then, subsequently,The Writing of Topic Sentences in Passages Developed by Time,Comment on the following topic sentences according to the criteria of a good topic sentence: 1. My mothers Sundays are surely different from everybody elses.2. Monday is the b
5、usiest day for me.,A good topic sentence: a topic and a controlling idea a complete sentence a complicated sentence neither too general nor too specific,The devotion to housework distinguishes my mothers Sundays from others.,It is usually hard for me to survive the full-scheduled Monday.,The Writing
6、 of Topic Sentences in Passages Developed by Time,3. My sisters wedding reception was bad.4. Bobs first class of his teaching career was a disaster.,A good topic sentence: a topic and a controlling idea a complete sentence a complicated sentence neither too general nor too specific,The unexpected ra
7、in made my sisters wedding reception a mess.,Being inexperienced and shy, Bob had a disastrous beginning of his teaching career.,Narration,概述,记叙文用于记述过去发生的事件或经历,以写人、叙事为主要内容,它可以包括历史、回忆、故事、报道等。时态2. 记叙文所涉及的事件既可以是真实的(non-fiction),又可以是虚构的 (fiction),记叙文的六大素材,要写好记叙文,首先必须确定写些什么,然后懂得如何选取素材,这些素材包括: what, who,
8、when, where, why, how 西方人强调how哈利波特2. 西方人强调原因Jane Eyre, Oliver Twist 3. 这些素材尽管不一定全包括,但收集这些写作素材必须围绕上述5个W和1个H进行,读者在读完后不应存在疑问,记叙文的六大素材,Consider the following example: I had a stage fright when I was informed that the audience consisted of the principal and his daughter. Then the teacher came by to wish
9、me luck and said something that suddenly changed everything.对例子的评价: 老师究竟说了什么(what),叙述的角度,第一人称叙述(first-person narrator)作者以参与者的口吻,即第一人称来叙述,把文中的事情以“我”的所见所闻来告诉读者,用主观的表现手法,给读者一种亲切的感觉,引起共鸣(resonance)。Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms注意: 在第一人称的记叙文中,第一人称不应过多充当主语成分,以免给人单调乏味之感(monotomy),叙述的角度,Consider the followi
10、ng example: The other day, I was driving along the street. Suddenly, I saw a car which lost its control and ran directly toward me. I was so frightened that I quickly turned to the left side. However, it was too late; my bike was hit by the crazy vehicle and I was badly hurt.,叙述的角度,2. 第三人称叙述(third-p
11、erson narrator)作者从旁观者的角度来叙述事件,以客观的写作方法,能够充分反映事件中各人的感受及见解,以全知(know-all)的视角来叙述。 注意:避免加入过多评论,以免失去记叙文的客观性;避免人称混乱,叙述的角度,人称混乱的问题: When a person reads about a natural disaster in another country, it hardly affects you. Of course, I feel bad and upset when people get killed. However, as these disasters happ
12、en thousands of miles away from you and because they do not affect your own life, people are not hurt by them.,叙述的角度,3. 不要用 或A, B, C.来表示某人,取一个恰当的名字。Last night, my friend had a bad fever.,叙述的种类,叙述人物集中于对主要人物的描写,记叙人物遇到的事情对人物有什么影响,一般要把人物的年龄、外貌、性格特征、行为、业绩、心理活动等方面简要地概括出来,同时略加点评和感想。2. 叙述事件记叙事件一般应包含它的起因、经过与
13、结局。写事件要比较详细地交待事情的来龙去脉,同时要重点突出、过渡自然、防止渲染。有时为了引起读者注意,可以从一些纠纷或交叉事件中展开,直到高潮出现,再将问题解决。,叙述的线索,以时间为线索:顺叙、插叙、倒叙 以地点为线索:与时间结合 以事件发展过程或人物出现的先后次序展开 以事物的象征意义为线索 以人物的思想行为及认知的过程,顺叙与倒叙,顺叙:最容易操作,较容易给读者提供空间、时间线索。缺点是容易平铺直叙,平淡乏味。1)并列式顺叙2)偏正式顺叙3)关于时间的表述,顺叙与倒叙,2. 倒叙:能有效提亮文章结构,让所叙之事跌宕起伏,使读者在阅读时思维产生较大的跳跃,从而为文章所吸引,深入其中。缺点是
14、:如使用不当,容易弄巧成拙,使文章结构散乱,头绪不清,让读者不知所云。1)追溯性倒叙/完全倒叙(edcba)2)部分倒叙(abced)3)插叙(ab23c)4)补叙,叙述中细节的处理,人物细节:记叙的任何事情都由人进行,人物塑造的好坏是衡量记叙文好坏的一个重要因素。因此,人物,特别是主要人物的动作、言语如何记叙表达都该仔细推敲(例:化学老师舔手指)2. 事件细节:所述事情细节展开不能面面俱到展开,应突出重点,详略得当,有意识地设置“悬念”,并尽量做到“前后呼应”,以吸引读者兴趣。,叙述中对白的运用,引用故事情节中主要人物的对白可提升记叙文的表现力,适当使用直接引语可客观反映人物性格、品质和心理
15、状态,使文章生动、有趣,文章内容更充实、具体。Consider the following example: While I was in the kitchen cooking something, “crash”-a loud noise came from the front. Thinking someone was knocking at the door, I asked “Who?”. No reply. After a while, I saw my cat running across the parlor. “Its you.” I said, quite released
16、.,叙述常用的表达方式,1.开头部分 The event took place / occurred / happened in the early morning. It was the most exciting moment that I have experienced.Although., I could not forget.,叙述常用的表达方式,2. 主体部分 1)人物特征描写 At first glance, you would say he is the perfect image of an obedient boy, but deep down he is not the
17、 way at all. She is plump / slim, with fair skin and curly hair. He is of medium height / ordinary looking. He looks handsome in a sports suit / blue jeans. He is of mild / bad temper.,叙述常用的表达方式,2. 主体部分 2)内心活动描写I was bursting with joy.I felt as if I were on top of the world.I was completely shocked.I could hardly believe my ears.,叙述常用的表达方式,2. 主体部分 3)具体事物描写 The air is filled with the scent of roses. The wind howled and blasted huge drifts against the wall. The gentle breeze swept the grassy plain and caressed his aging face. The sky was dotted with countless stars, sparkling like diamonds.,