1、Shandong Province ,with another name “Lu”,is an important coastal province in East China. Located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, It borders on the Bo Sea and the Yellow Sea. The province has a total area of 156,000 square kilometers and a total population of 90 million.,Famous persons,Fam
2、ous university,Jinan,the capital of Shandong Province,which is located south of Tai Mountain. Yellow River and Xiaoqing River are the two chief water style . Jinan isis a long history city which is famous for springs -especially “the number one spring ”.So she is also called “the city of spring”.,Ta
3、ishan Mountain in Shandongprovince was included as “WorldCultural and Natural Heritage” byUNESCO In December 1987 .(United Nations Education ,Scientific And Cultural Organization 联合国教科 文组织) Taishan Mountain locates in the Middle of Shandong erecting fromthe Shandong hills . It is in Taian city.As re
4、gard its cultural Position, it isthe center of Dongyi culture.TaishanMountain possesses the first positionamong the Five Famous Mountains in China .,The most famous four Scenic Spots,1 Sunrises in the East 旭日东升The sea of clouds 云海玉盘The Sunset glow 晚霞夕照The golden belt along the Yellow river 黄河金带,Back
5、,The second largest city of Shandong Qingdao,The city of Qingdao is in the east of Shandong Province . It is famous for the blue sea and beautiful beaches . It is a Wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the countryVisit Qingdao every summer .They walk alo
6、ng the beach ,go swimming or do some shopping .They can see fine view Of the city.,孔孟之乡 礼仪之邦济宁,Jining, Confucius township, the canal, which is located in shandong province of the westIn the south, is Chinas excellent tourism city, shandong province in southernshandong beltHeart city. Jining, which h
7、as 7000 years of history of civilization, history and cultureleisurely For a long time, is the eastern civilization, the Chinese civilization is one of the important birthplace. The periodof the“three huang five emperors“ left in this activitiestrace, human beginning Fathers, nuwa, fu huangdi, less,
8、 next, less kande are born in Jining.,济宁,孔孟之乡、运河之都,位于山东省的西 南部,是中国优秀旅游城市、山东省鲁南城市带中 心城市。济宁,具有7000年的文明史,历史文化悠 久,是东方文明、中华文明的重要发祥地之一。远、 古时期的“三皇五帝”在此留下活动踪迹,人类始 祖伏羲、女娲、黄帝、少昊、少康帝均出生于济宁; 春秋战国时期,被后世尊称为中国历史上五大圣人 的“至圣孔子、亚圣孟子、复圣颜子、宗圣曾子、 述圣子思子”都诞生在这里。杜甫、李白、曹操 等文人墨客都在济宁留有足迹。元明清三朝在济 宁设立河漕衙门,乾隆等帝王到这里驻足探访。,辛弃疾 李清照 诸葛亮 扁鹊大禹 王羲之 戚继光 匡衡 蒲松龄 水浒108将墨子 孟子 孙子 曾子 孔子各种子,孔繁森 季羡林 焦裕禄张海迪 乔羽 臧克家丁肇中 莫言 彭丽媛 等,山大,曲师大 中华女子 中国海洋,青岛大学 山师大,中石油, 鲁东大学 ,青岛理工 哈工大(威海),Thank you好客山东欢迎您 Welcome To Shandong Province,