1、小学英语三年级(下)教材培训,房山区教师进修学校小学教研室 陈玉香 2009年2月24日,备课必做之事,备课标:教学目标 备学生:年级;学生特点;相关环境因素:班主任、家长; 备教材:已知基础;本学期教学内容;将来要学习内容及其联系; 写教学计划:学期、单元、课时,关于教学目标,英语课程标准中提到的英语课程的目标是什么?共有几个级别? 小学应该达到哪个级别? 本套教材的编写依据与思路是什么? 一级教学目标的具体内容是什么? 各年级对学生写的要求是什么?,本套教材的编写依据与思路,编写依据:整体语言学习的思想 编写思路: 在学习故事的基础上学习语言知识和发展语言技能。 每单元以故事开始,其目的是
2、使学生在一定的语境中接触、体验、理解真实的和有意义的语言,然后在此基础上重点学习语音、词汇、语法等语言知识,训练听说读写等语言技能,并通过歌曲、歌谣、游戏以及补充故事进一步巩固所学语言知识和技能。,备教材建议,纵观本册教材所涉及的内容,话题,语法等; 和以前教材相比较看一看哪些是新知识,哪些是旧知识再现,准确把握知识的生长点; 看本册教材在整套教材中所处的位置,找准教学的重点,适当为下一个语言点教学做好铺垫; 一定要多看教参及课程标准对本册教材的要求,做到有的放矢,切勿只凭经验; 教学一定要立足有利学生发展角度,不能为了考试而教,一定要把目光放远。,学生已有知识基础分析(一年级),1 Hell
3、oAbout me At school Colors Numbers Happy birthday,7 Animals 8 Shapes 9 Food and drink 10 Family 11 Clothes 12 I can swim,学生已有知识基础分析(二年级),1 Hello 2 This is Danny Deer 3 Whos that? 4 Anns family 5 Hes my father 6 Review,7 Is it a pear? 8 Are these tomatoes? 9 How many? 10 What color is it? 11 I can cl
4、imb 12 Review,三年级教材内容,1 Dont walk! 2 How much? 3 Whose CDs? 4 Dinner time! 5 Our school 6 Review,7 At the restaurant 8 Big bird 9 Hot soup 10 Mockys store 11 Green berries 12 Review,四年级教材内容,五年级教材内容,六年级教材内容,三年级下教材 分析与教学建议,单元结构分析,每个单元有哪几部分? 每部分的主要功能是什么? 在整个单元中的作用是什么? 这一部分与学生的生活有什么联系? 教学目标如何设定? 在教学当中你是
5、怎样处理的?,单元结构以及教学建议,L 1:story L 2:words to learn,listen and number,lets sing. L 3:talk together、listen and number, trace match and copy; L 4:phonics, touch , ask and answer blackboard L 5:read and check lets chant lets do. L 6:storytime and self-assessment.,故事教学,给学生提供一个相对完整、真实的语境,提供一个呈现结构、功能的语言素材(包括单词
6、、功能句)。使学生在相对真实、完整的语境中接触、体验、理解真实有意义的语言。 作用:实际上故事教学是我们本套教材的重点,如果把每单元都比喻成一把伞的话,那么故事教学就是这个伞的中心,其他的语言项目和语言活动都是由这个中心发出的伞的个个分支。(赵春生),Lesson 1 - 故事教学,目标:学生能理解故事(学生能明白故事的内容,第一课时学生能基本跟读,不要求让学生背下来并表演出来) 教学重点:要突出讲故事(讲故事不是单纯的老师一个人把整个故事讲出来,是要设计一些问题和学生一起把故事讲出来,要充分调动学生的参与广度和深度,不要让学生处于一种被动的接受状态),故事教学建议,1)整体呈现故事内容,使故
7、事有连贯性。避免呈现一幅图就练习语言点。2)在讲故事之前,通过挂图、课件等展示故事的人物和场景,让学生指认出人物,猜测故事的主要情节(学生用汉语表达他们的想法也没关系,教师用英语重复他们说的话),故事教学建议,3)教师讲故事时要面对全体学生。要用动作、手势、借助图画、课件等辅助教学材料,根据故事中的角色,用不同的声音讲故事。4)播放录音,让学生把故事完整地听几遍,以指读方式关注故事中的文字,培养学生认读能力。5)注重德育的渗透,故事教学的步骤与建议,Set the scene Introduce the new words, using the key structure: I like /
8、I dont like, do you like Create purpose for the ss to read / listen the story Tell the story Follow up tasks,But how?,Set the scene Asking questions Playing a guessing game Sharing ss experience . . . Introduce new words in the story Using wh questions Using real objects / pictures Using a guessing
9、game,Create purpose for ss to read / listen the story Make a suspension(悬念) Set questions for ss to find out Set tasks Tell the story Using pictures + using the tape + using the facial & body language +,Follow up tasks Dubbing(配音) for one of the characters Miming(模仿) one of the characters Role playi
10、ng Question answering,Lesson 2 Words to learn,第二课时的核心内容是什么?起什么作用? 词汇与故事的关系是什么? 在第二课时故事的学习应达到什么程度? 如何分析词汇学习部分的单词? 如何呈现与操练?,词汇教学步骤与建议,Words to learn Create a sense(意义)of need for a word Showing the meanings of words Drawing attention to meanings before drilling (演练)words Using commands (指令)/ real obje
11、cts for vocabulary teaching The writing of the word,How?,Create opportunity(chance) for ss to show what they have learned How to show the meaning? a stapler caf oftenstare at chase,Why and how do we write?,Mark the picture/match the words Dictation (How?) Classification(分类、分级) Matching the beginning
12、 to the ending Bingo game,Listen to this,Lead in: ask questions / describe the pics Set the task Check the result: pair work / whole class Follow up activity,Things to notice,Listening activity are meant to(有意要,打算) train NOT TO test. The best practice therefore is obtained by having learners do the
13、activity more or less successfully. Set tasks before listening Teaching listening strategies (skills),歌曲教学及建议:Enjoy a song,能唱5首英文歌曲,说5首英语歌谣 Set the scene Review /explain vocabulary: apple pie, ginger man, soup Set the task: how many? What? Listen to the song Sing the song Follow up activity: to crea
14、te ss own song,Time to spare(余下的)? Review /categorize(分类) ss food vocabulary Add new vocabulary Pre-teach the vocab in the song,Lesson Talk together的编写目的,Talk together是一种交际性的会话练习,与第一课的模式不同,这里的练习活动结合孩子的实际,是一种控制性的语言交际活动,这里要强调语境的真实,这项活动的主旨是培养孩子用英语进行交流的能力,不是句子或句型的背诵。,Talk together的教学建议,建议:引导学生看图口头描述图片;听
15、录音看课文;重点提示;模拟情景自己做对话(也可以创编) 注意:不要过分强调对话中给的句子,这里只是为学生提供一个话论较多的较为真实的语言示范,只要学生能运用里边的重点句型模拟情景创编出自己的对话就可以了。,Talk together教学步骤与建议,Provide the vocabulary needed Present the structure needed Create the purpose for talk: make it into a interview Ss carry out the task Teacher directs feed back,Principles for
16、teaching speaking,Give ss practice with both fluency and accuracy Provide opportunities for ss to talk by using group work or pair work, and limiting teacher talk Plan speaking tasks that negotiation for meaning,Possible techniques & activities,Information gap activities Jigsaw(拼版玩具) activities Role
17、-plays Simulations(模拟),各年级书写的要求,一年级 书写不作要求 二年级 能正确书写字母 三年级 能正确书写单词或短语 四年级 能够模仿范例书写简单的单句。 五六年级 能够模仿范例完成简短的应用语篇书写。,三年级写的教学,各段书写内容:二年级上注重二十六个字母的书写;下注重首字母的书写;三年级上逐步过渡到整个单词的摹写;三年级下增加了书写活动,主要有:根据插图补全句子,逐步过渡到让学生写完整的句子,有的是意义连贯的几句话。,三年级写的教学,要求: 1.小学阶段不易过分追求书写的规范性。只要书写基本正确、工整就可以。字母书写的重点是字母的形状、大小以及字母之间的距离和单词之间
18、的距离。 2. 在教授新词汇时,不要过早提出拼写的要求,不要过分追求拼写的准确性。 3.写还是应该以写单词为主,包括描实、抄写和访写。有时候也要求学生根据图片提示填写单词,如Im hungry. I want _ and _.,Lesson 4 语音教学的特点及建议,本套教材的语音教学编排的很好,占整个一页,说明非常重视语音教学,在每册书的安排上也是有很强的逻辑性。 相同点:Sounds and letters按照发音规则呈现了语音词汇。Listen for针对呈现的语音词汇做了练习。Read with Uncle Booky给学生提供总结,实践的机会,让学生运用刚刚学习的读音规律试着读出几组
19、单词。 变化:上册是五个元音字母在单词中的发音,本册是辅音字母在单词中的发音。,语音教学的特点及建议,内容:辅音字母c, g,两种不同的发音以及字母k, f, v, j, q, w, y 的单音。 要求:本部分的词汇应重点学习,但以听、说为主,不要求拼写; 要求掌握单词正确的发音,培养学生对发音的敏感性;引导学生发现、总结发音规律; 建议:在课堂上让学生多听多模仿,注重引导学生体验,探索,自己发现规律。,语音教学步骤与建议,Phonics Present the sound Controlled practice Semi-controlled practice Build up the re
20、lation between spelling and phonics Principles of pronunciation Avoid the teaching of individual sounds in isolation(孤立) Provide feedback on learner progress,Listening for perception(理解),To identify correctly different sounds, sound-combinations and intonations At word-level At sentence-level,At wor
21、d-level,Oral activity Repetition Slow motion speaking Which category Same or different How often did you hear it Reading and writing activity Identifying the right word Writing the right word,Things to notice Listen and repeat is important but it is not the only way Ss produce wrong word doesnt not
22、necessarily mean they cant tell the differences Meaning and meaningless / know and unknown word,Uncle Bookys Blackboard,Uncle Bookys blackboard The form and the meaning The form and the function Exchange idea / get things done Touch, ask and answer Provide the vocabulary / structures Fluency / accur
23、acy Does it involve negotiation for meaning? 不作为教学内容处理 让学生总结规律 复习依据,Rearrange the layout, have ss discover the rule,I like You like He likes She likes Tom likes Possible difficulties Does Mary like Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.,Lesson 5,Reading Lead in Set the task Finish the first one as example
24、 Ss perform the task Teacher directs feedback Teacher directs reflection,Chant Follow the instruction of the song Lets do: A word-level game Provide vocabulary for ss Set the task Ss categorize the vocabulary T directs feedback,Teaching reading strategies Build assessment and evaluation into your te
25、achingShort of time? Skip lets do then,Lesson 6,Read for comprehension Set the scene Explain unfamiliar word & sentence Create purpose for ss to read Ss read the story T directs the feedback Follow up activity,Self-assessment Follow the instruction on TRB Short of time? Skip the story Set the assess
26、ment as homework,Uncle Bookys storytime,目的:为学生提供更多的有意义的语言材料。 区别:主故事既要给学生提供有意义的语言材料,同时也呈现主要的词汇、句型和日常表达法等重点内容,而补充故事则主要是使学生通过阅读更丰富的语言材料复习和巩固所学语言项目,同时使学生体验阅读故事的乐趣。,Uncle Bookys storytime,要求:读懂故事为主,并在此基础上巩固本单元的有关词汇、语法和表达法。从整体来讲这部分不是重点学习内容,但并不等于不学。 建议:把它作为泛读材料处理,让学生在趣味阅读中不知不觉培养阅读能力和掌握重点语言知识和技能。,分单元教材介绍,第七
27、单元教学目标,能够简单表达个人对食物的喜好 能说所学食物的名称 能够在图片、声音辅助下读懂故事大意 能够跟随录音说唱歌曲和歌谣 能够区分字母C在单词中的三种发音,Function: asking and answering questions about likes and dislikes Structure: Do you like (hot dogs)? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. What do you like? I like / dont like (chicken).(Ken) likes (bananas). Vocabulary: Core: food,
28、 fruit, vegetables, chicken, hot dog, French fries, restaurant, menu Phonics: camera, cat, circle, circus, CD Contextual: Heres the restaurant. apple pie, soup,Unit 7,Function: Describing people and animals Structure: He is a tall boy. Hes a short boy. Is she a tall girl? Yes, she is./ No, she isnt.
29、 What animal is it? Is it a big animal? Vocabulary: Core: tall, short, thin, fat, young, old, long, bad Phonics: gate, goat, giraffe, page, orange Contextual: beautiful, forest, peacock,Unit 8,单元教学目标,能够简单描述人或物的大小、长短等 能够在图片、录音辅助下读懂故事大意 能够跟随录音说唱歌曲和歌谣 能够区分字母g在单词中的发音,Function: asking and answering quest
30、ions about likes and dislikes Structure: Do you like (hot dogs)? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. What do you like? I like / dont like (chicken).(Ken) likes (bananas). Vocabulary: Core: food, fruit, vegetables, chicken, hot dog, French fries, restaurant, menu Phonics: camera, cat, circle, circus, CD Context
31、ual: Heres the restaurant. apple pie, soup,Unit 9,Function: asking and answering questions about food Structure: This soup is hot. Is that milk cold? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Im hungry. Vocabulary: Core: soup, water, milk, hungry, thirst, sweet, sour, favorite Phonics: Contextual: Im all right now.
32、 bowl, jug,Unit 10,Function: asking and answering questions questions about health Structure: How are you today? Whats the matter? Im not well. My stomach hurts. Im better. Hes not well. His eye hurts. Vocabulary: Core: stomach, tongue, head, hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth Phonics: Contextual: come with me. Drink this. Open your mouth. berries, say aaaah,Unit 11,本学期主要工作,学科工作室培训:2月27日1:30进校 三年级词汇教学与学生自主学习能力的培养课题组成员登记 攀登实验 考试题型 骨干教师做课 网上教研:飞信群,周一下午,周三,,Thank you!,