1、Academic Writing,Overview of academic paper structure,Writing Procedures of academic papers,1 Choosing a topic 2 Preparing a working bibliography 3 Collecting Information(1st and 2nd hand) 4 Outlining the paper 5 Writing the paper (1st draft, revision,editing, format,etc.) 6 Listing references (bibl
2、iography) 7 Writing Abstract 8 Printing and proofreading,The general structure of a complete academic paper,1 论文题目 Title 2 作者姓名 Authors name(s) 3 摘要/内容提要Abstract 4 关键词 Key words 5 正文 Body 6 致谢 Acknowledgements (if any) 7 尾注 Endnotes 8 参考文献 References 9 附录 Appendix (if any) 10 作者简介 Rsum (if required)
3、,Front matter,End matter,The general content of Body,(1) 引言/概述 Introduction (2)背景介绍 Background(if necessary) (3)方法与材料 Method and Materials (4)结果/发现 Results /findings (5) 讨论 Discussion (6) 结论/总结 Conclusions,Features of Title,Descriptive & Comprehensive, indicating the content, avoid words such as “a
4、study/an analysis/evaluation/ investigation of”. Be specific instead of being ambiguous and generale.g.(1) “New Techniques in Carbon Materials” (2) “(The) Use of Optical Microscopic Techniques in Characterizing New Carbon Materials”,3. Concise, not wordy e.g.A Study of the effects of foreign investm
5、ent on the economic growth in Spain during the period between 1976 and 1990The effects of foreign investment on economic growth in Spain, 1976-1990 4. In the middle (居中) 5. Noun phrase (v.gerunds) 6. No punctuation mark except “-”,”,”,” and ”:”,7. Using “:”or” to show subtitle 8. Short: no longer th
6、an 20 (usa.8) ws. Eg. 1) Motion planning for multi-robot assembly systems 2) 3-D Audio for Human-Computer Interaction 3) Industrial strength hypermedia: design, implementation and application,9. Rules for capitalization: Capitalize the 1st letter of the 1st word+special termse.g. 1) 3-D Audio for Hu
7、man-Computer Interaction Capitalize the 1st letter of the 1st word+1st letter of n., v., adj., adv.+prep.& conj. of 5 letters or moree.g. Wives of Smokers Face Lung Cancer Risk Capitalize all letters,Indicative titles: State what research it is, not providing the conclusion, e.g.:Application of Orga
8、nic Petrology(岩石学) in the Brake Industry Conclusive titles, e.g.:Wives of Smokers Face Lung Cancer Risk,Classification of titles,Authors Name,According to Chinese tradition: LIU Lin Affiliations: Wang Jianxin, member, IEEEother membership:高级会员 senior member 会员 member荣誉会员 fellow实习会员 student member Mu
9、lti-authors: separated by space or “,” Other personal information (if required):contact information, professional titles, nationality, etc.),Features of Abstract,a mini-version or a miniature of the document/report Short, concise, generalized and objective,Two kinds of Abstract,1.说明性(或称指示性)摘要 (indic
10、ative/descriptive abstract) 2. 资料性(或称报道性)摘要 (informative abstract) 3. 结合型 (informative-indicative abstract) 摘要,可看作是指示性摘要的一种。,Descriptive/indicative Abstract,A descriptive abstract usually states the general subject matter of the document that follows. It tells in a qualitative way what the paper or
11、report contains.,Example: The Design of a High-efficiency Solar Energy System The successful design of cost-effective solar energy systems depends mainly on the development of higher conversion efficiencies. A theory is given for the thermal performance of a new solar collector array that combines r
12、eflected and refracted light rays. The theory is applied to the design of a complete system for solar heating of a building. Dynamic operating characteristics of a one-month interval are given for the collector array and heat transfer devices, and cost efficiency is compared with that of the convent
13、ional design.,Informative Abstract,资料性摘要适用于专题研究论文和实验报告型论文。它应该尽量完整和准确的体现原文的具体内容,特别强调指出研究的方法和结果、结论等。其篇幅较长,大多在150250字之间。根据原文长度,也有多达500字的。简要叙述以下四部分内容: (1) 研究的对象和目的(做什么?为什么做?) (2) 过程和方法(怎样做?) (3) 结果或成果(发现什么?) (4) 结论及研究价值、应用等(说明什么?),In the design of a solar energy system using arrays of multiple solar pan
14、els, the Hottel-Whillier-Bliss(HWB) model is generally used to evaluate steady state efficiency. The HWB equation did not accurately predict dynamic thermal performance for the present system, which uses a novel collector array. The theoretical limit of energy gain for this new array is BTU, which e
15、xtends into the nonlinear mode of the HWB equation. A modified form of the equation was, therefore, developed for improved linearity, effective for Collector efficiencies up to 54%. The new collector array, using the principle of successive concentrations, was incorporated into the design of a compl
16、ete system of solar heating of buildings. The transport fluid for transferring energy from the solar array to the storage tank was important to overall efficiency. An optimum ratio of 64/36 was determined for the proportion of propylene glycol to water.,Dynamic performance tests during the month of
17、July 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona, yielded an average efficiency of 49% for a gross collector area of 721 m2 when the array faced south at an angle of 350 from the horizontal. Losses between collector and storage tank were 3.8x108 J per month. The cost efficiency of the system was a 9% improvement over
18、that of the SOLTHERM system operating in Phoenix during the same month. (222 words),Key words / indexing terms,3-8 words Noun phrases or noun Abbreviation(universally accepted): IP, AIDS, CAM Separated by “,” or ”;” Synonyms cant be used,Body,1. Introduction/overviewIntroduces the purpose,innovation
19、 and significance of the present research or the application of the new algorithm,model, method, tool, equipment, etc.,2. Background(optional) (背景),Include this if your work is interdisciplinary, that is, spans two or more traditional fields.,Alternative titles,(1) Background definition and theorems
20、 (2) Related work (相关工作) (3) Theoretical analysis (理论分析) (4) Background (背景) (5) Theoretical background (理论背景) (6) Experimental background (实验背景) (7) Preliminaries (前期准备工作) (8) Some general prerequisites(前提条件) (9) Project description (项目介绍) (10) Current work (当前进展) (11) Literature review (研究文献),3. M
21、ethod and Materials (experiments, procedures ),*Define the method, theoretical approach, instrument; * Show links between your method and other methods * Justify your method,Alternative titles,Method and materials Research design Materials and Experiments experiments Experimental details (实验细节) Rese
22、arch procedure/process (研究过程/步骤) Models (模型/模式) Analysis (分析过程) Model and methodology (模型和方法),(10) Implementation issues (实施细节) (11) Design issues ( 设计细节) (12) The field study (现场研究) (13) Case study description (个案研究介绍) (14) Experiment design (实验设计) (15) The measurement process (测量步骤),4. Results (结果
23、),Presents the findings of the study in both figures (tables, graphs, diagrams) and in written text.,Alternative titles,(1) Results (结果) (2) Main results (主要结果) (3) Numerical results (数据结果) (4) Theoretical results (理论结果) (5) Experimental results (实验结果) (6) Simulation results (模拟结果) (7) Measured perf
24、ormance (测试性能) (8) Lessons learnt (结论) (9) Performance (性能特征) (10) Visual Observation (观察结果) (11) Evaluation of . (对 . 的评估),5. Discussion (讨论),Give comments on results, including those generalized from the results, explanation of possible reasons for the results and comparison of present results wit
25、h results from other studies.,Alternative titles,(1) Discussions (讨论) (2) Results and discussion (结果与讨论) (3) Evaluation of results (对结果的评价) (4) Analysis (分析) (5) Growth arguments (引发的论题) (6) Application and analysis (应用与分析) (7) Performance analysis (性能分析),6. Conclusion (结论),Identify the main finding
26、s and achievement of the study, what new questions are raised by your research, and what new ways of doing things can result from your research Alternative titles (1) Conclusions (结论) (2) Summary (总结) (3) Summary and conclusions (概括及总结) (4) Concluding remarks (总结) (5) Final remarks (总结),(6) Conclusi
27、ons and future work (结论及后续工作) (7)Conclusions and future/further research (结论及后续研究) (8)Conclusions and open problems/ questions (结论及存在的问题) (9) Conclusion and future directions (结论及后续研究方向) (10) Open problems (不足之处),Acknowledgments (致谢),(optional, depending on the study) give credit to those who helped
28、 in your research through advice, work, permission, technical advice, monetary support, etc. contains expressions of appreciation for assistance and guidance. The help given by advisers and readers does not require written acknowledgment. Acknowledgments should be expressed simply and tactfully. Per
29、missions that you have obtained for quotations may be presented here.,Acknowledgments (致谢),The author thanks whom for what reason. Eg.: JWu is very grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC 中国自然科学基金委员会) for the support.The authors also thank the reviewers for the helpful co
30、mments.,Notes (注释) Notation / Nomenclature (符号和术语),Footnotes Endnotes,References,Your in-text citations and this list has to be consistent as to style, whether Harvard, APA, MLA or Chicago. Alternative titles References Bibliography Works Cited Reading List Reading list and bibliography Alphabetical
31、 bibliography Selected Readings,This contains information which is too detailed to include in your main text, but which is important to show how you arrived at your conclusions, for example, long tables, mathematical computations, programme listings, lengthy quotations,supplementary illustrative mat
32、erials; questionnaires, etc,Appendix,The material in the appendix may be subdivided according to the logical classifications. List each appendix by letter and title in the table of contents. General remark: Note that all through the paper everything that others did is carefully separated from everyt
33、hing that you did.,Appendix,Oral task,Discuss with your classmates which of the following titles is the best one: (1) A study of information management patterns (信息管理模式研究) (2)A study of network-based information management patterns (网络信息管理模式研究) (3) Management information system based on network data
34、base(基于网络数据库的管理信息系统),Making an international call,Suppose your department is going to hold an international conference. Please make a long distance call to an American professor to inform him/her the detailed information about the conference. Your call must include (at least) the following informati
35、on: Name, place, and time of the conference How to get to the school How to solve accommodation (食宿)problem Time schedule of the conference (日程安排) Requirements for attending the conference (membership,registration fees and payment, etc.),Oral task,Time schedule of conferences for reference,1st day:
36、registration,opening ceremony, keynote speeches2nd 3rd day: sessions on various subjectslast day: special symposiums, board meeting of the association, closing ceremony, dinner banquet.other flexible ones: social programs (welcome dinner/banquet, barbecue, culture show,etc.),Research Task,Go to the
37、library to find at least 3 English academic papers in your research field in some of the most important academic journals. Explain how the papers are organized in structure(s). Introduce a typical one to the class next week.,Finding your roommates (group of 6-10),Suppose you are attending an interna
38、tional conference. The organizer asks you to find someone who has/have the similar living habits to be your roommate(s).Go around in your group and find out someone who has/have five similarities with you. The living habits include: Smoke or not, time to get up and go to sleep, like listening to mus
39、ic or not, like chatting or alone, like go shopping or not, tidy or untidy, like doing sports or not,1. APA form,The result of graph grammars (Engelfriet and Oostrom,1997) is for NR, but the result of hypergraph grammars (Engelfriet and Heyker, 1992) is for HR. References Engelfriet, J., & Heyker, L
40、.M.(1992). Context-free hypergraph grammars have the same term-generating power as attribute grammars. Acta Inform, 29, 161-210 Engelfriet, J., & Oostrom, V. Van(1997). Logical description of context-free graph languages. J. Comput Systems Sci. 55, .489503.,MLA form,The result of graph grammars (Eng
41、elfriet and Oostrom: 489) is for NR, but the result of hypergraph grammars (Engelfriet and Heyker: 165) is for HR. Works Cited Engelfriet, James, and Leo Myrom Heyker. “Context-Free Hypergraph Grammars Have the Same Term-Generating Power as Attribute Grammars.” Acta Inform 29 (1992): 161-210. Engelf
42、riet, James, and Victor Van Oostrom. “Logical Description of Context-Free Graph Languages.” J. Comput Systems Sci. 55. (1997): 489503.,Chicago form,The result of graph grammars is for NR1, but the result of hypergraph grammar is for HR2.脚注中: 1. James Engelfriet and Victor Van Oostrom. “Logical Descr
43、iption of ContextFree Graph Language.” J. Comput Systems Sci. 55. (1997):489-503 2. James Engelfriet and Leo M. Heyker. “ContextFree Hypergraph Grammars Have the Same TermGenerating Power as Attribute Grammars.” Acta Inform 29. (1992) 161210.,Chicago form,参考文献中: Bibliography Engelfriet , James, and L.M. Heyker. “ContextFree Hypergraph Grammars Have the Same TermGenerating Power as Attribute Grammars.” Acta Inform 29 (1992): 161210. Engelfriet, J and Oostrom, V. van. “Logical description of context-free graph languages.” J. Comput Systems Sci. 55 (1997): 489503.,