1、 Procedure 程序 Issue 版本:1TITLE: 出货检查标题: Out-going Inspection DOC No. FQP-OQC01 文件编号: Pages: 1 of 6Confidential 3. 包材被損坏.Damage of package;4. 出貨海外(包括香港)或客户指定产品。Oversea delivery(including H.K.) or customer appointed products.三、執行單位 Performer:FQC 科、貨倉部、船务部、PMC 。FQC section, Storage dept, Shipping dept,
2、PMC。四、程 序 Procedure:4.1 出貨通知備貨 Delivery notification and preparation:出貨通知:一般由 PMC 至少提前一天提供 ShippingRequest 给船务部、货仓部、FQC 科;船务安排车辆, 货仓根据 S.R.备货,备妥后通知 FQC 科作出货检查。 Delivery notification: Generally, PMC passes delivery notification to store dept and shipping dept and FQC section. Shipping dept arranges v
3、ehicle while store dept prepares the outgoing products according to S.R. Then store dept informs FQC section to perform outgoing inspection.4.2 安排/Arrangement:Procedure 程序 Issue 版本:1TITLE: 出货检查标题: Out-going Inspection DOC No. FQP-OQC01 Rev文件编号: 版次:APages: 3 of 6Confidential & Proprietary Information
4、 of ZJKC由 FQC 組長安排 FQC 对待出貨的部品進行抽樣檢查。The leader arranges FQC inspector to perform sampling inspection for waiting- for- delivery parts.4.3 檢查標准/Inspection Standard: 依FQP-FQC01 , SQC002(此文件中說明哪些為重不良,哪些 為輕不良), 手持产品喷涂表面检查标准及测试方法SQC004,并參考制程檢驗中相應產品的 或確認樣板進行抽樣檢驗。 Sampling inspection is carried out accord
5、ing to procedure FQP-FQC01 and SQC002(in which describes the major and minor nonconformance), “Handheld Product Painted Surface Inspection Standard & Testing Method”SQC004, as well as referring to the related production instruction documents)or confirmed sample. 4.4 檢查過程及處理/Inspection process and di
6、sposition4.4.1 貨品經檢查後,如判定合格,將貨品封好箱,每卡板上貼上藍色“合格品標貼” 表示“合格”。然后填寫品質檢查報告QF QC007 交 FQC 組長或 QC 主管/QE 加簽。再通知船务出貨。If the final judgement for out-going products is “OK” after out-going inspection, QC should put a blue “Acceptable” label onto every pallet and submit completed QF-QC-007 to OQC leader or OQC s
7、upervisor for signature. Then pass this report to Shipping dept for delivery notification.4.4.2 經檢查後,如判定不合格,則按不合格品管制FQP-NCP01 處理。The inspected rejected product disposed in accordance with FQP-NCP01. FQC 要將不良樣品交其組長或主管/QE 確認,經証實确屬不良後,由 FQC 填寫不合格品报告QF QC005 交 FQC 組長或 QC 主管/QE 加簽,并將一聯贴於箱外后,再通知相应的
8、 生产部。 FQC inspector should submit the rejected sample to leader or supervisor for confirmation. If confirm the products will be rejected, FQC inspector should fill QF-QC-005 and pass to FQC leader or QC supervisor / QE for signature, then sticks one sheet onto the carton as well as keeping Productio
9、n is informed. 如該批不合格,亦需將在庫品進行抽查,如有不良,亦需按 FQP-NCP 01 進行。 If a batch is rejected, the stored products are also to be sampling inspected and Procedure 程序 Issue 版本:1TITLE: 出货检查标题: Out-going Inspection DOC No. FQP-OQC01 Rev文件编号: 版次:APages: 4 of 6Confidential & Proprietary Information of ZJKCany
10、found nonconformity is also to be disposed in accordance with FQP-NCP01. FQC 對處理后的产品再檢合格后,相应的生产部需根據 NG 部品數開出“成品提出单(Finish Goods Delivery Form (FGDF)” 調出處理。After the products which disposed by Program were rechecked and accepted by FQC, Production shall issue Finish Goods Delivery Form (FGDF)
11、to move out the NG product for disposal. 貨倉根據 NG 部品數補夠良品數出貨。Store makes up the corresponding qualified product for delivery on basis of Rejected product.4.4.3 若客户要求提供出货检查报告,FQC 将已签名完毕的出货检查报告复印一份,放置于相应的产品箱内,并在外箱显眼处贴上明确标识“内附出货检查报告”或“内附出货检查成绩书”字样,以识别,另复印一份交给船务送货人员转交给客户签收。If customer require the
12、out-going inspection report, FQC would put one copy with signature in the box of the parts and mark in the box “WITH OUT-GOING INSPECTION REPORT”, and send another copy to shipping dept. for passing to the customer and get the signature from the customer.4.4.4 若客户要求提供相关资料,比如符合证书,原材料证明书等等,FQC 须填写好后交相
13、关人员签名后交给船务送货人员转交给客户签收。If customer need any other information, e.g. COC, material certification etc. FQC must get the information ready and get the signature accordingly and pass these to shipping dept. and then pass to the customer for the signature.4.5 緊急處理措施 Urgent disposition method如有至急貨品急需出貨,而貨倉
14、又無存貨。PM/PA 或 PMC 相应負責人应聯絡 QC 主管/QE 安排随拉检查。If there is no stock in the store for a product that is to be delivered urgently, PM/PA or PMC corresponding responsible people should contact QC Supervisor /QE for on-line inspection.4.6 出貨檢驗狀態標識./Status identification for out-going inspectionProcedure 程序 I
15、ssue 版本:1TITLE: 出货检查标题: Out-going Inspection DOC No. FQP-OQC01 Rev文件编号: 版次:APages: 5 of 6Confidential & Proprietary Information of ZJKC出貨檢驗合格時,則於該批貼上 “ 合格品” 標貼或臨時標識說明“檢驗合格,待出貨”字樣, 不合格品標識和最終檢驗標識相同。Product that pass the out-going inspection shall be stuck with a “Passed” identification label or an ins
16、tant-making identification which notes “QC Passed, Pending delivery”. 4.7 記錄保管/Records keep:品質檢查報告QF-QC-007不合格品报告QF-QC-005、8D CAR 报告QF-QC-022 由 OQC科 保存, FQC 檢查報告 QF-QC-032 由项目品管科保存,保存期限為一年。 QF-QC-007 and QF-QC-005, QF-QC-022 are preserved by OQC section for 1 year. FQC Inspection ReportQF-QC-032 wil
17、l be kept in Program QC section for one year.五. 參考文件 Reference 1. ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 單次正常抽樣標准 ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Single sample plans for normal inspection 2. FQP-FQC01 3. FQP-NCP01 4. SQC004 手持产品喷涂表面检查标准及测试方法 六. 相 關 記 錄和附录 Relevant records and appendix: A. 附录 1 Appendix 1:FLOW CHART FOR OUT-GOING INSPECTINB
18、. 品質檢查報告QF-QC-007 C. QF-QC-005不合格品报告 D. QF-QC-0228D CAR 报告E. QF-QC-032 FQC 检查报告 FQC Inspection Report Procedure 程序 Issue 版本:1TITLE: 出货检查标题: Out-going Inspection DOC No. FQP-OQC01 Rev文件编号: 版次:APages: 6 of 6Confidential & Proprietary Information of ZJKC附录 1 / Appendix 1FLOW CHART FOR OUT-GOING INSPECT
19、IONPMC provides S/R to shipping dept, store dept and FQC section PMC 提供出货通知予船务部、货仓部、FQCShipping dept arranges vehicle and warehouse Dept. Prepares goods船务安排车辆、货仓备货Sampling & Inspection抽样&检查Dim. Inspection尺寸检查Visual Inspection 外观检查Cross Build(If need)如需交叉装配Logo Location MeasurementLogo(If needed) 如需位
20、置检测Package Inspection包装检查Judge According ToInspection Standard依检查标准判定该批是否合格每卡板贴上一蓝色合格标贴.Put a blue “Acceptable” Label onto every palletNGOKIssue Nonconforming Report开出不合格品报告1 联 : 项目 QC 科 Program QC section 2.联 : 注塑 Injection 3 .联: 贴于产品箱上 Stick onto cartonFollow Up/Corrective& Preventive Action纠正预防措施跟进 Fill in Quality Inspection Report 填写品质检查报告Rework生产部返工Deliver to customer付运至客户OK开出处理Issue and handlingNGInform FQC to perform inspection货仓备货后通知 FQC