1、How Jack Welch Runs GE,A Close-up Look at How Jack Welch Runs GE,Organization restructuring (组织重造),each of the businesses should be number 1 or 2 in their respective areas.(每个企业都应该在各自的领域内争做第一或第二) removed the sector level(撤销部门级)eliminated thousands of employee positions(解雇职员). (Neutron Jack中子弹杰克 ),Fo
2、rging the Boundaryless Enterprise (建立无界限企业),Get lean(精益求精)Get agile(灵活机敏)Start thinking like a small company(像小公司一样思考问题),6-Sigma(6标准差),*Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was developed by Motorola in 1986.,To improve the quality of the products (提高产品质量) It is a ma
3、nagement mechanism of the personnel, finance and results (将人力、财务、实施结果结合起来的一种管理机制),Building the Market-Leading Company (建立以市场为导向的公司),GE has built an open and informal businessatmosphere of market leading companies.(通用电气建立了一个拥有开放和非正式的气氛的以市场为导向的公司)GE employees learn from each other - and from others who are strong in their own markets.(他们的员工互相取长补短),Promotion and reward your best employees, giving them incredible salaries, let them run a business for you.提拔和奖励你最优秀的员工,给他们不可思议的薪资,让他们来为你经营企业。Jack Welch,Thank you ,