1、Because of love,October 19th,Wedding,Wedding,Wedding days are often considered the most important day of many peoples lives. For this reason alone, throughout the past and into modern day, numerous customs and superstitions have developed around the wedding event, in hopes of creating The Perfect Da
2、y!,Do you know how to host a wedding?,教堂婚礼仪式流程1、来宾入席2、奏乐(结婚进行曲)、亲友点蜡烛3、牧师领唱歌班进场4、主席(牧师)宣布婚礼开始5、伴郎、伴娘、新娘陆续进场6、女方家长执新娘进场(全体起立)7、女方家长入席8、唱歌班(青年会)吟唱圣歌(或有关婚姻的歌曲)9、祷告、献诗10、牧师(神父)证婚11、新郎、新娘签字(主婚人、介绍人用印)12、新郎新娘互戴戒指,宣誓13、揭纱14、献诗(祝福的话)15、谢恩(向双方家长献花或行三鞠躬礼,向来宾致谢)16、礼成、茶会或晚宴,Today we are mainly talking about the
3、 dialogue in wedding.,swear,It is the most important part of the wedding,characters,MinisterFather of the brideGroomBride,The dialogue of the wedding,Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite groom and bride in holy matrimony in the presence of friends and family. Who gives this
4、woman away?,Father of the bride says: Her mother and I. (Father kisses daughter on the cheek and sits down in the first row.),Minister: Do you (grooms name) take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish her for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death
5、 do you part?Groom: I do,Minister: (tell the groom) Repeat after me. I, (grooms name), Take you (brides name), to be my wedded wife, to love and to comfort, from this day forward.,Minister: (tell the bride) Repeat after me. I, (brides name), Take you (grooms name), to be my wedded husband, to love a
6、nd to comfort, From this day forward.,Minster: The ring please. (Best man gives the groom the ring.) (To the groom)-Repeat after me. (With this ring. As a sign of my love and affection. I thee wed. )(groom puts ring on brides finger while he says these words),Minster: The ring please. (Maid of honor
7、 gives the bride the ring.) (to the bride)-Repeat after me. With this ring. As a sign of my love and affection. I thee wed. (bride puts ring on grooms finger while he says these words),Minister: Now we will have the lighting of the unity candle.Special Music: While the music is playing, husband and
8、wife light the unity candle.,Minister: By the authority that is in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. (Groom lifts veil and kisses the bride.)Bride and groom walk down the aisle.,Ps: the color of the wedding,Colors have long played a part in the planning of weddings. W
9、hile many believe that the white of the wedding dress signified that the bride is a virgin, this is not actually true in all societies. An old saying sums up the colors in a wedding very well:,Marry in white, you will do all right Marry in blue, your man will be true Marry in brown, you will live in
10、 townMarry in green, you should be ashamed to be seen Marry in red, wish yourself dead Marry in black, better turn back Marry in yellow, not marrying the right fellow Marry in gray, sadness will come your way,The day of the wedding,The day of the week that the wedding is to take place is also steepe
11、d in custom, hence the saying:,Marry on Monday for wealthTuesday for healthWednesday the very best day of allThursday you will soon be counting your lossesFriday your crosses, and if married on Saturday, you will have no luck at all!,Foretell,Throwing of the brides bouquet is good luck for the bride
12、, and foretells the next of her friends to be married. Whoever catches the bouquet should take a small sliver of the wedding cake home with her and place it beneath her pillow just as she goes to sleep that night. She will dream of her future husband on that single night.,The end,October 19th,素材: 余敏华,梅海燕制作: 沈栋,胡海丹策划: 王嘉伟,陈小丹,