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1、Doing Business 2010,China, 2009 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank1818 H Street NWWashington, D.C. 20433Telephone 202-473-1000Internet www.worldbank.orgE-mail feedbackworldbank.orgAll rights reserved.1 2 3 4 08 07 06 05A copublication of The World Bank and the

2、 International Finance Corporation.This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations, and conclusionsexpressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or thegovernments they represent. The World Bank

3、does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work.Rights and PermissionsThe material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work withoutpermission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its wor

4、k and willnormally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly.For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to theCopyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone 978-750-8400; fax

5、978-750-4470; Internet: .All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of thePublisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail:pubrightsworldbank.org.Additional copies of Doing Business 2010: R

6、eforming through Difficult Times, Doing Business 2009, DoingBusiness 2008, Doing Business 2007: How to Reform, Doing Business in 2006: Creating Jobs, Doing Business in2005: Removing Obstacles to Growth and Doing Business in 2004: Understanding Regulations may be purchasedat www.doingbusiness.org,ISB

7、N:E-ISBN:DOI:ISSN:,978-0-8213-7961-5978-0-8213-7965-310.1596/978-0-8213-7961-51729-2638,Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publishing Data has been applied for.Printed in the United States.,1,5,10,16,20,25,29,33,37,41,49,Current featuresNews on the Doing Business projectwww.doingbusiness.orgRankings,

8、How economies rank-from 1 to 183www.doingbusiness.org/economyrankingsReformersShort summaries of DB2010 reforms, lists of reformers since DB2004and a ranking simulation toolwww.doingbusiness.org/reformersHistorical dataCustomized data sets since DB2004www.doingbusiness.org/customqueryMethodology and

9、 researchThe methodologies and research papers underlying Doing Businesswww.doingbusiness.org/MethodologySurveysDownload reportsAccess to Doing Business reports as well as subnational and regionalreports, reform case studies and customized country and regionalprofileswww.doingbusiness.org/downloadsS

10、ubnational and regional projectsDifferences in business regulations at the subnational and regionallevelwww.doingbusiness.org/subnational,ContentsIntroductionand Aggregate RankingsStarting a BusinessDealing withConstruction PermitsEmploying WorkersRegistering PropertyGetting CreditProtecting Investo

11、rsPaying TaxesTrading Across BordersEnforcing Contracts,Law Library,Closing a Business,45,Online collection of business laws and regulations relating tobusiness and gender issueswww.doingbusiness.org/lawlibrarywww.doingbusiness.org/genderlawlibraryLocal partnersMore than 8,000 specialists in 183 eco

12、nomies who participate inDoing Businesswww.doingbusiness.org/LocalPartnersReformers ClubCelebrating the top 10 Doing Business reformerswww.doingbusiness.org/Reformers/ReformersClub.aspxBusiness PlanetInteractive map on the ease of doing businesshttp:/www.doingbusiness.org/map,Doing Business 2010Refo

13、rms,1,Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Times is the seventh in a series of annual reports investigatingregulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicatorson business regulations and the protection of property rights

14、that can be compared across 183 economies, fromAfghanistan to Zimbabwe, over time.,A set of regulations affecting 10 stages of a businesss life are measured: starting a business, dealing with constructionpermits, employing workers, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying t

15、axes, trading acrossborders, enforcing contracts and closing a business. Data in Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Timesare current as of June 1, 2009*. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms haveworked, where, and why.,The Doing Business method

16、ology has limitations. Other areas important to business such as an economys proximityto large markets, the quality of its infrastructure services (other than those related to trading across borders), thesecurity of property from theft and looting, the transparency of government procurement, macroec

17、onomic conditionsor the underlying strength of institutions, are not studied directly by Doing Business. To make the data comparableacross economies, the indicators refer to a specific type of business, generally a local limited liability companyoperating in the largest business city. Because standa

18、rd assumptions are used in the data collection, comparisons andbenchmarks are valid across economies. The data not only highlight the extent of obstacles to doing business; theyalso help identify the source of those obstacles, supporting policymakers in designing reform.,The data set covers 183 econ

19、omies: 46 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 32 in Latin America and The Caribbean, 27 in EasternEurope and Central Asia, 24 in East Asia and Pacific, 19 in the Middle East and North Africa and 8 in South Asia, aswell as 27 OECD high-income economies as benchmarks.,The following pages present the summary Doing

20、Business indicators for China. The data used for this country profilecome from the Doing Business database and are summarized in graphs. These graphs allow a comparison of theeconomies in each region not only with one another but also with the “good practice” economy for each indicator.The good-prac

21、tice economies are identified by their position in each indicator as well as their overall ranking and bytheir capacity to provide good examples of business regulation to other countries. These good-practice economies donot necessarily rank number 1 in the topic or indicator, but they are in the top

22、 10.,More information is available in the full report. Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Times presentsthe indicators, analyzes their relationship with economic outcomes and recommends reforms. The data, along withinformation on ordering the report, are available on the Doing Business

23、 website (www.doingbusiness.org).,* Except for the Paying Taxes indicator that refers to the period January to December of 2008.,Note: Doing Business 2008 and Doing Business 2009 data and rankings have been recalculated toreflect changes to the methodology and the addition of new countries (in the c

24、ase of the rankings).,89,180,44,Economy Rankings - Ease of Doing BusinessChina is ranked 89 out of 183 economies. Singapore is the top ranked economy in the Ease of Doing Business.China - Compared to global good practice economy as well as selected economies:Chinas ranking in Doing Business 2010,Ran

25、kEase of Doing BusinessStarting a BusinessDealing with Construction PermitsEmploying WorkersRegistering PropertyGetting CreditProtecting InvestorsPaying TaxesTrading Across BordersEnforcing Contracts,Doing Business 201015114032619313018,Closing a Business,65,2,14,4.9,37,11,33,50,31,91,4,6,4,0.0,10,1

26、,4,5.0,7,Summary of Indicators - China,Starting a Business,Procedures (number),Time (days)Cost (% of income per capita)Min. capital (% of income per capita),37130.9,Dealing with Construction Permits,Procedures (number),Time (days)Cost (% of income per capita),336579.2,Employing WorkersRegistering Pr

27、operty,Difficulty of hiring index (0-100)Rigidity of hours index (0-100)Difficulty of redundancy index (0-10)Rigidity of employment index (0-100)Redundancy costs (weeks of salary)Procedures (number),Time (days)Cost (% of property value),293.1,Getting Credit,Strength of legal rights index (0-10)Depth

28、 of credit information index (0-6),Public registry coverage (% of adults)Private bureau coverage (% of adults),62.1,Protecting InvestorsPaying Taxes,Extent of disclosure index (0-10)Extent of director liability index (0-10)Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10)Strength of investor protection index (

29、0-10)Payments (number per year),Time (hours per year)Profit tax (%)Labor tax and contributions (%)Other taxes (%)Total tax rate (% profit),5042.168.08.478.5,7,500,5,545,34,35.3,4,Trading Across Borders,Documents to export (number),Time to export (days)Cost to export (US$ per container)Documents to i

30、mport (number)Time to import (days)Cost to import (US$ per container),2124,Enforcing Contracts,Procedures (number),Time (days)Cost (% of claim),40611.1,Closing a Business,Recovery rate (cents on the dollar),Time (years)Cost (% of estate),1.722,When entrepreneurs draw up a business plan and try to ge

31、t under way, the first hurdles they face are the proceduresrequired to incorporate and register the new firm before they can legally operate. Economies differ greatly in howthey regulate the entry of new businesses. In some the process is straightforward and affordable. In others theprocedures are s

32、o burdensome that entrepreneurs may have to bribe officials to speed up the process or may decideto run their business informally.,Analysis shows that burdensome entry regulations do not increase the quality of products, make work safer orreduce pollution. Instead, they constrain private investment;

33、 push more people into the informal economy; increaseconsumer prices and fuel corruption.,Methodology,The data on starting a business is based on a survey and researchinvestigating the procedures that a standard small to medium -sizecompany needs to complete to start operations legally. This include

34、sobtaining all necessary permits and licenses and completing allrequired inscriptions, verifications and notifications with authoritiesto enable the company to formally operate. Procedures are recordedonly where interaction is required with an external party. It is,assumed that the founders complete

35、 all procedures themselves unlessprofessional services (such as by a notary or lawyer) are required bylaw. Voluntary procedures are not counted, nor are industryspecificrequirements and utility hook-ups. Lawful shortcuts are counted.,It is assumed that all in formation is readily available to the,en

36、trepreneur, that there has been no prior contact with officials andthat all government and nongovernment entities involved in theprocess function without corruption.,Survey Case StudyThe business:, is a limited l iability company conducting general commercial activities is located in the largest bus

37、iness city is 100% domestically owned, has a start-up capital of 10 times income per capita has a turnover of at least 100 times income per capita has between 10 and 50 employees, does not qualify for any special benefits does not own real estate,5,1. Historical data: Starting a Business in China,St

38、arting a Business dataRankProcedures (number)Time (days)Cost (% of income per capita)Min. capital (% of income per capita),Doing Business 2008.13358.4190.2,Doing Business 200915214408.4158.1,Doing Business 201015114374.9130.9,2. The following graphs illustrates the Starting a Business indicators in

39、China over the past 3 years:6,1.,11.,2.,12.,3.,13.,4.,14.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,3. Steps to Starting a Business in ChinaIt requires 14 procedures, takes 37 days, and costs 4.89 % GNI per capita to start a business in China.List of Procedures:,Obtain a notice of pre-approval of the company nameOpen a pr

40、eliminary bank account; deposit fund in theaccount and obtain the certificate of depositObtain capital verification report from an auditing firmObtain registration certification business license ofenterprise legal person with SAIC or local equivalent,Apply for the authorization to print or purchasef

41、inancial invoices/receiptsPurchase uniform invoicesFile for recruitment registration with local careerservice centerRegister with Social Welfare Insurance Center,Obtain the approval to make a company seal from thepolice departmentMake a company sealObtain the organization code certificate issued by

42、theQuality and Technology Supervision BureauRegister with the local statistics bureauRegister for both state and local tax with the tax bureauOpen a formal bank account of the company andtransfer the registered capital to the account7,More detail is included in the appendix.,4. Benchmarking Starting

43、 a Business Regulations:,China is ranked 151 overall for Starting a Business.,Ranking of China in Starting a Business - Compared to good practice and selected economies:,8,The following table shows Starting a Business data for China compared to good practice and comparator economies:,Good PracticeEc

44、onomies,Procedures(number),Time (days),Cost (% ofincome percapita),Min. capital(% of incomeper capita),Denmark*,0.0,New Zealand*,1,1,0.0,Selected Economy,China,14,37,4.9,130.9,Comparator Economies,AustraliaBrazilIndiaJapanMexicoRussian Federation,21613889,212030231330,0.86.966.17.511.72.7,0.00.0210.

45、,* The following economies are also good practice economies for :Procedures (number): CanadaCost (% of income per capita): Slovenia9,Once entrepreneurs have registered a business, what regulations do they face in operating it? To measure suchregulation, Doing Business focuses on the constr

46、uction sector. Construction companies are under constant pressurefrom government to comply with i nspections, with licensing and safety regulations, from customers to be quick andcost-effective. These conflicting pressures point to the tradeoff in building regulation; the tradeoff betweenprotecting

47、people (construction workers, tenants, passersby) and keeping the cost of building affordable.,In many economies, especially poor ones, complying with building regulations is so costly in time and money thatmany builders opt out. Builders may pay bribes to pass inspections or simply build illegally,

48、 leadi ng to hazardousconstruction. Where the regulatory burden is large, entrepreneurs may tend to move their activity into the informaleconomy. There they operate with less concern for safety, leaving everyone worse off. In other economiescompliance is simple, straightforward and inexpensive, yielding better results.,


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