1、学习要求,知之好之,不如乐之兴趣是最好的老师敏而好学,不耻下问-学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆学海无涯,不进则退-书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟,活到老,学到老求实务本,学以致用-学习是为了实践,INTERNATIONAL TRADE PRACTICE IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH,Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade (2hrs),Contents to be studied in this course:,Chapter 2 General Procedures of Export and Import Tr
2、ansaction (4hrs),Chapter 3 Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of International Commodity (2hrs ),Chapter 4 Trade Terms (8hrs),Chapter 5 Quality of Commodity (2hrs),Chapter 6 Quantity of Goods (2hrs),Chapter 7 Packing and Marking of Goods (4hrs),Chapter 8 Price of Goods (2hrs),Chapter 9 Delivery of
3、Goods (4hrs),Chapter 10 Cargo Transportation Insurance (6hrs),Chapter 11 Payment of Goods (8hrs),Chapter 12 Disputes, Claim, Arbitration (2hrs),Picture of the Course,对国外市场调查研究,制定出口方案,发展客户,广告宣传,谈判,交易洽商,询盘,发盘,还盘,接受,签合同,备货,催证,审证,改证,(审核发现的修改),租船订舱,报验(商检),货发码头,报关、装船、取得单证,投保(必须在发货以前),所有单据送银行议付,议付结汇合同履行完毕,
4、发生争议处理索赔,合同履行,交易前的准备工作,进口商,生产厂家,海关,税务局,出口商,Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade,Section One Reasons for international trade (从事国际贸易的动机) 1 Resource Acquisition (寻求资源) 2 Benefits Acquisition (追求利润) 3 Diversification (多种经营) 4 Expand sales(扩大销售) 5 International Balance of Payments(国际收支平
5、衡),Problems,Culture Problems,Monetary conversion,Trade barriers,Section Two Problems Concerning International (国际贸易遇到的问题),Section Three Forms of International Trade (国际贸易形式) 1 Merchandise Exports and Imports (商品进出口) 1) Exporting(商品出口) (1) Direct exporting(直接出口) (2) Indirect exporting(间接出口) 2) Import
6、ing (商品进口) 2 Service Exports and Imports (劳务进出口) 1) Travel, Tourism, and Transportation (旅游业、交通运输业) 2) Performance of Activities Abroad (国外商务活动) 3) Use of Assets From Abroad (国外资产的运用),Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade,3 Licensing (许可证贸易) 4 Trading Companies (贸易公司) 5 Joint Venture
7、s (合资企业)6 Investment 1) Direct Investments (直接投资) 2) Portfolio Investments (间接投资) 7 Visible and Invisible Trade (有形贸易和无形贸易),Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade,中国经济中国际贸易的地位,1)相较于2002年,国际贸易额2010年同比增幅达到283.6% 2) 主要贸易伙伴顺序依次为欧盟,美国,日本,东盟,香港地区,韩国,台湾,澳大利亚,印度,巴西 3)世界贸易排名2008年 世界第三名4)出口总额占德
8、国之后第二位2007年5)中国贸易和出口占GDP的比重60%,30%,中国成为世界工厂,1)货物贸易量占世界的8%2)纺织品,服装,鞋类,彩电等700多种 商品出口居世界第一位3)进出口直接带动就业1亿人以上4)资源依存度加大5)出口的一半以上是外资企业6)拥有自主品牌的出口企业不足20%,未来中国经济的动力,2009年中国的GDP达到4000美元,美国的1966年 ,日本的1973年,韩国的1987年经济结构转型是未来经济的第一动力居民消费稳步上升自动化和产业链升级制造业让步与服务业区域经济更加平衡自主创新能力有待于提高需要改善对外贸易商品结构,贸易实务应该学什么?,1)国际贸易实务的立脚点
9、是理论联系实践2)理解和掌握贸易惯例,贸易术语,结算方式,合同条款,合同的商定和履行等实际操作工具是贸易实务的研究对象3)提高战略决策能力和实际操作能力是贸易实务的核心能力4)应额外地掌握外语,市场营销,战略决策,电子商务,金融保险相关知识完善知识结构,联想集团总裁-柳传志,1944年出生,1984年任联想集团总裁,2000年任董事长 11个人20万元起家,1994年在香港挂牌上市,员工2万5千人(2007年),销售收入146亿美金,世界三大PC供应商,产品远销160个国家,连续11年国内销售排名第一 “学会做贸易是实现高技术产业化的第一步”,第1章 国际贸易简介,学贸易的三个层次,1)做简单
10、的出口业务( 包括单证实务,报关,业务商谈,处理电子邮件)2)主管出口部门做部门经理(做进出口业务,合同书的起草,商务谈判,开拓市场)3)高级主管或经营独立企业(战略决策,研究并开拓国际市场,派遣商务代表,人事安排,把握企业核心竞争力并扩大企业规模),国际贸易学的三个领域,1)国际经济学领域(经济学的方法论分析问题。制定贸易政策,外汇及国际收支,国际经济机构,区域经济)2)国际经营领域(管理学的角度分析问题,企业国际化战略,国际经营战略,海外市场进入战略,出口市场营销战略)3)国际商学领域(贸易制度,贸易契约,海上运输和保险,贸易贷款的结算,贸易纷争的解决),国际贸易与全球化,1)自由贸易如何
11、影响生产效率和产业结构成为一个很活跃的课题 。贸易导致竞争和技术扩散有利于经济发展。2)贸易是否导致经济增长?哈佛大学教授的结论是越开放的国家越富有。贸易越自由的国家越有可能经历高增长和高投资。3)贸易保护政策不一定不利于发展,关键在于如何实施保护政策,东亚经济的起飞大程度上是重视教育和劳动力素质的迅速提高。,贸易学的研究课题,1)贸易参与者的利益(1)企业通过贸易扩大市场规模,获得经济效益,并且增加销售收入,稳定地分配原材料,在众多海外市场分散经验。(2)国家通过贸易发展产业,获得经济增长,提高国民的生活质量。贸易使一个国家生产的产品通过国境在另一个国家消费,为国民的福利做贡献。(3)贸易参
12、与者之间出现利益冲突的情况。如何获取,分配,调整贸易参与者之间的利害冲突是国际性问题。,2)国际贸易环境的理解1)贸易发生时由于国际环境的差异。 国家之间气候差异是引起贸易的一 个原因。2)国家之间的资源不一样,造成国际 贸易的另一个原因。3)经济发展阶段不一样,造成市场容 量,产品需求,消费结构,消费方 式存在差异。,4)人口状况(人口规模,人口增长,人口结构,人口分布)5)国民收入(国民总收入,人均国民收入)6)基础经济结构(市场经济,指令经济,混合经济)政治环境(政体,政治制度,政治风险,产品的政治敏感度,政治风险的防范)8)法律环境(国际商法,各国商法,绿色营销法),3)商品的国际转移
13、1)出口和进口哪种商品,商品的需求 和供给情况如何?2)哪个国家生产哪种产品?3)商品的转移涉及到买卖合同,通关 ,国际运送,获款支付,贸易纷 争的解决等问题,1.1 国际贸易的基本概念与特点国际贸易是相对于国内贸易而言的,是一个国家经济的重要的组成部分。经济全球化,极大地促进了国际贸易的发展,对国际贸易业务提出了更新的要求。1.1.1 国际贸易与国际贸易实务国际贸易(International Trade),又称为世界贸易,是指世界各国、各地区之间所进行的商品交换活动。国际贸易实务是指国际间商品交换或买卖的作业活动,包括进口业务和出口业务。,1.1.2 国际贸易的特点国际贸易与国内贸易相比,
14、具有如下几个特点:1)国际贸易的困难大于国内贸易2)国际贸易比国内贸易复杂3)国际贸易的风险大4)国际贸易线长、面广5)国际贸易的营销手段及参与者多于国内6)以电子邮件和函电为主要业务沟通形,1.2 国际货物买卖合同及基本业务程序1.2.1 国际货物买卖合同合同,是指两个或两个以上的当事人,以发生、变更或消除某种民事法律关系为目的而达成的协议。国际货物买卖合同(Contract for the International Sale of Goods)是货物买卖合同中的一种,从国与国的关系来看,称之为国际货物的买卖合同,从一个国家的角度来看,称之为对外贸易合同,或者出口贸易合同、进口贸易合同。,
15、1.2.2 国际货物买卖合同的结构从法律角度可以把国际货物买卖合同的基本内容分成以下三个部分:1)效力部分2)权利与义务部分3)索赔与争议解决部分1.2.3 国际货物买卖合同的法律适用1)适用合同当事人选择的国家的法律2)适用与合同有最密切联系国家的法律3)适用国际贸易惯例4)适用当事人所在国缔结或参加的国际条约,1.2.3 进出口贸易的基本业务程序1)交易前的准备工作2)交易磋商和签订合同工作3)履行合同1.3 进出口业务必备的条件和人员素质1.3.1 从事进出口贸易需具备的条件1)具有全球眼光和获取信息的能力2)拥有雄厚的资金和良好的信誉3)具有完备的组织结构4)拥有高素质的进出口业务操作
16、与管理人才,1.3.2 业务员的基本素质1)人品高尚2)具有良好的沟通能力3)具有开拓创新的能力4)具有丰富的专业知识,1.4 Reasons for International Trade,Resource AcquisitionBenefits AcquisitionDiversificationExpand sales5)Production-led exporting (extending the lifecycle of a companies)6)Exporting to improve image,1.5 Problems Concerning International Tra
17、de,Cultural differences 文化是一个群体所有生活方式的综合,也就是思维,观念,价值,象征。(1)文化是给定社会共有的。中国,日本,韩国具有东方文化的特征(集体主义,权力,教育)。(2)文化是通过学习可以传承的。(3)文化是动态演进的。(4)文化的构成要素互为联系(社会结构,宗教信仰,教育,语言,艺术审美,物质文化)。,2. Monetary ConversionTheory of international indebtedness(对差理论): 汇率由外币的需求和供给决定的,外汇市场美元多的话,美元的价格就下降。最终贸易的收支情况决定外汇的兑换率 其它理论还有Theor
18、y of purchasing power parity(购买力评价说)认为两国物价水平的变动。即两国货币购买力决定汇率。除了这些以外各国的利息率,物价,利率政策,政治因素,未来的期待等,3. Trade Barriers (1) To correct a balanced-of-payment deficit (2) In view of national security (3) To protect their own industries against the competition of foreign goods,1) 欧洲产业革命以后 亚当斯密,斯密斯和李嘉图主张自由贸易。 2
19、)20世纪80年代出现新贸易保护主义。如何保护产业决定于一段时间进行保护以后不保护也可以比较优势,保护期间的所受的经济负担比保护带来的利益小。 3)战略性贸易保护政策:重点扶持特定产业,使产业具有国际竞争力,获得贸易收益和国家繁荣。如何选择产业,假如每个国家都施行这种政策利益会减少。 假如这种政策成功的话会影响其它国家的经济会出现贸易报复等情况出现。,1.6 Forms of International Trade1) Merchandise Exports and Imports(1)Exporting (Direct Exporting,Indirect Exporting)(2)Impo
20、rting(Direct Importing,Indirect Importing)2)Service Exports and Imports(1)Tourism and Transportation(2)Performance of activities abroad(3)Use of assets from abroad,3)Licensing and Franchising Licensing is a simple way for a manufacturer to become involved in market abroad。Little risk,licensor and li
21、censee,name,products,patents,brands and trademarks,process,flat fee or royalty)4)Trading companies5)Joint Ventures 6)Investment(Direct investment,Portfolio Investment,Co-export marketing)7) Acquisition8) Greenfield operations,海外市场进入方式决定模型,1.7 F. Root模型 制造企业一般从间接出口-代理或流通商出口-合作投资-单独投资或新建企业 间接出口-代理人或流通
22、商出口-海外分社或子公司出口-单独投资Rugman模型 企业一般选择出口,商标许可合同(Licensing),海外直接投资。根据技术泄露危险大的话直接投资,没有的话采取商标许可合同(Licensing),如何选择海外市场进入模式,以市场为对象把商品直接或间接销售的模式(销售员,利用当地代理店,建立现场直接销售的子公司)契约式进入模式。国际企业以技术合作,连锁店,商标许可合同,技术契约,管理契约,服务契约,制造契约,交钥匙工程)3. 投资进入模式(对现场企业的股份投资,包括对目标市场的投资活动的生产/市场营销/分配/技术开发等活动采取新建企业/合作投资/资本投资/新建企业(Greenfield
23、sites)费用最低,收购合并费用最多,1.8 The key issues for new exporters Which product?,which country?,which market?,which price?,which route?Which partner?1.9 Considerations for market selection 1)Ease of access 2)Cost 3)Few requirements for product modification 4)language 5)Competitor analysis 6)Instinct (本能) 7)B
24、usiness culture 8)Trade statistics 9)Availability of support 10)Opportunity,What is marketing?,1) Marketing to be driven by the needs of the customer, and that its main aim is to satisfy consumers by giving them the products they want. 2) Marketing is a strategic process that identifies competitive
25、advantages and potential threats,Marketing planning,Internal audit(审计)1) What is the companies business?2) What are the core products/services?3) What makes the company successful?4) What are the products strengths and weaknesses?5) Which aspects are profitable and which are unprofitable,Marketing p
26、lanning,Customer profile1) Who are the customers?When,Where,Why and how often do they purchase the companys goods?How important is price to the customer?Why do customers buy from the competition?5) What are the main trends in the market?,Marketing planning,Competitor analysisWho are the competitors?
27、Are they internationally active?What makes them different?4) How do the companys prices compare compare with those Hof the competition?How well does the company compete with the competition and why?6) Does the competition pose a serious threat?,Marketing planning,Business support1) Which organizatio
28、ns does the company use to access business support?2) Is support required in other areas?3) Do the companys suppliers provide any additional support?4) Are there any existing sources of support, which are relevant to overseas markets?,Market segmentation,1)How big and how it is structured or segment
29、ed?Education services level and providers(language and engineering)Population and ageConsuming styleWages6) Cultures/customes,Marketing mix,Productquality,reliabilityAfter services,the key features ,advantages,benefits(4) Lifecycle of the product(5) Brand name,Marketing mix,2) Pricecompetitors price
30、(2) International market price(3) Cost(4) Discount (5) Quality(6) unique,Marketing mix,3) PlaceHow the products gets to market?(2) Direct into market? Agent? Distributor?(3) Making sure the goods are made available to the customer in the desired location and quantities,Marketing mix,4) PromotionAdve
31、rtisement(2) Local or national press or relevant journals?(3) Radio and television(4) Participation in key exhibition(5) Word of mouth(6) Package sale/discount(7) Promotional videos/CDs(8) Direct sales,Promotion via the World Wide Web,Develop a company websiteHow will website support the companys ob
32、jectives?How does the company expect the customer to benefit from the website?Is an online payment facility required?5) How will the website be maintained and updated internally?6) How are the companys competitors using internet, and what do they website look like?,Market research,Market suitability
33、,Analyze sales patternsProduct fit Climate(2) Location(3) Infrastructure(4) Cultural issues(5) Regulations,Market research,(6) Religion(7) Taste(8) Standards(9) Health and safety(10) Raw material content,Using economic indicators,GDPGNP Average incomeInflationInterests ratesExchange rate7) Manufactu
34、ring production and investment,Social Questions,Population sizeEmployment ratesBirth and death ratesIncome levels5) Population living in rural or urban areas,Political and legal considerations,Politics and lawPoliticians and lawyersRelationship with other countries(trade agreement),Non-tariff barrie
35、rs,Import quotasNational standardsVoluntary export restraintsExport subsidies(补助金)5)Dumping6) Commodity agreements,Summary of key market research aims,To identify potential target markets and their trendsTo establish the demand for the product or service to be exportedTo determine the level of modif
36、ication to the product or service required,Summary of key market research aims,To ensure that all information on tariffs and barriers to entry is collectedTo be aware of any political issues influencing trade6) To collect information on competition,Compiling the report,Title page,including details o
37、f the person/organization that undertook the researchContents, showing headings of all sections of the report,including appendicesIntroduction explaining why the report was commissioned,Aims and objectives of the reportRationale,explaining how the research was undertaken and why those research metho
38、ds were usedExecutive summary of report- ideally a one-page synopsis of the findingsKey findingsConclusions drawn from the researchRecommendation for action (劝告)10)Appendices11)Copies of questionnaires and interview notes and appropriate,思考题,1)如何进行市场调查?2)如何选择市场进入方式?3)市场调查报告怎么写?4)怎样应对国外的贸易壁垒?5)中国企业国际
39、化面临的挑战与机遇是什么? 6) 国际货物买卖合同遵循的原则是什么?7) 进出口业务必备的条件和人员素质是什么?8) 进出口贸易业务的基本流程包括哪些环节?,第2章 进出口贸易的一般程序,Chapter 2 General Procedures of Export and Import Transaction,Main Points in this Unit,Section One Procedures of Export and Import Transaction(进出口贸易的步骤),Section Two Business Negotiation(交易的磋商),Section Three
40、 Basic Qualities for Good Negotiators (优秀谈判人员基本素质),1 What is Exporting 2 Procedures of Export 1) Making market research 2) Marketing and Promotion 3 What is Importing 4 Parties involved in export and import transaction 5 Specialists involved in export and import transactions 6 Basic Documents needed
41、 in Export and Import Transaction Please look at the following draft (Export Procedures under CIR on the side of Seller),Section One Procedures of Export and Import Transaction,Export Procedures under CIR on the side of Seller,Procedures of Import Transaction,Market Research,Any exporter who wants t
42、o sell his products in a foreign country or countries must first conduct a lot of market research. Market research is a process of conducting research into a specific market for a particular product. Export market research, in particular, is a study of a given market abroad to determine the needs of
43、 that market and the methods by which the products can be supplied. The exporter needs to know which foreign companies are likely to use his products or might be interested in marketing and distributing the products in their country.,* the exporters * the importers* the port authority * the shipping
44、 company (for sea freight)* the airline (for air freight) * the insurance company or brokers* the exporters bank * the importers bank* the railways (in some cases) in the importer country* the road hauler ( in some case) in the importer country* the shipping agent at the port or airport of discharge
45、* the shipping agents at the port or airport of loading* the railway (in some cases)in the exporters country* the road hauler (in some cases) in the exporters country,Parties involved in export and import transaction,Parties Involved in Exp. & Imp. Transaction,* the exporters,* the importers,* the p
46、ort authority,* the shipping company (for sea freight),* the airline (for air freight),* the insurance company or brokers,* the exporters bank,* the importers bank,* the railways (in some cases) in the importer country,* the road hauler ( in some case) in the importer country,* the road hauler ( in
47、some case) in the importer country,* the shipping agent at the port or airport of discharge,* the shipping agents at the port or airport of loading,* the railway (in some cases)in the exporters country,* the road hauler (in some cases) in the exporters country,Specialists involved in export and import transactions,A shipping agent and /or foreign forwarder (forwarding agent) will take responsibility for the documentation and arrange for the goods to be shipped by air, sea, rail or rail. Theses services may be carried out by the suppliers own export department, if they have the expertise.,