1、,E,B,k,第六章 光的偏振和晶体光学基础,圆偏振光干涉,6.4 偏振光干涉,6.4.1 概述,6.4.2 平行偏振光干涉,平行偏振光干涉基本装置正交尼科尔光路,干涉场光强计算,平行尼科耳装置,干涉场光强计算,应用“色偏振”的测量方法,Stress-Induced Birefringence in Diamond,An artificially grown diamond with nitrogen impurities,Caused by strain associated with growth boundaries,“等倾线” 或“主同消色线”,2. 平行圆偏振光干涉,平行圆偏振光干涉
2、装置,P1和Q1构成圆起偏器,P2和Q2构成圆检偏器,偏振光干涉的应用,测量应力双折射光测弹性力学,偏振光干涉仪原理图,Stress-Induced Birefringence in Diamond,An artificially grown diamond with nitrogen impurities,Caused by strain associated with growth boundaries,Stress-induced Birefringence,If theres not enough stress in a medium to begin with, you can always add more yourself!,Clear plastic between crossed polarizers,You can use this effect to improve the performance of polarizers.,Photoelasticity: “Stress-induced Birefringence”,Clear plastic triangle between parallel and crossed polarizers,Parallel,Crossed,You should see this in color!,