1、Lecture 4 Diction in CE Translation,汉译英中词语的选择,汉语的特点,汉语为弱势语音系统,但在文字、语音和语法系统上分别由所谓的“代偿机制”,将缺点转化为优点。大约分为六点: 1)大量使用虚词。虚词基本上没有固定的词性,甚至功能意义也不固定,可谓“意随心转”; 2)大量运用成语和俗语; 3)句子尚短。由于无形态语法范畴制约,不利于长句产生,故崇尚短句,以求言简意赅; 4)短于推理,长于直觉。精短的句子结构,摒弃了机械式的关系结构,让有关语词的意义能鲜明地彼此衬托。其结构是不利于推力思维,却擅长于直觉性的哲理和情感。 5)汉语语法离不开上下文脉络。汉语的理解基本
2、上以意义为中心,语词没有语音或其他形式上的制约,故应置于语意场中才能清楚显示语法结构; 6)语法特性不明。故要衡量一个语词在语序组合中是否得当,必须在语句中认清所有相关词语的意义。这整体提高了语义问题在汉语中的重要性。,英语主要特点,1)英语有形态变化,汉语没有严格意义的形态变化; 2)英语词序较灵活,汉语词序相对固定; 3)英汉都有大量虚词,但各有特点; 4)英语是语调(intonation) 语言,汉语是声调(tone)语言; 5)英语重形合(hypotactic),汉语重意合(paratagtic ),汉英语言的特点比较,英语英语为拼音组合文字,字母与音节多少不一,字形有长有短,词不达意
3、,故重节奏重音节、而不重音韵 。 而英语表达必须“清晰、适切、自然、鲜明、生动”,切忌逻辑混乱和词藻堆砌。,汉语四字结构或独立成句,成并列排比,或前呼后应,结构均称对仗,音韵和美,表达言简意赅,音与形柔和一起,极富美感。 其排比用法又称连珠四字句,词义丰富,文采华丽,语气连贯,字面意义虚实相生,重在一股气势和意境。,汉英语言的特点比较:形合 v.s.意合,形合与意合是语言学涉及句法问题的两个重要概念。其相应的英语表达系源于希腊语的hypotaxis 和parataxis。 Hypotaxis(形合): The dependent or subordinate construction or r
4、elationship of clauses with connectives; for example, I shall despair if you dont come. (The American Heritage Dictionary p.649) Parataxis(意合): The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. Example: The rain fell; the river flooded; the house was
5、 washed away. (The World Book Dictionary p.1513) 简言之,所谓形合与意合,主要指句与句(包括以联合关系配列及以偏正关系配列的句与句)之间起连接作用的成分是保留还是省略的一个句法问题。,汉英语言的特点比较:形合 v.s.意合,英语重“形合” (hypotaxis) 1. 以动词为中心的结构 (V+NP+Prep./ particles) 2. 以名词为中心的结构(固定词组+自由词组) 3. 以形容词为中心的结构 4. 以虚词为中心的结构,汉语重“意合” (parataxis): 1.“意合”形成的高度简约性使意义浓缩化 2. 汉语具有明显的解释性和
6、描写性 3.审美感性与语言感性的完美嵌合,1. 鬓似飞云,面如粉黛,青春健美,秀目顾盼,雨中淋透的花季少女,突然开错门而致谦的慌张神情最美。女人什么时候最美 2. 我看到繁花夹道,流泉淙淙,鸟鸣嘤嘤。(高处何处有?) 3. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment,
7、 they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.,汉英翻译基本要求,先读原文,第一遍主要获得总体印象,第二遍应以双语者身份逐句深究与分析,对原文全段意思做深层次的掌握,以便从整体上进行翻译; 将原作者通过带有汉民族语言结构特征的语段(篇)或文本所要表达的意思、作者的创作意图、表达风格以及特定的思想倾向性在译文中再现或表现出来;翻译的过程是一种动态的“忠实”,尤其是当语言文化差异越大,就越需要译者给予创造性的艺术再现和
8、表现。,汉语语言特点及其译例解析,1、意合主轴导向 形合主轴导向: 鬓似飞云,面如粉黛,青春健美,秀目顾盼,雨中淋透的花季少女,突然开错门而致谦的慌张神情最美。(女人什么时候最美)A girl dripping wet from the rain when the door opens discovering her own mistakes, hastily apologizes- eyes animatedly expressive, face as fair as a lily and hair curling like floating clouds, the graceful fig
9、ure overflowing with blooming youth. 汉语主谓结构英语的名词性结构,2. 一夕归,见二人与师共酌。(崂山道士) One evening when the disciples came back to the temple, they saw two men drinking with the master. 汉语无主句的翻译,语境意义与翻译思维,1. 任何涂抹都是多余的败笔。(“人的包装”) Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. 2. “你不要命了?这水有一人多深呐!”(“远去的红伞”)“Are yo
10、u crazy? The water is deep enough to drown you.”,3. 说起侄儿和莹莹的关系,还真有一段渊源。(“无忌的童心”) Speaking of their friendship, there is a story to tell. 4. 人生能有几回搏。(“运动员的情操”) Chances to compete for championship are few and far between.,5. “一只碗值几个钱,也值得你心痛半天,怎么不心痛我割破了手?”(“家是一只瓷碗”)What worth is it to merit your regret
11、? My finger cut by the broken piece is no concern of yours!,概念意义的明示与凸显及虚化与淡化,1. 大碗喝茶解渴。 (“飘逸人生”)V1: Drinking tea with a big bowl is a quick way to quench thirst.V2: To drink at a gulp is a quick way to quench thirst.* 文化语境差异与概念语义的嬗变,2. 当初怎么不把眼睛睁大点!(“家是一只瓷碗”) V1: Why didnt you open your eyes wider wh
12、en we get married? V2: Do you think you didnt get married with your eyes open wider?时间概念的语境照应性语义突显,3. 编辑是无名英雄,应当受到社会的尊重。(“谈编辑”) V1: Most editors are unsung heroes; they deserve respect of the society. V2: As unsung heroes, editors are entitled to be respected. 概念的语境性虚化模糊化,4. 我只好用铁丝来扎,扎来扎去也扎不牢,还弄了个手破
13、血流。(“我需要你”) I tried to bind it with a length of wire, only to end up in an awkward mess, with a bleeding finger. 实写与虚化的转换,5. 人该年轻就年轻,该年老时就年老,这是与自然同步。(“人的包装”) V1: People should look young when they are young, and old when they grow old, synchronizing with the nature. V2: Let your looks change from yo
14、ung to old synchronizing with the natural ageing process. 语义连贯与语句命题的语境化融合;实写与虚化。,汉语四字词组和俗语的翻译,汉语的四字词组是汉语的一大优势,言简意赅,形象生动,读起来琅琅上口,并且具有很强的表现力,能给人以美感。四字词组由四个词素组成,通常分为前后两部分。两部分之间的语法关系可以是并列、动宾、偏正或主谓关系。因此,四字词组又可分为联合结构(改革开放)、动宾结构(发展经济)、偏正结构 (富裕生活) 和主谓结构 (市场繁荣)。 四字词组是汉语方块字的优势,其他大多数语言没有这种整齐划一的特点。英译文没有必要保持长短一致
15、的句式,实际上也做不到。在英译时应灵活变通,不受原文形式拘束,只要做到与原文“意义相近,功能相似”。,1直译:比较完整地保留原词语的比喻形象、民族色彩和语言风格。,1. 中国有句老话:“瓜熟蒂落”,“水到渠成”。 As the Chinese sayings go: “When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem” and “When water flows, the channel forms.” 2. 现在是悬崖勒马的时候了。 It is time for you to rein/hold the horse on the brim of the
16、escarpment.,2. 意译:牺牲形象,抓住内容和喻义,化实为虚, 化虚为实。,3. 不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的浆,去追逐哪怕一星微小的火光。(“盼头”)Even if there is only a fantasy or an illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope, it still urges you on in pursuit of the glimmer without let-up. * 特定语境中成语的虚化: 望梅止渴:console oneself with vain hopes 画饼充饥:draw
17、 cakes to stave off hunger-feed on illusions,4. 花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不了的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。 The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.,5. 原本干巴巴的一根“光杆司令”如今变成了迎风飘举的绿衣仙子。(“生命的启示”)Its amazing that a piece of dry and polished ro
18、d should have grown into a fairy beauty clothed in green, waving gently in the breeze!* 文化语境差异与概念语义的嬗变,英汉成语对比与翻译 作 者: 陈文伯 编著 出 版 社: 世界知识出版社,汉语俗语的翻译,1. 编辑要当作者的伯乐,当作者的知音。(“谈编辑”) An editor can not only be a good connoisseur of a writers works but also a bosom friend who knows him well. 2.她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到嘴边,又
19、把它吞了下去。 She was afraid of being snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came up to her lips. 3. 这事要让老板知道了,可就要吃不了兜着走了。 There will be trouble with a vengeance when the boss hears it.,汉译英词语翻译的其他考虑因素,注意汉英词语褒义、贬义的不同 注意汉英词语轻重的不同 注意语体色彩的不同 注意文化语境的不同,注意汉英词语褒义、贬义的不同,1. 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。 They preach idealism wh
20、ereas we advocate materialism. 2. 我心里暗笑他的迂;他们只认得钱,托他们直是白托!而且我这样大年纪的人,难道还不能料理自己么?)唉,我现在想想,那时真是太聪明了! Oh, when I come to think of it, I can see how smart (smug) I was in those days.,注意汉英词语轻重的不同,1. 他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。 He survived the press conference in the end. 2. 妻子问他,“你为什么同来得这么晚?干什么去了?” 他说道:“难道你要限制我的活动自由
21、吗?” “Why back home so late? What did you do somewhere?” the wife demanded. “Do you understand you want to hamper my actions?” the husband retorted.,注意语体色彩的不同,1. 余冬日往视,但见哀柳寒烟,一水茫茫而已。 Chinese is a Language of Artistic Concept . (意境语言) A. I went there in winter and could see nothing but unanimated tree
22、s and smokes. There is only a range of poor water. B. While in winter, nothing was enjoyable but the lonely willows and quiet water. C. I went there, however, on a winter day and saw only a stretch of cold water against some sparse willow trees and a frosty sky.,Appropriateness and politeness in bus
23、iness translation,1. 今随函寄上标题合同正本一式两份,请会签后寄回一份,以便存档。 We are enclosing herewith the captioned contract in two originals, of which please return one copy to us duly countersigned. 2. 请告你方市场详情。 We shall be grateful/obliged if you can provide us with all possible information on your market.,注意文化语境的不同,1.
24、布衣蔬食 a. wear clothes of cotton and eat vegetables. b. wear coarse clothes and eat simple food 2. 看你红光满面。 a. Your face is very red. b. You look so healthy and full of pep. 3.争取运动成绩与精神文明双丰收 a. For a good harvest in sports record and spiritual civilization b. For better (athletic) records and sportsman
25、ship .,汉语新词语的翻译 1. 新事物、新概念、新现象的词语翻译,军嫂 暴发户 倒儿爷 傍大款 安家费 安居工程 福利分房 打白条,soldiers wife upstart, new rich profiteer find a sugar daddy settling-in allowance Comfortable Housing Project welfare housing; free housing pay by IOU,2. 政策、标语、口号中新词语的翻译,三乱 传、帮、带 抓大放小 老少边穷地区 减员增效 两个基本点,indiscriminate fines, charge
26、s and assessments pass on experience, give help and set an example in training new hands to invigorate large enterprises while releasing control over small ones old revolutionary base areas, frontier areas, a poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by national minorities. increase efficiency by downsizing staff; two focal points, two of the major points of the line set by the1 3th Congress of the CPC, i.e. upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies of reform, opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy.,最新汉英特色词汇 作 者: 中国日报网站 编著 出 版 社: 上海社会科学院出版社,