1、 Topics for Speaking TestI. Media1. Describe the different roles media play in our life.2. D you think the press should have the absolute right for free speech? Why?3. What effects will Internet have on traditional media? Will Internet replace the traditional media? 4. In what way do you hope Intern
2、et will develop in the future?5. Besides searching for information, what else do you do on Internet?7. List at least three negative effects that Internet has brought to us.8. List the advantages and disadvantages of communicating through/via E-mail, telephone and letter.9. What qualities should a go
3、od journalist have?10. Talk about the relationship between paparazzi and celebrities?II. Environment1. Talk about the causes, harms and solutions to the following environmental problems.Global warming, fresh water shortage, acid rain, soil pollution, energy crisis, desertification, sand storm, garba
4、ge pollution.2. Private cars are increasing at an alarming speed in China. What environmental problems have been caused by it? How to solve the problems?3. What natural disasters are caused by worsening environment? Give some examples.4. What environmental problems are caused by the development of i
5、ndustry and agriculture?5. How many ways do you know about the disposal of garbage? What garbage can be recycled?6. In what sense do we, as individuals, do something harmful to the environment?III. Happiness1. What is your understanding of happiness? What are the most important things that can contr
6、ibute to the sense of happiness?2. What are you most/ least content with in your life? How will you make yourself happier? 3. Translate the following passages and talk about your reflections.1) 传说很久以前,有一只小狗,和上帝说,“我怎么才能幸福呢?“上帝说:“你要是能咬到自己的尾巴就得到幸福了.“所以小狗就一直在转圈,想咬自己的尾巴.他的妈妈看见了,问他,“你在干什么啊?“在听到他的回答后,狗妈妈笑了
7、,“傻孩子,不是这样的,你没发现“幸福“一直在你身上么?“2) 有两只鸟,白尾鸟在树林里自由自在,红尾鸟在笼子里养尊处优。它们互相羡慕对方的自由与安逸,于是决定交换了生活的位置。可惜好景不长,两只鸟最后都死了。走进笼子里的白尾鸟因困在狭小的空间,心境消沉,忧郁而死;走出笼子里的红尾鸟因没有捕食的本领,只能望天兴叹,饥饿而死3) 幸福之门紧闭着,寻找幸福的人在敲门。一下,两下,三下,门没开,幸福的人离开了。幸福之神在门内叹息,可怜的人,只要你再敲打一下,我就开门了4)一个富翁可能整天忧心忡忡,而一个穷人可能心情舒畅:一位残疾人可能坦然乐观;一位处境顺利的人可能会愁眉不展,一位身处逆境的人可能会面
8、带微笑5) 只有心里有阳光的人,才能感受到现实的阳光,生活始终是一面镜子,当我们哭泣时,生活在哭泣,当我们微笑时,生活也在微笑。IV. Food1. Talk about some differences in table manners/ eating habits between western countries and China?2. Introduce a dish that you like. Describe the flavor, ingredients and ways to cook it.3. What is a balanced diet according to y
9、our understanding?4. Do you think its healthier to be a vegetarian? Why?5. If you want to run your own restaurant, what are the most important factors that can contribute to your success?V. Health1. What factors may have negative effects on our health?2. Make a comparison between western medicine an
10、d Chinese traditional medicine?3. Why do so many people smoke in spite of the well-known harmful effect?4. Do you approve of mercy killing/euthanasia? Why or why not?5. Do you want to be a doctor? Why or why not?6. What qualities are needed to be a good doctor?7. What do you think of the doctors who
11、 tell white lies to the incurable or the dying patients?8. When we fall ill, what are the symptoms we may have?9. Some people say money can buy health. Do you agree? Why or why not?10. What would you say to the girls who try hard to lose weight at the cost of their health?VI. Future/ Inventions1. Wh
12、at is the greatest invention that you wish to see in the future?2. Talk about one great invention that has fundamentally changed our life.3. What are the benefits and negative effects that cloning may bring.4. Do you think robots or computers will take over all the work from human beings in the futu
13、re?5. Do you believe in supernatural power? How do you explain mysterious UFO, crop circles or monsters?6. Do you think it is a blessing that man can live up to 200 or 300 years old? 7. How can human beings save endangered species from extinction by means of science and technology?8. Are you optimis
14、tic or pessimistic about the future! Why?VII. Language1. Name the six official languages used in the UN. 2. Do you think its a good phenomenon that more and more English expressions appear in Chinese language? 3. What is your greatest difficulty in learning English? What skill do you want to improve
15、 most?4. Do you think its necessary for people of all ages and occupations to learn English?5. Is it a good thing that the whole world speaks one language?6. Talk about your understanding about the following sayings:- Words are mightier than swords.- Silence is gold; Speech is silver.- Praise makes
16、good men better, and bad men worse.- Ones words reflect ones thinking.-The greatest talkers are always least doers.语言的巨人总是行动的矮子VIII. Politics1. What are the differences between a politician and a statesman?2. Talk about the political systems of China, U.S.3. Are you interested in politics? Why or why not?