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1、缩短制造周期SHORT LEAD TIME,缩短制造周期定义: Short Lead Time Definition:,The desired reduction in time from the placement of an order by the final customer to the delivery of the product and receipt of payment. There are four types of lead time which contribute to the short lead time concept: 1.Total Lead Time 2

2、.Product Development Lead Time 3.Process Lead Time 4.From factory to customer.,从最终用户订货至交货收款之间期望能减少的时间,它包含四种类型:1、总的制造周期(收到订单至收到货款)2、产品开发周期(从概念设计至SORP)3、工艺制造周期(从原材料至SORP)4、装配厂至用户。,9.供应链的管理 Supply Chain Management (3),7.内部拉动/交货Internal Pull/Delivery (7),5.有计划的发运 /收货Schedule Shipping/Receiving (7),3.固定周

3、期订货系统Fixed Period Ordering System (5),1.简易的工艺流程Simple Process Flow (8),缩短制造周期的9个要素Nine Element of Short Lead Time,2.少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (19),4.受控的外部运输 Controlled External Transportation (18),6.临时物料储存 Temporary Material Storage CMA (9),8.均衡定购车辆的生产计划 Level Vehicle Orders (4),1-1、简易的工艺流程 Simple Pr

4、ocess Flow (8),定义:以获得一个简易的物料与信息流为目的的流程Definition: A process which incorporates a constant drive to attain a simple sequential process flow of material and information.,目的:设计和实施这样一种工艺,这种工艺在优化成本,降低工序内库存和易发现问题的同时坚持先进先出这一原则并且具有可跟踪性,可视性,能缩短制造周期. Purpose: To design and implement processes that maintain FI

5、FO, allow trace ability, are visual, reduce lead time, easily detects problems while optimizing cost, and reduces inventory and work in process.,2、必须控制和优化所有缓冲区和工序内的工作-缓冲区管理Line side and work-in-process (vehicles, parts) are controlled and optimized - buffer management.,1、先进先出这一原则体现在所有物料存储操作中First In

6、 First Out is practiced in ALL Material Storage operations.,1-2、简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (8),3、当从经济角度出发需要进行批量或小规模生产时,必须始终考虑减少这种生产的可能性. When batch or small lot production is economically necessary, batch or lot size must always be challenged for reduction.,4、有一个简单、直接、连续的物料操作流程来实现合理的规划布置和操作Layouts

7、and processes facilitate a direct, continuous and simple material flow.,要求 Requirements:,1-3、简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (8),5、操作工的工作区域的设置必须考虑安全有效的零部件摆放Operator envelopes are set to allow safe, efficient parts presentation.,6、必须有均衡的生产计划以实现实现简易的流程(看板、周期时间、重新定购点等)Leveled production schedules are in pl

8、ace to allow simple flow (kanban, cycle time, reorder points, etc,).,7、生产指导(材料清单、目视板、拉动单等)必须以清晰的格式张贴在车间上部所对应的位置Production instructions (manifest, screens, pull card, etc.) are visually present on the shop floor in a simple format.,8、对所有移动设备和生产设备有简单的操作、维护流程以便使用及维护Mobile equipment and production equip

9、ment facilitate simple flow.,2-1、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (19),定义: 确定,分配或设计合适的标准数量和料箱Definition: Determining, assigning or designing the appropriate standard quantity and container.目的: 以易于操作的包装方式为操作工提供零部件,这种包装使部件在船运,储存和发货过程中不易受损,且易操纵.Purpose: To provide parts to the operator in a user-friendly packa

10、ge that facilitates damage-free and economical handling during shipment, storage and delivery.,2-2、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (19),4、对于每一个零件的包装尺寸都应标准化Container dimensions are standardized per part number.,5、每种料箱都应张贴与其物料对应的认可的物料标签(零件号、零件名称、数量等)以进行辨识。Container contents are identified on an approved labe

11、l (part number, description, quantity, etc.),3、每种零件都应有唯一的标准包装数量(包括备用的/紧急的包装) One standard pack quantity per part number exists (including alternate / emergency packaging).,2、料箱设计: (a)减少从第一个部件到最后一个部件因取料造成的人体疲劳和时间; (b) 在保持产品质量的前提下,尽量减少间隔衬垫的使用和处理; (c)减少准备时间(例如包装材料和 箱盖的拆除等) 和额外整理的相关活动(如收集、分类、处理)。Contain

12、er design (a) minimizes ergonomic stress and time to access parts from first to last (b) maintains part quality while minimizing dunnage and dunnage handling (c) minimizes preparation time (removing banding, wrapping, etc.) and disposal activity (collecting, sorting, processing).,1、根据有效的操作空间优化料箱尺寸(零

13、件操作适合工作区域),工作区域的料箱应能易于操作者操作。Container size is optimized for available operator space (parts fit within the work envelope) and containers are presented in the workstation layout within easy reach supporting the operators needs.,要求 Requirements:,2-3 、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (19),7、人工搬运的料箱包装量应不大于2小时的用

14、量(不包括坚硬的零件如罗栓、螺母、卡扣等) Manually handled containers hold a maximum of 2 hours worth of material (excluding hardware parts such as nuts, bolts, fasteners, etc),8、料箱设计及选择过程中,应充分考虑人工搬运料箱及交换DOLLY的使用,尽量减少叉车的使用The container design and selection process increases the use of manually handled containers and do

15、lly exchange, promoting the elimination of fork trucks.,9、非手工操作的大件料箱,其包装量应不大于4小时的用量。Non-manually handled (bulk) containers hold a maximum of 4 hours worth of material.,10、不能因为减少每小时的库存目标而减少包装数量(料箱装载空气是不合理的)Point of use hourly inventory targets should not compromise filling the container (no air).,11、

16、尽量使用通用型可回收周转箱Use of common returnable containers is maximized.,6、料箱尺寸应实现模数化,以提高卡车及拖车的容积率并保证装载的稳定性。Container sizes should be modular to truck or rail car for best cube utilization and load stability.,2-4 、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (19),15、空料箱返回区域: (a) 用于收集、整理、发运料箱; (b)对操作区域做明确的标识和可视化的控制,使其清晰可辨(如整理区、发运

17、区、供应商区、周转区、待处理区等); (c)按计划的数量发运; (d)指定由供应商自己负责或集装箱整合运输; (e)所在位置应满足最小的综合运送距离并有标准化的操作流程 。Empty container return areas: (a) are designated for collecting, sorting and staging (b) are clearly identified with appropriate addresses and visual controls (e.g. Type of area Sort, Stage; supplier, return schedu

18、le, preparation instructions, etc.) (c) accommodate planned quantities of containers (d) are designated for every supplier and/or container combination (e) are located to minimize travel distance and standardize the work flow.,14、尽可能减少重新包装(重复操作)Container re-packaging is minimized (double handling).,

19、13、按照供应商零件包装的要求,物料应使用指定的料箱(或备用料箱)进行运输。Material is shipped in the designated container (or backup) for all plant build requirements.,12、人工搬运的料箱和部件间隔衬垫应满足人机工程提升准则(如重量、尺寸、把手等) Manually handled containers / dunnage are ergonomic to assist operator handling (weight, dimension, grip points & etc.).,2-5 、少

20、量包装 Small Lot Packaging (19),18、外运的卡车和拖车: (a)根据运输计划装载准备好的空料箱; (b)通过文件跟踪外运的集装箱和空料箱。Outbound trucks and rail cars : (a) are loaded with all prepared empty containers per the shipping schedule (b) have all required paperwork processed to document outbound shipment of containers for container tracking.,

21、17、货箱应准备完好和确保返回(例如:加盖、分类和堆栈等)Containers are properly prepared and secured for return (capped, sorted, stacked, etc.).,19、有效的新包装确认流程、包装更改及现有的包装评估流程Process in place to validate new packaging, changes to existing packaging and evaluate current packaging.,16、空料箱操作: (a) 确保一旦最后的零件用完后,操作工即刻把空的料箱放置在合适的返回装置中

22、; (b)遵循有书面形式的内部衬隔处理流程; (c)遵循有书面形式的正确 的分类、转运、装卸等的工作程序; (d)避免包装箱挪为他用; (e)确保返回供应商的空箱内没有杂物; (f)对需要维修和处理的料箱进行标示和发运。Empty container handling practices: (a) assure operator places empty container on appropriate return device as soon as last part is used (b) conform to a written process for handling interna

23、l dunnage (c) conform to a written process for proper sorting, staging, loading, and unloading (d) prevent misuse of containers (e) assure empty containers are free of debris before returning them to suppliers (f) identify and route damaged containers for repair/disposal.,3 -1 、固定周期订货系统 Fixed Period

24、 Ordering System (5),定义:在均衡的基础上根据物料的有效供应机制,建立预定的、固定的零件订货周期 Definition: Pre-determined, fixed period for parts ordering allowing for the effective supply of material on a leveled basis目的:确保物流供应既可以预知又可靠 Purpose: To ensure predictable, reliable flow of materials through the pipeline,3 -2 、固定周期订货系统 Fixe

25、d Period Ordering System (5),2、确保每次在约定时间节点之前向供应商和承运商发布订货计划Material schedules are communicated to the supplier and the transportation contact per agreed upon time horizon.,1、建立零部件订货和发运的固定周期A fixed period is established for parts ordering and delivery.,3、按标准包装数量订货Material schedules are stated in stand

26、ard pack quantities.,4、备有例外的流程处理突发事件An exception process exists to cover emergencies.,5、内部管理零件订货流程Parts Ordering Process is managed locally.,要求 Requirements:,4-1 、受控的外部运输 Controlled External Transportation (18),定义:由物流供应商按确立的方式管理运作既定的物流途径Definition: Scheduled logistics pipeline with established contr

27、ols managed by a lead logistics provider.,目的: 提供一个可预见的方法以应付频繁的物料移动并达到各种资源的最优化 purpose: To provide a predictable method for frequent material movement that maximizes use of resources.,4-2 、受控的外部运输 Controlled External Transportation (18),3、物流供应商提供并维持战略路线规划The single Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) or si

28、ngle point of contact for logistics provides strategic route planning and maintains the route board.,4、供应商提供其以往操作数据。The single Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) or single point of contact for logistics provides a historical database.,5、供应商提供不断降低成本的步骤措施The single Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) or single p

29、oint of contact for logistics provides a process for further cost reduction.,6、供应商为实际运输商单位和/或运输分承包商提供培训The single Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) or single point of contact for logistics provides training for carrier and/or transportation providers.,1、物流供应商提供一个主要的执行检验标准,并定期进行评估考核。The single Lead Logis

30、tics Provider (LLP) or single point of contact for logistics provides a process to measure key performance criteria and has regular performance reviews with LLP and plant.,2、供应商配备专人驻厂提供操作服务The single Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) or single point of contact for logistics provides a resident in the pl

31、ant for transportation modeling and operation.,要求 Requirements:,4-3、受控的外部运输 Controlled External Transportation (18),10、到工厂的运输是按照小时、天、周的水平来操作的,以平衡生产和设备,同时将库存降到最小Deliveries to the Plant are level hour-to-hour, day to day, week to week to balance workload and equipment as well as minimize inventory.,9、

32、所有的零件都送到工厂或物流再分配中心的指定接收地点。All parts are delivered to the plant and/or distribution center to scheduled windows.,11、提供一个能不断提高货物配载率的适当流程。 A process is in place to continuously improve cube efficiency of trailers and railcars.,12、在经济和运输可靠的基础上,固定每条运输线路的装卸及挂靠港口Live unloading vs drop and swap is determine

33、d for each route based on economics and transportation reliability.,8、企业的安全规章制度得到严格执行Plant safety rules are communicated and followed (e.g. tire chocking, jack stands, etc.).,7、物流商保证将其目标汇总融入企业的商业规划中The single Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) or single point of contact for logistics provides that the LL

34、P objectives are integrated into the plants business plan (Business Plan Deployment).,4-4 、受控的外部运输 Controlled External Transportation (18),17、需要流程规范物料因供应商延误时的紧急应急方案 A process is in place requiring transportation carriers to provide corrective actions due to delays in material pick-up at supplier pla

35、nts.,16、提供一个适当的流程以确保承运人能够迅速将运输延误或其它错误问题通知工厂。 A process is in place to assure that carriers notify the plant promptly if a delivery is delayed or incorrect.,18、特殊或紧急情况的处理方案A process is in place to coordinate special or emergency shipments.,15、需有流程规定额外运输费用的承担方Process is in place and followed to proper

36、ly classify supplier-responsible premium transportation costs.,14、采取合理方式返空集装箱。 Empty container return processes are in place.,13、采取适当措施保证各段负责人履行预先确定的检查。(如在从发货人处接受货物时,通过零件号核对包装数量)Process is in place to confirm that the route driver performs the agreed process checks (such as verifying the standard pa

37、ck count by part number for the shipment at the time of pick-up at the supplier.,5-1 、有计划的发运 /收货 Schedule Shipping/Receiving (7),定义:货物运输根据指定的时间达到/离开 Definition: Transportation carriers arrive / depart at designated time.目的:均衡和标准化发运/收货活动以及资源要求 Purpose: To level and standardize shipping / receiving ac

38、tivities and resource requirements.,不能早到也不能晚到,5-2 、有计划的发运 /收货 Schedule Shipping/Receiving (7),2、制定和公布标准作业单,且在作业单中描述货物、供应商和厂方的责任。Standard operating procedures are established and displayed, which describe the roles and responsibilities for carrier and plant.,1、货运在指定的“计划”时间达到/离开指定的地点Carriers arrive /

39、depart the designated locations at the scheduled window times.,要求 Requirements:,3、为使每次运输的计划和实施状况公诸于众,应设置标准信息栏Standard visuals (e.g. dock boards) are in place to communicate the schedule and actual status of each delivery.,5-3 、有计划的发运 /收货 Schedule Shipping/Receiving (7),5、应明显地标识收货和发货的区域。Receiving and

40、 Shipping material areas are segregated and visual.,6、使用拖车把货物从收货泊位运走(该位置经济可行)Tuggers and trailers are used to move material from receiving docks (where possible and economical).,7、零部件和料箱在运输后完好无损。Parts and containers are delivered free from transportation damage.,4、应具备处理未按原定“计划”时间到货的流程A process is in

41、 place to handle shipments that will not arrive within their scheduled window time.,6-1、临时物料储存 Temporary Material Storage CMA (9),定义:在货运至使用地之前在指定区域的固定零部件放置位置Definition: A fixed part location in a designated area before delivery to the point of use.目的:安排和控制库存以便满足制造和物流的需求 Purpose: To organize and cont

42、rol inventory to meet manufacturing and material flow needs.,6-2、临时物料储存 Temporary Material Storage CMA (9),2、每个零部件号应有一个固定的储存位置 Each part number has one fixed storage location.,1、优化物料存储区的数量及位置Number and location of material storage areas is optimized.,3、 所有零部件位置都有明显标识(标志,符号等)All part locations are vi

43、sually identified (signs, labels, etc.).,4、为了保证安全(合理的堆高)、物料流程和库存控制(min/max、先进先出、溢库)必须在车间存储区的上方悬挂目视化控制板Visual controls are used to ensure that safety ( safe stacking heights ), material flow process, and inventory control (min /max, FIFO, overflow) are managed on the shop floor.,6-3、临时物料储存 Temporary

44、Material Storage CMA (9),8、 溢库区: (a)尽量小且受控(b)应做明显标示 (c)遵循维持先进先出的流程Overflow location areas (a) are minimized and controlled, (b) are clearly identified, (c)follow and maintain FIFO flow.,9、 工程更改、断点旧零件、不良品、试生产等物料以及报废区应有良好的目视,每种物料应粘附有明显的标签Engineering change material, obsolete material, non-conformance,

45、 package trials, etc. and garbage areas exist with proper visuals and are adhered to.,7、从泊位处运至的物料应直接放置在储存区 Material delivered from the docks is placed directly into storage area.,6、保持最少/最多的数量和具备管理异常的流程(如min/max报警流程、缺货流程、溢库流程等)Min/max quantities are maintained and a process is in place to manage exce

46、ptions (min and max violations, out of stock conditions, overflow, etc.).,思考Think,?,5、 通道: (a)标清用于储存或 收发 (b) 为所有使用者提供畅通的交通流向(例如单向通道等) (c) 拖车和铲车分道而行 (d) 将人行通道和车辆通道作明显的区分Aisles: (a) are clearly visually identified for part store / retrieve, (b) provide for smooth traffic flow for all users (one way ve

47、rsus two way traffic) (c) facilitate the separation of tugger and forklift traffic (d) clearly identify equipment and pedestrian paths/restrictions .,7-1、内部拉动/交货Internal Pull/Delivery (7),定义:由用户根据某产品的用量授权在特定时间,地点以一定的数量制造 和/或 运输某一产品的补充系统 Definition: A replenishment system where the user authorizes th

48、e manufacture and / or delivery of a product at a specific time, place and quantity based on consumption.,目的:在使用户满意的前提下管理物流和减少库存 Purpose: To manage the flow of material and minimize inventory while satisfying the user.,7-2、内部拉动/交货Internal Pull/Delivery (7),3、物料工按标准化的流程操作,流程目视化张贴以方便新员工或轮岗员工培训掌握Standa

49、rdized work is followed by material team members; instructions are visually displayed and utilized for new/cross functional training.,1、拉动流程必须文件化,同时描述不同种类的物料是如何在物料需求时采用何种适当的信号、拉动方式来正确补充物料Pull processes are documented with a description of how each type of pull works and a process is in place to select the appropriate pull signal to be used for each part number to best replenish the material at point of use.,2、物料的配送是以物料的消耗为基础的,配送的需求是根据特定的拉动信号产生。Material consumption is the basis for replenishment and the use of a pull signal initiates material replenishment.,


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