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1、www.TopS 大家网 1 / 11更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopS 大家网,大家的!中高级翻译技巧一.被动语态的翻译汉语和英语在语态使用上有较大的差异:英语中被动语态用的较多,在没有必要或不愿意说出或者时没办法说出动作发出者时,英语就用被动语态来表示.汉语虽然也有被动语态,但是还是比较倾向于使用主动语态,因此我们在进行翻译之时,在大多数情况下要根据汉语和英语的各自使用习惯来翻译.接下来,我将以有关于被动语态翻译技巧的讲述之下,来让大家体会中英语之间的这种差异eg: Nowadays, her songs are so popular among the young peopl

2、e that they are played on the radio every Sunday.现在,她的歌曲在年轻人中十分走红,每星期天都在电台播放就这句话而言,大家可以注意到的就是,英语使用的是被动语态,而中文使用的是主动语态,因为很明显,在英语中没有必要说出“播放“ 这个动作的执行者 ,而在中文之中 ,把播放译成“被播放“就显得十分的别扭好,现在我将为大家讲解我刚才写在黑板上的一些句子的被动翻译技巧1)使用加词法使翻译在汉语中含有被动含义当使用英译中之时,我们可以使用一些汉语中表示被动的词,而不是简单的就只是用“被“ 这一个词,这样我们的译文就会变得生动很多如:由,给,受,把,使.得到

3、,是.的,为.所请看以下几句句子:eg: Heads of federal departments are named by the President, and judges are either elected directly by the people or are appointed by elected officials.联邦政府各部部长由总统任命,法官由人民直接选举,或者由选举出来的官员任命Though some people have been laid off because of automation, most have been absorbed by new ind

4、ustries and by the growth of service and leisure industries.有些人由于自动化而失了业 ,但是多数人为新兴产业及服务休闲业的扩大而吸收If a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as we.如果能把电脑造的足够复杂的话,那么电脑就能像人一样富于创造力It is frequently said that computers solve problems only because they are “programmed“ to do so.人们常说,电脑之

5、所以能解决问题,只是因为它们给输入了解决问题的“程序“The quality of the product was limited by the cost.产品的质量受到了成本的限制 The effort of the government was recognized by the public.政府的努力得到了公众的承认 2)直接译成主动结构*有些句子在汉语中,使用主动结构更为合适We both believe that through vigilance and strength, in your words, a war can be postponed, and in our wor

6、ds, war can be avoided.我们都认为, 有了警惕和实力,用你们的话说, 就可以推迟战争;用我们的话说,就可以避免战争.When the Constitution was written in 1787, there were only 13 states.1787 年草拟宪法时,美国只有 13 个州What we say here will not be long remembered.我们这里所讲的话 , 人们不会长久地记住 *常用结构的翻译It is said/reported/mentioned/pointed out that, 结构常译成主动结构It is sai

7、d that the man was murdered by the black man.据说是那个黑人谋杀了那个人.It is reported that the new president is going to pay an official visit to Russia.据报道,新任总统将对俄罗斯进行一次正式访问It is known to all that Chinas opening to the outside world will have a positive influence on its economic development.大家都知道,中国对外开放将对其经济发展

8、起积极的作用 Commercial cargoes are transported by highway, water and rail. One recent innovation is “containerized“ cargo. At the factory, crates of goods are placed in large metal containers on wheels, and the containers are sealed and hitched to trucks to be taken to railroad centers or ports, where la

9、rge cranes lift them on to freight cars, barges or ships.商业货物由公路,水路与铁路来运输,近来发明了“集装箱“ 货运 . 在厂家就把货物装入带轮子的大型金属集2 / 11 79814bceea95a75a0beb82474cff5e5e.pdf TopS大家网,大家的! http:/ 更多精品在大家!装箱内,装箱密封后,挂在卡车后拉到铁路编组站或港口,用大吊车装上货物车厢,驳船或轮船.Crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: certainly it is most pre

10、valent among people whose lives are not satisfactory in obvious ways-people without a settled home, with parents separated or divorced, victims of various kinds of misfortune, including poverty and lack of education. But bad social conditions, in the obvious material sense, can hardly be accepted as

11、 the main explanation for a rapid increase of crime in the 1960s and 1970s. There are after all fewer people suffering from the bad conditions than before, and it is much easier to make a very satisfactory living by honest work now than it was forty years ago, on indeed at any previous time. The pro

12、blem is shared with the rest of western civilization, and beyond it.犯罪的部分原因是物质条件差;犯罪当然在生活明显不满意的人中最普遍,没有固定住处者, 父母分居或离婚者,各种灾祸的受害者,其中,包括贫困和缺乏教育者.可是社会物质条件差, 不能认为是六,七十年代犯罪剧增的主要原因.毕竟受穷者比以前少了,现在通过正当职业谋得相当满意的生计,比 40 年前,以至以往任何时候都容易多了. 这个问题在整个西方,以及其他地区都存在. 二.人名,地名的英译英语人名,地名,可以查找工具书,比如英汉辞典等等中级口译的人名地名的翻译相对来说是比较

13、简单的,我们翻译人名,地名必须遵循“音译 “的原则.必须注意的是:1) 用音译,慎用意译如:人名 Wall, Sleep,译成:“沃尔“与“斯利普“, 不可译成“墙“与“ 睡“.地名 China 同样不可译成“陶瓷“,这也是众所周知的事了2) 人名中姓和名之间,用圆点间隔 ,如 John Thomas Smith “约翰.托马斯.史密斯“.3) 要熟记一些常用的译名比如:Franklin Roosevelt罗斯福Winston Churchill邱吉尔Napoleon拿破仑Aristotle亚里士多德Socrates苏格拉底New York纽约New Orleans新奥尔良Los Angele

14、s洛杉矶Detroit底特律Chicago芝加哥平时就多看看有关资料,也不一定要全背出,只是心里要留个底儿,这样就不会闹笑话了。词在不同语境的翻译技巧在我们的翻译教程之中第 12 页,就有关于 see 在不同语境情况之下的不同翻译 ,这说明要准确的译出文章中关键词的意思,首先要注意语境的把握和上下文的搭配关系1) company 的翻译He is fond of company.他爱交朋友Two is company, but three is none.两人成伴,三人不欢Among the company was an old man.这群人中有位老人www.TopS 大家网 3 / 11更

15、多精品在大家! http:/www.TopS 大家网,大家的!Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl.跟狼在一起 ,就会学会狼叫(“ 近墨者黑“.)I fell into company with him.我偶然与他相识Misery loves company.同病相怜The host amused the company with singing.主人用歌唱来招待宾客He is employed in an electronic company.他在一家电器公司工作2) 红与 red 的译法英语中有 redShe was dre

16、ssed in red.她身穿红衣When he started criticizing my work, I really saw red.他竟批评起我的工作来了,我立即火冒三丈汉语中有“红“There has never been a cross word between the two of them,他俩从未红过脸He won a prize because his lucky star shone bright.他鸿(红)运当头因而中奖3) good 的译法His mother was a good Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒Franklin was renowne

17、d for his good deeds 富兰克林以他的德行而名扬四海Helen is as good as gold-most of the time.海伦很乖- 大部分时间如此Mike is getting on in years, but both his hearing and eyesight are good.迈克已上了年纪,但他仍然耳聪目明The boss needs another good typist.老板还需要另外一名技术熟练的打字员His son had a good beating 他儿子被狠狠地揍了一顿She has good looks 她长得漂亮 THE HUM

18、MING-BIRDOf all animated being this is the most elegant in form and the most brilliant in colors. The stones and metals polished by our arts are not comparable to this jewel of Nature. Her masterpiece is this little humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may onl

19、y share. Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace and rich apparel all belong to this little favorite, The emerald, the ruby, and the topaz gleam upon it dress. It never soils them with the dust of earth, and in its aerial life scarcely touches the turf an instant. Always in the air, flying from flowe

20、r to flower, it has their freshness as well as their brightness. It lives upon their nectar, and dwells only in the climates where they perennially bloom.在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体型最优美,颜色最鲜艳.经过工艺加工得各种宝石和金属是无法跟这个大自然的珍宝媲美的.这种小蜂鸟是大自然的杰作,大自然把其他鸟类只能分享的种种天赋全部慷慨地给了它.这个小宠儿具有轻盈,敏捷,灵活,优雅以及羽毛绚丽等一切妙处.那翠绿的,艳红的,嫩黄色的羽毛闪闪发光.蜂鸟从不

21、让它的羽毛沾染尘土,它生活在天空中,一刻也不碰到草皮.它总是在空中飞翔,从花丛飞向花丛;它像花一样新鲜,又像花一样艳丽.蜂鸟靠花蜜为生,它只生活在鲜花盛开的地带. 三.代词的翻译1)人称代词的翻译汉语之中人称代词用得比较少.在英语里,凡是能用人称代词取代名词的地方,都须用代词,而不重复名次.因此,人称代词在英语文章中随处可见,翻译要服从汉语习惯,不能简单的用词对词的方法处理比如下面的例子中将所有的“they“都译成他们,就会显得不那么自然2)物主代词的翻译除了人称代词含义是采取还原其所代替的名词之外,英语里的物主代词代替句中做主语的名词时,我们也要重复其做主语的名词,是译文更具体,更明确如下面

22、的例子中将所有的 their 都译成“他们的” ,就会显得不自然Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued by retail stores, banks, credit-card companies to approved clients. The bank or credit-card company settles the clients bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any

23、outstanding debts. Their profit comes from the high rate of interest charged, 4 / 11 79814bceea95a75a0beb82474cff5e5e.pdf TopS大家网,大家的! http:/ 更多精品在大家!the card-holders subscriptions, and the fees paid by some organizations that accept cards.信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的方式购买商品,得到服务.信用卡由零售商店,银行和信用卡公司发放给经过批准的客户,银行或信用卡公

24、司结清客户的账单,按月给客户开列其消费清单,收取欠款的利息.这些金融机构的利润来自所收取的高额利息,持卡人致富的认购费以及接受信用卡消费的单位交纳的代理费their 代表 credit card,因此 their holders 表示“ 持卡人“They 代表 credit card,因此 they 在此翻成“信用卡“Him 代表 client,因此 him 在此翻成“客户“Their 代表 the bank or credit-card company,因此 their 在此翻成“以上这些金融机构“ The Americans is trained from childhood to que

25、stion, analyze, search. Even in the primary grades, children are taught to use libraries, and to search for new ideas. By the time they are 14, 15, and 16, many young scholars are making original and valuable contributions in all fields of science from astrophysics to oceanography. Industry is so aw

26、are of this untapped resource that each year, through national competitions, it offers tremendous awards among teen-agers in order to seek out (and later employ) the brilliant, inquiring minds which they find scattered across the country.美国人从小就训练孩子去提问,分析,探索.连小学生也教会使用图书馆,教会探寻新思想.许多小学者到14,15,16 岁,就上至天

27、体物理,下到海洋学,在某个学科中做出了独到的,宝贵的贡献.实业界深深了解这个未开发的资源,每年都搞全国性竞赛,给青少年提供巨额奖金,以发现(以后雇用) 散布于全国的孜孜于搞学问的人才. 四.定语从句的翻译定语从句在英语中大量出现.有长有短,结构有繁有简,对先行词的限制有强有弱,有时起着补充说明的作用,或者在逻辑上表示原因,目的,条件,让步和结果等等意义.因此对定语从句的翻译显得尤其重要,以下我将介绍给大家一些定语从句翻译的技巧1) 压缩法把英语的定语从句压缩成汉语的一个句子成分,也就是译成汉语中带“的“ 词组,当定语从句叫简短,则把这个带“ 的“ 汉语定语词组置于被修辞的词语之前No doub

28、t there are questions or principles involved which cannot be ignored and underestimated.无疑,这里涉及人们不能忽视或低估的原则问题Law offers us our best hope of overcoming the differences that prevail the world.法律使我们对克服世界上普遍存在的分歧有了最大的希望But Miggles laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence.但是,密格尔的富有感染力的笑声打破了沉默T

29、he deterioration of the international situation, which I noted in the introduction to the annual report last year, has continued.我在去年的年度报告导言中提到的那种国际形势的恶化一直在继续2) 拆译法如果定语从句冗长复杂,不论是限制性的或是非限制性的,往往可以译成并列句,放在主句的前后,偶尔还可以完全脱离主句而独立成句He will show her the place where they could make her look a proper dame-for

30、next to nothing.他可以带她到那个地方,在哪儿他们会把她打扮成一个漂亮的少女,而且花不了几个钱I told the news to Robert, who told it to his friend Larry and soon the news spread all over the campus.我把消息告诉了罗伯特,他又告诉了他的朋友莱里,消息很快在校园里传开了They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which in the past, many

31、 Chinese have laid down their lives.他们在为实现一个理想而奋斗,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,许多中国人曾为之献出自己的生命He had talked to Vice-President Nixon, who assured him that everything that could be done would be done.他和副总统尼克松谈过话,副总统向他保证,凡是能够做到的,一定尽力去办.3) 转译法www.TopS 大家网 5 / 11更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopS 大家网,大家的!英语中有些定语从句在逻辑上对主句起着状语的作用,

32、说明原因,目的,结果,条件和让步等等关系.汉译时应从原文的字里行间审定这些逻辑关系,然后译成汉语相应的偏正复句.The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships, which require assistance of tugboats.罢工使远洋轮不能靠岸,因为靠岸需要拖船的帮助Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreement with the respective governmen

33、t.中国派出贸易代表团前往非洲各国,以便与这些国家的政府商谈贸易协定My uncle, who will be seventy tomorrow, is still a keen sportsman.尽管我大伯明天就满 70 岁了,但他仍然热衷于户外运动 So, let us, in these next five days, start a long march together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure o

34、f peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, free from outside interference or domination.因此,让我们在今后的 5 天里一起开始一次长征吧,不是在一起迈步,而是在不同的道路上向着同一个目标前进.这个目标就是建立一个和平和正义的世界结构,使所有的人都在一起享有同等的尊严

35、,使每一个国家,不论大小,都有权决定自己政府的形式,而不受外来的干涉和统治.THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTSThe rise of modern science may perhaps be considered to date as far back as the time of Roger Bacon, the wonderful monk and philosopher of Oxford, who lived between the years 1214 and 1292. He was probably the first in the

36、 middle ages to assert that we must learn science by observing and experimenting on the things around us, and he himself made many remarkable discoveries. Galileo, however, who lived more than 300 years later (1564 to 1642), was the greatest of several great men, who in Italy, France, Germany, or En

37、gland, began by degrees to show how many important truths could be discovered by well-directed observation. Before the time of Galileo, learned men believed that large bodies fall more rapidly towards the earth than small ones, because Aristotle said so. But Galileo, going to the top of the leaning

38、Tower of Pisa, let fall two unequal stones, and proved to some friends, whom he had brought there to see his experiment, that Aristotle was in error. It is Galileos spirit of going direct to Nature, and verifying our opinions and theories by experiment, that has led to all the great discoveries of m

39、odern science.科学实验的重要性现代科学的兴起也许要追溯到罗杰.培根的时代.罗杰,培根是牛津杰出的僧侣和哲学家,他出生于 1214 年,死于 1292 年.他可能是中世纪第一个提出我们必须通过对周围事物进行观察和实验来学习科学的人,他自己也有许多卓越的发现.然而,生活在三百多年之后的伽利略(1564-1642),却是好几个伟大人物中最伟大的一个,这些人在意大利,法国,德国和英国开始逐步使人们看到许多重要的真理是可以通过掌握得当的观察去发现的,在伽利略之前,学者们相信大的物体掉到地面比小的物体要快,因为亚里士多德是这样说的.可是,伽利略登上比萨斜塔的顶端,让两块体积不相等的石头同时落

40、地,从而向一些他带去观看实验的朋友们证明亚里士多德错了.正是伽利略的这种直接到大自然中去通过实验来证明我们的判断和理论的精神,导致了现代科学的伟大发现 五.词类转化技巧英语和汉语的大多数词类在互译时均可转换,其中常见的有以下几种1) 动词- 名词的相互转译They are waiting for a sight of the Vice President passing by.他们在等候观看副总统经过那儿We can house you if the hotels are full.如果旅馆都客满了,我们可以给你提供住处Now, nobody wants to seem to claim su

41、periority, and an agreeable effect of this is the greater informality of relationships all round.现在没有人妄自尊大,其令人愉快的效果是,四周围关系更加随便融洽2) 形容词-副词的相互转译Nowadays, children may be happy to read novels in a clean library.现在,孩子们会十分高兴地在干净的图书馆看书6 / 11 79814bceea95a75a0beb82474cff5e5e.pdf TopS大家网,大家的! http:/ 更多精品在大家

42、!On this question, people of different age groups think differently.关于这个问题,不同年龄组的人有不同的想法In the ten years since normalization, we have witnessed the rapid expansion of the relations between our two countries.自关系正常化以来的 10 年里,我们看到了两国关系发展迅速3) 介词-动词介词with 的动词化译法She saw a brook with red flowers and green

43、grass on both sides.她看到一条小溪,两岸长着红花绿草The dog slunk away with his tail between his legs.狗夹着尾巴偷偷地走开了Any man with eyes in his head can see that he is exactly like a pole.任何头上长眼睛的人都看得出,他完全像根竹竿 The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this citys skyline. Today the cold war is over. The

44、 risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced and the free flow of goods and ideas is bringing to life the concept of a global village. But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and

45、 prosperity, and in confronting threat that respects no borders-terrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. To meet these challenges most effectively, China and the United States must act in concert. Some argue that with the Cold Wars end, the strategic importance of the U

46、S-China relationship has diminished. I believe they have it exactly backwards. As a new century begins, the importance of strengthening the ties between the United States and China will grow even greater.世界的面貌正在发生引人注目的变化,其变化之快几乎就像这座城市的空中轮廓.今天,冷战已经结束.全球核冲突的危险性已大大减小,商品和思想的交流正在激发地球村的概念.难事,正如世界各国会受益于这个新

47、世界的美好前景,没有一个国家能免遭其祸害.缔造和平与繁荣,抵御不分国界的诸多威胁-恐怖主义,贩毒,疾病和环境破坏,这些与我们大家都有着利害关系.为了最有效地迎接这些挑战,中国和美国必须协力行动.有些人说,随着冷战的结束,美中关系的战略意义已经减弱了.我认为这些人刚好说反了.随着新世纪的开始,加强美国和中国的联系,其重要性将变得更大. 六.加词的技巧所谓加词就是在汉译中添加必要的词使译文的意思明白无误,有些句子在翻译时需要添词The basic problem is that big cities are no longer functional. A handful of cities -Ne

48、w York, San Francisco, maybe Boston-are redefining their roles. But the rest are losing their in society. We dont need them anymore.根本问题是,大城市不再起作用.有少数几个城市-纽约,旧金山,可能还有波士顿-正在重新确定各自的作用.但是其他城市正在失去它们在社会上的地位.我们不再需要这些城市了.Reading makes a full man ; conference a ready man ; writing an exact man.读书使人充实,谈话使人敏捷

49、,写作使人准确He is more concerned about others than about himself.他关心别人比关心自己更多Better be wise by the defeat of others than your own,从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更深刻1) 在英语不及物动词后面添加名词Before he went to Africa, he learned how to ride and shoot.在去非洲前,他学会了怎样骑马和射箭She had her hands full this morning - washing, cooking, and cleaning.她今天早上忙个不停-洗衣服,烧饭,收拾房间2) 在英语数词后面增加量词She has many questions for her math teacher.她有一大堆问题要问数学老师3) 某些-ed 分词前面加了 the 之后,代表一类人或一类


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