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1、National Character,What are considered as the root of Chinese culture?,Confucianism Taoism Buddhism,Confucianism,1. Who is Confucius? 2. What are the five doctrines of Confucianism? Which is the central one? 3. What are the great works in Confucianism? 4. What is the Confucianisms greatest contribut

2、ion to the Chinese nation?,Five Cardinal Virtues,仁 humanity ( The will to show benevolence to others.)义 righteousness (by justice)礼 propriety (moral ways of conduct)智 wisdom 信 faithfulness,Confucius central doctrine -the virtue of ren,What is ren?Ren is translated variously as goodness, benevolence,

3、 humanity, and human-heartedness. Ren means love and affection.“A man of ren loves others.” 仁者爱人,The Four Books and Five Classics,The Great LearningThe Mean AnalectsMencius,Book of ChangesBook of History Book of Odes Book of Rites Spring and Autumn Annals,Confucianisms contribution to the Chinese na

4、tion?,1. Education: In Confucianism, human beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal endeavor especially including self-cultivation and self-creation.,2. Cultivate ones moral character 修身 A main idea of Confucianism is the cultivation of virtue and the developmen

5、t of moral perfection. Confucianism holds that one should give up ones life, if necessary, either passively or actively, for the sake of upholding the cardinal moral values of ren and yi.,3. Human relationship The ethical principle of Confucianism is its discovery of the ultimate in the moral charac

6、ter of human relationship in which Confucius offered the solution for the ills and evils of his days.,Well-known Five Relationships:,Ruler-ministerFather-sonHusband-wifeElder-and-younger brother Friend-friend A minister owes loyalty to his ruler, and a child filial respect to his parents; while the

7、ruler must care for his subjects, and the parents for the children.,“ Within the four seas all men are brothers.”四海之内皆兄弟“ Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.”己所不欲,勿施于人,Three cardinal guides,The prince was the guide of his minister The father was the guide of his sons The

8、 husband was the guide of his wife,National spirit and character,忠孝 loyalty and piety仁爱 affection and love 仁义 faithfulness and righteousness和平 peace and harmony,Confucius Institute,The first Confucius Institute was established in 2004 and is non-profit, with aims to promote Chinese language and cult

9、ure in foreign countries. A platform for cultural exchanges between China and the world.By the end of 2010, there have been 322 Confucius Institutes and 369 Confucius Classrooms established in 96 countries.,Confucius Institute at Mickiewicz University in Poland: Chinese Teaching Material Training Cl

10、ass for Native Chinese Teachers in Poland,巴库国立大学孔子学院举办“庆元旦”活动:听听老师怎么介绍中国结!,Confucius Institute at University of Khartoum Held the Middle-Autumn Festival Activities:Chinese teacher was introducing the Middle-Autumn Festival to guests,Volunteer Chinese Teacher Program,Set up in China, the Volunteer Ch

11、inese Teachers Program (hereafter referred to as “Volunteer Program”) provides voluntary services to help meet Chinese teachers shortage in other countries. The Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban), a non-governmental organization under the Ministry of Education, P. R. China, is

12、 responsible for implementing the Program. The Volunteer Center of Hanban is in charge of the programs daily operation.,Volunteer Chinese Teachers (hereafter referred to as “Volunteers”) are primarily recruited and selected from professional teachers, as well as postgraduate students and graduates o

13、f the current year with a bachelors degree or above. They all majored in disciplines of liberal arts such as Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Foreign Languages, Education, History, Philosophy, etc. After taking a series of training, qualified volunteers wil

14、l be dispatched to teach overseas. The term of service for the volunteers is normally one year. In principle, individual volunteer will work overseas no longer than 3 years.http:/english.hanban.org/,Mencius,The second sage in the Confucian school.“The philosophies of Kong Zi and Meng Zi” (孔孟之道) in t

15、he history of Chinese culture.The book, Mencius.,Taoism,道家和道教的联系与区别,“道家”与“道教”二词,常被不加区别地使用。从历史来看,这两个词指称过很多不同的内容,也曾混为一谈;现在也仍然有人主张将二者等同起来。虽然道教在理论上汲取了道家思想的大量因素,甚至奉老子为教主,但是二者还是不能混为一谈,也不能说道教理论就是道家思想,道家理解为由老子、庄子开创,并在魏晋被重新发明的哲学思想流派,道家的经典是道德经。道教为于两汉逐渐形成,后又有若干发展分化的宗教。道教的经典有黄庭经、抱朴子等。 道教作为一种宗教,将道家人物神化以提高其知名度,有其

16、神仙崇拜与信仰,有教徒与组织,有一系列的宗教仪式与活动。,道家与道教被统称为Daoism, or Taoism. 区分: Philosophical Taoism(道家) Religious Taoism(道教),Philosophical Taoism,1. Lao Zi & Zhuang Zi 2. What does “Dao” mean? 3. The Taoist philosophy 4. The contribution to Chinese culture,The understanding of “Dao”,The word “Dao”(Tao) translated as

17、“the way”.Dao is the way the universe functions, the path taken by all natural events. Dao is natures way, expressed in effortless action.Daoism often use the image of water to illustrate such effortless action. Water always settles to the lowest level and yet can wear away even the hardest of subst

18、ances.,The Taoist philosophy,1. Wuwei (无为)Wuwei can be translated as “non-action”, or “action by non-action”. It doesnt mean the absence of action. It means quietude, non-aggression, and non-meddlesome action.It is not negative; there is affirmation in the quietism of wuwei; its attendant virtues in

19、 human life are kindness, sincerity and humanity.,2. De (德)De can be understood as power of morality, or power for good.It is the power of naturalness, of simplicity, even of weakness.It teaches of survival, of how to keep ones own integrity in the time of disorder.,3. Yin and Yang According to Daoi

20、sm, the cosmos 宇宙 is a magnitude of harmony and order. It is active, not static. Its state is one of change and variation, perpetually becoming and fading away, contracting and expanding. The Dao guides its functions as an ordering principle. Within the Dao, the two elementary powers, Yin and Yang,

21、function by reciprocal 相互的 action. Yin and Yang are the two polar opposite into which all things can be classified. Thus dark and light, life and death, male and female, good and evil, strong and weak are all manifestations of Yin and Yang.,The contribution of Taoismto Chinese culture,1. An outlook

22、on lifeWuwei is a state of mind as well as a cardinal principle towards life.It aims to achieve peace and quietness of mind.To attain a quiet mind, the Taoists advocate zuo-wang(坐忘),or sitting and forgetting. In this way, it is said, one can find absolute happiness, and cast away all the agonies and

23、 annoyances of life.,2. A way to keep healthy道家养生古名摄生,道生,即以老庄道家思想为宗旨,太极八卦阴阳五行学说为指导,以调阴阳,和气血、保精神为原则,运用调神、导引吐纳、四时调摄、风水环境、道乐书画,茶养、食养、药养、节欲、辟谷、食气等多种方法。使精气神后天转化先天,运用先天之气滋养后天。来调和阴阳、疏通气血、培补精气、锻炼筋骨,颐养脏腑,调理肌肤。达到身心和谐健康的目的。柔道(Chinese jujitsu)、太极拳(traditional shadow boxing)、静气功(quietscent qigong) 皆源于道家学说。,Taois

24、m as a religion,1. The founding of Taoism as a religion2. The belief of Taoism3. The gods of Taoism4. The Sects of Taoism5. Places of Interest,The founding of Taoism as a religion,Daoism is the only major religion that came exclusively from Chinese roots and grew to maturity in Chinese soil. First k

25、nown as Five Piculs of Rice Sect (五斗米道).Founded in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) in the Heming Mountain in Sichuan province.Lao Zi as supreme god; Dao De Jing as the cannon; Zhang Ling(张陵), the founder, as the Sects Heavenly Teacher (天师).,The belief of Taoism,1. Taoism emphasizes strongly the uni

26、on of man and nature, suggesting that man control his environment not by fighting it but by cooperating with it.2. Taoists believe in immortality. The immortals, so they say, breathe in wind, drink dew, ride the clouds, and wander about. They are detached and free from all earthly worries. Men and w

27、omen can expect to “achieve the Way” and longevity, even immortality, if they give themselves up to unremitting cultivation.,Taoism and Alchemy (炼丹术),Taoism was also associated with alchemy, which was at one time a practical way of seeking the elixir of life, by the transmutation of base matter into

28、 gold. Gold was associated with immortality because of its durability and constancy under changing conditions. Since the ingredients used for preparing elixirs长生不老药 included arsenic (砷,即砒霜) and mercury (汞,水银), they sometimes had the opposite effect to the one intended: more than one Chinese emperor

29、died of “elixir poisoning”.,The gods of Taoism,Taoism has gods for almost everything-the sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder, lighting, mountains, rivers and the country. The religion also has gods of the Town, Land, Kitchen, Door and Wealth.,The God of Kitchen is believed to be in charge of every

30、 households fortune and misfortune.,People burn incense on the 23rd day of 12th lunar month, when the Kitchen God ascends to Heaven to report to the Jade Emperor on the good and evil of the household in which he dwells and comes back on Spring Festival Eve.,The God of Door,The God of Wealth,The Eigh

31、t Immortals Crossing the sea, each displaying his/her special prowess.,八仙过海的记述见于明吴元泰之东游记。该书写八位神仙人物好打抱不平,惩恶扬善。有一天,他们一起到了东海,只见潮头汹涌,巨浪惊人。吕洞宾建议各以一物投于水面,以显神通而过。其他诸位仙人都 响应吕洞宾的建议,将随身法 宝投于水面,然后立于法宝之 上,乘风逐浪而渡。后来,人 们把这个掌故用来比喻那些依 靠自己的特别能力而创造奇迹 的事。,The Goddness of Mazu,广州南沙天后宫,台南玛祖庙,一般宫观只供三清神像,The Sects of Taoi

32、sm明朝以后,道教分为正一道和全真道两大派别,其他宗派全部归纳到这两个宗派之下。正一道(True Unity Sect):正一道即东汉末年的五斗米道,后更名为天师道,正一道。其道士可以在家修行,不戒荤腥,可婚娶生子。其道观,一般被称作为“子孙庙”。 全真道(Complete Unity Sect):全真道兴盛于金元时代,是宋元新道派中最大也是最重要的一派。代表人物王重阳,丘处机。全真道讲求清修,其道士必须出家、吃素。其道观,一般被称作为“十方丛林”。,左图:王重阳右图:全真七子,道教名胜,河北省十堰市武当山,武当山,陕西西安华山,陕西西安华山,四川-成都-都江堰-青城山,四川-成都-都江堰-青

33、城山,四川-成都-都江堰-青城山,江西上饶市玉山县三清山,江西上饶市玉山县三清山,江西上饶市玉山县三清山,北京白云观,民国时的白云观,江西龙虎山,江西龙虎山,茅山-江苏省句容市和金坛市交界处,茅山-江苏省句容市和金坛市交界处,茅山,茅山,Buddhism,1. The origin 2. The Introduction to China 3. The doctrines of Buddhism 4. The kinds of Buddhism in China 5. The places of interest,The Origin of Buddhism,Founder :Prince S

34、iddhartha(悉达多), son of King Suddhodana in central India (present-day Nepal). Also named as Sakyamuni(释迦牟尼) which means “the wisest man of the Sakya clan(古印度北部) ”.Time: Between 6th and 5th centuries B.C.It is said that at the age of 29, he was confronted with the sights of an old man, a sick man, a c

35、orpse, and a wandering ascetic (苦行者). With eyes opened to aspects of life newly revealed to him, he broke from the material world and became an ascetic. 6 years later, he gave up mystic concentration that at last brought him enlightenment under a bo tree (菩提树) in the city Bodhgaya (菩提迦耶,距印度东部最大城市加尔各

36、答607公里). He then spent his next 45 years preaching his ideas until his death.,菩提迦耶,释迦牟尼昔日打坐静思之地,摩诃菩提佛寺(Mahabodhi Temple),The Introduction of Buddhism to China,Buddhism was introduced to China by Han people around 1st century.Emperor Mingdi (57-75) of the Eastern Han Dynasty sent a mission to the Wes

37、tern Region for Buddhist scriptures.White Horse Temple, in Luoyang, was the first Buddhist temple in China.,The Doctrines of Buddhism,三法印:1.诸行无常:意指世间一切事物,皆在刹那间迁流变异,无一常住不变。了悟变化无常乃是生命的特征,于一切境,随遇而安,在悲智双运中,得见生命之究竟义。想得到幸福,就要从真理下手。真理要从心下手,心要从悟下手。悟就要从观照无常下手。能观照就有大慈悲心,因为能观照无常,就没有得失的观念。一旦失去什么,就不会感到痛苦,因为你知道这就


39、又为另一生命之开端,岂非生死未了?众生长劫轮回之苦,乃受业力所牵,作不得主。唯有佛陀为究竟涅盘,以其死即不复再生,不生则不灭,盖已打破无始无明,彻见本来面目,此乃称为佛教最可贵之处。 凡人皆贪生畏死,因世间他事,皆有解决之道,唯独死亡,无可商量。圣者超脱物外,于现实生活中,即是不生不灭之涅盘妙心,所谓:不染六尘名护法;不生妄想名涅盘。心外见法,名为外道;若悟自心,即是涅盘。生死与涅盘本无距离,只在当下一念间。若体悟本性,生死、涅盘皆不可得。吾人但不造生死业,即得大涅盘;若求大涅盘,即造生死业。,四圣谛: “谛”,即是真理。“圣谛”是圣人所知之绝对正确的真理。“四圣谛”说四种真理:一者、苦圣谛;

40、二者、集圣谛;三者、灭圣谛;四者、道圣谛。佛陀阐释四圣谛的目的,是要告诉我们世间的因果以及出世间的因果。一、苦谛:说明世间是苦果。我们要知道苦有如病,应该遍知,这是世间的苦果,也是生死的流转。我们要知道所有的病,才能医治它。 二、集谛:说明业与烦恼是苦的根源。我们要知道病苦的原因,将之断除。这是世间的因果,也是生死的流转,但是它指出我们生死流转的原因。 三、灭谛:说明解脱与证果。众生无时无刻不在病苦中,我们要知道没病苦的快乐是怎样的?要认识怎样的人是没有病苦的?要证知怎样才是没有病?这是指出世间的果,就是解脱、清净的境界涅盘。 四、道谛:说明离苦的道路。我们要知道修道的方法有如良药,应该修学。

41、这是指出世间的因,我们应该学习、掌握一些修道的方法,努力不懈地修行,最后就可解脱生死。,The Kinds of Buddhism in China,1. Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛教)Mahayana Buddhism was introduced into regions inhabited by Han people about the first century.It reached its peak of popularity during the Sui and Tang (581-907) Dynasty.,2. Hinayana Buddhism(小乘佛教)H

42、inayana (also called Pali) Buddhism was introduced from Burma, about the 9th century A.D., into regions inhabited by the Dai(傣族), Bulang(布朗族), Achang(阿昌族) and Deang(德昂族) ethnic minorities in Yunnan province.Today its followers are mainly people from these ethnic minorities, as well as part of the Ba

43、i(白族), Jing(京族), and Lahu(拉祜族) people.In China, it is called Pali Buddhism because Pali is the language that was spoken in the temples in ancient India. (巴利语,古印度的一种语言),大乘佛教和小乘佛教的区别是什么?,都是学习智慧。 小乘是基础。 大乘是进阶(进阶学习必须有坚实基础)。 以门派区分:成实宗、俱舍宗、三论宗、天台宗、法相宗(或称唯识宗)、华严宗、律宗、净土宗、禅宗、密宗。 与称为小乘,至称为大乘。至称为显教,称为密教以菩提心区分。

44、菩提心是大乘基础,说起来可以很复杂,简单说,是一种广大大慈悲心,非常广阔的胸怀的爱心;小乘也有爱心,相对比较没那么大。 也就是说,小乘佛法只度自己不管他人。 一个是他没有足够的智慧去救度他人; 一个是他本人也不想救度他人 。大乘佛法是自度 、度他。 既有能力救度自己 又有智慧和力量救度他。对佛的理解不同:三身佛只在大乘有讨论,小乘不着眼于这一点。 小乘着眼是看得见的佛陀,所以他们承认的佛陀只是一世的,佛来之前怎么样,佛去之后到哪里了,一般不在小乘讨论范围内。 大乘有横三世,竖三世,就是佛来之前是怎么样的,佛涅盘之后去了哪里,都在学习范围之内。,中国的佛学与佛教,乃大小乘并列,而且比较偏向大乘。

45、现在流行于西方的佛学,大多数只注重小乘,认为那是原始的佛教,尤其东南亚各国的南传佛教,大体都是以小乘为主的。,3. Lamaism (喇嘛教) Lamaism is a form of Buddhism intermingled with indigenous Tibetan religion known as Bon (本教). Lamaism mainly gained its Buddhist knowledge from Han Mahayana Buddhist sources.Of the various sects that eventually developed within

46、 Lamaist Buddhism, the main ones are Nyingma(宁玛派), Sakya(萨迦派), Kagyu(迦举派), Bon and Gelug(格鲁派).,Nyingma Sect is also the “Red Sect” because the monks of this school wear red hats.,The Sakya Sect is also known as the “Striped Sect” because of the 3 stripes of red, white, and black that are painted on

47、the walls of all its monasteries.,By far, the most powerful of the Lamaist sects is the Gelug, or the “Yellow Sect”, so called because the monks wear yellow hats.It was founded in 1392 by Tsongkapa (宗咯巴), an advocate of religious reform, and it grew rapidly into a sect with the largest following. Pa

48、rt of the reason for this is the political support the Yellow Sect received from the Qing Dynasty government, which appointed their leader, the Fifth Dalai Lama (达赖喇嘛), to “unify the tribes” in Tibet.,Principal monasteries of Yellow Sect,1. Ganden (甘丹寺),甘丹寺,2.Sera (色拉寺),(色拉寺),3. Drepung (哲蚌寺),哲蚌寺,哲蚌寺晒佛,4. Taer (塔尔寺),


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