1、Unit 3 Active Reading 2 课后习题答案及参考译文3 Match the words and phrases in the box with their definitions.1 work that you must do as part of a course of study or as part of your job (assignment)2 a newspaper article in which the editor gives their opinion on an issue in the news (editorial)3 income from bu
2、siness activities or taxes (revenue)4 to stop doing business or operating permanently (close down)5 a set of questions that you ask a large number of people or organizations (survey)6 to trust someone or something to do something for you (rely on)7 comments about how well or how badly someone is doi
3、ng something, which are intended to help them do it better (feedback)8 an office where information is collected, for example for a news organization (bureau)4 Complete the conversation with the correct form of words and phrases in Activity 3.A What was your first (1) assignment as a journalist?B It
4、was to cover a local football match. It rained all afternoon, I remember.A And your most exciting experience?B Probably the years I spent in the papers foreign (2) bureau in Asia. That was before the days of the Internet, and we had to (3) rely on the telephone, and telex machines, to get the story
5、back to London.A How important is it for a newspaper to have (4) feedback from its readers?B Very important, but I think editors have only just begun to realize this. Today reader (5) surveys, especially in the online editions, are very common. And online editions have their own blogs, too.If you do
6、nt agree with what you read in the (6) editorial you can let the whole world know about it immediately.A What do you see as the main problem for newspapers in the future?B Their source of (7) revenue. Traditionally most of a newspapers income comes from advertising, not directly from sales. And Im a
7、fraid that these days advertisers are more interested in the Internet than in paper editions. Yes, Im afraid that a number of smaller newspapers may have to (8) close down in the near future.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 We hope to take control of a l
8、arge share of the market in the future. (capture)2 The Times is an old and well-known newspaper, dating back to the 1800s. All the same, sometimes it gets its facts wrong. (established; Nevertheless)3 Not all the trees used to make newspapers come from specially managed areas. (estates)4 I have comp
9、lete faith in the editors consistent moral principles. (integrity)5 A small-size version of a newspaper is easier to read. Whats more, it fits easily into a briefcase. (compact; Moreover)6 Jay is interested in a career in writing for newspapers. (journalism)6 Answer the questions about the words and
10、 expressions.1 Do you think a vicious circle is (a) easy, or (b) difficult to get out of?2 If one thing predates another, does it appear (a) before, or (b) after it?3 If the competition is ferocious, is selling something (a) hard, or (b) simple?4 If prices rise remorselessly, do they (a) stop rising
11、, or (b) keep rising continuously?5 When a company decides to downsize, does it (a) increase, or (b) reduce the number of staff?6 Is a tabloid newspaper likely to be (a) small in size and without much serious news, or (b) large and with more serious news?7 If you swat a fly, do you (a) try to kill i
12、t, or (b) try to protect it?8 If something or someone smartens up, do they (a) improve, or (b) get worse?9 If you decide to take a day off, do you (a) go to work, or (b) stay at home?报纸会消失吗?多年来,数以百万计的人在报纸击中前门、窗户或邻居的狗的叫声中开始了一天的生活。对着一杯咖啡,也许还有早餐,读报的仪式是风暴之前的平静,是工作日开始之前愉快平静的一刻。可是,在所有讲英语的国家,报纸编辑们正面临着同一个问题
13、:发行量下滑了,因为越来越多的读者转向互联网阅读新闻了。这意味着广告收入也在下滑,而报纸定价却在上升,因为只有这样他们才能挣到一样多的钱。当然,像报纸这样价格敏感的产品可能会失去读者;恶性循环会不断加剧。那么将来会发生什么呢?报纸会消失吗?这种下滑是20 多年来的长期趋势,在互联网问世前就出现了。五分之四的美国人曾经读报。如今,似乎只有不到一半的人读。1990 至2000 年间,成年人中每天读报的人数从52.6% 下降到37.5% 。年轻人中,情况更遭:只有19的18 至34 岁的人自称每天读报。仅有9% 的人相信报纸上的信息。互联网广告的运作方式与报纸广告的不同。广告商可以逐分逐秒地监视广告
14、是否在起作用,而不需要再依赖报纸的发行量。互联网可提供的更多的窗口鼓励着为增加广告收入所进行的激烈竞争,同时印刷和生产成本已无情地上涨了。结果,纽约时报公司旗下各种报纸裁减了700 份工作。巴尔的摩太阳报即将关闭其住外新闻机构。在英国,多数报纸都缩小了开本,意在吸引年轻读者,但是因为“小报”具有廉价商品的含义,有些报纸就称新开本为“缩编版”。所有发行量大的报纸都建立了强大的网站。互联网为任何有意见的人提供了一个便利的窗口;报纸编辑最喜欢的莫过于给他们提供各种不同的反馈和意见,他们能从中得到安慰。如今十几岁的少年已不记得曾过过没有互联网的日子了;只有在写关于印刷新闻这一特定媒体的作业时他们才去读
15、报。不可否认报纸对环境的影响。世界上每年有近40 亿棵树木被砍伐用来造纸,约占全部木材砍伐量的35%。毫无疑问,许多用来造纸的树木是在特别的种植园出产的,它们是定期栽种和砍伐的。而且,昨天的报纸常被回收再生,变成今天的报纸。尽管如此,在美国,造纸厂是对空气、水体和土地污染最严重的行业之一。但是,对于许多人来说,日报或周报依然是个伟大的传统。“没有周日版报纸的周日就不是周日,”这样的评语常见于在英国所做的调查。其他意见则让人注意到报纸比便携式电脑更方便:“我的报纸的电池永远不会没电,”“假如我的报纸掉到地上,它不会摔破,”“空姐从来不会叫我把报纸收起来,”还让我们想到英国全国的外卖食品的传统包装
16、纸,“你可以用它们来打苍蝇,还可以用来包鱼。”如此看来,报纸是不会轻易消失的。将来报纸发展的趋势包括对本地新闻需求的日益增长,而始于20 世纪80 年代晚期的对生活方式新闻的持续开发利用尤其在个人理财和旅游方面将会创造新的收入来源。有些评论者建议,报纸不应粗制滥造(这是增加市场份额的通常做法),而应该精工细做。也就是说,尊崇以正直、诚实和不偏不倚的态度从事新闻报道的原则。具有为读者所敬重的办报立场的报纸肯定比互联网上逐一阅读的同类报道享有更大的影响力和声望。此外,小城镇报纸对于为人父母者总是意味深长,因为其子女的照片也许会在上面登几天,成为新闻。人人都放假的时候,坐在扶手椅上读传统的周日版报纸将是难以打破的习惯。但是这样就够了吗?或者,有朝一日我们一定会看到报纸的消亡?