1、如何有效學習英語? 劉振和整理,由下而上(Bottom-up)學習法 自然發音可消除學習英語的疑慮 由上而下(Top-down)學習法 單字中歸納發音規則 雙向(bi-direction)或混合(mix)學習法 但規則中也有例外,這正是學英語的樂趣。 見山是山見山不是山見山是山,短母音a,At, cat, bat, dad, mat, fat, hat, sat, rat, Am, dam, Sam, jam, ram, cram, clam, Ad, dad, cad, bad, fad, had, lad, mad, sad,an, can, ban, Dan, fan, man, pan
2、, Dag, lag, bag, tag, flag, Back, black, lack, pack, rack, Cap, rap, lap, map, tap, crap, Dab, cab, jab, lab, tab,短母音e,bet, met, get, set, let, net, pet, wet, hem, stem, bed, fed, head, led, meadow, red, read, Ben, Denny, fen, men, pen, hen, Wendy, leg, beg, Meg, Beck, peck, deck, heck, rep, pepper,
3、 step, Deb, web, Read, dead, mead, lead, leather, There, pear, rear,短母音i,it, bit, fit, hit, sit, wit, lit, pit, dim, him, Jim, Kim, limb, rim, timber, did, bid, fid, hid, lid, mid, Sid, widow, in, bin, din, fin, min, pin, tin, Dig, fig, big, pig, rig, wig, kick, lick, pick, stick, tick, wick, dick,
4、rip, lip, dip, tip, flip, drip, trip, dib, jib, bib, Dear, ear, hear,短母音o,hot, lot, pot, cot, dot, got, not, rot, Mom, Rod, on, bon, con, won, bond, fond, fog, bog, goggle, hog, log, blog, cock, lock, pock, stock, tock, rock, bock, cop, lop, mop, top, flop, drop, pop, cob, hob, Bob, lob, mob, rob, w
5、ow,短母音u,but, hut, cut, guts, nuts, Must, bust, dust, lust, rust, hum, rum, bud, huddle, mud, bun, dun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun, Dug, fug, bug, pug, rug, hug, tug, luck, stuck, tuck, duck, duck, cup, bubble, dub, hub, Touch,A-e,Cake, bake, lake, make, snake, sake, Ate, bate, date, fate, gate, ha
6、te, late, mate, Ape, cape, drape, rape, tape, Age, cage, page, rage, sage, stage, Bade, fade, hade, lade, made, blade, fame, lame, name, same, tame, came, Cane, lane, mane, pane, bane, Ace, lace, mace, face,E-e,Pete, eve, Steve, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese,i-e,Bike, like, Mike, dike, hike, pike, st
7、rike, Bite, kite, write, rite, site, mite, Hide, ride, tide, Crime, rime, dime, lime, mime, Nine, fine, line, mine, pine, wine, Pile, file, mile, tile, smile, Fire, dire, hire, mire, wire, tire, Ice, dice, mice, rice, lice,O-e,Bode, code, lode, mode, rode, Mote, note, rote, Cope, dope, hope, lope, m
8、ope, pope, Bore, sore, core, whore, Hole, ole, bole, mole, pole, stole, Rose, prose, pose, dispose,U-e,Duke, puke, Lure, cure, pure, Huge,Ai; ay,Ail, sail, mail, nail, snail, fail, rail, Aid, said, maid, raid, paid, braid, Hay, lay, may, stay, say, way, ray, tray, stray, bay, day, pay, pray, spray S
9、teak, Eight,Ee,deed, feed, heed, speed, seed, weed, reed, Eel, feel, heel, peel, steel, Three, tree, bee, pee, Tea, pea, Feet, beet, meet, speech,Here,Ea, e, ey,Eat, meat, beat, feat, heat, seat, read, lead, bead, Each, beach, teach, East, least, beast, feast, Ease, tease, please, He, she, we, me, b
10、e, Key,Ie, y,Lie, die, pie, tie, Bye, lye, dye, rye, Fly, my, sky, by, fry, dry, cry, try, Night, tight, bright, fight, flight, height, might, knight, light, right Sigh, high, Bicycle,Oe, oa,Foe, hoe, toe, woe, doe, Oat, boat, coat, goat, road, Bow, low, slow, sow, row, crow, blow, mow couch Gold, m
11、old, sold, cold, told, bold, fold, hold,Ue, oo,Blue, clue, glue, cool, tool, stool, fool Too, tooth, boo, booth, doo, smooth, Loom, bloom, broom, room, doom, boom, gloom, Moon, boon, coon, loon, loony, soon, Tomb, movie, to, do, lose, Two, Dew, stew, mew, new,Ow, ou,Owl, bow, cow, down, town, House,
12、 lousy, mouse,oo,Book, took, look, cook, Pool, wool,ar,Bar, car, far, mar, par, par, tar, war, star, Card, bard, hard, Art, cart, dart, hart, smart, wart, tart, part, start, Ark, park, dark, mark, Arm, farm, harm, warm, Yarn, barn, Heart, are,or,Pork, sort, mort, snort, forty, fort, report, port, Bo
13、rn, torn, corn, popcorn, porn, pornography, horn,Ir, ur, er,Bird, stir, dirt, dirty, girl, sir, thirty, thirteen, Surf, fur, curb, purse, blur, turn, return, overturn, Herb, herd, person, personal, personality,All, aw, au,All, call, ball, tall, hall, mall, small, stall, fall, pall, wall, Australia,
14、Austrian, August, Claw, draw, raw, craw, law, saw, flaw, raw, Caution, audit, auction, cause, causation,Ng, nk, nc,Sing, sting, ding Sang, Sung, stung, Song, strong, dong Link, blink, Bank,Ph, gh,Phonics, phoneme, phonology, photo, physics, morph, autograph, Enough,三個不可能放在單字最後的子音,Yes, yet, yeah, (如在
15、最後必為母音,與 i 相似,所以ay與ai; oy與oi同音) Was, way, wave, wax, (如在最後必為母音,與 u 相似,所以aw與au;ow與ou同音) Quick, queen, quilt, quiet, (q與u如同連體嬰黏在一起,發kw音),一些不發聲且不影響發音的字母,Watch, catch, ditch, bitch Sandwich, comb, dumb, tomb, Knight, gnaw, caught, bought, fought, Enough,schwa,以上所列原則上是為重音或次重音,然母音若為輕音,絕大多數都以schwa處裡。 重音之不同
16、會影響單字發音之不同,即使同一字也有可能有不同的發音方式,如:kilometer, missile, 只有兩個以上音節之單字,方有可能schwa產生,但如在句子亦有例外之情形發生(功能字)。也有可能沒有schwa,如:missile(British), fourteen, 兩個以上音節沒有重音,常常發生在外來語。,-tion,Station, temptation, location, vocation, vacation, dictation, formation, duration, mutation, nation, national, education Action, Diction
17、, dictionary, friction, Direction, collection, correction, selection, Coalition,-ture,Picture, structure, infrastructure, rupture, lecture, stature, miniature, rapture,-sure,Leisure, measure,-sion,Mission, missionary, passion,-ible, -able,Impossible, possible, permissible, incredible, probable, impr
18、obable, readable, curable, doable, teachable, kickable,-ology,Biology, ecology, anthropology, mythology, psychology, physiology, sociology, zoology, technology, musicology, theology, morphology, etymology, phonology,-graphy,Autography, biography, bibliography, pornography, calligraphy,compound,footb
19、all, superman/superwoman, classroom, roommate, classmate, background, baseball, basketball,intonation,英語中的intonation可能會改變意義。這也是外國人學習英語比較困難的地方。 語言跟繪畫有其相通的道理,繪畫中有其主從關係,主猶如語言中的重要字詞,必須加重、放慢,讓對方聽得懂,就能成為好的表達者。相同的道理,在聽與閱讀中能聽出或找出重要字詞,將對方意思搞懂,就是好的聽者或讀者。 多聽、多讀、多感受,樂趣便在其中。,句中之意決定溝通之良否,Really? Really! (口)Youre
20、a teacher? Youre a teacher! Im a teacher. I teach English. Who teach English? What do you teach? What do you do? 三個不同問句,會影響回答者的加重自之不同。,Misunderstanding and interesting,Seat, sheet Are you going to the hospital today? Are you going to the hospital to die? Rest, room restroom Foot, ball football I want a ball.,Inference and guess,以閱讀學習英文字詞彙是種top-down的學習法。 閱讀的樂趣在於能推測inference故事未來的發展或結果,也能從文意中猜測guess字詞彙的意思。閱讀無形中從書中學習許多的字詞彙。 速讀可大量收取知識及學習字詞彙,但對拼字及字詞意之精確度有害。精讀吸收及學習速度較慢,但有助於拼字及字詞意之精確度。,